Never Know What You Had

By moc.loa@neerGAassiL

Published on Aug 15, 2000


Title Series: Never Know What You Had ch 10 Pairing: Lance and Nick Carter (of the Backstreet Boys) Maybe? Author: Melissa LissaAGreen Disclaimer: This is just fiction. I am not implying anything about the actual members of *NSYNC or BSB in real life. I have no idea if they're gay or not. but if they were I would support their lifstyle. I've never met them. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Want a little recap? _________________________________

Ch 1 Justin and JC have a bet that JC should give Lance kiss on the lips with tounge, of course it's all fun in games, too bad Lance was seriously in love with JC.

Ch 2 After being hurt by the guys Lance finds friendship with another man, who also is part of NSYnc's 'rival band" The Backstreet Boys Nick Carter. .

Ch 3 lance meet's Chris Corwin a huge NSync fan but bigger Lance fan, do we see a new relationship building?

Ch 4 Nick secretly becomes part of the guys cruel prnaks when he recieves an annymous letter thinking Lance sent everything is ruined

Ch 5 Lance and Chris go out for a 'date?" Justin's past comes back to haunt, he finds later his past is also his punnishment.

Ch 6 Lance's feeling for Chris (Corwin) are reavled, also surprise run in with Chris (KIrkpatrick's) fan Abby

Ch 7 Chris (Corwin) Prooves his love to Lance

Ch 8 Chris (Corwin) spend the night with Lance, what happens when JC finds out?

Ch 9 JC does something awful to break Justin's trust, Justin's past is slightly reaveled.

And what should come in CH 10? read and find out! ___________________________________________________________________

JC's Thoughts

I watched sadly as Justin packed his bagd. He decided it was best if he roomed with someone else, someone he could trust.

"Just, you don't have to leave." I said.

"It's not that I have to Josh, I want to."

"Who are you staying with?"

"I don't see how it's any business of yors, but Nick said I can stay with him."

"Since when have you two became so close?"

"We are abviously better friend then you and I."

"Are you ever going to forgive me?"

"Not right now, and your luck doesn't look good any time soon either."

"Fine, for what it's worth, I'm sorry."

"Right now it's worth nothing."

I got up to leave at that point. I couldn't stand watching him pack and fightening as he did it.

I took out a small bag out of my draw. I had bought a small piece offering for Lance. I knew it was too late though. I realized I shouldn't have said the things I said this morning at breakfast.

I took out the gift I bought the night before. it was a small carousel horse. Remembering the conversation we had when we had first met. It was supposed to be a "Hope we can start over" gift.

Now I relaized I had to do something to save my friendship with Justin, but right now I needed to concentrate on Lance, I've tried talking to Justin it didn't work, maybe Lanc would listen to me.

I went down to his room and knocked on the door once again that day. Only this time I wasn't shocked to see who was standing behind it.

"JC what the hell do you want now?"

"I need to talk to Lance, please Chris."

"What makes you think he wants to talk to you?"

"I'd be surprised if he does, but I really need to talk to him."

"Yeah I'd be surprised too, hold on I'll see if he wants to see you."

Chris disspeared leaving me out in the hall. Lance was no where in sight. He must have been in the bathroom. I felt so awful what has happened between us, with everyone.

I saw Lance coming into the room. God he looked so awful. His eyes we're blood shot I could tell from standing in the door way.

"JC? Come on in." he said. "Chris can you leave us alone for a while? I would like to talk to him."

"You sure baby?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

Chris left the room, he gave me a dirty look as he was leaving.

"Can I get you something Josh? a drink?"

"No, I'm fine Lance. Look, I know it's too late to apologize for what has happened."

"Josh, it's never too late for an apology, but it maybe too soon to accept it. I mean I was talking to Justin before entering Joe's room, he also apologized. He poured his heart out to me, stupid me though fell for the whole thing. I accepted it, I said it was okay, but then I don't know what happened, he insulted me again."

"Justin has been going through a lot lately."

"So have I!"

"We had a fight this morning, he was upset."

"I know he told me about it. Josh believe me when I say I want to forgive you. Belive me when I say I want to be friends, I said all theat to Justin already, I just know it's going to kick me in the ass later on."

I had remembered the gift I had brought, hoping with all my heart it would help heal this situation, just a little. I hated seeing him like this. I hated being the reason he was unhappy.

I herd quiet sobs coming from him. My hand reached up and rubbed his back. he didn't pull away from me. I knew he wouldn't

"I don't know what to say Lance, I know it will take so much more then just an apology. I bought this for you last night."

"Josh, I really don't,"

"Open it Lance please, tell me if it remins you of anything."

Lance took the bag from my hands. I watched as he slowly looked inside. He pulled out the brown box and opened it.

"Oh my Josh what did you do?"

"Remember when we first met? we were talking about horses?"

"Yeah, it was the only conversation we really ever had."

"I told you I wouldn't even go on a carousel if you paid me? Well if you'd like I would love to go o with you.if you wanted to I mean. It will be my treat, I want to show you how sorry I am Lance, please consider it?"

"Josh, this is really, I mean I can't believe you remembered that."

I smiled at him. "Does that mean youd come with me?"

"I don't know Josh, I should talk to Chris first, I mean we had plans today."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, don't be, how's this? Wait for me downstairs, I'll be there within ten minutes wether I'm going wit you or not is that ok?"

"Okay, hay Lance?"


"I'm really am sorry."

He smileed at me. God it was so beautiful. Made me wonder why we were all trying to hurt him so much. I left his room. Chris was sitting out in the hall. Still giving me an angry glare.

Lance's thoughts...

I had a lot to think about. I had trusted Justin enough this monring. by accepting his apology. But it turned out to be a lie, should I forgie JC too? maybe his motives are different. I looked down at the white carousel horse and turned the bottom upside down. I turned the nozzle arround and arround. it was playing "You Got A Friend" I began to cry. That's when I felt Chris put his arm around me.

"What happened baby?"

"Oh, nothing."

"What did he say to you?" he asked with concern.

"He said he was sorry. Chris, I need to ask you a huge favor."


"I need you to understand something. I love you more then anything you know that right?"


"Josh invited me to go to the amusement park with him today, to be together, to talk."

"Your not asking my permission are you?"


"Baby, you don't have to ask my permission to do something, I just don't get why your even giving him a chance."

"I don't know either, but I need to talk to him. I gave Justin a chance, but he blew it, I think I should give Josh a chance as well."

"Okay Lance, but you have to understand something, whenever you want to do something, you don't need to ask me first, you have your own mind you know."

"Yeah, but it's always on you."

I leaned forward and gave hima kiss. "I love you Chris."

"I love you too baby, we can do something later if you still want to, also if you need to be picked up, you have my number."

I hugged him before I left the room. I just hope Josh was doing this becuase he wanted to talk to me. I was hoping to be friends with at least one other person in the group. What was I going to do when Chris had to leave?

JC's thoughts...

I waitied for Lance out in the lobby. I thought about everything that has happen with our group and what Chris had said in the room this morning. He was right.

He came into the lobby he looked very sexy, like always. He was wearing a bright read shirt and blue jeans. I swear red is definatly his color. He alays looks good in it.

I smiled and we hugged. It seemed like ages since we've done that.

I was greatful there wasn't a mob of fans out the hotel room, we made it to my car alive.

I looked over at Lance again before driving off, he looked a little nervous, like he did the day we first met.

"Lance, if you want to go back, I understand." I said.

"I'm okay Josh. Just after this morning you can't blame me for being a little nervous."

"Yeah, i can understand. I promise I won't do anything to hurt you, I know you liked amusement parks so I'd thought this could be perfect thing to bring our friendship back."

"I want to thank you though."

"For what?"

"For the horse, and for even remembering."

"Lance after everything I've done to you lately, there is no need to thank me. I don't deserve it."

Lance just smiled at me. the rest of the trip was kind of quiet.

One thing about Orlando, you can always find an anmusement park. Lance and I belned right in with the crowed no one noticed it was us there.

"You hungry?" I asked looking at the cotten candy.

He nodded hs head. Theres something about amusement parks that bring the kid out of you. We each got some cotten candy and went to sit down.

I was watching him, no studying how he ate it. He pulled off the blue candy cotten and popped it in his mouth, God he looked sexy. I couldn't help but star at him.

"There's something about this stuff that's addicitive." he said.

"I know what you mean."

"It's the surgar. What? Josh what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, sorry, didn't mean to stare."

"It's ok, you just freaked me out for a minute."

"Lance you still think about, you know, our kiss?"

"Yeah, can't help but not too."

"I'm sorry it turned out the way it did."

"It's all right. I think about it every know and then, tot ell you the truth I actually liked it, not the part where Justin snapped th photo though, but I loved the kiss."


"Yeah, your a good kisser. You probably knew I had a huge crush on you before."

Before? Does that mean he didn't love me anymore?

"Before?" I asked.

"Well, I still do, I still love you JC, but I can't forget what has happened. I can forgive but can't forget. But I still love you."

"Well if you want to know something, I love you too."

"JC please tell me that's not why you invited me here. Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I wanted to, I wanted to kiss you too, but not like that."

"I don't know if I should believe you."

I was shocked at what he said. But then again I couldn't blame him. After everything we've done to him it will be hard to gain his trust again.

I looked around the park decideding where to go first. I was a little pissed off at Lance, but I realized I shouldn't be.

Then I saw it. the Carousal. I got up and grabbed Lance's hand and dragged him over to it.

"JC what are you doing?"

"What's it look like?"

"But I thought you didn't like it?"

"Well, it's your lucky day then."

Lance just smiled and we climbed on.

We each grabbed a horse like a little kid and climbed onto it.

"Can I just say one more thank you to you Josh?"

"If you must, but we have to get you out of that habbit Scoop."

"Scoop? You guys haven't called me that in so long!"

"I figured it suits you just fine."

"Just like sleepyhead suits you just fine."

"Hay I'm being nice here!" I said playfully punching his shoulder.

When the ride ended we walked a little bit, remembering old times. I noticed Lance had a bit of cotton cnady stuck on his chin I couldn't help but laugh.

The face Lance gave me didn't help much either.

"What? What's so funny?" he asked.

I couldn't asrew him though I just tried pointing at him. I think he got a little definsive at that point though.

"Josh what is it? What did I do?"

I looked around to make sure no one was near us, the close was clear. I leaned over and licked his chin.

"You had cotton candy on your chin it looked so funny."

Lance blushed as he whipped the rest off with his sleave.

"You could have just told me." he said, but he was still smiling.

"I tried, it was too cute I couldn't speak though."

I wanted to kiss him again. I dreamed of kissing him since did that in the studio.

"Your not afriad of hieght right Josh?"

"Um, no it depends what you had in mind."

"Race you to the rolla coster."

"I don't think so, I have a weak stomach."

"Awww come on, Joshie, please?"

Those eyes are killer I swear. You don't want Lance giving you the puppy-dog look, you'll say yes to anything he ask for.

"OK, Ok, fine, but Joshie? where did you get that?"

"It's my name for you when I begging. Justin is Justy, Chris is Chrissy, and Joey is Joe."

"I get it. good one." I laughed. he was trying to makea joke.

One thing about me, I hate rollar coasters that and needles are the two worst things invented.

"If I get sick Lance, it's your fault." I said as we were strapped in.

He just smiled at me. I held on tight, and closed my eyes. Hoping the ride will be over soon.

About an hour later we have walked all over the park twice. We had stopped to get something to eat. I looked over at Lance, he still looked as cute as ever. I just wish it wasn't too late to tell him.

"This has been a great day Josh."

"Yeah it has, I just hope it makes up for at least half the things i've done to you."

God Josh, don't cry, not now, not infront of him. Why do I have to act so pathetic sometimes?!

"Hay Josh, I have already forgave you, don't let it bother you so much okay?"

"I promise never to do anything to hurt you again, I swear it. I love you."


"I said I love you, I know it's too late though, but I do love you."

"I love you too Josh, I still do, I have since the moment I saw you that day."

My heart was killing me. I now find out for myself that he has loved me this long. That's when I noticed the photo booth.

"Come on."

"Now what are you doing?"

"We are not going to forget this day, and here's the reason."

Lance and I ran into the booth and I put the quarter.

I put my arms around Lance and held him tight as the camera flashed he then did something unecpected. Lance leaned over and gave me a kiss oon the cheek.

"I love you too Josh."

Next: Chapter 11

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