Never Know What You Had

By moc.loa@neerGAassiL

Published on Aug 3, 2000


Title of the Series: You'll Never Know What You Had Title of the Ch: A Kiss Is Just A Kiss Pairing: Lance and Nick Carter (of the Backstreet Boys) Rating: (NC-17) Author: LissaAGreen Disclaimer: This is just fiction. I am not implying anything about the actual members of *NSYNC or BSB in real life. I have no idea if they're gay or not. but if they were I would support their lifstyle. I've never met them. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

God I love him. I loved him for a long time, almost at first sight. But unfortunatly the feelings aren't mutual, in fact I think it's the exact opposite. In fact I think everyone pretty much hates me. I couldn't even begin to understand why. I mean, I try to be there for everyone, doing little errends for everything, trying to make them all like me, but stil I get no where. I guess hate is a strong word, but I just get the feeling they don't want me around them. They went out tonight, probably to some club. Not that I would go with them or anything, but it would still feel nice to be asked to tag along.

Even when I first joined the group I knew I was an outcast. I just don't understand why Chris asked me to join if he already made uphis mind to not like me. Justin and Josh seemed to have already known each other from previous projects, same with Joey and Chris, they seem to hit it right off. Which left me, the quiet, buisness type. The loney one. That was also about the time I started falling for JC, don't know why, he just always had a place in my heart, but it will be a miricle if I could spend a little time alone with him. Justin seems to keep all of JC free time occupied.

At the club....

"Hay josh, what'swrong buddy? you ain't dancing?" asked Justin.

"Oh, well, I guess i just don't feel up to it."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just, I don't know, lonely."

"You lonely? Josh, you may have not noticed, but there are millions of girls here dying to dance with you. You can take your pick."

"I don't know Just, It's just hard to explian."

"Josh, can I ask you a personal question if you promise not to get mad?"

"I think so."

"Are you gay?"

"To honestly tell you Justin, I don't know. You wanna know the wierd part? I'm starting to look at Lance, you know differently."

"Gross, please Josh, I just ate. I would hope if you were gay, that you would have better taste in guys."

"Like who? You??"

"Hell no! Punk!"

Justin playfully punched JC in the arm.

"Sorry dude, I don't swing that way."

"You'd think after a night with Brittany Spears you would."

"Hay don't be dissing Britt, at least I'm not going after Lance, at lease she is better then that."

"True, what should I do though? I mean before I didn't even think I liked him, now I just get this funny feeling in my stomach when he's in the room."

"Nah, that's not love Josh, that's sickness, we all get it when Lance comes in the room."

"Come on Just, I'm serious, I mean have you seen him lately? He looks kinda sad."

"Well, what do you want to do about it?"

"I don't know Justin, this whole thing is so frustrating!"

"How's this, I dare you to kiss him tomorrow."


"I know you never welch on a dare, I'll even give you twenty dollars, fifty if you use tounge, besides I know your dying to see how he kisses."

"I don't think,"

"Easiest twenty bucks you could make. Besides I would love to see the look on Lance's face. it would be priceless."

"Your on! Tomorrow when we're in the studio I will kis him, with tounge, I could use fifty bucks anyways."

"Hay guys, you about ready to go?"

"Sure Joe, hay you guys want part of this bet?" asked Justin.

"What bet? Did I hear bet?" asked Chris.

"Justin dared me to kiss Lance, if I use tounge he will give me fifty bucks."

"Damn, it's getter harder and harder to make an honest buck now adays." Said Joey while laughing.

"You could offer my a million dollars and I wouldn't kiss that albino freak."

"Well i don't know Chris, I've been curious about kissing him."

"What?! Josh.your gay?" asked Chris.

"I don't know, I could be bi, you guys okay with that?"

"Yeah I guess, bi's are cool, my ex girlfriend was, boy was that fun."

"Why do you call her your ex Chris?" asked Justin.

"She dumped me for a chick."


"Hay Josh, I wouldn't talk, going after Lance is pretty freaked out."

"Come on guys, he's not that bad looking."

"Whatever JC, you can have him though, you won't have to worry about your friends trying to steal your boyfriend that's for sure." said Justin.

JC was getting a little annoyed. "You guys in or not?"

"Sure, I'll throw in a ten says you don't kiss him."

"Wow A Ten, big spender Chris!."

"Hay I keep my money for somethting important, not your measily little bets, besides this is so kindergarden."

"Sorrryyy! Next time we will try to think of a more mature bet for you, how about you Joe?" asked Justin.

"Twenty, what do we get out of this?"

"The look on Lance's face after Josh kisses him, it will be priceless! I think I should bring a camera, maybe I'll put it online."

"Do and Die Justin!"

"Just kidding Josh."

"Come on guys, let's go home, I'm starting to get a migrian." complianed Joey.

"Awww poor baby, maybe Josh could kiss it and ake you feel better."

"Come on Justin, I already know i'm gonna have a bad night, don't give me nightmares too."

Of course I had no idea they had planned all this. I was still in my hotel room asleep. I didn't know this was gonna happen till the next morning when we were in the studio.

In The Studio JC Thoughts

"Hay Josh, ready to lose Eighty bucks?" asked Justin when I cam into the room.

"Don't count your chickens yet Just, I'm still planning on smacking my lips on Lance."

"You looking forward to this aren't you Josh?" asked Chris.

"Sorta, I'll be killing two birds with one stone kinda, I never kissed a guy before I want to see what it's like, plus I'll be making an easy eighty bucks."

"Okay Josh, that's more info then we needed to hear." said Joey.

"Shh here he comes, act natural." said Justin.

I took my place next to Justin, watching ever moove Lance made as he entered the room, suddenlt I felt funny about doing htis to him. I mean seriously I wanted to kiss him, I would love to feel his lps on mine, but not like this. I looked over at the other guys, Justin shook his head but had this big goofy smile on, Joey mouthed "you'll never go along with it" chris just smiled and pretended to read over some lyrics.

I could feel my heart pounding harder in my chest. Lance took a seat at the other side of the room, barely looked up at us. I just got up and went over to Lance. God he looked cute sitting their in that chair.

"Oh, hay Josh, did you need something?"

God I was so nervous! Why did he have to look so damn cute? I looked in back of me and saw the rest of the guys have their eyes glued to us. I just leaned forward and gave Lance a kiss on the lips.

Lance's thoughts.

What was happening? I was dreaming, this had to be a dream. i knew I would wake up in miute as soon as his lips parted. I slowly opened my mouth to invite his tounge inside, surprisingly his tounge accepted. This was my fantasy coming true! I loved this feeling, having JC's tounge in my mouth, his lips touching mine. I totally forgot that the rest of the guys were in the room untill our kiss was inturupted by a flash of light and loud laughter from the other side of the room.

"Wow Josh! I never thought you would go along with it! Damn that was a hole two minutes!" laughed Justin.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. What happened? I looked over at Josh, he was laughing!

I coulnd't believe what was going on. I looked around at the other guys. Justin was waiting for the picture to come in, the other guys were surrounding him. I was just standing htere in shock. My heart was broken.

I felt a tear coming out of my eyes and I ran out of the room. I couldn't stand to be aorund them anymore.

Well what do you guys think? should this continue? let me know

Also accepting ideas for how I should continue this=)


Next: Chapter 2

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