Never Guess Who Ran into Me Today

By moc.loa@8765NWARHT

Published on Jan 26, 2002


Disclaimer: I don't know anybody from N Sync, though I'd sure like to, and thus this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexual ity of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. This story should not be read by anybody who is not legally allowed to read it.. So if you're underage, leave right now!!

Author's Note: Well, the story continues!! This chapter is a repeat of the second chapter, with one major difference: This chapter is from Ryan's point of view. I might do this once in a while, so that I can express the feelings of Ryan, Lance, and whoever else plays a major role in this. What do you think? If you have ideas, suggestions, comments, feel free to e-mail me at By the way, if anybody wants to be informed about when the new chapter is coming out, tell me via e-mail, and I'll add you to my mailing list. And don't worry, chapter notifications will be the only thing you'll get, no ads or anything..hehe. And in case anybody was wondering, if its in quotees, its being said out loud. If it only has the single quotes like 'this,' the character is thinking this.

Thanx to Charlie for his continuing support, and also thanks to NG and David B.

You'll Never Guess Who Ran Into Me Today by Squall Thrawn

Chapter 3

Ryan simply stood there in the street, as the SUV headed right for him. The driver was hitting his brakes, but Ryan didn't think that that would make a difference in time. 'Just a few seconds more, and I won't have to deal with this anymore. It's probably for the best anyway. Nobody cares about me or anything.'

But the SUV came to a stop just inches from Ryan. Ryan started to see spots in his eyes, and remembered to breathe. He immediately regreted his rash action. Death was not the answer. But it had seemed like it at the time.

Just then, the SUV's driver's side door swung open and somebody jumped out. Ryan was too occupied with his own thoughts, and this reminder of his own mortality to notice the person. So when the driver put his hand on Ryan's shoulder, the adrenaline rush and everything was too much for Ryan to handle, and he slipped into the dark world of unconsciousness.

Ryan had no idea how long he was unconscious. But he could gradually feel himself being gently shaken. He opened his eyes to see the most beautiful man he had ever seen in his life. He seemed a bit older than Ryan. His pale, creamy skin. His beautiful blonde, spiky hair. And his eyes. His eyes were a vibrant green that seemed to peer deeply into Ryan's soul. Man, Ryan loved those eyes. He even forgot his problems. For a second.

"Wha? Where am I?" said Ryan, sitting up. 'Is this a dream? If it is, I don't ever want to wake up.'

"Are you ok? I almost hit you with my car," said the driver of the SUV sharply. "Why didn't you move? Why didn't you try to get out of the way?"

Ryan started sobbing uncontrollably. 'I must be a bad person if even a complete stranger, a handsome stranger at that, hates me,' thought Ryan to himself. 'Maybe Mom was right..'

"Wait, it's ok," said the cute driver of the SUV. His expression went from anger to concern. "I'm sorry. It's just that you scared me so much.

'Maybe he does care,' thought Ryan to himself. He wiped his eyes dry, trying to look a little more presentable. 'Too bad I don't have any Kleenex,' Ryan thought, sniffing.

"Do you have a place that I could take you to?" asked the SUV driver. "You look a little too shaken up to be driving anywhere.."

That innocent offer for help brought back memories of earlier that day.. of his mother kicking him out of the house and disowning him.. of Greg, his only friend declaring his disgust of Ryan and revoking their friendship.. of his co-workers, making nasty comments about him and demonstrating their hatred of him. "N, No... I don't have anywhere to go...not any more..." Ryan got choked up and started crying again.

"It's's alright," said the driver, putting his arm around Ryan. Ryan flinched at first. He had been hurt by so many people today. But there was something about this person that made Ryan instinctively trust him. Ryan put his arms around the person, sobbing into his firm chest. He held on tightly, as if this person was the only one who could help him. The young man didn't flinch or push Ryan away in disgust. He merely held him tight, showing Ryan his concern for him

"It'll be ok..," said the stranger, patting Ryan on the back. "By the way, what's your name?"

Ryan cleared his throat, his voice hoarse from all the crying he had done. "R, Ryan... Ryan Holden.."

"My name is La.. James Bass..," said the beautiful stranger. "I'm pleased to meet you, Ryan. Say, I'm starving. I'm staying at the Adam's Mark hotel right now.. Why don't I treat you to room service there? You look like you need somebody to talk to, and my friends have always said that I was a good listener. Actually, I don't think I'll take no for an answer."

'James Bass...Where have I heard that before?' thought Ryan. 'And come to think of it, he looks somewhat familiar.' And then he recalled what James had said after that. 'He wants to hear my story? He'll probably hate me when he finds out that I'm gay. Just like everybody else. But I don't want to alienate him. I'll just try to get out of this gracefully.'

"Tha..Thanks, James..." stammered Ryan. " But I don't want to burden you with my problems or anything."

"Nonsense. I insist," answered James, sounding pleased.

'He actually seems glad that I'm coming. Maybe he won't be like the others.'

James cleared his throat. "Ummm, Ryan, Could you ease up a little for a second so that we can stand up and get in my SUV?"

Suddenly realizing that he was still holding James tightly, Ryan blushed and reluctantly released him. "Oh sorry," said Ryan sheepishly. 'I wish I could hold him forever. Wasn't there a tone of reluctance when he asked me to let go of him? But he's probably just being friendly. I'm sure he's straight.'

The two of them stood up, and James gently led Ryan to the passsenger seat. Ryan got in the SUV, and James went around and hopped in the driver's seat. He put the car into gear and started driving. Ryan found himself looking at James. He quickly turned his head and pretended to watch the scenery. 'I can't let him know that I'm gay, or he'll hate me.' thought Ryan.

"So, Ryan, are you a student, or do you work somewhere?"

"Umm...I'm going to a community college right now, and until today, I worked at Wal-mart..." Ryan looked down. Ryan had enjoyed working at Wal-mart. He loved interacting with the customers, and helping people. And he had gotten along with his fellow employees. Until today. Ryan quickly wiped his eyes, trying to keep himself from crying. He had never guessed that the nicest employee could become a vicious bigot.

"I'm a member of a singing group," said James.

Ryan smiled to himself. Always the gentleman, James was, trying to keep the conversation light and staying away from Ryan's problems. Ryan could listen to that sexy voice with just a trace of an accent forever. Then Ryan started wondering. 'What singing group is he from? I know he looks familiar..Who is he really?' It didn't even occur to Ryan that this could be Lance from N Sync, since Ryan had thought that the members of N Sync were stuck on themselves and didn't care much for people like him, and also the fact that Ryan was too busy thinking of James's cuteness..

"Ya know, you look kinda familiar. What group are you part of?" asked Ryan, finally giving up.

"Have you ever heard of N Sync? I'm member of N Sync," answered James.

Ryan gasped and put his hand over his mouth. It was him!! "I can't believe it!! It's you!! Lance Bass!! I should have recognized you immediately!!" Ryan didn't mention the fact that he had had the biggest crush on him for a few years. 'Oh my God,' Ryan thought, 'I had Lance Bass in my arms!!'

James, no, Lance chuckled. "I take it you're a fan?"

Ryan nodded sheepishly. "Yeah..sort of a closet fan. I liked your music, but my friend Greg..." Ryan's eyes watered up, and he put his hands over his face. No matter what, he just couldn't keep his mind off of the day's events. Ryan had liked N Sync for years. He had defended his music tastes for years..except with one person. Greg. Greg hated N Sync. And Ryan would have been willing to toss out all of his cds if it meant being with Greg.

"It's ok, Ryan. It'll be ok," said Lance. "Ah. Here we are, at the Adam's Mark. We're going through the back entrance, since the front is currently being assaulted by a small army of teenaged girls."

Ryan nodded. He remembered passing the Adam's Mark earlier, and seeing the screaming girls. In his daze, he hadn't even remembered that N Sync was in town for a concert the next night.

"Yeah, I saw them," said Ryan. "I had forgotten that you.. and your group were in town. If I did.."

Lance pulled the SUV around the hotel, and to the back entrance. With a wave to the security guys on duty, he drove through and parked the SUV.

"Well, we're here," said Lance, turning the car off. "Why don't you join me in my room? We can talk about anything you want."

"That sounds like a good idea," replied Ryan, drying his eyes. 'This is definitely a dream. I'm being invited up to Lance Bass of N Sync's room! He's so hot!! And he's still willing to listen to me!!'

Lance and Ryan got out of the SUV and headed to the service elevator.

"Hey, James, I really appreciate this. You didn't have to, ya know."

"Nonsense. After all, that's what friends are for!!" With that, Lance put his arm around Ryan's shoulders in a comradely manner.

That's all for now!! Tell me what you think about it!!

Squall Thrawn

Next: Chapter 4

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