Never Guess Who Ran into Me Today

By moc.loa@8765NWARHT

Published on Jan 26, 2002


Disclaimer: I don't know anybody from N Sync, though I'd sure like to, and thus this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexual ity of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. This story should not be read by anybody who is not legally allowed to read it.. So if you're underage, leave right now!!

Author's Notes: Well, you get to meet our fave group in this chapter, or at least one of them. If you have any comments about this chapter, the last chapter, or the following chapters, do tell. I love e-mail. Just maybe mention the story title in the subject header so that I don't accidentally toss it. Not that I do that often, but just to be on the same side. E-mail me at I think I gave an alternate e-mail address in the last chapter, but thats ok. It'll just be easier if you use the AOL one. Anybody notice that I didn't give a description of Ryan? Well, you'll get an idea of what he looks like in this chapter.

Thanx to the people who have already sent in letters of encouragement. I thrive on feedback, as does most of the authors here on Nifty. Thanx to Charlie, Jimmy, Kenitra, and the others for their kind words.

Here are some of my favorite stories here in the boyband category: Jamie's Romance (the best, in my humble opinion) Millenium Love My Surprise Romance

There are others, but those are the only ones that I can remember the titles of in exact detail. You may find some parallels between those stories and mine, but then again, there are parallels between those stories too. It happens.

You'll Never Guess Who Ran Into Me Today by Squall Thrawn

Chapter 2

'Being a famous pop star could be tiring,' Lance thought to himself as he was driving through downtown St. Louis. After a while, all the travelling, all the hotels, all the concerts, it got to you after a while. After a while, it was all the same. The same people, doing the same thing every day. And spending those days alone was what really bothered Lance. He wanted a little spontaneity in his life. He turned down a side street, heading back towards the Adam's Mark Hotel where he was staying along with the rest of the group. Lance enjoyed spending time with the rest of the group; they were like brothers to him. But sometimes he just had to get out and be by himself. Besides, sometimes he felt like the odd man out. JC and Justin were inseparable, almost like real brothers, and Chris and Joey were usually clubbing together. He just wanted somebody that he could talk to, about anything and everything.

Lance drove along the side street, suddenly, a young man started crossing the street, right in front of Lance's rented SUV.

"Shit!" cursed Lance as he stomped on his brakes as hard as he could. And to Lance's amazement, the young man in the street didn't even move out of the way, but just calmly stood in the path of the SUV, as if he wanted to get hit.

"Get out of the way!!" screamed Lance, still trying to bring the big SUV to a stop before he hit the young man.

With a squeal of brakes, Lance stopped the SUV inches from the young man. After sitting in the car for a minute trying to get his heartrate back to normal, Lance jumped out of the car to see if the young man was alright. He found the young man still standing in front of the SUV, his heart pounding. Lance put his hand on the young man's shoulder, and the young man promptly fainted. Lance was barely able to catch him. As Lance gently laid the young man down on the street, he was finally able to get a good look at at the person.

The young man looked to be about twenty years old, give or take a year or two. He was just a bit shorter than Lance, and just a tad thinner. His complexion was slightly olive, and his hair was spiky and blue-black. The only thing marring his face were tears, streaking down his smooth cheeks. 'He's been crying for quite some time,' thought Lance as he bent down over him. 'I hope he's alright!' Lance gently shook him, until the young man showed signs of stirring. His eyes fluttered open. His black eyes were the most beautiful Lance had ever seen.

"Wha..? Where am I?" said the young man, sitting up.

"Are you ok? I almost hit you with my car!!" said Lance sharply. "Why didn't you move? Why didn't you try to get out of the way?"

The young man started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Wait, it's ok," said Lance, instantly regretting his words. "I'm sorry. It's just that you scared me so much."

Sniffing, the young man wiped his eyes dry.

"Do you have a place that I could take you to?" asked Lance. "You look a little too shaken up to be driving anywhere.."

"N, No... I don't have anywhere to go...not any more..." With that, he got all choked up and started crying again.

"It's's alright," said Lance, putting his arm around the young man. The man flinched at first, and then held on to Lance tightly, sobbing against Lance's chest. Lance simply held him, feeling the warm body pressed against him. It felt good. What was these feelings he was experiencing? "It'll be ok..," said Lance, patting Ryan on the back. "By the way, what's your name?"

"R, Ryan... Ryan Holden.."

"My name is La.. James Bass.. I'm pleased to meet you, Ryan. Say, I'm starving. I'm staying at the Adam's Mark hotel right now.. Why don't I treat you to room service there? You look like you need somebody to talk to, and my friends have always said that I was a good listener. Actually, I don't think I'll take no for an answer."

"Tha..Thanks, James..." stammered Ryan. "I don't want to burden you with my problems or anything."

"Nonsense. I insist," answered Lance, pleased that Ryan had accepted his 'invitation.' Since Ryan still had his arms around Lance though, neither of them could stand up. Lance didn't want to let go, but he realized that they were blocking traffic, and that this was not the best place for a scene. "Ummm, Ryan, Could you ease up a little for a second so that we can stand up and get in my SUV?"

"Oh...sorry," said Ryan, blushing. He reluctantly released Lance, and they both stood up. Lance took Ryan by the arm, and gently led him to the passenger side of the SUV. Lance opened the door, and helped Ryan in. He then went around and jumped in the driver's seat. His car was still running, since he hadn't though to turn it off in his rush to check on Ryan. Lance put the SUV into gear, and then started driving. As he was driving, Lance found himself glancing at Ryan. Ryan was apparently unaware of Lance's gaze, looking out the window and watching the 'scenery.' To cover up his scrutiny of Ryan, Lance tried to make some conversation.

"So, Ryan, are you a student, or do you work somewhere?"

"Umm...I'm going to a community college right now, and until today, I worked at Wal-mart..." Ryan looked down.

'Damn,' thought Lance to himself. 'Think, Lance, think. Talk about something that couldn't possibly touch on Ryan's problem.'

"I'm a member of a singing group," said Lance, trying to get the conversation focused on music.

"Ya know, you look kinda familiar. What group are you part of?"

"Have you ever heard of N Sync? I'm member of N Sync."

Ryan gasped and put his hand over his mouth. " I can't believe it!! It's you!! Lance Bass!! I should have recognized you immediately!!"

Lance chuckled. "I take it you're a fan?"

Ryan nodded sheepishly. "Yeah..sort of a closet fan. I liked your music, but my friend Greg..." Ryan's eyes watered up, and he put his hands over his face.

'Brilliant move,' Lance berated himself. 'You're definitely not doing very well in regard to avoiding this touchy subject.'

"It's ok, Ryan. It'll be ok," said Lance, trying to reassure Ryan. "Ah. Here we are, at the Adam's Mark. We're going through the back entrance, since the front is currently being assaulted by a small army of teenaged girls."

"Yeah, I saw them. I didn't know that you.. and your group were in town. If I did.."

Lance pulled the SUV around the hotel, and to the back entrance. With a wave to the security guys on duty, he drove through and parked the SUV.

"Well, we're here," said Lance, turning the car off. "Why don't you join me in my room? We can talk about anything you want."

"That sounds like a good idea," replied Ryan, drying his eyes.

The two men got out of the car, and headed towards the service elevator.

"Hey, James, I really appreciate this. You didn't have to, ya know."

"Nonsense. After all, that's what friends are for!!" With that, Lance put his arm around Ryan's shoulders in a comradely manner.

That's all for now!! Tell me what you think about it!!

Squall Thrawn

Next: Chapter 3

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