Never Guess Who Ran into Me Today

By moc.loa@8765NWARHT

Published on Feb 19, 2002


Disclaimer: I don't know anybody from N Sync, though I'd sure like to, and thus this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. This story should not be read by anybody who is not legally allowed to read it.. So if you're underage, leave right now!!

Author's Notes: Well, I've noticed a disturbing trend so far. With each chapter that comes out, I get fewer e-mails. Is anybody out there reading this story? Please, let me know. I mean, if nobody is interested in this story, I won't bother to send this story into Nifty anymore. So there you have it. I won't discontinue this story, but I'll only send it to those who have still expressed interest in it. Forgive me if I'm being whiny about this, but I need encouragement to continue to post this on Nifty. Comments and suggestions are more than welcome, but just a simple e-mail expressing your interest in this story will be sufficient. And I will mention that other authors feel this way too, so if you like a story, send in feedback!! We appreciate it!! Send all comments, suggestions, or requests for the continuance of the story to Thank you.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have sent feedback, or have chatted with me and told me what they thought about the story. Ryan, my editor and confidant, I thank you very much. You're a great friend, as well as an editor. Chris, what can I say? I am so glad I "met" ya. Lookin' forward to it. (I love obscure thanx that only a handful of people understand! :D) Also, I want to thank Mark, the author of a great story, Blind Date. Thanx for the support!! Even if your away message is stalking me..heheh Thanx to Ray for his continued support. And thanks to Jeremy, for totally making my day and sending me not one but TWO e-mails about those last chapters!! Of course, you were doing it just to humor me, but so what? hehe Thanx also go out to Josh for chattin' with me and offering support..

The Squall Thrawn Book Club (much better than Oprah's) Jamie's Romance (a great Justin story) Millenium Love (a Brian Littrell story) My Surprise Romance (a Lance story) My New Life (a Lance story) Lance in Shining Armour (umm, a Lance story?) Lance's Story (a Lance/JC story and a spinoff of Jamie's Romance) Twist of Fate (a Lance story) Blind Date (a Lance story) Nick and Ashley (a Nick Carter/Ashley from O-Town story by ND) and many more!! But I can't remember the names of them...I'll put them down as I remember them...

You'll Never Guess Who Ran Into Me Today by Squall Thrawn

Previously on Never Guess...

Ryan walked down the hallway, and knocked on Justin's door.

A voice yelled out from the room, "Who is it!?"

"It's Ryan."

The door opened. Justin stood there with a smile. "Hi, Ryan. Did you find your car ok?"

"Yeah, Justin. What was it you wanted to talk about?"

Justin's smile vanished, and a serious look came over Justin's face. "Come in, please." Ryan walked into Justin's room, and Justin closed the door behind them. Ryan noticed that Justin's room was exactly like the one that he and Lance shared.

"What is it that's so serious, Justin?" asked Ryan.

"I've got to ask you something. Something personal."

"Justin, we're friends. You can ask me anything."

" did you know you were gay?"

Chapter 13

Ryan looked at Justin in disbelief. "What do you mean, Justin? Are you saying..."

"I don't know what I'm saying, Ryan!" exclaimed Justin, breaking down into tears. Ryan rushed over and enveloped Justin in a big hug.

"It's ok, Justin," said Ryan soothingly. "Just talk to me. I'll listen."

"Thanks, Ryan," said Justin. "The guys are always there for me, but when it comes to this... I'm just scared that they'll hate me."

"Justin, why would they hate you? As far as I can tell, none of the guys seem to care about the fact that I'm gay. And they just met me."

"I suppose you're right, Ryan," said Justin. Ryan released Justin, and sat him down on the bed.

"But what's making you think about this, Justin?" asked Ryan, looking Justin in the eye. "Why do you think that you might be gay?"

"It's just... All these years, I've never found girls to be attractive. On the other hand.... I've seen a lot of guys who I thought were hot. For a while, I had a crush on Brian Littrell of the BSB. You can imagine how I felt when he got married to LeighAnne."

"What about you and Britney?" asked Ryan with a frown. "Aren't you two together?"

"Nah," said Justin, smiling. "We've been good friends for years. She more of a sister to me than anything. We always get a kick out of all these rumors that we're a couple."

"Have you ever been with a guy? Or a girl?" asked Ryan. "If you don't mind my asking."

"I don't mind," said Justin. He blushed slightly. "I'm a virgin."

"It's nothing to be ashamed about, Justin," said Ryan. "Too many people nowadays have sex with people they barely know. And that's dangerous, too."

"Thanks, Ryan," said Justin. "I hope you don't mind if I ask, but have you ever.. you know.." Justin blushed.

"Haha..," Ryan laughed. "One time, my boyfriend at the time, Mike, and I gave each other blowjobs. That was as far as we dared go." Ryan chuckled. "It took Mike about an hour to summon up the courage to suggest it. And the whole time, we were worried that somebody would catch us."

"What happened to Mike?" asked Justin.

"Oh, he went away to college and met a wonderful guy named Brandon. We still talk once in a while. He's pretty happy now. How could I begrudge him that?" Ryan shrugged. "Besides, I'm not sure if I really had feelings for him. It was more of an exploratory relationship. We both discovered that we liked being with guys a lot more than girls."

"When did you figure out you were gay? Was it your relationship with Mike? Did something happen that clinched it for you?" asked Justin.

"Yeah. Our first kiss. You see, I'd kissed a few girls. I didn't enjoy it really, there was no attraction there. But when I kissed Mike, it was like there were fireworks going off," said Ryan with a small smile on his face remembering that first kiss. "That's the best way to describe it. Everything that I had been missing when I was with girls, I felt with that kiss. I'm not sure how many girls you've kissed, but it's different when you're kissing a guy. One day, you may find that out..."

Just then, Justin leaned over towards Ryan and kissed him. Not a quick peck on the lips, but a passionate kiss. Ryan broke the kiss off.

"Wow," said Justin, amazed. "I see what you mean." And then Justin looked over at Ryan, who was still shocked at Justin's actions. "What's the matter, Ryan?"


"I'm sorry for taking you by surprise, but I had to know for sure. Was there something wrong with my kiss?" asked Justin, a worried look coming over his face.

"You might say that," said Ryan, color slowly starting to come back to his face. "I'm.. I'm going out with someone right now."

"What do you mean? I don't remember hearing anything about that this morning..."

"That's because we weren't going out then," said Ryan.

"Wait a second... you mean," said Justin, comprehension slowly coming to him.

"Yeah," said Ryan. "James and I are going out. That's why I was coming to get you in the first place. He was going to tell the guys about us."

"I am so sorry," said Justin, tears appearing in his eyes. "I had no idea that you and Scoop were together.. I was hoping.." Justin couldn't finish his sentence, because he was too choked up.

"It's ok, Justin," said Ryan. "I'm not mad at you. I'm kinda flattered. But don't worry... there will be somebody out there for you. I guarantee it. If necessary, I'll help you find them."

"Thanks, Ryan," said Justin.

"Well, let's get going to that group meeting," said Ryan. "The rest of the guys don't know about me and James being a couple."

"Alright," said Justin. "I'll let Scoop tell them, I won't spill the beans."

"Great. Shall we go?" asked Ryan. He stood up and helped Justin up. Justin started laughing. "What's so funny?" asked Ryan.

"The way we've been talking, it sounded like you were the big brother, giving me advice, and I was the little brother. And here I'm taller than you, and older."

"Heheh," said Ryan, playfully punching Justin in the arm. "Only by a few months, Just. But let's go." The two of them left Justin's room and entered Chris's room, where everybody else was.

"Well, there you are," said Joey, jokingly. "I thought we were going to have to send a search party out for the two of you."

"Haha, Joey," said Justin, sticking his tongue out. "Me and Ryan were gettin' to know each other."

"I'm just kiddin', Curly," said Joey. "As long as you're here now, it's all good."

Ryan headed over to sit next to Lance on the sofa, while Justin sat next to JC.

"Now that we're all here, there's something I'd like to say," said Lance, standing up. "I wanted to tell you guys something, something important. I hope you guys won't be mad at me for not telling you sooner."

"Tell us, Scoop," said Chris. "We won't be mad."

"Guys," said Lance, looking at Ryan for support. Ryan smiled at Lance and nodded. "I'm gay."

Joey started to respond, but Lance indicated he had more to say.

"I'm gay," repeated Lance, turning and taking Ryan's hand, and helped Ryan up. "And Ryan and I are going out."

"Wow," said Joey. "Looks like that's ten bucks you owe me, Chris."

"What do you mean?" asked Lance. "You bet Chris that me and Ryan were going out?"

"Scoop, I've watched you these past few years, and I've noticed how you've never been interested in girls," said Joey, walking to the couple. "And the way you talked about Ryan, I knew you had feelings for him." Joey turned to Ryan. "Man, I don't know you very well, but you seem like a nice guy. But I swear, if you hurt him, you will regret it." Joey gave the two of them a big hug.

Joey let them go, and JC walked over to them. "I guess you figured out what to do," said JC. "Good luck to the both of you." He gave them both hugs.

"Thanks, JC," said Ryan. "I appreciate everything you've done so far."

"Please, call me Josh. All of my friends do. And you're definitely a friend."

Ryan smiled at JC and hugged him again.

Justin walked over to them. "Looks like you've been adopted into the family, Ryan," said Justin, smiling.

"I know. Isn't it scary?" asked Ryan teasingly. "Remember, I'll always have time to talk with ya, lil bro."

"Lil bro?" exclaimed Justin. "I'm taller and..." Justin trailed off laughing. "You better watch out, Ryan. Since you're part of the family, that also means its open season for practical jokes."

"I'll be watchin' you," said Ryan.

"You made a good choice, Scoop," said Justin, turning to Lance. "Don't let him get away easily."

"Oh, I know," said Lance. "I intend to keep him around for a while."

Justin exchanged hugs with Lance and Ryan, and walked over to the window, looking out. Lance and Ryan looked at Chris, who still hadn't responded.

"Chris?" said Lance, starting to worry.

Chris stood up and walked over to them with no readable expression on his face. "I can't believe it," he said. And then, a big grin came over his face. "I can't believe you made me lose ten bucks, but it was ten bucks well worth it!!"

Lance sighed in relief. "I thought that you.."

"Disapproved of the two of you? Hated you? Lance, how could I be anything but happy if you found somebody as good as Ryan? It doesn't matter that he's a guy instead of a girl."

But then, an evil grin appeared on Chris's face. "However, I do seem to remember a certain person making references to a certain other boyband earlier today. He escaped punishment earlier. But now we must carry out his punishment."

"So what are you going to do, Chris," asked Ryan with an impish grin. He didn't notice Lance backing away from him.

"This!!" At Chris's shout, Joey and JC both threw pillows at him. Ryan turned to Lance, only to be hit by another pillow.

"Ahh!! Help, anybody,"yelled Ryan, grinning ear to ear. Justin and Lance joined Ryan in trying to defend against JC, Joey, and Chris. It soon turned into a big wrestling match, with the occasional pillow throwing. Eventually, they stopped, worn out from their exertions. Ryan laid there in the arms of Lance with a big smile on his face. In the space of a day, he had gained a boyfriend and four "brothers." He could not have imagined a more perfect day. And the day hadn't ended yet.

No cliffhanger this time!! What will happen to Justin? Will he find true love? Will Ryan and Lance stay together forever? And will Joey get romantically involved with Lonnie the bodyguard? We're hoping not on that last one. Send me any comments or suggestions, or just tell me that you want to find out what happens in the story!!

Squall Thrawn

Next: Chapter 14

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