
By Lucas Brimstone

Published on May 16, 2013


DISCLAIMER: This story is based in truth. Some events/persons have been altered for the purpose of the story. There may be scenes of unsafe practices which are not endorsed by this author. All other usual warnings and precautions should be considered here. Feel free to write with any comments, corrections, etc. Think of this as a Gedankenexperiment. And remember to donate to Nifty to support all of these great stories.

In life there are no rules. I knew now that this was true. Nothing truly governed the existence of every individual. There were consequences, but not rules. What we perceive as rules are actually societal constructs. Specifically, humans are obsessed with constructing rules and regulations for love. One of the purest possible human feelings had to be locked deep within a steel cage of precautionary checks. Before the turn of the 20th century, love barely existed. Romance was extremely popular, the art of displaying affections which may not have been true. Then it became acceptable for two married adults to be in love, but young love was too wild. It was as if this emotion was being hoarded by one elite group of individuals and slowly, over great periods of time, it would gradually trickle down to others. Now it was unheard of to allow two individuals of the same gender to love each other.

Over the next two weeks things were looking up. I denied my hair from growing longer by purchasing an electric razor. Cole and I were hanging around each other more frequently. It was like things had always been this way. Everything just felt more organic now. I no longer experienced mental or emotional breakdowns brought on by questioning my actions. My roommates and I were getting along pretty well too. Lex introduced the girl he had been sleeping with to us, her name was Alyssa. Apparently they had been seeing each other outside of their bar hookups, and I was happy for them.

On the last day in September, Cole and I sat outside in a field nearby the campus. It was chilly and windy, but we were dressed for the occasion. We sat with our backs firmly pressed together and we faced in opposite directions. I could feel his back heave as he breathed steadily. There was no particular reason for why we were doing what we were.

"Do you have tests coming up soon?" I asked while watching a bird off in the distance.

"Yeah most of them are coming up over the next two weeks," Cole responded.

"Me too."

"So, do you do this sort of thing often? It's kinda weird."

"It helps me think. I guess I do wander around and sit after a while pretty frequently."

"You just pick a random spot and sit down?"

"Well I have to pick a spot that speaks to me. The more out of place and unsettling the spot the better it makes for thinking. You have to disturb yourself to really know what's on your mind. Like, what are you thinking right now?"

"That you're kinda fucked up."

"No I mean really, what are you thinking? I don't want your bullshit perfect response or clever remark. What are you really thinking about?"

"Geez Lucas you've got some pent up feelings."

"Cole! I'm serious, I tell you what I'm thinking because it's just better that way. If I can't figure something out then maybe someone else can. It's called collaboration."

"Do you remember the scene where Abin Sur hands over the power ring to Hal?"

"Yeah of course."

"I feel like that. I'm this dying alien handing over my power ring to some renegade who I hope will be able to protect my sector and care for it the way I've been caring for it."

"Why are you a dying alien?"

"I guess I'm not a dying alien. I'm more like that whole scene. The concept of blindly letting go."

"So I'm Hal?"

"No, we're Hal. It's like I'm giving myself over to this relationship. That's what I'm doing. I'm taking a chance."

"But it's a good chance. Hal always does what's right in the end."

"I know, but it's that I've never made myself vulnerable before. I've never been in a relationship," I could feel Cole shifting to face me, but I remained in my position.

"I've never been committed to anyone either. We're both taking a chance and we're both vulnerable. But every sector has two lanterns," I could feel Cole wrap his arms around my waist and kiss the side of my neck.

We sat like that as the wind swept over us with an unrelenting gusto. I was still absorbing Cole's words. For the first time since we ever laid eyes on each other he had opened up and shared his thoughts. Both of us had started out as closed off individuals, but we went about it in different ways. I hid behind logic, and Cole hid behind personality. Our strengths were also our flaws.

"When do we have sex?" I finally stated after some time, it seemed like the next logical step and maybe it would help to console Cole. Instead he started laughing.

"You're a real psycho you know that?" Cole kissed my neck again.

"Isn't this a thing that people talk about? Are we not an invested unit? I want to know what the protocol is here," I turned to look at him.

"Well you engage your motor, rotate forty-five degrees and then initiate your drive pistons," a clear mock of my word choice.

"Alright there hotshot, give me a straight answer."

"I'm gay."

"You're a piece of shit," I poked at him in the ribs and pushed him over, he was laughing again. After the teasing subsided he remained lying in the grass and I sat next to him.

"We have sex whenever you want to, there is no protocol," Cole finally answered.

That statement resonated with me, `there is no protocol'. We could act on our own desires whenever we wanted. If we wanted to have sex we very well could. If only one of us wanted it then that could have been more problematic. But we didn't have some rulebook we needed to consult every time we wanted to do something. We were free. We were vulnerable.

"How about this weekend?" I asked.

"Sure, Fish has a swim meet so that would work out for us. I'll bottom for you," Cole said it as if it were no big deal.

"Why? Is there a reason I can't bottom for you? Some unwritten code somewhere?" I was confused as to why he would offer himself up so quickly.

"Well it's going to be your first gay sexual encounter. You need to get used to the whole idea first. Just trust me," he smiled at me from the grass.

"Can't believe I get to nail a hot guy on my first try," I grinned back at him.

"Yup, you've got quite the catch here," Cole playfully flexed his right bicep.

"Don't I know it," I poked Cole in the stomach before he started getting too full of himself.

"I would call this a successful afternoon. We talked about comics, sex, and how hot I am," Cole got up out of the grass.

"Yup. I'm going to sit here awhile longer, probably until it gets dark out," the wind continued to whistle past us, Cole leaned over and we kissed before he left.

I sat and thought about the fact that I was going to have sex with Cole. I wanted to do it. It seemed like the next step in our relationship. But did this mean that I was gay? This would certainly solidify the bond between us, but it would create uncertainty within myself. Despite whatever doubts I would create about myself I knew that I had to have sex with Cole. I wanted to on a level I had never felt before. There was this deep red feeling within my abdomen telling me that I really wanted to have sex with him.

That feeling within me was about to be satisfied Friday evening. Cole's roommate had left earlier that afternoon and the apartment would be ours for the weekend. It was sort of an anomaly that Cole was living off-campus as a sophomore, but Fish was a junior. Not knowing anyone else on campus, Cole decided he would live off-campus with Fish. In the end it just made things more convenient for us. I arrived at his apartment at 7:30 that evening after eating dinner and enduring the heckling of Lex and Kyle.

Cole opened the door and greeted me with a kiss. We decided to watch a movie together before anything else transpired. Both of us agreed upon Reservoir Dogs, the ideal romance film. I sat with Cole's arm around my shoulder watching the hyper-violent scenes. Physically, I believed that Cole was my protector. Sure, I could hold my own and it wasn't like I didn't have my fair share of muscle, but Cole knew how to handle himself. Mentally, I believed I was Cole's protector. There was no doubt he was smart, but he didn't have my level-headed capacity to rationalize and arrive at moments of sudden clarity. As the movie grew closer to finishing I could feel the tension growing between Cole and me.

We both wanted sex. Cole knew what to expect and was likely anticipating the awaiting pleasure. I had no idea what to expect and was anticipating whatever might be in store for me. The ending credits rolled and neither of us moved. We were both frozen in a moment.

"I don't like watching the credits," I expressed my displeasure.

"Me neither," Cole remained frozen.

"What are we doing?" I couldn't seem to move either.

"I don't know."

"The anticipation has us pinned."

"Maybe this will help," then he moved over and kissed me, and indeed it did break the moment.

We kissed for a while as the credits finished and brought us back to the opening menu. I was lost within that kiss. Everything else I could have been thinking about was forgotten. My mind surrendered to that moment, and for that moment I knew I was living.

"Should we move inside?" Cole asked as we broke our kiss.

"Sure. Turn off the movie first," I stood up and stretched my arms.

Once the television was taken care of we moved into Cole's bedroom. His clothing was easy enough to dispatch of. He had elected to wear a t-shirt and basketball shorts that evening; perhaps with the intentions of it being so easy to remove. I had him down to his boxers and was kissing his chest before he was able to unbutton my jeans. We moved over to the bed where my jeans were finally stripped from me. As I kissed at his neck I moved my hand down his torso, stopping to enjoy the light amount of hair on his body, until I reached his crotch. I could feel that he was hardening quickly and I wanted to get him going before we engaged in our act.

Removing his boxers was easy. I lightly stroked the sides of his dick and felt the precum slowly leaking from him. All of this was really starting to get me aroused as well. Without giving any warning I moved down to give him head. This was something we had been working at in the days since the first time I gave him oral.

"Oh god, Lucas," Cole was enjoying the experience as each lick and suction brought on a new moan.

While it may have been Cole's intention not to orgasm before I fucked him, it certainly wasn't mine. I wanted to see how many times I could make him cum before we called it quits. He was my stud after all. The blowjob brought on orgasm number one and I willingly swallowed his load. I could tell he was trying to resist giving in to his orgasm, but his attempts were futile. His taste and force in my mouth were something I was growing accustomed to.

"Give me a second," he was starting to sweat a little and his breathing was heavier.

I knelt over his body between his legs and observed his state of serenity. His cock was softening, but I was determined to have him hard again very soon. My hand ran over his lower abdomen as I waited for further instructions. Finally after a few minutes my next orders were issued.

"Alright, in my bottom desk drawer there should be a bottle of lube. Go ahead and get it, and take off your underwear," Cole remained unmoving.

Following his command, I located the bottle of lube. It was mostly full, but I figured some of it was used during whatever masturbation sessions Cole may have had. Before getting back onto the bed I removed my underwear as instructed. My cock was eager to engage in whatever activity next awaited it. I became further aroused at the thought of making Cole orgasm again, and possibly a third time.

"You're going to open the lube and get it on my asshole. Then use your fingers to open me up, and then we'll go crazy," Cole smirked.

I followed the instructions and opened the lube. At first it felt cold as I squirted a little into my hand, but it warmed up as I moved it between my palms. After applying a little more to my hands I noticed that Cole had flipped himself over. I went to rubbing my hands between his ass. There was little hair there and it made the application that much easier.

"Mmm, that's good. Now start using your finger, only one first," he instructed.

I took my index finger and brought it to his hole. At first I felt a little weird. The thought of putting my finger in his ass was a little strange, but he was going to enjoy it. Slowly I inserted my finger between his ass until it was met with resistance. I assumed this was his anal ring. I began massaging him with my finger and could feel that slowly he was opening up. After another minute my finger slipped further within him and he let out a shallow breath. Next I tried to incorporate a second finger. While my index finger remained massaging his inside, my middle finger was trying to work its way in as well.

My middle finger slipped inside of him after a few more minutes of massaging. The whole scenario felt a little weird to me. But Cole's visually noticeable level of heightened pleasure assured me I was doing alright. Seeing him writhe in a state of near-ecstasy got me excited as well. Why not see if my ring finger could fit inside of him as well? Upon feeling the approach of my third finger, Cole eagerly pushed himself back to take it inside. All three fingers probed within him. It was a feeling of hot wetness. I felt like I was running my fingers along a cavern of wet satin. Suddenly I felt a bump deeper within him. I prodded it and this brought out a brief cry from Cole. Again I prodded it and it brought on the same response. Cole lifted himself up onto his knees now as I continued to ravage my recent discovery. His cries were becoming louder now.

"Lucas, stop, stop. You'll make me cum again, if you, ahh," Cole was really enjoying himself.

"Oh, you might cum again you said?" I had no intentions of relenting.

"Yes, definitely, yes, yes, Lucas," Cole wasn't even sure what he was trying to say.

"You think I should stop, because I don't think so. I think you're going to cum at least three times before we're done," so I had a side of me brought on by intense moments of lust.

Cole continued to shriek and babble as I kept pumping his ass with my fingers. By now his hole was very much open and I could have fucked him whenever I felt like it. This scene was also making me extremely hard and I hoped I wouldn't end up orgasming before entering him. Another minute and Cole could no longer contain himself. He fired his second load on the sheet below us, luckily we were not under the covers at this point. I could feel his ass tighten around my fingers as he released. I could feel every pulse of semen as it rocketed out of him. I was directly involved in the essence of his orgasm. When his ass released me I withdrew my finger. Cole collapsed on top of his cum.

"Three times huh?" Cole was definitely out of breath.

"I'm a no bullshit kind of guy," I massaged his right calf.

"We're going to have to go for some food after this. I'm not cumming three times without working up an appetite," Cole remained soaking in his own orgasm.

I kept massaging his legs while he recovered from his most recent release. Watching him lie without a care in his own cum was arousing me, and running my hands over his well-defined legs wasn't helping. After about ten minutes, Cole flipped back over to face me. He was visibly sticky and sweaty and his hair was ruffled. It was hot.

"Third time's the charm," Cole smiled at me.

I leaned over and kissed his stomach, licking at some of the residue which remained. My tongue entered his navel to retrieve whatever fluid might have collected within. I kissed his chest and sucked at his nipples. All of this was in an effort to get him hard again. As our tongues touched, I could finally feel that once again his blood was diverted to his dick. My mission was successful.

"Alright Lucas. I should be pretty open for you so just spread my legs and go ahead," Cole kissed me again.

I moved to position myself for the sexual act. He spread his legs and I took his thighs and spread them further. I held his legs spread apart and readied myself to enter him. I looked over to Cole again and he smiled at me. My dick was dripping precum at the entrance to his ass. Slowly I pushed forward and was still met with a little resistance despite the earlier massaging. His insides were still slick with lube as I continued to push slowly. Finally I could feel that my head had moved past his ring and the rest of my length slid in easily. Cole moaned when I had at last bottomed out within him.

"Oh fuck Lucas, just go slow," Cole tried to issue further instructions despite his state of pleasure.

"I've got myself a regular slut here don't I?" this was not a version of myself I was not familiar with at all.

"A slut who's gonna cum for the third time," Cole started to rock his hips.

As I began pumping Cole's ass I was introduced to a feeling I had never experienced before. A tight and warm wetness enveloped my cock. This was definitely something I enjoyed doing. Cole felt so incredible and each cry I forced out of him made it all the more satisfying. We were in synch and each of us was close to an orgasm.

"God Cole, you feel so perfect," I said as I ground my dick deep within him.

"Unhh Lucas, just make me, just make me cum again," Cole demanded hoarsely.

The interesting part of Cole's third orgasm was that neither of us had touched his cock the entire time. I never thought it was possible for someone to get off without any stimulation. When Cole finally blasted himself for a third time with his semen I immediately coated his insides with my own. Our orgasms happened at exactly the same time.

I looked down at Cole in his state of weakened exhaustion and smiled at him. He really was helping me in a way I could have never helped myself. I was becoming a deviant, but in a good way. What we had, I think it was love, but I didn't know what love was at that moment.

"Fucking three times, Lucas you are something else. I've also never been this covered in my own my cum," Cole stared at the ceiling.

"It was good. Let's shower and get you food," I withdrew myself from his ass.

"And get these sheets off my bed," Cole slowly lifted himself up, his arms were shaking a little.

Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated,

Next: Chapter 9

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