
By Lucas Brimstone

Published on May 11, 2013


DISCLAIMER: This story is based in truth. Some events/persons have been altered for the purpose of the story. There may be scenes of unsafe practices which are not endorsed by this author. All other usual warnings and precautions should be considered here. Feel free to write with any comments, corrections, etc. Think of this as a Gedankenexperiment. And remember to donate to Nifty to support all of these great stories.

The mind is a dangerous thing. At this point in my life I truly felt like a prisoner inside my own mind. There was a part of my life which was really only lived within my own imagination. I felt stifled at times, but other times I felt like my mind needed to play the warden. My mind was also capable of playing the torturer as well. I would constantly interrogate myself and imagine the worst possible scenarios. Take for instance the moment I woke up in Cole's bed after the first party I ever went to with him

What happened last night? Did I let myself go too far? Is everything ruined now? Who else knows I'm here? Maybe someone saw me and now it's out that Cole and I were seeing each other. I should just leave now and face the miserable consequences to come. But then I looked over to Cole, who was sleeping, and everything seemed to change.

I really didn't want to leave. First, I was comfortable to just lie down as the bed had enough room. Second, I did want to be with Cole even if we weren't officially something yet I was not one to just leave after sleeping with someone. But maybe I should just confirm some of the events from last night with Cole. As I turned to face him I realized that I was only in my underwear and I was pretty sure he was too.

"Hey," I gently lay my hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, hey," Cole answered me sleepily, he turned towards me but kept his eyes closed.

"So when did we get back in last night?"

"Don't you remember?" his eyes opened slowly now, why did he have to be so cute?

"The last thing I remember was smiling at you across the room at that party."

"Oh, we left the party at 1 I think and came back to my apartment. You insisted something like you were cold. I was not opposed to having you here," Cole glanced at his clock on the endtable.

"What time is it?"


"Sorry for waking you up early. I just wanted to know if, well, anything else happened."

Cole leaned over and kissed me for longer and with more passion than we had before.

"That happened last night," Cole looked right into my eyes.

"Too bad I missed out," I gave a slight smile.

We kissed again and soon we were making out there in his bed. He slid one of his arms under the pillow and had his hand up on the back of my head. I let my hand which wouldn't get in the way start playing with the hair on the side of his head.

"What are you doing," he laughed softly as we broke our kiss.

"I just like your haircut is all, my barber sucks at cutting mine. He always insists on fading my hair and blending it, but I want the contrast," I recounted my hair style woes.

"Aww, well maybe just buzz your whole head next time," he kissed me again.

"Yeah I probably will," I got my reply in as our kiss broke.

"Seriously?" he resorted to just stroking my hair now as we were having more of a conversation.

"Yeah, I'll do anything with my hair. I have it while I'm young and crazy so why not. Plus I can't get the same haircut as you now, and you look hotter than I would with that cut" I was serious about it.

"So now you think I'm hot?" Cole smiled.

"Well usually I think you are cute but yeah right now you are pretty hot," maybe I was capable of this whole flirting thing.

"I usually think you're cute too, a little weird, but cute. However I have to agree that right now you are hot," with that comment his hand made its way down to my underwear.

At this point after making out for a bit and attempting to seduce each other I was obviously aroused. I wasn't quite leaking but I was close. I could feel that familiar ache in my dick letting me know it was getting pretty hard. With all of this going on it was pretty easy for me to lose myself in the passion of the moment.

"Show me something we didn't do last night," I leaned over and whispered into Cole's ear, he let out a little moan at that comment.

Cole managed to slip my underwear off and pulled the sheets down to expose my cock. It was definitely hard. In fact it was harder than I had ever remembered it being, and it was starting to leak. Cole slowly started to stroke me with varying degrees of pressure. I arched my back lightly in pleasure at the action. Cole stopped briefly to give me a kiss.

"I think I should be allowed something of yours," I said as I snaked my hand down his torso to the waistband of his underwear.

"Mmm sure take `em," Cole was enjoying himself.

I slipped his underwear off and revealed his dick. It was a good size, probably eight inches, and it had a nice thickness to it. He had a patch of hair above his cock but it looked like he was into maintaining it. After my quick admiration of his cock it was my turn to start stroking him. I started out relatively slow and long with an even amount of pressure. Cole was definitely enjoying this as he had his eyes closed and was rocking his hips lightly. I couldn't help but notice how hot he was. His hair was a little messy but his face looked just perfect in that state of bliss. His chest was heaving and his stomach lay flat. I decided to run my hand up off of his cock and play with the rest of his body for a little. I gently stroked my fingers across his stomach and it shuddered slightly. Then I made my way up to his chest. His pecs felt so perfect. They weren't overly muscled but they were a good size, and his nipples were amazing. I pinched and flicked them a little which immediately elicited a shallow gasp from Cole.

"Unh Lucas, I need you back on my dick," Cole was nearly begging at this point.

"You mean you don't like this?" I teased him as I played with his nipples a little more.

"Don't be such a tease," Cole looked over at me and gave me a quick kiss.

I obliged his request and moved back down to his cock. He was pretty wet with precum at this point. I started to stroke him again just a little bit faster than last time.

"Yeah Lucas, go faster, I want you to make me cum," Cole really was enjoying this and he had no problem making his demands known.

I wasn't opposed to what he wanted and started to pick up the pace. He was starting to rock his hips more vigorously. Cole turned and started to make out with me again. I didn't stop stroking him, in fact I picked up the pace even more. I was surprised at how long Cole was able to hold out for but his orgasm came soon enough.

"Uhh Lucas, I'm," I could feel that Cole was coming and he released eight powerful jets of cum onto his stomach and lower chest area.

"Is it my turn now?" I asked slyly.

"Oh yes, just give me a second," Cole collected himself after his orgasm and began working on my cock, still covered in his own cum.

Cole had no problem getting me lost in my own passion. Having someone else jack you off felt so much different than doing it yourself. I wanted to feel him touch me. Cole also had his fun in teasing me a little by varying the pace of his strokes. I gave him a few kisses throughout the session and even kissed his neck a few times.

"Uhh Cole I'm close," I whispered as I could feel my orgasm coming on.

"Cum on me," he scooted closer and I obliged his request again.

As my orgasm approached, Cole sped up the pace to one I was never able to achieve before. I started to see spots as I felt my whole body erupt with pleasure.

"Holy fuck," I said a little louder than anticipated.

I added my own cum to Cole's own on his body and once he had milked me dry I lay back exhausted. I looked over to Cole and smiled, and he smiled back at me. After a minute he reached around for something off of his bed and grabbed a towel to clean himself off. He threw the towel back on the ground and looked over at me again.

"How about we sleep some more and then make breakfast?" Cole proposed.

"Sure," I moved a little closer to him and he pulled the sheets back over us, we were both still naked.

"That was definitely fun," Cole had his head facing away from me.

"Does this mean we're boyfriends now?" I almost whispered the question.

"I hope so," Cole looked at me and I kissed him immediately.

"Yes," I put my arm over his side and closed my eyes.

I never thought I would escape that prison in my mind. The warden always kept everything on lock down and there was no shortage of emotional torment. But now Cole was my liberator and I was making an escape. I knew I was going to make it out into the real world. Would everyone be able to recognize me once I made it out? Would they accept me?

Next: Chapter 5

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