
By Lucas Brimstone

Published on Dec 1, 2013


DISCLAIMER: This story is based in truth. Some events/persons have been altered for the purpose of the story. There may be scenes of unsafe practices which are not endorsed by this author. All other usual warnings and precautions should be considered here. Feel free to write with any comments, corrections, etc. Think of this as a Gedankenexperiment. And remember to donate to Nifty to support all of these great stories.

I was glad to be moving on in my life. The whole school dynamic was getting old for me. Work hard, play hard? Not exactly, but it was damn near close at that point. I certainly worked hard and there was the occasional incident where I consumed copious amounts of alcohol. It was never part of my plan to become one of those people who cycled between pulling all-nighters to raging the night away. There had to be time for sleeping somewhere. That was until I took up temporary residence in the city that never sleeps.

New York City, or as I liked to think in my head, New York fucking City. I was 21 and I felt invincible. There's nothing like one of the most populous and fast moving cities to deliver a healthy dose of soul crushing. NYU had its own subway stop which gave me more space when searching for somewhere to live for the summer. I ended up subletting the end of a lease in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. The neighborhood itself was nice, but I wasn't the biggest fan of the culture in Brooklyn.

Most people think that all of Brooklyn is some hipster yuppie paradise. Granted these areas do exist, but most of it is just residential brownstones. So it isn't that I disliked the culture there; it was more that I dislike the lack of culture. Everything seemed to be trying so hard to create some new social niche. To me it felt like there was some bizarre quota which had to be filled on every street. Like every party needed three guys with mason jars and a girl whose glasses were too big for her head.

Manhattan was something else though. Every corner housed some new mystery or interesting group of people. A matter of a few subway stops was like being transported to a whole other city or even state. The buildings scraped up to the sky and everyone moved with a real sense of conviction. It was unsettling for the first few weeks.

My goal wasn't assimilation into New York City culture. I was only a temporary resident afterall. But I adapted relatively well by my standards. It only took me two days to figure out which corner of the street to exit the subway on and why express trains were so much better than locals. I also learned to hate the MTA and people who rode bikes on the sidewalk. Certain things were a bit more of a challenge, like buying groceries and figuring out which street was better to walk down at night.

I invited Charlie down for the last week of June. My internship was only from nine to one every week day so I had a mostly flexible schedule. For some reason he was able to leave his post as a waiter for a week to travel down to me. I figured he would have a pretty strict schedule, but I guess that wasn't the case. The one thing I did lack was a group of friends. Being alone in the city is probably one of the worst places to be lonely. It's strange to think that someone could feel so removed when they are surrounded by millions of people. Charlie would be a welcomed distraction.

His train was scheduled to arrive on one of the Amtrak tracks at Penn Station. I hadn't ventured up into midtown, or anywhere above 30th really, and was curious to see how different it might be. Immediately I was flustered by the even more hurried bustle of all the commuters. This really was the epicenter of all transportation to and from the city. Navigating the corridors of the station wasn't too treacherous and most of the people in the Amtrak terminal were milling about while various trains were announced.

"Wow, this really is something," Charlie noted once we were on our way to the subway.

"Yup. New York fucking City," I replied.

We hadn't kissed right upon seeing each other. The atmosphere just felt wrong for that sort of thing. Plus, I had never considered what it would be like to be so open with my sexuality in a place as populated as New York. All of it felt sort of romantic though, but not is the sappy sort of way. It was more romantic in the sense of an intimately cinematic moment of reunion. He ascended the escalator with his camel colored leather duffel bag over one shoulder; form-fitting khaki shorts stopping just above the knee and a plain navy button down with the sleeves rolled. That smile lit up as soon as we made eye contact and I felt that flutter in my stomach all over again. I'd missed him.

Chuck was deeply absorbed with the subway ride. The way our car smelled of a damply laundered sock, and how standing a certain way could shift your center of gravity. He silently studied the uniqueness of each passenger. Admittedly, it was interesting to note how remarkably different one person was from the next. The guy in front of us was wearing a neon pink hat and frayed jeans while the woman next to him looked to be much later in life and perhaps not interested in living it anymore. Each lurch and release of the doors brought in a new sample of Manhattanites onto our train. Truly it was mesmerizing, but I found myself distracted.

I was so intensely focused on Charlie. Finally, someone I remembered and could share my experiences with. Originally I thought that having an apartment all to myself with be the greatest thing that had ever happened. That thought only lasted a week before I started wanting human contact. I wrapped my arms around Chuck's arm closest to me. He looked at me and we smiled. I loved him.

"Ah geez Lucas, this apartment is slick. I'll say," he slung his bag down on a chair before further exploring the space.

"I mean, it's not really that big. The neighborhood's cool though, and generally quiet," I replied.

"Well how `bout we make some noise?" He held me close and then kissed me. It was so tender and full emotion. With that kiss I could tell that he'd missed me, that there might have been a night when he cried from being lonely, and that just seeing me made him happy. I was a little choked up when he broke away and stared into my eyes.

"I've been watching that ass ever since you came up the escalator," I kissed him again and he chuckled.

"Then I think you should get to do more than look at it," he gently grabbed my waist.

"Sure, I'd love to," I grabbed his ass, not as gently, and loved feeling it through the taut fabric.

"I'll bottom for you now if you do it tonight," he half-grinned.

"Deal," I undid the button on his shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. "Oh, you haven't even taken your shoes off yet," I didn't even realize. I removed his shoes while I was focusing on that area.

"I guess I was distracted," he offered coyly.

I led Charlie over into the bedroom and removed his shirt. His chest definitely seemed a bit more built up since last I saw him, and I still could not get over how incredible I found his body. It was more of a striking natural beauty than a manicured look of "perfection". I loved his body hair and how there was just the right amount of it. His features all complemented each other so well it was unparalleled.

"God, I'll never get over how sexy you are," I said as I kissed his nipple and rubbed his crotch through his underwear.

"Mmm you're pretty hot yourself, and you should give yourself more credit," he unfastened my shorts along with my underwear and immediately started blowing me.

I wasn't even fully erect but he took me in his mouth anyway. Of course that got me aroused pretty quickly and Chuck was bobbing up and down like an old pro. There was nothing quite like getting a great blowjob.

"Fuck, fuck, it's been too long," I grabbed the back of his head but he popped off my dick a few moments later.

"Yeah well, you've still got a hungry ass to take care off. Don't go blowing it this soon," and he laughed at his cleverness.

"Alright there bud, you're asking for it now," I pushed him over onto the bed and stripped off his underwear. He removed my shirt and we basked in each other's nudity for a few moments.

I kissed Charlie's neck and ear while I started fingering him. He felt tighter than I had remembered, most likely due to a prolonged period without sex. Even if it was a little rough on him I hoped he would try to be gentle with me later. Then again, with Chuck anything could happen during sex. He moaned a little as I prodded deeper. I reached over into one of the drawers near my bed and got out some of the lube I had bought earlier that summer. My dick was slicked up and I rubbed some on his hole, Charlie grabbed his ankles as I made my entry.

"Christ, that's tighter than I remember, go slow," he said and I slowed down.

Once I managed to get all the way in him I waited until he told me he was ready to start. Apparently whatever pain he experienced before had faded as he started crying out for more and was really forcing all of my dick up his ass. We reached a good pace and I started jacking him off. Charlie was really moaning and licking his lips as I pounded away at his ass.

"Oh, oh, fuck that feels so, ah," he let out in a high pitched squeak of ecstasy.

Charlie's first shot of cum hit his upper chest as his muscles tensed in anticipation of the release. I hadn't witnessed such an illustrated example of a full body orgasm before this moment. His abdominal muscles tensed along with his quadriceps despite them not being clearly visible before. He lifted his shoulders up off the bed and remained in that position while the rest of his load pooled up on his stomach. Finally he collapsed back onto the bed while I entered my own climax. It was impossible not to respond in a similar fashion after witnessing such an exquisite and incredibly arousing orgasm. The feeling of my cum inside of him caused Charlie to make a guttural noise within his throat. Afterwards I collapsed forward onto him; our sweat mingled with his semen to create a sticky mess.

"I'd missed you," I ran my fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes to bask in the moment.

"Do you think I'm boring?" he asked me innocently, his eyes still closed. I withdrew from his ass and lay down next to him.

"No, of course not. I think by now you'd be able to tell that I can't tolerate boring people. Well, I can't tolerate most people. Do you think I think you're boring?"

"Nah, I guess it's more that you've got all these great things going for you and I'm not doing as much with my life."

"Charlie, you're not even 21 yet, you've barely lived 25 percent of your life. I may be on the track to vast wealth and success, but don't hate yourself for it."

"Hey, I could deck you for that," he rolled over and poked me in the ribs. I deserved it but couldn't help myself in that moment. I moved closer and kissed his lips.

"Let's get cleaned up and I can show you how to do laundry in the city," I hopped up out of the bed to go and shower.

I felt slightly guilty that Charlie thought himself boring and one of the reasons was my own success. He still didn't have much of a plan as to what he wanted to do in life. Then again, I didn't either, but I maintained the illusion of one. My sense of purpose must have emanated strongly to give someone the impression that I was confident with what direction I was headed in life.

After showering I changed into some shorts; my apartment got hot rather quickly. Charlie was still lying naked on my bed. I crawled up next to him and noticed that he'd fallen asleep. His breathing was soft and staggered. He looked so perfect in that moment, wrapped in his innocence and hope for the future. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that one day he would do something great for the world.

"Hey, time to go take a shower," I whispered in his ear. He stirred and rolled out of the bed. Lazily, he trudged over to the bathroom.

In one swoop I stripped the sheets off the bed and stuffed them in my laundry sack. Even that seemingly ordinary activity caused me to break a sweat.

"Jesus, it must be like 90 degrees," I said out loud. My phone corrected my estimate, it was in fact 98 degrees outside. There was no source of air conditioning in my apartment save for the ceiling fans in the living room and bedroom. Both of them were turned on immediately.

"Uh that shower felt good," Charlie, still naked and now wet, walked back into my room to change.

I retrieved my laundry sack while he got dressed. I really didn't have much of my own laundry to do, but I only had one set of sheets. Mentally, I made a note to buy more bed sheets at my next opportunity. Once Chuck was dressed we headed out to run our errands.

Even though it was approaching five, the sun was still blazing overhead. Watching Charlie walk and admire his new surroundings was enjoyable, especially given the fit of his shorts. He gazed into each passing storefront and absorbed every bizarre looking Brooklynite who walked the other way. The laundromat was only three blocks from my apartment so our venture was short lived.

It was stifling inside the building and smelled like detergent. Luckily it wasn't very crowded and made getting a machine no problem. Laundry turned out to be more expensive than I had originally thought. I guess in my mind I could get by with a dollar in quarters. This also explained why most of the patrons would bring stockpiles of dirty clothes and cram as many as would fit into one of the larger machines.

"So this must get boring fast," Charlie and I sat watching the clothes spin in the washer.

"Well I usually bring a book with me, but I figured you would provide enough of a distraction," I explained.

"What're you reading?" he asked, keeping his eyes fixed on the clothes.

"Lovecraft. Ever read any of him?" I didn't expect that he did.

"Yeah, some, but mostly just his famous works. The one's he's known for, I mean," Charlie replied.

"Oh, I didn't expect you'd heard of him."

"Well I've only read his stuff, it was weird. I'm not into that whole Cthulhu thing. You been to any bars here yet?" he asked.

"Just once, but I have work in the morning," I was hesitant to go out on a weeknight.

"Oh come on you'll be fine. Not like you're going to be getting blitzed," he smiled coyly at me.

"Who says blitzed? I still don't think I should," it just didn't feel right to me. There was the whole principle of the thing.

"I say it, and if you're not going to come then I'll go by myself," he protested.

"Now you're just being stubborn," I stated.

"And you're being childish. If you can't come out and have a good time while maintaining your composure, then you're just immature," Charlie asserted.

"Fine, but I'm still not 100 percent on this," the washer clicked off and I went to transfer the clothes to the dryer.

We finished doing laundry while making some idle conversation. Charlie told me about work and how the weather was at home. I told him a little about what I was doing at my internship and a few other things about living in Brooklyn. After leaving the laundromat we headed a few blocks down to buy an extra set of sheets. I selected a set of flat light blue ones and then we headed back to the apartment.

"Want to order chinese and then help me make the bed?" I asked once we got back in.

"Sure thing, I'm starving," it was getting close to seven at this point.

I placed an order for delivery which was scheduled to arrive in half an hour. Making a bed with two people is much easier than doing it alone. The new set of sheets were kept in their packaging and stored away in my closet. I washed some of my dishes while Charlie played around on my tablet. Our chinese food arrived five minutes earlier than anticipated and we set to eating once I had paid for the food.

"Wow, you buy me dinner and I get to fuck you tonight," Charlie joked as he scooped himself some fried rice.

"Ugh, I forgot about that," I groaned.

"Don't think for a second that I did. Can't wait for that hot ass of yours," he started eating his food.

I didn't offer anything in response. Nothing good could come from whatever events were about to transpire. Work was going to be a nightmare the next day, but fortunately it would only last four hours. We ate without discussing much else save for how hot it was even though the sun had gone down.

After dinner, Charlie went in to get changed and I resolved to just wear what clothes I had on. At one point he came out in just his underwear saying he would go like that. I couldn't help but smile and send him back inside, and then I realized that Chuck wasn't as easy to figure out as I'd thought.

Originally I just pegged him as an attractive and very kind individual. But now I was beginning to notice that he was hot, beyond sexy even. He knew that he was really good-looking too and that manifested from time to time in an almost overconfidence. It was nothing cocky or offensive, more that it made him bold. On top of that I was learning how curious he was. Mostly I found it adorable when he saw something new and tried to absorb more information about it. This was one of his qualities which I felt formed a stronger bond between us.

Once Charlie was ready to go, we headed out into the warm June evening. The afterglow of sunset still hung in the sky along with the stale air of the day. We didn't have a particular bar in mind and just walked a few blocks west to see if anything was nearby. Eventually Charlie decided on one bar which I had no qualms about. If a bar was too crowded or seemed like a regular watering hole for "bros" I refused to go inside.

This bar had both doors wide open for lack of air conditioning within. It wasn't all that crowded given the night of the week. The decor was fairly standard for a bar in Brooklyn; a good deal of wood and leather seat barstools. The one thing that was intriguingly unique about the place was that the bar was set up like one of those retro diner counters. I ordered a summer ale for myself and one for Charlie, but he managed to pay for them before I had the chance.

"So, this is pretty cool huh?" Charlie asked once we got our beers. We sat at the bar closer to the door in order to maximize the cross-breeze.

"Yeah, I guess it's alright. There's no way of knowing which bars are good here," I replied. Some guy bumped into my back while I was facing Charlie. I turned around but he was just ordering a drink so I thought nothing of it.

"Lighten up buddy, your life's going good, even if you don't want to think it is," and he was right. Charlie was already nearing the bottom of his glass which I found surprising.

"Hey, here's to our lives," I raised my glass and he smiled.

About two hours, three beers, and one shot of whiskey later we were back in my apartment. The temperature had barely budged from what it was earlier. I went and got myself a glass of water once we were inside, well, I drank half of it and Chuck finished the other half.

"Hell, it's hot in here," he said while peeling off his shirt and tossing it to the floor. I went and turned on the ceiling fan.

"Yup, sure is. How about you drop those shorts too?" I walked over and had my hand down the front of his shorts before he could understand what was happening. I slowly massaged his crotch through his underwear.

"Mmm, I told you tonight would be fun," he kissed my eyebrow and then my lips. I undid the button on his shorts and let them fall to his shoes.

"You know, you were right. I hate to admit it, but," I moved my hand into his underwear and kissed his neck. He groaned softly and I went from rubbing his dick to running my hand over his ass.

"Hey, my ass isn't the one getting fucked tonight," he protested.

"Doesn't mean I can't play with it," I smiled and probed his hole with one of my fingers.

"You're such a little shit," he smiled and removed my shirt.

We moved into the bedroom once Charlie's shoes and underwear were off. I lay on the bed and waited for him to formulate a plan. He stood there at the edge of the bed and his dick was raging hard.

"You stand there any longer and you might bust all on your own," I commented.

"How about you come suck on this while I think for a second," he took his dick in one hand. I obliged without hesitation.

I was on my knees, bobbing on his cock, while he breathed heavily. It seemed like he wasn't really thinking at all. He started rocking his hips in rhythm with me and I started to pull off of him. Charlie grasped the back of my head with one hand to continue the blowjob. Moments later he was releasing down my throat.

"Now I can think clearly," he grinned and pushed me back on the bed. Charlie slowly unbuttoned my shorts and slid them off along with my underwear. It wasn't until now that I was aware of how hard I was. There was already some precum dripping from my head. "Oh I can't wait to just fuck the cum right out of you. Have you ever done it without anyone touching you?"

"I don't know, maybe once," and with that he started licking my hole. The shock of his intrusion was delightful. I moaned audibly and that only encouraged him.

"It's a good thing you sucked me off before," he said before pushing his cock inside of me. This was also very unexpected. I watched the muscles in his arms and chest tense as he hoisted my legs up and slid himself further within me. Once his balls were up against my skin he started pounding me. We were both really sweaty at this point.

Every so often he would change the angle of his thrusts or shift my body in some way. As much as I loved being in Charlie's position I couldn't help but take pleasure in being fucked by such an incredible person. He was so emotive in everything he did; the subtle grunts of ecstasy and the changes in his expression spoke volumes. He was enjoying himself.

Eventually he settled on a position which had me moaning like a bitch. He was hitting some spot deep inside of me which radiated through my whole body. It was like I could feel him right there within my abdomen, and he felt bigger than I could remember.

"Oh fuck Charlie, this is better than anything we've done before," I roared as he continued to pound away.

Then I felt my orgasm starting. At first I wasn't sure what I was feeling, and then my body started shivering. I pointed my toes forward and tensed my calves. My eyes closed and I licked my upper lip. Each thrust from Charlie sent me closer to the edge. The feeling grew within me as I clenched at the mattress. After a moment it grew really intense and I started crying out in ecstasy. Finally with one last push I cried out Charlie's name before shooting.

I thought I would faint from that orgasm. I also thought that I would never produce semen again in my life given how much came out of me. Once I started coming down from my orgasm I could feel Charlie shoot off inside of me. His seemed to last longer than normal as well.

"Man, that was really great," Charlie said before giving me a kiss. He then proceeded to lick my cum off of my chest and stomach, and was only satisfied once it was all gone. He withdrew from my hold and lay next to me.

"I'll say," I got up and went to cleanup in the bathroom. When I got back, Chuck was snoring peacefully on the bed. I lay next to him and whispered in his ear, "I love you Charlie".

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