
By Lucas Brimstone

Published on Aug 27, 2013


DISCLAIMER: This story is based in truth. Some events/persons have been altered for the purpose of the story. There may be scenes of unsafe practices which are not endorsed by this author. All other usual warnings and precautions should be considered here. Feel free to write with any comments, corrections, etc. Think of this as a Gedankenexperiment. And remember to donate to Nifty to support all of these great stories.


London is pretty excellent. The city is full of history and there's so many places to go. It's like a European Manhattan. Yesterday I ate at this pub and had the greatest fish and chips. Everything here is just awesome.

The people are great too. I met this guy Lenny, his full name is Leonard, and he's really nice. Says he's from Whales. I've never met anyone from Whales before. I miss you. ~ The next semester started kind of quickly. In more ways than one, things were moving fast. It was only the first night back and already I was getting ready to go out with Kyle and Lex to the bars.

"You miss Colby Jack?" Kyle slipped on his sneakers. He had made up the nickname for Cole after an inspiration by the cheese.

"Yeah I guess I do," I was still a little down from being so far away.

"Hey don't go getting down, maybe we can hook you up tonight," Lex was in his room messing with his hair.

I appreciated the thoughts of my roommates, but I was still feeling upset. It was strange because I had never missed someone before. Never had I felt that sad hollowness within my body. There was no one around to fill that void. I merely put on my coat and boots and sat by the door.

Fifteen minutes later and Lex was finally ready to go. It was snowing outside but we didn't care. Plus we did shots of whiskey beforehand. I was feeling like tonight would be fun and I had no class tomorrow. Missing Cole was becoming a fleeting thought.

Lex and Kyle ran carelessly in the street through the snow. While there was no auto traffic, there was foot traffic. Plenty of people were heading out to various bars and parties.

"Those your friends?" I heard someone ask. I couldn't be sure if the question was for me and if it was about Lex and Kyle.

"I suppose," my answer came anyway. I turned now to see I had a walking partner. He was wearing some jeans and a black woolen coat. I couldn't see his face through the dark and snow.

"Well I think they're gone now," he replied.

"Seems that way. Where are your friends?" I asked as we trudged onward.

"I'm meeting them at a party. Wanna come?" he posed the question plainly.

"Sure," why not see what it was about.

"I'm Noah by the way," he stated as if he were reminding me of something he mentioned before.

"Lucas," I said.

Noah and I walked two blocks to the house his party was at; Kyle and Lex were long gone by now. It seemed there were already people inside, but I figured that was better than being the first ones. Really it didn't matter what I thought because this was not my party. I knew no one including the person I was going with. But I didn't care. Why not torment myself with awkward social situations because I have nothing better to do.

"Maybe I should just go home and kill myself," I said as we walked up to the door.

"This'll be more fun," Noah replied.

It was warm inside, but not to the degree that it was uncomfortable. Now I could assess the person I had come to the party with. Despite everything I had experienced with Cole and how much I missed him, I couldn't help thinking of how adorable and attractive I found Noah.

Surprisingly, he only had a tank on underneath his jacket. The choice of top allowed me to briefly admire his well-defined and slim figure. His hair was a light honey color and longer on top. What I really found interesting were the freckles across his face and forearms and how they complemented his tanned complexion. His smile was very welcoming when he greeted one of his friends.

"This is my friend Lucas," Noah introduced me to someone at the party.

I spent the first hour of the party talking about dark and borderline psychotic topics with the various people I met while drinking some of the provided punch. It was interesting how Noah and I were seemingly opposites, but not in the way that Cole and I were opposites. For Cole and me we shared the same interests and problems, but we went around them in different ways. For Noah and me, we just had different problems and interests altogether.

My conversations with Noah revealed a few things about him. He was studying psychology at school and was on the soccer team. I also learned that he liked comic books and whiskey. Unfortunately there were things we didn't agree on. Our musical tastes were rather different and he was extremely energetic. Despite all of this I enjoyed being around him.

Speaking of being around, Noah was rather flirtatious that evening. Granted he had drank a bit but he kept touching my arm or smiling at me. His smile and those freckles were cute. I could tell he was probably gay or very intoxicated when his hand brushed against mine a few times.

Soon the party group moved to head to the bars. Noah put his jacket back on and I laced up my boots. We walked back out into the snow and I could barely feel the cold. The group moved hastily but we trailed behind.

"I don't really want to go with them," Noah said almost like a child.

"We don't have to go," I replied.

"Do you live around here?" he asked.

"Kinda. Want to come over?" It was midnight at this point.

"Yeah I do. I'm new to this gay thing though. But I've been told I'm pretty hot," he said cockily. The sudden shift from innocence to arrogance was arousing. And he was more than pretty hot.

Cole wasn't exactly hot in the same sense that Noah was. I found Cole really attractive for the masculine and slightly eclectic look he had. There was really more than just physical attraction. But Noah was really very physically attractive. His abs had a defined V and each was cut deep. The freckles from his forearms also danced across his well-built chest. He wasn't very bulky, but everything was so clearly defined. I know all this because he shed his coat and top once we got inside.

"You were right about how hot you are," I put my hands on his chest and grazed his nipples with my thumbs. I couldn't help myself. Noah moaned lightly.

"Told ya. Now I'm ready for fun," he leaned in and kissed me. I could tell he was pretty new to this.

"Let's take this to my room," I led the way.

I closed the door behind us and Noah just stood there. He was so cute and innocent. I almost felt bad, but then I ran my hand along his side and the feeling passed. Noah claimed he had done this before. Little did he know that by saying that it gave me permission to really get him going. I deftly undid his jeans to remove them and his underwear at the same time; what I saw shocked me.

Noah never informed me how well hung he was. Standing there nude I estimated his cock was nine inches and not fully hard. I felt both jealous and sorry for whoever he decided to bang. His dick twitched and grew harder as I stood watching in amazement.

"Impressed?" he asked and snapped me out of the stupor I was entering.

"I guess. I just wouldn't have guessed," I regained my focus on the task at hand; making him cum.

Now that I was over the initial shock of how big he was, I could get him ready for me. Judging on how he reacted when I spread some lube over his hole and slipped a finger inside of him I could tell he must be a virgin. Or at least he was new to sex. The whole situation was amusing and borderline absurd. This slim socially reclusive guy was about to top an energetic and well-endowed athlete. All of it was just very out of the ordinary.

"Oh wow, that feels new," Noah said once I had managed to loosen him up with three of my fingers. At this point he had started to drip precum onto my carpet. As I figured his erect eleven inch cock produced more than the average amount of precum.

"I don't want to hurt you," I paused briefly.

"Please don't stop," Noah protested.

After a few minutes I was getting bored of rubbing my fingers around inside of his ass. I withdrew from him and he turned around to see what I was doing. Seeing him I couldn't help but kiss him. Through his slight clumsiness he really was a good kisser. I took his dick and started stroking it slowly as we continued to make out. He leaked some more precum out onto my jeans.

"Guess you'll have to take those off now," he said with a smile. I ended up shedding all of my clothes. "Lucas look at how sexy you are," he kissed the top of my shoulder.

"Seriously?" I was a little surprised. It wasn't until this point that I really understood attraction was relative. Well maybe there are some extremes which will always be attractive. But really beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Once I had gotten harder than I could remember being in a while I decided it was time Noah learned what part of being gay was about. He was already close to edging on his orgasm after I was fondling him for a while.

"Think you're ready?" I looked into his eyes and asked as kindly as I could.

"Yeah for sure. Please do it Lucas," Noah practically scampered over to the bed. It was funny to see that once he had gotten there he wasn't sure what to do next.

I had to instruct him on a few things before we got down to it. We started off having him lie on his back. His athleticism led me to believe that he could handle any position I could think up. I positioned myself between his legs which he had held up in the air and he grabbed his ankles. There was no turning back now for either of us.

Noah's ass was really tight. Obviously I had never taken anyone's virginity before and didn't know what to expect. Even with the lube it still felt rough going in. Noah shrieked two or three times and we had to take everything very slowly before I could get myself all the way inside of him. When I was fully enveloped I held myself there for a few moments to allow Noah to adjust. I could feel his muscles contracting and relaxing quickly to accommodate this new feeling. Then I started withdrawing and he let out a moan which startled me.

"Oh wow, just that feeling. Lucas do it to me," his eyes pleaded with me.

This surprised me since I remember my first time hurting me more than it seemed to be hurting Noah. But I didn't let that stop me from kicking it up a notch. Slowly I began to fuck him and he seemed to be enjoying it. As I rode him and picked up the pace a little I went to stroking him off. I figured while I was at it I could try to get him to give himself a facial. All of this really got Noah going and his moaning was almost constant. Admittedly this all felt great for me too.

As anticipated, he shot off first. I followed quickly after once I saw his face splattered by his own cum. The force with which his monster cock fired off was unlike anything I had ever seen. When I finally withdrew from him I could see he winced in pain at the empty feeling.

"You get used to it," I said as I got up from the bed to find something to clean up with.

"I sure hope so. That was just great Lucas, but I hope I can see you again sometime," I had already gotten his number earlier that night and assured him I would text him.

I watched at Noah slipped back into his underwear, a pair of emerald briefs, and jeans and head out the door. At three that morning I finally fell asleep. I hoped that Noah didn't think we were an item or something now, but I couldn't help but feel he was becoming attached. This must be one of the effects of taking someone's virginity. Maybe I had experienced the same thing with Cole. For Noah's sake I hoped he wasn't building me up to be something I wasn't.

Next: Chapter 19

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