
By Lucas Brimstone

Published on Aug 14, 2013


DISCLAIMER: This story is based in truth. Some events/persons have been altered for the purpose of the story. There may be scenes of unsafe practices which are not endorsed by this author. All other usual warnings and precautions should be considered here. Feel free to write with any comments, corrections, etc. Think of this as a Gedankenexperiment. And remember to donate to Nifty to support all of these great stories.

Just because something has been practiced one way for a long time doesn't make it right. Innovation comes from approaching a subject from a different angle. Love can't be labeled as looking one way. There are no rules or standards for dating. If love came with a manual there would be no heartbreaks. But that isn't how things work.

Cole and I headed into the city on a cold November morning. He said we should go to central park and then Time Square. I had never been before so I didn't disagree. The metro north train was pretty empty. I looked over the train ticket to try to decipher the numbers used. The price and date were easy enough to figure out, but then there was something about zones too. Once we stepped off the train, everything was in constant motion. No one stopped for anything. It would have taken a solid brick wall to stop these people.

"Is everyone in a hurry?" I asked once we embarked out onto the sidewalk.

"People just walk with determination here. We have to walk determinedly to catch a subway," Cole took my hand and led us to another subway station.

I never thought public transport could be so intimidating. Everyone seemed impatient and they all knew how to work the Metro Card machine. Cole had to help me as we rushed to catch the train down to the lower west corner of central park. Our subway was crowded and warm but in a dirty sort of way. I figured all subways were like this.

Central park was an anomaly. Two minutes ago I was nervously bustling through an underground sauna of filth, and now I was in a calm park. The whole atmosphere just shifted suddenly. All of the trees and paths proved a stark contrast to the skyscrapers and grids of streets.

"This place is amazing," I studied my surroundings intently.

"Yeah, a park in the middle of a city. There's a lot in Manhattan that's amazing," Cole replied.

"Like you," I smiled at him.

"You're quick with the compliments," he leaned in and kissed me slower than I would have liked. I was a little nervous to be kissing in public. "Don't worry, people here will tolerate anything, not like some of the other places in this country."

"Right. It's just still new to me, I guess," I looked at Cole and couldn't help but think of how much I loved him.

What we had was love. It didn't look like love to everyone, but it was. I knew it. The feeling was knowing someone and having them know you; sharing vulnerabilities. We explored the human experience together, and dedicated ourselves to each other without forsaking our individuality. I wouldn't want anything less.

I also couldn't help but think of how good Cole looked. He looked smart in his black pea coat and dark jeans. In the colder months his facial hair was growing out more than usual and I was starting to enjoy it. To me he just looked sexy and adorable all at once. I wanted to hold him and then fuck him. Especially now, we hadn't had sex in a few days. At first I thought sex would just be something we did, but really it's a big deal. I didn't only like how it felt, I also liked the bond it established.

"What do you want to do?" Cole asked as we passed someone asleep on a bench.

"I don't know, you're the expert here," I didn't know what to do in the city, there was so much to do.

"Let's go down to Time Square, you'll hate it," he said and smiled.

I did hate it. There were so many people and nearly all of them were tourists. The streets were flooded with cars and pedestrians. People sauntered down the sidewalk as if out for a stroll. All of the shops were ridiculous traps for unsuspecting newcomers. Cole and I stood in front of the bleacher seats near the center.

"You were right, I hate this," the unending swarm of people enveloped us.

"Told ya. Let's go get lunch," he took my hand and led me away.

We ate at what he claimed was a very popular hamburger place in the area. Admittedly the food was good.

"What'd you think of the city?" he asked while finishing off his fries.

"It changes quickly. I would like it more if it weren't for all of these people. None of them think they're in a city, they just wander around like they own the place. But the park was great," I replied.

"I love you," he looked at me and smiled.

"I love you too," I couldn't help but smile.

"What does love mean to you?" I asked as we left the establishment.

"That's a tough question. I guess to me it means being with someone I can trust and understand, but also laugh with and puzzle over. I need a companion but more. There's just something inside that moves me," Cole developed his thoughts as he pondered aloud.

"Is it always between two people?" I wanted to see what Cole felt on the matter.

"I guess it always starts that way. Is this about Austin?" Cole replied.

"Somewhat. I just wondered if what they all had was love or if they were just in it for the hollow pleasure," I stated.

"I'm not sure. It could be either with Austin I guess. I'd imagine Johnny breaks his ass in pretty good. They might love each other," Cole was confident in his response.

"I suppose they could. What say we go back now," I proposed.

"What's the rush?" Cole asked.

"I'd like to fuck you," I said, trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness of my own response. Cole's face reddened slightly at the reply. I knew he was a little embarrassed, but I knew he wanted it.

"Sure let's go," and we left.

It was a surprise to arrive at Austin's house and find it empty. I thought for sure he would be slammed up against some wall impaled on Johnny's large cock. Honestly I was relieved we were alone. Cole and I shed our coats and shoes at the front entrance. We talked about whatever mindless activity we saw on the train. As I began making some statement about the human experience he leaned in and kissed me.

"I almost forgot what you taste like," he half-whispered.

"Glad I could help you remember," I kissed him again.

I managed to get his sweatshirt off before we moved into the bedroom. He laughed and ruffled my hair as the door closed behind us. I held his bare abdomen as I kissed his neck and ear.

"Lucas, don't cum inside me, I want to eat your cum. Then I want to cum on you and lick it off," Cole declared.

"You're in an interesting mood."

"It's called horny as fuck."

I wasn't going to deny his request. My only desire was to be in his ass. For some reason even though I found Cole adorable and sexy with his clothes on, it was hot to see him getting fucked. To watch his face as he writhed in ecstasy and pain. Seeing him reduced to a physical vessel made to pleasure another being. It made me almost want to think of him as my object, to rob him of an identity.

His khakis were removed quickly. Cole must have thought it unfair that I was still dressed so he removed my shirt and went to take my pants off. I could sense he wanted to blow me for a bit but I wasn't going to chance busting too soon.

"Hey stud that's for your ass only," I said as he went to strip my underwear.

My dick was hard and starting to ache. Seeing him in just his underwear always did that to me. So I simply removed his underwear. It was abundantly clear that his dick was hard and aching too. I wanted to stroke it or suck it, but I resisted. Cole went and lay on the bed. I insisted he get on his hands and knees for this, and he complied. I got three of my fingers wet and began working his butt open.

Cole moaned at my intrusion. As I managed to get my fingers slightly deeper he began pushing back. His precum leaked onto the bed. My own cock let one bead drip down onto his back. I withdrew my fingers and he protested meekly, so I told him I would give him a real reason to moan. Then I thrust myself inside him and sure enough he shouted. Feeling him wrapped around me was always one of the best sensations. He was so tight and wet. I couldn't help but pump myself mercilessly in his ass. Cole asked if he could flip over and I allowed it. Now I slowed down a little and went to chew on his nipples. He was in such pleasure that I thought he would ejaculate all over himself and my chin. As I felt myself near a climax I withdrew from him and positioned in front of his mouth. He opened up as I fired off my load. The hunger in his eyes was unlike anything I had seen before in him. Once he had finished licking up the final remnants, he pushed me onto my stomach.

I could hear Cole stroking himself off. Then I felt his semen hit me back, and then his tongue lapping it up greedily. I lay in a post orgasm bliss and thought nothing of what he was doing. Soon he collapsed next to me.

"Eat enough?" I asked.

"Yeah it was great, thanks for that," he replied.

"I suppose I'll miss you when you're gone," I said after a few moments of silence.

"I suppose I'll miss you too," he replied with a smile.

We did miss each other. More than a simple email could convey, or at least I felt that way. I gained a lot about Cole's perspective when I read his emails. My understanding began to truly take shape when he talked about sex, or philosophy, or cuisine. We knew each other without seeing each other. But all I ever wanted was to see him.

That next semester was another sundering one. I learned important values from seven guys I encountered. I called six of them my friend. Five of them had sex with me. Dating happened with four of them. I called three of them my boyfriend. Two of them I was in love with, but I only ended that semester with one.

Next: Chapter 18

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