
By Lucas Brimstone

Published on Jun 22, 2013


DISCLAIMER: This story is based in truth. Some events/persons have been altered for the purpose of the story. There may be scenes of unsafe practices which are not endorsed by this author. All other usual warnings and precautions should be considered here. Feel free to write with any comments, corrections, etc. Think of this as a Gedankenexperiment. And remember to donate to Nifty to support all of these great stories.

Knowing someone means understanding how they were raised. Freud may have been onto something when he discussed the importance of childhood in psychological development. Of course, I did not have a desire to have sex with my mother. If you can gain an understanding of where a person has been, then you are more likely to be able to know where they are going. It's almost like calculating the probability of one event given another has occurred.

"Where are you from exactly?" I had never really asked Cole where he was raised.

We lay next to each other on my floor, listening to Contra by Vampire weekend. It had only been an hour since we exchanged blowjobs. Cole was wearing just his underwear and jeans. I was a little colder so I was also wearing my shirt along with my pants. His body radiated heat like uranium rods undergoing the process of fission. One of my fingers wandered aimlessly across his chest.

"Haven't I told you?" I shrugged, "I'm from Harrison. It's this suburb thing above the city. Nice enough, I guess."

"By city you mean Manhattan, right?" I was not familiar with whatever the colloquial terms were.

"Yeah, everyone refers to it as that. Only tourists and upstate people say New York City or Manhattan. Also if you live in a borough you do not live in Manhattan. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," Cole set the record straight.

"Can we go see the city? I've never been," I asked.

"You've never been? Then we gotta go. It's only right," Cole looked at me.

"Well in that case then we have to go," I said and kissed his shoulder lightly.

"Speaking of going, I should probably head out soon. It's almost ten," Cole sat up.

"When do you have class tomorrow?" I asked. I wanted Cole to stay over. I couldn't explain why, I just did. Having to lay next to him for an hour and not sleep with him felt wrong.

"I have class at ten tomorrow. Why'd you ask?" Cole could sense some ulterior motive.

"I wanted you to stay with me tonight," I stated shyly. It was stupid to be slightly embarrassed around my own boyfriend. But this was unfamiliar territory for me. I had never asked anyone, guy or female, to stay the night at my place. Everything always seems much simpler than it actually is. I was beginning to learn that you couldn't formulate opinions on most things without having experienced them first. Relationships are weird and rewarding.

"Of course. But I suggest we stay at my place, the bed's bigger," Cole certainly had the right of it.

I agreed that his place would be better. After packing a bag for class and a change of clothes, we headed over to his apartment. My exit was unquestioned since Kyle and Lex were in their rooms. Upon arriving I said hello to Fish who was doing homework at the kitchen table. Swimming was a very time consuming commitment, but he enjoyed it all the same. After chatting a few minutes more I retired to Cole's room. He was doing something in the bathroom, so I just lay face down on his bed.

Cole jumped playfully on top of me and kissed my ear. He had me pinned down and I could not turn over.

"I love you Lucas," he said smoothly in my ear.

"I love you too," I said to the pillow my face was buried in.

"Do you think we have time for some fun before bed?" he asked.

"Definitely," I replied and he moved off my body.

"OK but only one orgasm tonight, I've got class in the morning," Cole said jokingly, but I knew I should restrain myself a little. He unbuttoned his jeans and I stopped his hands before he could remove his pants.

"That's my job," I said before slowly sliding his jeans off of his toned legs. Somehow I had forgotten how sexy I found Cole. Running my hands over his ass and thighs helped me to remember.

"Unh, Lucas I need you inside me tonight," Cole was enjoying having my hands move over his butt and up his shirt.

"I will oblige that request," I replied as I peeled his shirt up over his head.

Once Cole was down to his boxers he started removing my clothes as well. Within a handful of minutes we were both naked and hard. I absently rubbed Cole's stiff cock as we kissed passionately.

"I want it standing up," Cole said, his breathing was shallow and I could tell that he might cum at the mere thought of sex.

We moved over to the foot of the bed. I took out the lube from the dresser behind me and applied some to Cole's ass and my own dick. My fingers explored his insides briefly. I had to appreciate how perfectly formed his behind was. Soon enough I found it too difficult to resist being inside of him. My hands were placed on his hips and he braced the bed frame. The back of his arched form was sublime. I moved one had to his front to rub his chest and abdomen.

I entered him slowly. Every inch of me that passed into him only increased the pleasure for both of us even more. When I finally was all the way in, Cole let out an exquisite moan. Now our rhythm began. At first I moved in and out of him at a reasonable pace. We both started to glisten with sweat. The feeling surrounding my dick was incredible. To be fully enveloped in the warm damp muscle of your lover was truly amazing. Our pace increased. My hand now braced his cock and he thrust his body with a lusty vigor. I was pounding his ass. Our flesh smacked together and our breathing quickened.

Cole could not contain himself. He moaned at every movement. I was determined to have him release first. I sped up the pace of my hand and he thrust himself even harder. My senses were numb except for my sense of touch. I couldn't even imagine what Cole was experiencing. I could only fantasize about his masculine form stealing away my virginity.

I came first. The thought of Cole fucking me was too much. I swallowed deeply and then let out a short groan. My testicles emptied into his ass. He must have found this quite arousing because he started shooting a few moments later. Our orgasms overlapped briefly. His load was much more impressive in my opinion. Eleven thick jolts of semen accompanied by various expletives and moans.

Friday could not arrive soon enough.

Unfortunately it was Monday when I woke up the next morning. We had gone to sleep at a reasonable hour, and now it was 8:30, time to wake up. Cole was still sleeping next to me. I gently kissed his lips to wake him.

"Good morning," he said sleepily without opening his eyes.

"I'm going to go shower and then make some breakfast. It's 8:30," I said softly.

"That means I get to sleep another hour," Cole rolled over and presumably went back to sleep.

I moved off the bed and gathered my things. Since I was only in my underwear, I decided it would be a good idea to put on my jeans. Walking across the living area I noticed that Fish was awake and studying out of a textbook. He didn't seem to notice that I was walking past.

After showering I went to see what Cole had in the fridge to make for breakfast. The decision was to ultimately make eggs and bacon. It was simple enough and would leave time to get to class without running. Fish came and sat in the kitchen while I cooked.

"Cole says you're going to Harrison soon," Fish stated.

"Yeah, sometime in November I think. We might go to Manhattan too," my back was to the rest of the kitchen

"That's cool. It's good that he really likes you. For a while I didn't know what might happen to him," for some reason these conversations always turned awkward. I suspected that Fish's overprotective nature was rooted in something else. Sure, it was nice that he and Cole were good friends, but it was weird how Fish always talked about my relationship with Cole.

"So, what about your life?" I asked, granted the question was extremely general.

"What about my life?" Fish retorted.

"Is there someone you really like?" I turned around to see Fish when he answered. At that exact moment, Cole came out of his room in a pair of sweatpants and a navy blue t-shirt. He was wearing his glasses which I hadn't seen him in for a while.

"What's cooking?" he asked as he took a seat at the table. I decided not to pursue Fish further in my questioning at this point; he had gotten up to leave for class anyway.

"Breakfast. Bacon and eggs," I had actually just finished the eggs and the bacon was nearly done.

"Sounds great. I'm going to go shower quick," Cole shuffled off to the bathroom.

I anticipated another ambush from Fish about my relationship. Luckily, it didn't happen. Cole emerged from the bathroom just as the bacon finished cooking. He was only in a towel now as he made his way across the apartment to his room. The slight glisten from the small beads of water running down his torso made my heart beat faster. I felt childish for getting excited at the sight of my shirtless boyfriend. Then again he was pretty attractive.

Breakfast went well, to a point. We ate as normal; Cole with his usual enthusiasm and I ate at my own pace. Fish's constant questioning wouldn't leave my mind. Why was he so obsessed with my relationship with Cole? I understood that they were close, but something bothered me.

"Why does Fish always talk about how much you like me?" I asked, Cole seemed like he was trying to hide the fact that he was a little shocked by the question.

"I don't know," Cole continued eating.

"Cole, you have to tell me," I feared that maybe the worst might be happening. Maybe Cole was more than just friends with Fish. I couldn't believe that Cole would betray me like that. It seemed like forever before he finally answered.

Cole set down his fork and looked at me: "Fish used to like me. Maybe he still does. But I've never done anything with him. Believe me Lucas. Nothing."

"I believe you, but I still have my doubts. How do I know nothing will ever happen?" I was so unsure of our whole relationship.

"Trust me I guess," Cole went back to eating breakfast.

Trusting someone so much was new to me. I've trusted someone to pick me up from the mall before, or finish part of a project on time. Never have I had to trust someone to not become involved with someone else. It wasn't that I didn't think Cole could control himself, it was that we had only been dating for barely two months. Doubt could be so powerful for being so small.

Next: Chapter 15

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