
By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Feb 11, 2002


I want to thank all the people who have been writing to me about this story. This is my first story in the third person, and the feedback has been greatly appreciated. I do apologize for the length of time between installments, but life does take precedence over writing, I'm afraid.

Alsuin looked over to Neriam and said, "Stay here. I'll send Nell up for you after I've had a few moments with my Master.

Neriam nodded, and sighed in relief as his friend left the suite alone. He hadn't felt so afraid in a long time, and wondered why. He strode over to the window to see a large black coach with ornate gold and silver gilding along the ledges and corners. The coat of arms on the side of the door bore a rapier point-down surrounded by a laurel crown. Four large, black stallions stood at the halter, each one sleek and proud. Neriam didn't know a lot about horses, but these seemed some of the finest he'd ever seen. Their backs were straight and strong and their necks arched finely. Two men in livery-unrelieved black with silver-lined tunics and rapiers-stood by the door.

After a few moments, Nell knocked quietly on Neriam's door. "Young Master," she inquired. He turned. "The Master and Young Master Alsuin are waiting for you in the main library. If you'll come with me?"

Looking down at his barely-clad body nervously, Neriam nodded. As he followed Nell down the main stairway, he used his training in the monastery to summon all the calm he could to stop his body from shaking. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath once they reached to the closed door to the main library. The wood was carved with a relief of a knight in full plate resting his hands on the pommel of a large sword point down in front of him.

Nell looked at the boy and waited for him to open his eyes before knocking once and opening the door. As she ushered him inside, Nell gave him a quick rub on his shoulder to reassure him.

Inside, the room was filled floor to ceiling with wooden bookshelves crammed with wood- and leather-bound books. Standing in the center of the room, Alsuin seemed almost to glow an emerald green, his silver hair shining as he shook his head emphatically. Before him stood a tall, well-built man. He wore a bright red tunic and hose cut in a military style with gold epaulettes and some thread-of-gold embroidery on the sleeves. His iron-gray hair and goatee gave his face a hardness as though stone, but his eyes glowed with hidden relief and pleasure as he looked at Alsuin. They both had turned at the sound of Neriam's arrival and Alsuin held out a welcoming hand. Neriam joined him at his left shoulder and together they faced Elmar Dulany, Captain of the former Prince's Company of Reardon. Elmar looked at Neriam for a moment and he smiled appreciatively. "Well chosen, Alsuin. But isn't he young to be your courtier?" He laughed at the look of confusion on their faces. "Oh come now, Alsuin. I'm not a fool. I know why you had him dressed this way. And I won't deny that your choice has hit a nerve. This boy could be accepted into any of the noble Houses of the realm, and you brought him here to me. But still, I do not have need of another apprentice."

"Sir," Alsuin countered quickly, "this is not a new apprentice. May I introduce Neriam, acolyte of the Monastery of Araman in southern Melkor. He's the one who rescued me from my kidnappers and helped me to safely arrive here."

"Really?" Elmar raised an inquiring eyebrow at Neriam. "Would you mind informing me as to exactly how one such as you did that? Though you are young, I won't deny you are quite handsome. If you sold your services for his release, I will recompense you. But-"

Neriam blushed and Alsuin cut him off. "Master Elmar, I don't think you heard me. He is an acolyte of Araman, the lord of battle."

Elmar hummed momentarily. "Come with me. You will give me a demonstration of your skills, then." He turned and walked out of the library at a brisk, military stride.

The two boys looked at each other. Alsuin moved his hands slightly in a fake mystical gesture and shook his head. Neriam nodded and shrugged helplessly.

Elmar moved out to the training ground and gestured for the two guardsmen by his carriage to join him. As the boys joined him he said, "Alsuin has told me what odds you overcame, Neriam. Prove it. Jochaim and Jeremi are my two best guards. Face them to a standstill, and I'll actually believe him. Unfortunately," he added wryly, "I have to do this. I've taught the boy too well to know when he's telling the truth."

Neriam shrugged. "If you like, but I'm not exactly dressed for fighting." "Nonsense. Those clothes aren't hampering you. Remove them if you like, but I have no uniform to fit you." He exchanged a conspiratorial grin with Alsuin as Neriam struggled with his options-or lack thereof.

Neriam stepped back into a defensive stance. Both guards approached warily, recognizing his familiarity with fighting. Elmar nodded approvingly as the guardsmen attacked simultaneously from flanking positions. Jochaim thrust out with a quick punch as Jeremi launched a kick at Neriam's midsection. Neriam spun, knocking the kick aside with his forearm and launching out with a spin kick that slammed into the side of Jochaim's head. The guard spun and dropped to the ground as Neriam followed through with a punch to Jeremi's chest. Jeremi blocked with the side of his arm and quickly counterattacked with rapid-fire punches. Neriam dodged the first two, blocked the third with his arm, and quickly snagged the wrist of the fourth punch. He stepped sideways and placed his palm against Jeremi's now-straightened elbow, threatening to break it. Jeremi tried to bring his other fist across and Neriam stuck his foot behind Jeremi's knee, dropping him down to his back. As he rose, he noticed Jochaim had drawn his rapier and was advancing.

Spitting blood, the guard thrust viciously with his weapon. Neriam sidestepped the lunge and stepped in, trying to minimize the effectiveness of the weapon. As Jochaim raised his arm to deliver a downward cut, Neriam stepped in with a cross block, grabbed his wrist and twisted, forcing the arm to twist and straighten, making the surprised guard double over to avoid dislocating his own arm. Neriam grabbed the rapier from his nerveless fingers and slammed the hilt into his back as he brought his knee up into the belly of the guard at the same time. Gasping, Jochaim dropped to the ground and did not rise. Neriam whirled the rapier around in his hand with only the slightest hint of unfamiliarity, and placed the point at the neck of Jeremi. He looked up to see Elmar's approving smile.

"Well done. Well done. You are a very skilled fighter. It seems Alsuin was telling me the truth. Sorry about this, but after you're here for a little longer, you'll understand. Welcome to Reardon."

Alsuin whooped loudly and Neriam helped the two groaning guards to their feet.

They nodded at him, neither betraying his feelings at being beaten by a boy less than half their age.

Placing an arm companionably around Neriam's shoulders, Elmar led him into the house. "You see, my boy, this whole kingdom is filled with the best: the most beautiful, the most skilled warriors, the shrewdest traders. Being the best means that we have no one to compete with save ourselves."

Neriam nodded, somewhat understanding. "So, despite the façade of beauty, the entire realm is ripe with politics, plotting and intrigue." Alsuin smiled.

"Now," Elmar continued, "I've never played by those rules, and so consequently have friends all over the place; from the meanest salon to the palace itself." He smiled conspiratorially. "For saving Alsuin and returning him to me, you have my unending thanks and any reward you desire. For proving your worth in combat, I'm willing to offer you more. If you like, you are welcome to join my employment."


"Would you like to be my next apprentice?"

"What does that mean," Neriam wanted to know.

"Well, it means that you'll do a lot of what Alsuin is doing. I'll be training you towards my purposes. I assure you, they aren't evil ones," he added, seeing Neriam's discomfort.

"Does that mean that I'd, dedicated to Amarah?"

Elmar gave him a cocky grin. "Do you want to be?"

"I'm not sure. I don't think so."

"Then you don't have to be."

"Can I think it over?"

"Of course. But for tonight, we'll have a party to celebrate Alsuin's return," Elmar exclaimed. "You both prepare. Alsuin, stick close to our young friend; don't let any of the wrong people too close to him tonight." Alsuin nodded amiably. "Come on, Neriam. You're gonna love this!" Taking his hand, he led his friend back upstairs.

I apologize for how short this installation is, but from here on, I have a new staging point for the story, so this seemed a decent break.

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