Neil and Rocky


Published on Jan 28, 2020


by H.T. Bruhaus email: January 27, 2020

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Neil and Rocky: Chapter 7

New Year

Neil and I get to the cafeteria a little early. We have to wait outside in the cold for a few minutes before it opens. We stand in the sun squinting and smiling.

My cock is tingling and my body still feels like it is floating from just having fucked Neil in his beautiful tight ass. I am no longer a virgin. I am super happy. I cannot stop smiling. Neil seems unable to keep from smiling too.

Allen and Suzy show up. They are holding hands. Allen says, "What are you guys smiling about? "

Neil says, "The same thing you two are smiling about. "

Everybody laughs.

The cafeteria opens and we go inside. We get food and sit together. We make small talk. Then Julie and Pauly show up with trays of food.

Julie says, "May we join you? "

"Sure. "

They sit down. Julie looks around at everybody at the table. "What's going on? Something's different. " She looks at me and Neil. She looks at Allen and Suzy. She gets a knowing grin on her face. "You all got lucky last night, didn't you? "

Suzy puts her arm around Allen and kisses him. Then she turns to Julie. "Finally. I've been trying to get this guy in bed all semester. I was beginning to think he was gay. "

Allen spontaneously spits out some milk he was drinking. It sprays across the table.

We laugh.

Allen says, "I was gay until you turned me last night, you evil wench. Now I've sworn off cock forever. "

We all laugh again.

Suzy says, "Babe, you don't have to give up cock just for me. You can blow any man you want, just as long as I get to watch. "

"Ahh babe, that's so sweet of you. " Allen gives Suzy a kiss on the cheek and looks around the table. "Okay boys, my room tonight. Form a line. No pushing. "

These two are hilarious together. They really make a cute couple. I know Allen is just kidding, but I can't keep myself from visualizing him on his knees, sucking Neil's cock with me and Pauly in line, our dicks in our hands, waiting for our turn. My dick starts to move in my jeans. I casually drop my hand on my lap under the table and touch my cock through my pants.

That's nice.

Then Neil gives me a sloppy kiss on the lips and says, "Rocky has turned me too. " He looks me directly in the eyes. "Will you let me fuck a vagina occasionally? "

I pretend to think about it. "Well... " I'm trying to come up with a clever answer.

Neil continues, "Just for old times sake. "

"Sure, why not, as long as I DON'T have to watch. "

Everybody laughs some more.

I only said I didn't want to watch Neil fuck a vagina for the laugh, but actually, I really would love to watch Neil fuck a woman. I suddenly find myself visualizing Neil's beautiful ass pumping up and down and his balls tight against his body and his hard cock sliding in and out of a female vagina.

My hand is still on my lap and I give my cock a gentle squeeze. "Mmmmm. "

"Are you alright? "

I put my hand on the table in full view of everybody. "Yes. "

We continue to talk and eat. The conversation is fun and lively. Even after we finish eating, we still sit at the table and just talk. Then the subject comes around to favorite Christmas movies. Everybody has their personal favorite. I find myself changing my mind every time someone mentions a different movie.

Neil says, "Rocky, you can only have one favorite. "

Julie says, "Just pick one, Guy. "

Allen says, "Your all time number one favorite. What is it? "

I look around the table. Everyone's waiting for an answer. It's impossible for me to pick. Then a movie suddenly comes to mind. One that nobody else has thought of and I have to admit, might really be my all time favorite Christmas movie. "Home Alone. "

The entire table is impressed with my choice and everybody immediately changes their mind. It's unanimous. Home Alone is the winner.

Suzy says, "We have that DVD in the library. Why don't I go check it out and we can watch it in the common area tonight. "

"Fuck yeah, Suzy. " I may be just a little over excited. Everybody else thinks it's a good idea too.

Then Suzy stands and holds a fist in front of her like it was a microphone. She says in a TV reporter's voice, "Tonight at seven-thirty, in the common area of RBG dorm, a screening of Home Alone. Released in 1990. Written by John Hughes. Directed by Chris Columbus and staring: Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. "

I was impressed with Suzy, until I realized she was reading from her phone. Still, I like her, she's a bit of a nerd, but with some non-nerdy qualities. Just like me.

We all get up, clear the table and go outside.

The sun has set. It is twilight now. We walk along the path in couples, holding hands. It is getting difficult to see the pavement. Then the wind picks up and blows snow across the quad. At the same time, all of the lights along the path come on.

Little tiny snow crystals sparkle in the light as the wind carries it around us.

It's very beautiful. I get goose bumps on my arms and neck. Everybody says "Ahhh. " at the same time, like we were at a fireworks show.

I look at Neil and we kiss.

When we get back to the dorm, Suzy says, "Let's invite the residents who are still here to watch the movie with us. "

It's a good idea. Everybody agrees.

Suzy continues, "I know a few people who didn't go home for the break. If any of you know anybody still here, make sure you invite them. "

"Okay. "

"We'll start the movie at seven-thirty. I'd get here early, I suspect the good seats are going to go quickly. "

Suzy and Allen go back outside. I assume they are headed for the library.

When Neil and I get up to our room, I check a text from my boss. It's my work schedule. I forgot I agreed to work the next two days. "Shit. "

Neil asks, "What's wrong? "

"I have to be at work at six-thirty tomorrow morning. "

"What time do you get off? "

"Three-thirty. "

"Okay, you get off at three-thirty, then we'll get off at four-thirty. "

I laugh. "Sounds good, but what are you going to do all day? " For some reason, I'm worried about Neil. I don't know why, after all, he is an adult and is capable of taking care of himself.

"Maybe I'll go over to Lambda Sigma Gamma. There's this girl over there who's been trying to fuck me for months. "

Neil is joking, of course. Well, probably not about a girl wanting to fuck him, but I'm sure he is joking about going to see her. All semester long he has never been with a girl or even talked about girls other than Lauren. I really don't think he is the type to have casual sex.

Unlike me.

And to tell you the truth, it wouldn't bother me that much if Neil really did fuck a girl while I was working, as long as he was in the mood to do me when I got back. "Okay Neil, have fun. "

Neil looks surprised, then he smiles and gives me a hug. "You know I wouldn't do that. "

"I know. "

Neil's phone rings and we break apart. "It's Lauren. " He goes out into the hall to answer it.

I am alone in the room while Neil is talking to Lauren. Neil's bed is still messed up form our fucking earlier today. I wipe left over lube and cum off of the sheets and put the covers back on. I pick clothes up off of the floor and put them into the closet. I pick up the empty cups from last night's party and put them in our garbage can. Then I close the blinds.

I check the time on my phone.

I grab my toothbrush and the garbage and go out into the hall. Neil is sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. He is intently listening to Lauren on the phone. He barely even notices me.

I head down the hall and toss the garbage into the shoot, then go to the men's room, take a leak and brush my teeth. By the time I get back to our room, Neil is inside and off the phone.

I ask, "How is Lauren? Is she still at Lake Tahoe? " Truthfully, I don't really care how Lauren is doing, but I assume Neil will want to talk about her.

"She's good. I'm going to brush my teeth, then let's go down to the common area and grab a seat before everyone gets there. "

"Okay. " Neil is unusually silent about Lauren. I wonder if everything is alright. He probably just doesn't want to be insensitive to me by talking about her.

We get to the common area a little after seven. I'm surprised at how crowded it is. There has got to be a dozen people here. Maybe more.

Neil and I seem to be extraordinarily lucky, because a prime seat is still unoccupied. It's on the far end of the couch almost directly in front of the sixty inch flat screen T.V.

Neil says, "Grab that spot Rocky, before someone else gets it. "

I sit on the spot, saving it. Neil goes over to Allen and Suzy to talk to them. I happen to notice that my cum stain is still on the cushion and on the inside of the armrest from when I jacked off here last week. Shit. I wonder if that's why nobody was sitting here.

Neil comes back with a bag full of popcorn. I try to hide the cum stain from him.

He hands me the bag. "Allen bought a whole tin of cheese popcorn and also a bunch of pop. What kind do you want? "

"Mountain Dew? "

"Okay, two Mountain Dews coming up. "

Neil comes back with the pop and sits next to me on the couch. We are squeezed together. The room is noisy with a multitude of conversations. Then Suzy stands in front of the TV. Everyone stops talking.

"Thank you all for coming to this very special screening of Home Alone. "

The crowd applauds and cheers. Neil puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly. Someone is yelling, "Wooooo! " I look to where it is coming from and see Julie. Of course. She and Pauly are sharing an oversized armchair.

Suzy continues. "This is an all time classic Christmas movie and happens to be a personal favorite of mine and of numerous people present here tonight. " Suzy looks directly at me.

More cheers.

"I know this is the first time a lot of you have been away from home for the holidays, and I know some of you might feel abandoned by your families, just like Keven McCallister was abandoned by his family, but as long as we have each other and support each other, then we are each others families and we are not alone. "

More cheering. I say, "Fuck yeah! "

"So tonight. In the middle of this fucking cold-ass winter. In the middle of Oregon. In the middle of campus. In the common area of RBG dorm. We present, Home Alone. And just remember, none of us are truly alone as long as we are each others' families. "

Everybody cheers.

I think it's really nice what Suzy said about us being each others' families. I know it's corny, but I kind of like it. She probably could write greeting cards too.

The lights dim and the movie starts.

Neil puts his arm around me and I lean into him.

I was just a kid the last time I saw this movie. It's maybe not as good as I remember, but it's still funny, even if it is absurd. It reminds me of Christmastime back home in Florida and it makes me miss my home and my parents.

I get a little bit sad.

Neil kisses me on the cheek for no apparent reason. It is exactly what I needed at this moment. It is like he has a psychic emotional connection to me. I put my hand on his thigh next to his cock. Then Neil puts his hand on my hand.

We watch the rest of the movie with our hands together. By the time it is over, it's almost nine-thirty. The lights come back on and the room gets noisy as people stand and stretch and talk to each other.

Neil and I chit chat with some of the other students as the common area clears out. Actually, Neil is the one talking and I just mostly listen. I really don't know any of these people. Neil seems to be friends with all of them.

Then we help Allen and Suzy clean up. Pauly and Julie are there helping too.

We ride the elevator together. Julie and Pauly get off on the second floor and Allen and Suzy get off on the fifth floor. Allen must be staying with Suzy in her room.

I have to wonder what is going to happen when the new semester starts next week and their actual roommates return. The floors in this dorm are not coed, they are either all male or all female.

At least Neil and I wont have that problem.

The elevator lets us off on the eighth floor and we return to our room. It is almost 10pm. I would be happy if Neil and I were to have some more sex right now, but I have to get up early for work tomorrow. I probably should try to get some sleep.

Neil looks at me. "Are you ready to go to bed? "

"Yeah. "

We go to the men's room to get ready for bed and return to our room. We strip down naked.

Neil asks, "Should we dare crack open the window? It's too warm in here to sleep. "

"Why not? I doubt we're going to loose power tonight and besides, we can keep each other warm with our hot naked body parts if the power goes off. "

Neil laughs. He cracks open the window, then gets into bed. I get in next to him. I set the alarm on my phone and put it on the nightstand. I turn off the light. The room gets dark.

I am right on the edge of the bed. I push up next to Neil. He says, "Let me hold you. "

I turn on my side and Neil spoons me. I can feel his cock against my butt. I know at some point, Neil is going to fuck me. I really want him to do it, but I also don't want him to do it. I am scared and worried that it's going to hurt. I think I would be okay if my asshole remained a virgin for the rest of my life and I just always fucked Neil.

I drift off to sleep as I wonder how I can tell Neil I don't want to bottom for him.

I wake up to a loud bang and the whole side of my body is in pain. It takes me a moment to realize I am on the floor. I must have fallen out of bed.

I stand and turn on the light. Neil is fast asleep and his entire 180 pound frame is spread across our little bed.

I try to get back in, but there is no room. I push on Neil. He is not budging. "Neil, wake up. " I shake him. Nothing. "Shit. " I'm too tired right now to deal with this, so I turn off the light and climb into my own bed, all alone, and fall back to sleep.

I wake to the sound of my alarm. I feel around on the nightstand for my phone. It's not there. I turn on the light. Neil is awake. He has my phone in his hand. He shuts off the alarm and looks at me. "What are you doing over there? "

"I fell on the floor and couldn't get you to move. "

"Shit, sorry Rocky. " He lifts back the covers of his bed and makes room for me. "Come on in. " He has morning wood.

I also have morning wood. I get in bed with Neil. We kiss.

I say, "I have to get ready for work. We can't do this now. "

"I know. When you come back this afternoon, I am going to fuck you so good. " Neil puts his hand between my legs and under my balls and rubs his fingers across my hole.

It feels good and I moan. Maybe Neil fucking me will be okay. Hopefully.

We kiss again and I jump out of bed. The room is a little cold, so I close the window. I leave the light on and go take a quick shower. When I get back, Neil is asleep. I get dressed quietly, give Neil a kiss, turn off the light and head to the cafeteria for work.

While working, I kept expecting to see Neil come in for breakfast, then lunch. He never showed up for either. Maybe he came and went while I was in the back washing dishes, but I doubt it. I have to admit I am a little worried. I can't help wondering if he really did go over to Lambda Sigma Gamma to fuck that girl.

When my shift is over I run back to the dorm. As I am heading down the hallway, I see Allen come out of our room and close the door behind him.

He sees me. I swear he has a guilty look on his face. "Hey Guy. "

"Hey Allen. "

He walks down the hall towards the elevator. When I get to our door I stand there and listen. I don't hear anything.

I open the door quickly. I almost say, "Ah ha! " But I don't.

Neil is standing by the window looking out. He turns and smiles. "What do you think, Rocky? "

At first, I don't understand. Then I look around the room. Our single beds are gone and there is a double bed instead. "You got us our own bed. " I feel like I might cry.

"I put our beds together. See? " He lifts up a brand new floral comforter and shows me the legs of our old beds fastened together with duct tape.

The head of this new combined bed is pushed up against the wall on Neil's side of the room and our nightstands are on either side of the bed.

"That's awesome Neil, but what about the crack? "

"Allen took me to Costco and I bought a four inch memory foam mattress topper along with this comforter and new sheets. " Neil lies on the bed. "There's a ton of room now and it's super comfortable. Try it. "

I walk over to the bed and push on the mattress with my hand. Then I lie down next to Neil. "Oh my fucking god. "

"I told you. " Neil rolls on top of me and gives me a kiss. He starts dry humping me, rubbing his pelvis against mine.

I can tell he is already hard. I get hard too.

Then he puts his lips against my neck. His breathing speeds up. He hoarsely whispers, "I am so ready to fuck your ass. "

I suddenly get scared. I involuntarily clench my butt hole. My erection goes away.

Neil keeps humping.

"Um...about that. "

Neil stops, but stays on top of me. "What? "

"I'm not sure I'm ready yet. "

Neil looks at me but doesn't say anything.

I continue, "Maybe I should fuck you again, I mean, you really seem to like it. "

"You're scared, aren't you? "

I nod.

"Don't worry Rocky. I'll go very slow. I'll take my time. I guaranty you're going to love it. "

"Guaranty? "

"You'll get a full refund. "

I laugh. I love Neil and trust him completely. Still, I'm skeptical. "Okay. "

We get up and take a shower. Neil is hard and he stays hard the whole time we are showering. Of course, I get hard too, but every time I think about having my asshole penetrated by Neil's cock, I lose my erection.

We both douche out our butt holes. I don't think there is anyone staying on our floor during the break, except for Allen, and he is probably down on the fifth floor with Suzy, but when next semester starts and the dorm is back to full capacity, we're probably going to have to douche in a stall. Either that, or we could try anal sex without douching.

I mean, how gross could it be? Right?

We get back to our room. Neil takes off his towel and shows me his hard cock.

I take off my towel. My erection has returned. Maybe this wont be so bad.

Neil grabs my cock and gives it a couple of quick strokes, then I watch as he pulls back the covers of our new double bed.

The sheets are a hot pink with tiny clouds, rainbows and winged unicorns all over. The sheets look like they were designed for little girls.

Neil smiles proudly. "What do you think? "

"Um... "

"When I saw these, I could not resist buying them, they are so cute. Besides, they were on clearance. Seventy percent off. "

Shit. I just realized Neil must have spent a small fortune on all of this. I doubt he can afford it. "How much do I owe you? "

"This is my present to you. Remember, I have an academic scholarship too. I know how little spare cash you have. But I'm also on an athletic scholarship and I have actually managed to save up a nice amount. "

"Thanks Neil, that's super sweet of you. "

"You're welcome. " Neil comes up to me. I think we are going to kiss, but instead he grabs my boner and leads me to the bed with it.

I get on the bed and lie on my back. I am really hard right now. Neil is standing at the foot of the bed naked, looking at me while stroking his cock. He is so fucking beautiful. I can see the side of his ass. It looks amazing. I really want to fuck it again.

Neil says, "Rocky, you are very beautiful. "

I think I am blushing.

Neil continues. "Roll onto your stomach. I want to look at your smoking-hot ass. "

Shit. It's starting. My erection begins to subside as I roll onto my stomach.

"Fuck Rocky. " Neil climbs on top of me and starts thrusting his cock against my ass cheeks. He's got his hands on my shoulders. He puts his tongue in my ear.

I am not enjoying this at all and his tongue feels weird. I roll onto my back and Neil rolls off of me. I say, "I thought you were going to go slow. "

"Sorry. I got caught up in the moment. It's not my fault. Your ass has taken control over me. " Neil smiles.

If there is anybody in the universe who can relate to being controlled by an ass, it's me. Still, it's different when it's my ass on the line. "Please Neil, you promised to go slow. Okay? "

"I'm sorry. " Neil stands and holds his right hand up with his first two fingers together. "I promise I will go slow this time. Scouts honor. "

"So, we're pretending to be horny boy scouts. That works for me. "

Neil laughs. He goes to his closet and gets the lube. "Okay. Let's try this one more time. Get on your hands and knees. "

I comply.

Neil sits next to me on the bed. He grabs my ass with one hand. "Fuck, you're ass is so fucking hot. " Then he pumps a bunch of lube onto my hole and spreads it around.

It feels good. I grab my cock and start stroking it.

Neil says, "Let go of your cock. "

I let go and Neil grabs it in his lubed up hand and slides his fist up and down the shaft. At the same time, he rubs his fingers across my still reluctant asshole. "How's that? "

I turn my head and look at Neil. "I like it. "

"Great, now I'm going to put my finger inside. It's nothing I haven't done before. "

Neil is so sweet. He is being super cautious now. I feel myself relax a bit. Then his finger slowly penetrates my hole while he keeps stroking my cock. It feels really good. "Fuck yeah. " I lean on my forearms, causing my ass to stick up in the air.

Neil says, "That's my boy. "

I close my eyes. I concentrate on the sensation of Neil's finger sliding in and out. I relax some more. This might not be so bad.

Neil continues to slowly finger fuck me and stroke my cock. It seems like a lot of time has passed. "Are you ready for two fingers? "

"I think so. "

"Okay. " Neil pulls his finger all the way out. Then he puts two fingers together and rubs them around the edge of my hole. "Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. "

I start to exhale and his two fingers go inside me. I feel my asshole stretch open. It's not so bad, but it feels kind of weird.

Neil slowly pushes his fingers in. "Are you alright? "

"Uh huh. "

He moves his fingers back and pushes them in again. "You sure? "

"No. " I'm trying to be funny, but Neil is taking me seriously.

He stops.

"Keep going, I'm okay. "

He moves his fingers in and out some more. He keeps stroking my cock.

I let Neil fuck me with his two fingers for a while longer. It really doesn't feel so bad. I suppose I will be able to take his cock. He doesn't seem to be in any rush. I suspect he is waiting for me to tell him when I'm ready. "Okay, I guess it's time for the main event. "

Neil lets go of my cock and pulls his fingers out of my ass. "Get up. "

Neil and I stand and face each other. He looks me in the eyes, wraps his arms around me and we kiss. "I love you Rocky, and I want to thank you for trusting me with your virginity. I promise you're going to like it. "

I kind of have my doubts, but I guess there's only one way to find out. "Okay Neil, you may fuck my ass now. "

He smiles. "Get on your hands and knees right there. " He points to the foot of the bed. "I think you'll be more comfortable if I stand and fuck you doggy style. "

It seems Neil has been thinking about the best way to fuck me. I should be reassured by this, but it kind of makes me even more apprehensive.

I look at Neil's eager cock one last time before I get on my hands and knees at the edge of the bed.

This arrangement has my feet and shins sticking out over the side of the mattress. I turn my head and watch Neil position himself behind me. I feel his cock-head rest against my hole. I involuntarily clench up.

Neil says, "Breathe. "

I inhale deeply, then slowly exhale. His cock starts to penetrate me. It's going inside a little faster than I expected.

Then suddenly I feel a sharp and excruciating pain in my hole. "Fuck! Take it out! Take it out! " I jump off of the bed and run around the room holding my hole with both hands. "FuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuck Fuuuccckk! "

Neil looks mortified. He comes over and tries to comfort me.

I'm not having any of that. I move away from him and sit my poor thrashed ass down on the bed. "Fuck! That really fucking hurt. " I look at Neil like he just murdered my entire family.

Neil sits next to me. "I am so sorry. Are you alright? "

I have calmed down some and my ass doesn't hurt so much now. Poor Neil. He must be feeling awful. Then I notice his cock. He is still hard. He can't be feeling all that bad. I'm a little pissed. "No. I am not alright. "

"It just went in the wrong way. Sometimes it does that. "

"How would you know? "

Neil tentatively places his hands on my shoulders. He starts massaging them.

I'm still pissed, but it feels good. I had lost my erection when Neil stabbed my asshole with his cock, but now I'm starting to get hard again.

Neil notices. "I guess I didn't break anything. "

I laugh. "Thank god. "

"Are you ready to try again? "

"Fuck no. "

Neil looks disappointed. "Rocky, when you fall off the horse, the best thing to do is get right back on. "

I am thinking, "Horse? More like a Schnauzer, " but I don't say anything. After all, I'm a Schnauzer too.

Neil continues to plead with me. "Please let me try again. I really need this. "

"I just can't. Maybe another time. " I'm not angry now, but I'm no longer in the mood to get fucked. "Let me fuck you this time and I'll let you try to fuck me again next time. "

"Shit Rocky. I'm sorry you feel that way. Here's the thing. I really need to fuck. "

I look at Neil like it's not my problem.

He continues. "I also think you really need to be fucked. At least once. You have no idea what you are missing. "

"I think I just got a damn hard lesson of what I'm missing. " Okay, maybe I'm still pissed. I better relax. "Sorry. It's just that I don't like pain. You know? "

"I know. "

"Please Neil, let me fuck you today. I'm sure I'll be ready tomorrow. "

"No. You can't fuck me today. "

Shit. I've never seen this side of Neil before. He has always been very generous and accommodating. I guess he is serious about needing to fuck.

Neil continues. "I'm not going to let you fuck me, until I get to fuck you. "

Wow. I can't believe what I'm hearing. "Are you bribing me? "

"No, no Rocky. I would never bribe you. This is extortion. "

In spite of being upset, I laugh. I give Neil a kiss and come to a decision. "Okay. Okay, fuck it. We'll try again. I can see how much this means to you. " I look at Neil's boner. I grab it by the head and waggle it back and forth.

"That's my Rocky. " Neil kisses me softly on the lips. Then he stands. He strokes his chin like he is trying to solve a complex problem.

I stay seated on the bed and watch him think.

"Alright. What we need to do, is get you really, really in the mood to be fucked. "

"How, for fucks sake, are you going to do that, after you just committed felony assault with your mean-ass boner on my sweet, little, innocent butt hole? "

Neil laughs. "I have an idea. Get in the middle of the bed on your back. "

"Okay. " I am already having my doubts.

"Hold your legs in the air. "

"This doesn't seem like a better idea. "

"Do it. "

I wrap my arms underneath the crook of my knees, holding my legs up. My asshole feels really vulnerable in this position, but for some reason, my dick gets completely hard.

Neil grabs a towel. He wipes off all of the excess lube from my crack. He looks at me. He is ginning from ear to ear. "Get ready. "

I involuntarily clench my butt hole. Again.

Then Neil puts his head down between my legs, sticks his tongue out and licks me from the base of my butt crack, right directly over my hole, up across my taint, onto my balls and up my shaft until he reaches the head of my dick, then he brings his lips down around my cock and all the way to the base of my shaft, deep throating me.

"Fuck! " I let go of my legs and pull on his hair with both hands.

Neil takes his mouth off of my cock. "Hold your legs up. "

I let go of his hair and hold onto my legs again.

Neil starts licking my hole.

Oh my fucking god. It feels amazing. I am just able to reach my cock with one hand in this position. I start stroking it. "Fuck yeah! "

"Close you eyes. "

I close my eyes. This really intensifies the pleasure.

Neil continues to lick my ass. His tongue is wet and hot. I can't believe how amazing it feels on my hole. Then he presses his chin between my butt cheeks and moves his head from side to side. His three days growth of beard scratches the sensitive skin near my anus.

"Fuck. Fuck-fuck-FUCK. " This is good. Neil is really good at giving pleasure. He goes back to licking my hole. I continue to stroke my cock. The feeling is fucking incredible.

Neil keeps on eating me. Every time his hot tongue licks across my asshole, I squirm and gasp. "Fuck that feels so good. " I moan. I continue stroking my cock. I could probably cum right now if I wanted to.

Then he stops.

I open my eyes. "No. Don't fucking stop. "

Neil looks at me and smiles, then his hot tongue returns to my hungry hole.

"Oh, fuck. Fuck me. "

Neil stops again. "Keep your eyes closed. "

I can barley speak. "Okay. " I close my eyes. At this point, if Neil were to ask me to rob a bank, I swear I would not hesitate to do it.

Then he grabs one of my ankles and pushes me backwards, raising my ass in the air. I feel the head of his cock on my startled sphincter. I open my eyes. I have no time to react. His dick goes inside. I grunt. It keeps going. Before I even know what's happening, his cock is all the way up to the base.

"Goddam it, Neil. What the fuck? " I'm surprised and a little pissed. Although, I can't blame Neil, I mean, I did say "Fuck me ", even if I wasn't being literal.

"Too late, Rocky. It's already in. "

Neil's right. I guess his evil plan worked. At least I'm not running around the room in pain. I try to relax. "Fine. Keep going. "

My consent is a bit redundant at this point.

Neil slowly brings his cock back, then he slowly pushes it forward. "Fuck yeah. That's what I'm talking about. " Neil sure is enjoying my hole. He doesn't seem to be all that concerned about me.

I am experiencing some discomfort, but it's not too bad. I stroke my cock. I grunt.

Neil whispers, "Fuck yeah. "

My ass is starting to feel a little better now.

Neil is not looking at me. I'm not even sure he knows I exist. He is watching himself slowly fuck my hole. "Fuck yeah. Fuck that feels so fucking good. " Neil keeps talking while watching himself fuck me. "Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. Goddam. Fuck that's a hot fucking hole. Goddam. Shit. Fuck. Fuck! "

Neil being so turned on by my asshole, really turns me on. I'm starting to get excited. I stroke my cock faster. I moan.

I have to admit, I was wrong and Neil was right. I really needed to be fucked. "I love you. "

Neil doesn't hear me. He's too busy talking to himself about how good fucking me feels.

His keeps slowly sliding his dick in and out of my hole. He is still looking down at himself fucking me. He has one hand on his butt and one hand holding my leg. He is smiling. "Oh fucking goddam shit! "

He is so beautiful.

Neil finally looks up and our eyes meet.

"Fuck me. " I really mean it this time.

"If you insist. "

"I do. "

Now Neil's thrusts become more forceful. Every time he slams into my ass, my whole body shakes and we both grunt together.

He continues to slowly pound my ass. He's still talking about his cock fucking my hole. Then after some time has passed, he tries to roll me over onto my side. His dick comes out. I'm really super disappointed. "Don't stop. " I can't believe I am saying that.

I get onto my side. Neil gets behind me and I grab my top leg and lift it in the air. I have seen this position in porn many times in the past.

Then I feel Neil's cock against my hole. He pushes forward and his cock starts to go back in. He keeps talking. "Oh my fucking god, that's a tight fucking hole. Fuck yeah! "

I take my free hand and use it to stroke my cock.

Neil grabs my leg and helps me hold it in the air. He slowly fucks my hole some more.

I'm really enjoying being fucked. "Fuck that feels good. "

"I fucking love you, Rocky. " Then he speeds up his pumping of my ass.

"I fucking love you, Neil. " His cock is fucking me a lot faster now. It barely hurts at all. It actually feels pretty fucking incredible. I am grateful Neil didn't let me put this off. "I'm getting close. "

Neil lets go of my leg and grabs my hand that's stroking my cock. "Stop jacking. "

Neil obviously doesn't want me to cum yet. I let him hold onto my hand to keep me from stroking my cock. My dick is now totally free, but it moves back and forth with the force of Neil's thrusts and it still feels good.

My leg is getting tired, so I let it fall onto my other leg, then I bend my knees and I bend my waist. I stick my ass out to give Neil easier access to my hole.

I am such a fucking slut.

"That's my boy. Give me your tight ass. Fuck yeah. " I feel Neil's hot breath on my back. I feel his hot cock fucking my hot asshole. I get a tingling sensation up inside my ass. His cock is pushing against my prostate on every forward thrust.

It feels so mother fucking good. "Neil, I think I'm going to cum. "

"Don't cum yet. " It's more of a command than a request.

"Neil, I can't control it. It's going to happen. " I try to grab my cock.

Neil keeps me away from it. He speeds up his thrusts. He stops talking, he just grunts. I realize he is trying to cum before I do. I suspect he's worried that I wont want to be fucked after I cum.

He's probably right.

So I start moving my ass. I synchronize it to his thrusts, pushing into his cock as he pushes into me. My cock is rubbing back and forth across my thighs. It feels fucking awesome. My prostate is taking a beating, but in a good way.

Neil's thrusts become more frantic, then he yells, "Fuck! " and starts discharging his load deep into my ass.

I'm positive I can feel his sperm shoot up inside me. I irrationally want to have his baby right now. I have to have Neil's baby right fucking now.

How crazy is that?

Then my own cock starts cumming. My hands aren't anywhere near it. I spontaneously shoot a hands free load. My prostate is in charge of my body. I am just along for the ride. I shoot my load across Neil's goddam unicorn sheets. I keep on cumming and with each successive spurt more unicorns get drowned under a load of hot sticky jizz.

Neil reaches over my body and grabs my cock. He pumps out the remainder of my load.

I convulse. "Oh my fucking god, Neil " I turn around and face him as his cock slides out of my brand new non-virgin asshole.

Neil rolls on top of me. We kiss. We catch our breath.

Neil's body feels good pressing down on my body. He says, "What do you think? Did you like it? "

"You already know the answer to that. "

"I want to hear you say it. "

"Okay. I liked it when you fucked me. Happy now? "

"Couldn't be happier. " Neil gives me a light kiss on the lips. "Fuck I really needed that. Do you know the last time I actually fucked someone? "

"Let me guess. It was the last time you saw Lauren. So, about four months ago? "

"That's right. "

"Wow. Poor Neil. Hasn't been able to fuck for four months. I mean, yesterday was the first time I got to fuck in almost nineteen years. "

Neil could detect my sarcasm. "Shut up, asshole. " Then he not so lightly pinches my nipple.

I laugh and pinch his nipple back a lot harder.

"Ouch. "

"That's for stabbing my asshole the wrong way. Now we're even. "

"Totally worth it. " Neil kisses me.

"Definitely worth it. " I kiss Neil.

Then he rolls off of me. "What time is it? "

I check my phone. "Shit. It's ten after five. "

"Are you hungry? "

"I'm fucking famished, but we need to hurry up, the cafeteria closes in less than an hour. "

"Nope. I made reservations at a fancy restaurant for seven o'clock. It's in honor of your asshole losing it's virginity. "

"You sure were confident I would let you fuck me. What if it didn't happen? "

"Never crossed my mind. I knew it was a slam dunk. "

I laugh.

We get up and go take a long hot shower. We wash off the sweat and the lube and the spit and the cum, then go back to our room all fresh and clean and get ready for dinner.

"Neil says, "Wear your nicest clothes. I want this to be a proper date. "

I look into my closet. I am skeptical I have any nice clothes.

Neil puts on a pair of boxers, then pulls out an ironing board from the back of his closet. He plugs in an iron.

I put on my briefs and just stand there. Neil comes over and stands next to me. Then he starts going through my clothes.

Neil says, "What's this? " He finds a white button-down shirt on a hanger underneath an old sweatshirt. He takes it off of the hanger and holds it in front of him. "This will work nicely. "

"I forgot I had that shirt. "

"Do you have any dress pants? "

"Um, yeah I think I do. " I reach up to the top shelf and start looking under towels and books and jeans. "Here they are. " I show Neil a pair of gray pants with a thin black belt. I hand them to Neil.

He gets to work ironing all of our clothes. Mine really needed ironing, Neil's not so much.

I forgot, my mom had insisted I pack this outfit in hopes I would attend church occasionally. I went to church once, then never went back. Still, I have to thank mom.

Neil gets done ironing and we get dressed.

He puts on a nice pale pink button-down shirt and a pair of fuchsia colored belt-less slacks. He also puts on a tie. It's gray with little pink naked cherubs holding bows and arrows all over it. He looks really hip in that outfit. He asks me, "Do you have any ties? "

"No. "

Neil goes to his closet and pulls out three different ties and holds them up to my shirt. He takes his time selecting one. He finally picks a black tie with gray and red dogs and cats. "Can you tie a tie? "

"No. "

"That's what I thought. Face the mirror. "

I turn around and look at myself in Neil's mirror on the inside of his closet door. Neil gets behind me. Together we watch as Neil reaches around my body and ties my tie for me.

Then we put our shoes on. In the back of my closet I find the pair of black dress shoes that's suppose to go with my church outfit. Neil puts on a pair of light brown wingtips.

We stand side by side and admire ourselves in the mirror.

Neil says, "We sure make a handsome couple. "

"Yeah we do. "

Neil didn't shave and his dark three days growth of beard makes him look really sexy. Of course, I didn't need to shave at all, but I do think my thin mustache is starting to be more noticeable and, I have to admit, I kind of look sexy too. I wonder if loosing my virginity has anything to do with my mustache getting thicker.

I hold up my phone. Neil puts his arm around me and we smile. I take the picture.

Neil says, "It's time I called a taxi. "

"Why don't you order a Lyft? "

"You know my shitty flip phone can't support that app. "

"I forgot. Let me get the ride. " I'm thinking it shouldn't cost too much. This town is not very big. The restaurant can't be far away.

"Okay. "

I order the ride. "Do we need coats? " I don't want to wear my hoody with this outfit, it would ruin the look.

"We don't need coats, we're getting door to door service. "

"Great. "

We take the elevator down to the first floor and wait inside at the back door near the parking lot until the ride arrives. When it gets here we go outside and get in the car.

The roads are wet and it feels like it's getting warmer. When we get to the restaurant, I look up at the sky. I don't see any stars or the moon. It must be overcast.

Neil picked a chic little restaurant in a small Victorian house situated on the edge of a residential district not far from campus. We go inside. It's not very big.

There are probably fifteen or twenty tables crowded together in two rooms, a front parlor and a dining room. The tables have crisp white tablecloths and long tapered candles on them. The restaurant is completely full. We are seated at the prime spot right in front of the window. Our waitress is immaculately dressed in black and wearing a long white apron.

She presents us with menus and asks if we want anything to drink.

We are definitely not getting served adult beverages here, but Neil orders us a sparkling, alcohol free cider.

She goes away and I look at the menu. Oh my fucking god, the prices are too much. I don't want to bankrupt Neil. I say, "Why don't you order for me? "

"Okay. "

Our waitress returns with an ice bucket on a stand and a bottle of cider chilling in the bucket. She makes a show of popping the cork for us and pours it into champagne glasses using a towel on her forearm.

She leaves and Neil offers up a toast. "To us. " We clink our glasses and take a sip.

The sparkling cider is really fucking good.

Neil looks at the menu and a minute later our waitress returns. Neil points to the menu in several places. "We'll take this and this and this and...this. "

I haven't a clue what he just ordered. I noticed the waitress didn't write anything down. She disappears.

We take another sip of our cider.

She returns with a platter artfully arranged with what looks like homemade crackers in the shape of triangles. There is a small bowl of something black sitting near the edge of the platter.

Neil spreads the black stuff onto a triangle and hands it to me. Then he makes one for himself. He holds his cracker in front of him. "Have you ever tasted caviar? "

Oh shit. I remember seeing caviar on the menu. It cost almost as much as one of my text books. "I don't think so. "

"Well, you are in for a treat. " Neil puts the entire wedge into his mouth.

I follow his lead and do the same. Oh my god! This is exactly what sex would taste like if it could be spread on a little homemade cracker. "It's really fucking good, Neil. "

"Fuck yeah. "

"It tastes like how the ocean makes me feel. "

"You're right Rocky, it does. That is a poetic and insightful description. I knew you would appreciate it. "

I'm kind of proud of myself. I'm not, what I would call, a high class or sophisticated individual. I mean, I'm poor and from Fort Lauderdale. The most exotic food I've ever eaten was a Cuban sandwich. And just to be clear, even though Cuban sandwiches are fucking awesome, in South Florida, they are by no means considered exotic.

Neil and I devour the rest of the caviar.

I kind of feel guilty about the grief I gave Neil earlier today when I resisted being fucked by him. If I remember correctly, Neil was really good about the pain I caused him when I greedily shoved my cock into his ass. He was being considerate and loving. I was being selfish and weak.

Well, at least I rectified that issue. Rectified. Sounds like rectum.


I love Neil so much and it's pretty fucking clear he loves me. Why else would he spend all this money on me?

I pick up my champagne glass. "Thank you Neil for this awesome date and for introducing me to the pleasures of anal sex. "

I might have said it a bit too loud, because an elderly man enjoying a meal with his wife at the next table, started choking on his food.

Neil clinks his glass to mine. "To the pleasures of anal sex. "

We drink as a waiter checks on the old man. Then our food arrives.

The meal is awesome and beautifully presented. It not only tasted amazing, but it also seemed like I was eating little works of art.

By the time we finished, I suspect Neil had spent over two hundred dollars. Maybe even more.

After dinner we decide to walk back to the campus. It's only a few blocks away and it's relatively mild out. Besides, we both had overstuffed ourselves and the walk back will feel good.

Neil links his arm in mine as we walk home. Fifteen minutes later we are in our room on the eighth floor of our dorm.

Neil and I strip down to our shorts, go to the men's room and brush our teeth. We get back to our room and get naked. Neil cracks open the window and we crawl into our new double bed. I set my alarm. I have to be at work at six-thirty. I turn off my light and the room gets dark.

I cuddle up to Neil. His body is warm and feels good against my body. "Neil? "

"Yes? "

"Today was the best day of my life. Thank you so much. "

"Mine too, but I should be thanking you. I know it wasn't easy for you to get fucked. "

"Not right away, but I did eventually, um...acclimate? "

Neil laughs. "Yeah, you did acclimate, you acclimated the cum right out of me. "

I laugh.

Neil continues. "I probably shouldn't have pushed you so hard, though. I don't know what came over me. "

"You're eighteen years old and horny as a fucking goat. That's what came over you. "

"True. "

"Besides, if you waited until I thought I was ready to be fucked, we'd be fifty years old and our lives would be practically over. "

Neil laughs. "Do fifty year olds even fuck? "

"I doubt it. "

We get quiet. I start to fall asleep. Then Neil says, "Tomorrow is New Years Eve. What time do you get off work? "

"Around three-thirty. Is there any Jack Daniels left? "

"Not a lot, but it's enough for the two of us. Let's stay in our room by ourselves and ring in the New Year together. Just you and I. Okay? "

"That sounds perfect. I have a break at eight-thirty tomorrow morning. Do you want to eat breakfast with me. "

"Of course. What about lunch? "

"I get lunch around eleven-thirty. "

"Okay, we'll eat breakfast and lunch together, then when you get off work we'll come back here and you can fuck me. Then we'll have dinner in the cafeteria and finish the year back in our room, slowly self-medicating on Jack Daniels and Mountain Dew. "

"I like your plan, but what if I want you to fuck me? "

"Nope, can't happen. It's my turn to be fucked. "

"What is this now, tit for tat? "

"Yes. Tit for fucking tat. "

I laugh. We get quiet. I fall asleep wrapped in Neil's arms.

I wake to my phone's alarm. I hit the snooze. I fall back to sleep. Ten minutes later my alarm goes off a second time. I turn on my light and hit the snooze again. I lie in bed next to Neil with my eyes closed. I almost fall asleep again before my alarm goes off a third time.

I look at my phone. Shit. I'm going to be late for work. I jump out of bed and scramble to get dressed. I'm making a lot of noise, but Neil doesn't stir. He is sound asleep. I leave and don't even take the time to close the window or turn off the light.

I manage to get to work with a minute to spare. The first half of the morning is super slow and time drags on, but finally I can to take a break.

I sit down at a table with my breakfast and look around for Neil. He's not here yet. I start eating. I assume he will be here any minute.

I finish eating and my break is over, but Neil never showed. I bet he's still asleep. I send him a text and go back to work.

Lunch time arrives. I send Neil another text. He sends a text back immediately.

"Slept through breakfast. Sorry. Something's come up. Can't make

lunch. See you after work. "

I text back, "Okay. "

I'm disappointed and a little worried, but not too worried. If I know Neil, he is probably helping out a friend with some minor emergency. That's one of the things I like about him, how selfless he is.

I could probably learn to be a better person by following his example.

After lunch I go back to work. It's gotten busier and the rest of the day goes by a little faster. Finally, three-thirty arrives and I'm done.

I'm half expecting Neil to be waiting for me outside the cafeteria, but he's not there. As I walk through the quad, I feel a raindrop. I look up. The sky is overcast with thick gray clouds.

I hurry back to the dorm, but I don't feel anymore raindrops.

I get up to our floor. Outside our door I think I hear people laughing. I thought Neil wanted to spend New Years with just me.

I open the door and go inside. I am surprised. Neil is sitting on our bed with a woman. I slowly come to recognize her.

It's Lauren.

They stop laughing and Neil looks at me. "Rocky, guess who drove up here all the way from Lake Tahoe? Lauren. Isn't that awesome? "

I am stunned and unable to respond.

Lauren gets off of the bed and comes right up to me. "Rocky, it's so good to finally meet you. " She kisses me on the cheek and gives me a big hug.

I let her hug me, but I don't hug her back. I can't help noticing how nice she smells, kind of like rain water, fresh and clean. Not like perfume at all.

She stops hugging me and holds me at arms length. She looks me in the eyes. "You were right Neil, Rocky does have beautiful eyes. "

"I told you. "

I feel myself blush. I look at Lauren. Her eyes are the same dark brown as Neil's. They look larger than life, almost like an Anime heroine's eyes. She is also not wearing any makeup and her skin is clear and unblemished.

I have a confession to make. Remember when I said Lauren was not all that attractive? I lied. The pictures of her that Neil showed me when we first met, were actually very stunning, and she is even more beautiful in person. I guess I was a little jealous. That's probably why I lied.

Neil gets off of the bed and comes over to us. He puts his arms around both me and Lauren and squeezes us together in a big three-way hug. "My two favorite people in the world, all in the same room at once. "

I get pushed against Lauren and I can feel her breasts on me. It's kind of awkward.

Neil finally lets go and we break apart.

I don't want to be rude, so I say, "It's nice to meet you too. " She is standing a little ways from me now. I get a chance to look at all of her.

Lauren's hair is chestnut brown with red and black highlights. It is wavy and goes down to her shoulders. It's put together perfectly except for a few strands out of place which, in my opinion, makes it look even better.

She is wearing a cream colored turtleneck sweater with vertical ribs running all the way around it. The sweater clings to her body and makes her breasts stand out. I suspect she's not wearing a bra. Her breasts don't seem to be particularly big. I'm not much of an expert on breasts, duh, but I believe they are smaller than average. Her sweater is also super soft. I assume it's cashmere, but I'm just guessing, not having ever seen or touched a cashmere sweater in my life.

She has on a pair of Lee jeans that hug her broad hips tightly and taper down to her ankles. The jeans are held up by a beautiful vintage leather belt, embossed with a pattern of flowers and leaves. It has a silver belt buckle with a variety of ranch brands on it and a brass cowboy riding a bucking horse in the center of the buckle. She is wearing bright pink socks with little red hearts. There is a pair of Danner Boots next to the bed. They are exactly the same boots Neil has, except much smaller.

Neil is smiling from ear to ear. It's obvious he's super happy. I remember he's been with Lauren a long time. I know how much he loves her. I know how much he has missed her. I will try to be selfless and if Neil wants to spend the night with Lauren, I'll take our new comforter down to the common area and sleep on the couch.

I really don't mind that much. I love Neil. I'd do anything for him.

Lauren's phone buzzes. She looks at it then looks at Neil. "The food's here. Will you get it? "

"I'm on it. " Neil goes out into the hall in his stockinged feet.

Lauren grabs my hand and we sit on the bed together. "Rocky, I'm so glad Neil has you. He's very lucky. "

"I'm the lucky one. " I just realized Lauren has been using my nickname. Up until now, Neil has been the only one to call me Rocky. I'm surprised I don't mind her saying it. I must like Lauren, even though I don't want to. I can't help myself from liking her. She's too sweet and too pretty.

"Lets just say you're both lucky. It makes me very happy you are with him. " She kisses me on the cheek.

I am speechless, but I'm also feeling really good right now.

Lauren changes the subject. "Are you hungry? "

"Yes. "

"There's this awesome restaurant in town that's been on The Food Network. It's called Montage. Have you heard of it? "

"No. " It's definitely not the same restaurant Neil took me to last night, that was called something like Baby Bird or Little Bird. Not Montage.

"Well, they make the best Mac and Cheese ever. They use a heavy cream reduction sauce. "

"Sounds good. "

"Rocky, you have no idea. "

Neil comes in. He's carrying a large brown paper bag rolled up at the top. The room suddenly fills with the smell of something amazing.

My stomach growls.

Lauren heard it. She gives me a big smile. "Just in time, Neil. Rocky was about ready to eat me. "

Neil laughs and hands Lauren the bag.

I look at Lauren. I look at Neil. Neither one of them seemed to notice how Lauren's comment could be construed as a sexual innuendo. I guess I'm the only one in the room with the dirty mind of a thirteen year old boy.

Lauren opens the paper bag and puts her nose in it. She inhales deeply. Then looks up. "Lets have a picnic. Neil, can you put a blanket on the floor? "

"Sure. "

Lauren watches as I help Neil spread one of our spare blankets onto the floor. I kick off my shoes and we sit in a circle on the blanket with our legs crossed in front of us.

Then Neil says, "Wait. " He gets up and goes around the room lighting the emergency candles we used when the power went out. Then he turns out the lights and sits back down on the blanket.

Lauren says, "Good idea sweetie. " She looks at me. "Neil's always been the romantic type, but I'm sure you know all about that, don't you Rocky? "

"You're right. Neil is very romantic. " I look at Neil and he smiles. I almost lean over to kiss him, but I don't. I'm not sure how Lauren would react.

Lauren takes thick paper plates out of the bag and hands them to us. Then she passes around plastic utensils. Next comes a little loaf of bread, precut into slices along with pats of butter.

Lauren looks at me. She has one hand in the bag. "I ordered three different types of Mac and Cheese. " She takes the containers out one at a time and places them in front of her. She identifies each one as she removes its' lid. "Basil pesto. Spicy. And Roasted Garlic and Bacon, my all time favorite. "

They look and smell fucking delicious. "I don't know which one I should have. "

"You have to try all three. There's more than enough. "

"That works for me. "

We pass the different types of Mac and Cheese around and fill up our plates.

I wait for Lauren to take the first bite. Then I start eating. I moan. I talk with my mouth full of food. "Oh my god. This is fucking amazing. "

Neil and Lauren both smile at me, but they don't stop eating.

Then I eat a forkful of the spicy kind. "Fuck. " I look around for something to drink, but we don't have anything. I start waving my hand in front of my mouth trying to cool it down. Of course, that has no affect.

Neil says, "Eat some bread. "

I grab a slice and put it into my mouth all at once. The heat dissipates. I feel better. "That worked. Thanks for the tip. "

Neil grins and winks at me.

Maybe he does have the dirty mind of a thirteen year old boy after all. Get it? Like I thanked him for the tip of his cock?


Then Lauren says, "That reminds me. Neil, will you grab my tote? It's behind the bed next to my suitcase. "

Neil stands and gets the tote bag. "Jesus Lauren, what's in here? " He sets it on the floor next to her.

She opens it and pulls out a six-pack of beer.

Neil starts laughing as he sits back down. Lauren laughs too.

I don't get the joke. "What's so funny. "

Neil opens a bottle and hands it to me. It's not very cold. I look at the label. San Miguel.

Neil doesn't say anything until we are all holding a bottle. "I stole a six-pack of San Miguel from Lauren's father's mini-fridge in his office when we were fourteen. He found us passed out in the pool house with my hand up her shirt. Boy was he pissed. "

Lauren says, "I've never seen Neil move so fast. " She raises her bottle. "Cheers. "

Neil and I clink our bottles to hers. "Cheers. " We drink.

I keep forgetting how much history these two have together and how long they've been having sex. I'm a little jealous of their relationship.

We continue eating. I clean my plate and refill it with all three types of macaroni again. It seems, once I got used to the heat, I was able to enjoy the spicy one too.

Neil also takes seconds.

Lauren, can't finish hers. She eats about half, then sets her plate down on the blanket in front of her. She opens another beer. "Who's ready for more beer? "

I put down my plate and chug the remaining beer in my bottle. "I am. "

She hands me the beer and opens another one. She gives that one to Neil, then she opens the last bottle and takes a big drink. She covers her mouth and lets out a loud, unladylike burp. "Woo, pardon me. "

I laugh. I take a drink of my beer, then I make a loud, unladylike burp too. "Excuse me. "

Lauren laughs. "Good one, Rocky. "

Neil looks up from his eating. "Do you guys mind? I'm still eating here. "

Lauren says, "Like anything can put you off from eating. "

I laugh and Neil smiles. Then he goes back to putting macaroni into his mouth.

I'm full now, but I can't stop myself from finishing my second helping of food. It's too fucking delicious.

Neil also finishes his second plate. Then he sits up and takes a drink from his bottle. I thought he was done eating, but he puts his bottle down and grabs Lauren's plate and starts eating her leftovers.

Lauren looks at me and shrugs.

The Roasted Garlic and Bacon macaroni is all gone, but there's still a little bit of the Basil Pesto and the Spicy mac left in their containers. I'm now expecting Neil to clean those up as well.

To my surprise and I think Lauren's too, Neil puts his empty plate down and pushes it away from him. "I can't eat another bite. "

Lauren pats Neil on the arm. "You did good, honey. "

Neil smiles. He takes a drink of beer, looks at both Lauren and I, then lets out a long, loud, reverberating, unladylike, ungentlemanlike, deep, roaring belch.

I'm impressed. I swear the emergency candles almost flickered out. I believe my love for Neil has increased by just a little bit.

Lauren moves the containers of left over macaroni towards Neil. "Here hon, finish these off. I believe you have more room now. " She looks at me and smiles.

I smile back.

"Okay. " Neil starts eating the macaroni right out of their containers.

Lauren and I sip our beers while we watch Neil polish off the last of the food.

He finally finishes and looks at Lauren. "Thanks for dinner. "

I remember my manners, "Yeah, thanks. That was really good. "

"It's my pleasure. " Then Lauren starts putting the paper plates and the empty containers into the bag. Neil and I join in and help her.

When we are done, Neil says, "I need to walk this off. Anybody want to go for a stroll? "

Both Lauren and I say, "Yeah. "

I go to my nightstand and turn on the light while Neil and Lauren go around the room blowing out the candles.

We put on our shoes and jackets and take the elevator down to the first floor. We go through the front doors and step out onto the quad. There is a strong steady wind, but the temperature feels really mild.

Lauren says, "Do you feel that wind, Rocky? "

"Yeah. "

"Up here in the Pacific Northwest, we call that a Pineapple Express. "

"Why do you call it that? I thought Pineapple Express was the name of a variety of weed. "

Neil looks at me. He's probably wondering how I would know this.

Lauren says, "We call it a Pineapple Express because it's a tropical wind that comes off of the Pacific Ocean from the direction of Hawaii. It's full of moisture. That's why it feels so balmy. "

I'm thinking "Ball me. " I know it's immature. I can't help it.

Neil says, "It's going to start raining soon and it will probably rain very hard for the next week. "

I say, "That's too bad. I'm going to miss the snow. I hope the rain at least stays away until midnight. I think the town puts on a fireworks show for the New Year. It'd be a shame if that got ruined. "

"I don't know. Maybe it'll hold off until then. "

We start walking along the path. Neil comes up to me and hooks his arm in my arm, then he grabs Lauren and hooks his arm with hers. All three of us walk across the quad, arm in arm, with Neil in the middle.

I can tell the snow is melting, the sidewalk is wet and I can hear rivulets of water running everywhere around us.

We take a very long, relaxing walk. We eventually unhook our arms, but Neil stays in the middle. We head into town and give Lauren a tour. We go down by the river. People are gathered at the park along the shore, partying and waiting for the New Year and the fireworks to start. We make a big, wide circle around the town and end up back in front of the dorm about two hours later.

It was a nice walk and it gave Lauren and I a chance to get to know each other better. She and Neil shared stories about getting into trouble, or getting caught having sex. Lauren has a good sense of humor. She's actually very funny.

We get up to our room. It feels too hot in here after our long walk. We remove our coats and kick off our shoes.

Neil says to me. "Would you mind if Lauren spends the night with us? She's got to leave early in the morning. We have lots of room for her in bed. I'll sleep in the middle. You wont even know she's here. "

I look at Lauren. "If you want, I can sleep on the couch in the common area tonight and you two can sleep up here without me bothering you. "

Neil says, "What? No. That's not necessary. "

Lauren says, "Rocky, that's really sweet, but I'll get a hotel room before I ever kick you out of your own bed. "

I'm kind of surprised Lauren turned down my offer. I was sure she came all the way up here to have sex with Neil. "Alright, stay here tonight. We'll celebrate the New Year together. It'll be fun. "

Neil hugs me and kisses me on the top of my head. "Thanks, Rocky. "

I'm a little embarrassed showing displays of affection with Neil in full view of Lauren. I look over at her. She is smiling and looks really happy.

She's so nice. Then she says, "I know it's still early, but I'd like to shower and put on my pee-jays. "

Neil says, "Okay, the ninth floor is for women. You can shower up there. Rocky and I will shower too, that way we'll be ready to go to bed right after midnight. I have a feeling Rocky wont be able to stay up that late anyway. " Neil looks at me.

"Well, I was up before the crack of fucking dawn this morning and you couldn't even get out of bed to eat breakfast with me. "

"Yeah, I slept gooood. " Neil goes to his closet and starts undressing.

I pretend to be annoyed with him. "Fuck you, asshole. "

He just smiles then strips down naked and wraps a towel around his waist. It seems weird to me with Lauren in the room. He sits on the bed and casually talks to Lauren as she opens her suitcase. She starts to get undressed right in front of us.

I stall at my closet. I inadvertently see Lauren take off her sweater and expose her breasts.

Shit, I didn't mean to spy on her. I turn and face the closet. Now I can see her reflection in the mirror.

I don't have much experience with women's breasts, basically the only time I've really gotten a good look at them was when we were all naked in the lobby waiting for the elevator during that snowstorm. Remember? No gay man should ever have to be face to face with so many breasts at once, but here's the thing, I kind of liked it. There must be something primordial about men's fascination with breasts. I don't really know. All I know is, I could not stop staring at them.

Now I find myself staring at Lauren's breasts. I don't think it's a sexual thing so much. Maybe just curiosity.

While I'm looking at Lauren's breasts in the mirror, she pulls off her jeans. I know I should look away, but I don't. I watch as she slides her panties over her thighs and down her legs. I get a glimpse of her dark pubic triangle. Then her body turns a little bit and I see her round bottom for a moment before she puts on a robe.

Fuck me. I was not suppose to see that. Okay, okay. Maybe I did look a little bit on purpose. It's curiosity. That's all.

Lauren gets on the bed next to Neil and they continue their conversation. She sees me seeing her in the mirror.

I was hoping she would leave so I could get undressed, but apparently they're waiting for me. I take off my shirt, leaving my tee-shirt on. Then I pull my jeans down to my ankles and step out of them one leg at a time. I stand there for a moment in front of my closet, wearing only my black socks, white tee-shirt and white briefs.

Lauren says, "Rocky, you still wear tighty-whiteys? "

Neil says. "Rocky is the only college student in the country who wears tighty-whiteys. I've been trying to get him to switch to boxers or boxer-briefs. "

I look at Neil. I don't remember him saying anything about that before.

Neil continues. "He looks like Walter White from Breaking Bad. "

Unfortunately, I know exactly what Neil is referencing. Not a flattering image. I pull down the bottom hem of my tee-shirt to try and cover my briefs. It doesn't really work.

Lauren says, "Don't listen to Neil. I think you look cute in tighty-whiteys. "

I smile, but I can't continue to get undressed with Lauren paying attention to me now.

"There's no need to be shy. I have a picture of you on my phone naked and hard. Remember? "

Shit. I completely forgot about that. My face feels flush.

Lauren gets up and comes over to me. She holds my hand. "Sorry. If it makes you feel any better, you looked really hot in that picture. All my friends thought so too. "

Neil starts coughing. I think he is stifling a laugh.

"Just kidding. I mean about my friends, not about you looking hot. " Lauren smiles, then grabs a towel and her toiletries and leaves.

Now that Lauren is gone, I can finish getting undressed. I strip down naked and wrap a towel around my waist. As Neil and I are walking down the hall, he says, "I'm sorry our plans got fucked up. Lauren didn't tell me she was driving up here until late this morning. She was already on her way. "

"It's okay. "

"You and I were going to have sex this afternoon. I was really looking forward to it. "

"Me too. "

"She has to leave early tomorrow morning. " Neil shows me the douche bulb he had been holding down by his side. "I thought we could douche now and we'll be ready for sex right after she leaves. "

I smile. "Fuck yeah! " Although, I'm not sure cleaning out our holes nine hours in advance is going to work all that well.

We shower and douche and brush our teeth, then go back to our room. Lauren is already back from her shower. She is sitting at the head of the bed with her back against the wall. She is wearing pink pajamas covered with little lambs.

Neil and I go to our closets. He casually takes off his towel. He is naked while looking in his closet. I notice Lauren is watching him. Then Neil puts on a clean pair of plaid boxers, a tee-shirt and thick white socks.

Before I take off my towel, I find my briefs and have them ready to put on so I wont be naked in front of Lauren for an excessive amount of time.

I get dressed quickly. I am just wearing my briefs, tee-shirt and black socks.

Neil says, "Okay, we have two more hours until midnight. Who wants a drink? "

Both Lauren and I raise our hands. Neil pours out three cups of "Jack Mountains ", then sits next to Lauren. I end up at the foot of the bed with my legs crossed in front of me, facing my boyfriend and his longtime girlfriend.

Neil raises his cup in the air. "To the New Year and New Beginnings. "

Lauren and I raise our cups and clink them to Neil's. We drink.

Even though I'm wearing my ridiculed tighty-whiteys' I feel a little less self conscious now that I'm sitting down. Also, the "Jack Mountain " is beginning to help me relax too.

We get quiet. I need to start a conversation. I think back to when Neil told me Lauren was pan-sexual and poly-amorous. I'm curious about that. I say to Lauren, "So, you're pan-sexual? "

"That's right. "

"Neil told me you're seeing a guy who's becoming a woman? "

"I'm with a woman who is transitioning from a male. "

Shit. I fucked that up. "Sorry, that's what I meant. "

"It's okay, Rocky. She had the misfortune of being a female, born into a male's body. "

"That sucks. "

"Yes it does. "

"Is that what makes you pan-sexual and not bi? "

Lauren Smiles. "Yeah, I'm attracted to all different types of human beings, not just cis male and cis female, but transgender and transitioning. Anything really. "

Neil says, "Lauren loves everybody and she loves sex too. Don't you hon? "

"Yeah, sex is important to me. "

I say, "I think it must be important to everybody, right? "

Lauren says, "If it isn't, it should be. "

I say, "Fuck yeah. "

Neil holds his cup out in front of him. "To sex. "

Lauren and I clink our cups to his. "To sex! "

We all take a drink. The room gets quiet. The silence feels awkward. I try to think of something else to say. I look at Lauren. "Neil says you're poly-amorous too. How did you figure that out? "

"About a year after Neil and I began having sex, I started seeing this girl on my basketball team. "

"Really? "

Neil says, "Lauren told me about it right away and made it clear she was still my girlfriend, but she was going to see this other girl too. I guess that's when she realized she was ploy-amorous. "

I say to Neil, "Were you okay with that? "

"I loved Lauren. I wanted her to be happy. "

Lauren says, "Neil was really good about me seeing her. I even suggested to him that we could have a three-way. My girlfriend was gay, but she wanted to try it. Neil declined. "

Neil says, "I just wasn't interested. "

I say, "I thought it was every high school boys dream to have sex with two girls at the same time. "

Neil shrugs. "I didn't feel like it. "

"Did you see anybody besides Lauren? " "

Neil begins to answer, but Lauren interrupts. "I tried to get Neil to play around. It's just not in his DNA. "

Neil says, "I didn't want to have sex with anybody but Lauren. I loved her. I didn't love anyone else. "

Lauren says, "When Neil went off to college, I was really hoping he would see other people. I thought he would eventually figure out you don't have to love someone in order to have a good time with them. "

I certainly have figured that out. But this confirms my suspicions that I was only the second person Neil's been with.

Lauren continues, "When he called me and told me he wanted to be fucked by you, I was surprised. Not about the part about wanting to be fucked so much, just more about the part that he was actually willing to have sex with somebody other than me. At the time, I suspected he must be in love with you and of course, I was right. "

I look at Neil. "You told Lauren you wanted me to fuck you? "

"We tell each other everything. "

"Wow. " I hope Neil and I can have that level of trust in our relationship.

Lauren keeps talking. "When he asked for my help in getting you two together. I came up with the plan about you taking pictures of him for me. "

"What? You set me up? "

Neil says, "Do you really think I didn't already have naked pictures of Lauren and she didn't have any of me? "

"Um... "

"Are you upset? "

"No, I'm not upset at all. Did you think I was gay? "

"I didn't know what you were, all I knew is you kept trying to look at my cock. " Neil grabs his cock through his boxers and squeezes it. "I thought you probably wouldn't mind seeing more of it. "

I laugh. I can't believe Neil manipulated me in order to get me to eventually fuck him. I crawl over to Neil and give him a kiss. "I'm so glad you did that. If you hadn't, I'd probably still be a sad lonely virgin. "

Neil says, "You can thank Lauren, she really encouraged me. "

I look at Lauren. "Thanks. "

"You're welcome. " Then she moves to the foot of the bed. "Here Rocky, you sit next to Neil. "

I go sit where Lauren was sitting and Neil puts his arm around me. We all take another drink.

It gets quiet again and I find I have to keep the conversation going. I look at Neil. "So, I'm only the second person you've been with? "

"Yep. "

I think about that for a moment. Then I say, "So when we had that three-way with the pizza boy... "

Neil interrupts. "Oscar. "

"So when we had that three-way with Oscar, he was your third person? "

"The math works out. "

It's hard for me to believe I've had more sex partners than Neil.

Then Lauren says, "Wait a minute. You, Neil Arsenio Morelli, had a three-way with Rocky and a pizza boy? When did that happen? "

"A few days ago. I never got a chance to tell you yet. "

Lauren says, "I'm so proud of you honey. "

I break into the conversation. "Your middle name is Arsenio? "

Neil gets a little defensive. "Yeah, it means virile. "

"Virile? Did your mom pick out that name? "

"Shut up, it's a family name. What's your middle name? "

"I don't have one. "

"Don't lie to me, Rocky. "

I don't want to tell Neil my middle name. It's embarrassing. I'm sorry I brought it up.

Neil says, "Tell me. You know mine. "

I guess he's going to find out eventually. "Jebediah. "

"Really? Guy Jebediah Harris? " Neil looks as if he might burst out laughing. Then he looks like he just figured something out. "Wait a minute, you weren't named after Jeb Bush? "

"He was governor at the time. My parents really admired him, Arsenio. "

"Fuck you, Jebediah. " Neil pinches my cock through my briefs.

"Ouch. " I pinch Neil's cock through his boxers. Then we start slapping each others hands away.

Lauren clears her throat. "Excuse me boys, can we focus here? "

We stop and look at Lauren. I get the last pinch in. I don't think Neil dares to piss her off.

Neil smooths out his tee-shirt. "Now where were we? "

"You had a three-way? "

"Yeah. He was a nice kid and I had a little bit too much to drink. His dick was fucking huge. "

I say, "It was colossal. "

Neil continues, "I suddenly got the urge to suck it. Then one thing lead to another and Rocky and I ended up having a good time with him. "

Lauren says, "I would have loved to have seen that. You sucking a stranger's big cock. It's a Christmas miracle. Rocky, you sure have loosened Neil up. "

I'm thinking, "No, he's still really tight. " but I don't say it.

Neil says. "Rocky's been good for me. " Then he leans over and kisses me. I kiss him back harder.

I start to get turned on. It's been over twenty-four hours since I last got my nut. It's not exactly a record, but it's close. I am super fucking horny. I put my tongue in his mouth. I completely forget Lauren is on the bed watching. I reach down and grab Neil's cock through his boxers.

He gets hard. I get hard.

Neil puts his hand inside my briefs and starts stroking my cock. Then I see Lauren out of the corner of my eye. I stop kissing Neil and pull his hand out of my briefs. I feel like I have turned bright red. I'm sure I'm blushing.

Lauren has a great big grin on her face. I can't help noticing how her smile makes her look even more beautiful. "Rocky, you don't have to stop because of me. "

"Sorry, I don't want to be rude. " Unfortunately, Neil has gotten me all horned up. My cock is hard and pushing out my briefs. I put my hand on it. My intent is to just cover it, but it feels good and I end up squeezing my cock through the fabric.

Lauren says, "I don't mind, and since you both are hard now, why don't you at least let me see how much your cock looks like Neil's. "

Neil lifts his butt and slides his boxers down just far enough to release his boner. He looks at me, "Let's show Lauren. "

I look at Neil's hard cock. I look at Lauren's beautiful face. "Really? "

"Please. "

"Um, I guess. " I'm hesitant, but Neil already has his boner out. I can't just leave him hanging. Get it? Hanging?


I hook my tee-shirt under my chin, exposing my abs. Then I lift my butt and pull down my briefs. My cock gets pulled down too. I have to slide my briefs half way to my knees in order to clear my erection. Finally, the head gets free of the waistband and my boner flies up and hits my abs with a smack.

Lauren looks from Neil's cock to my cock, then back. "I can't believe it. You could be twins. "

Neil says, "I told you. "

This is a little weird. I start to pull my briefs back up.

Lauren says, "Wait. Can I see Neil suck you? "

"Um... " I want to say no, but I'm so fucking horny right now.

Before I can answer, Neil leans over and goes down on me.

Damn. Neil's hot mouth on my poor horny cock feels so fucking good. "Mmmmm. " I close my eyes and grab Neil's head. I just let him suck me. I want to cum so bad. I don't think it's going to take me very long.

Neil stops sucking.

I open my eyes.

Lauren is there, smiling.

Neil says, "Do me too. " He lies on his side.

Neil is probably just as horny as I am. I take off my tee-shirt and drop it onto the floor. I get down on my side, stretching out across the bed. My stockinged feet are hanging over the edge of the mattress. Neil's hard cock is in my face now. I grab it with one hand. His boxers are pulled down around his thighs and I grab them with my other hand. I start sucking Neil.

He goes back to sucking me.

I completely forget about Lauren being on the bed with us. I am totally caught up in the moment. I start moving my hips. I fuck Neil's hot mouth. I move my lips faster over his hard cock. It feels so fucking good. I am super excited.

Then Neil stops and sits up. I am rudely interrupted in the middle of my urgent need to get my nut. I sit up too. My cock is pulsating wildly. It is covered in Neil's saliva and leaking a lot of precum.

Neil looks at me. "Remember when you told me you wanted to fuck Julie? "

Shit. I'm smart enough to see where this is leading. I was kind of half joking when I said I was interested in fucking Julie. I'm still not sure I want to fuck a woman, but I am finding myself really wanting to see Neil fuck Lauren.

"I remember. I guess you'd like Lauren to join in? "

"Well, we can't exactly ask her to wait out in the hall while we fuck, can we? "

I consider that option for a moment. Then I look at Lauren. She is smiling and so fucking beautiful. Neil's right, we can't make her leave the room, but I also can't just quit fooling around with Neil either. My cock wont let me. "Would you like to join us? " Shit, there's no turning back now.

Lauren smiles sweetly. "Rocky, you don't have to do this, but it would make me very happy to be with you and Neil tonight. "

Neil doesn't wait for me to respond. He goes over to Lauren and gives her a long kiss. Then pulls off her top. He puts both hands on her breasts.

Lauren closes her eyes. Neil sucks on her nipple.

There is something about seeing my man sucking on a breast that really gets me hot. I pull my briefs all the way off and toss them across the room towards my closet. Then I crawl forward on the bed and get next to Neil.

Lauren opens her eyes. Neil scoots over a little to make room for me, but continues to suck on Lauren's nipple. I look Lauren in the eyes, then I look at her exposed breast and nipple. I grab her breast. It is incredibly soft. Then I bend down and tentatively lick her nipple with my tongue. To my relief, it tastes just like Neil's nipple. I don't know what I expected it to taste like. Two percent milk, maybe?

My head is next to Neil's. He stops sucking on Lauren and turns his head. We kiss.

Lauren grabs my head and pushes me back to her breast. I open my mouth and try to get as much of it as I can on her breast. I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm enjoying myself. I flick my tongue across her nipple. Lauren moans and pulls my hair.

Neil stops sucking on Lauren's breast. I can feel him moving around on the mattress. I can't see what he's doing, but I assume he's taking off his tee-shirt and boxers.

Then he gets behind me and wraps his arms around my chest. I feel his hard cock pushing against my hole. I feel his bare chest pressed up against my back. He is kissing my neck. Lauren grabs both sides of my head and pulls me off of her breast. She brings me up to face her. Neil still has me wrapped in his arms and is slowly humping my ass.

I look Lauren in the eyes. She is so fucking beautiful. I have to kiss her. I bring my lips forward. Lauren closes her eyes and our lips meet. I hold her head in my hands. We kiss long and softly. I open my mouth and we put our tongues together. Lauren moans.

Neil is still rubbing his erection against my ass. He moves his hand down and strokes my cock.

Lauren and I stop kissing. She grabs my fingers and sucks on them. Then she takes my fingers and guides them down to her pajama bottoms. She slips our hands under the waistband.

I don't want to touch her vagina. I'm afraid and kind of grossed out. I also have no idea how to touch it. Shit. I wish I paid more attention in health class when they were teaching us about lady parts.

Lauren guides my fingers further downward. I feel pubic hair. I can't do it. I pull my hand out of her pajamas and stand up.

Neil gets knocked off of me. He asks, "Are you okay? "

I'm not sure I'm ready for this. "I want to watch you two for a while. " I stall for more time.

Neil smiles. He looks at Lauren. "Care to put on a little show for Rocky? "

Lauren smiles at me. "Of course. "

I move to the head of the bed and sit with my back against the wall and my legs crossed in front of me. I pull off my socks and toss them across the room. My hard dick is sticking up and I grab it with one hand and slowly stroke it.

Neil sits next to me in the same manner. He says to Lauren. "Take off those pajama bottoms. " Then he starts slowly stroking his cock.

Lauren stands at the foot of the bed. She holds her breasts and turns from side to side. Then she slowly brings both hands down her body, over her gently curved tummy and under the waistband of her pajama bottoms. She rubs her hands up and down inside the front of her pajamas.

Neil likes it. "Yeah baby. "

I don't know what I think about it. I look at Neil's hard cock for some reassurance.

Then Lauren moves her hands to her hips. She grabs the waistband and slowly slides the pajamas down. Her dark triangle of pubic hair comes into view. It is neatly trimmed.

Neil gets off of the bed as Lauren takes her pajamas all the way off. He kisses her softly on the lips and stands next to her with his arm around her waist facing me. "What do you think? "

Both Neil and Lauren are completely naked now, except for socks. It bothers me for some reason. "Can you take your socks off? ".

"Sure. " They remove their socks and stand side by side, naked and exposed. They look vulnerable and very beautiful together.

"You two remind me of Adam and Eve. " I don't know why I had to make a biblical reference right now. I guess I'm still nervous.

Lauren says, "Then you must be the serpent. "

Lauren's joke has helped me feel less nervous. I laugh and wave my cock at her. "That's me, a great big evil snake. "

This time I make Neil laugh. He kisses Lauren and brings his hand over to her thighs. He gently rubs her pubic hair. Then he faces her at an angle, grabs his cock and rubs it on her.

He looks at me. "How are you doing? "

I smile. "I like it. "

Neil looks at Lauren. "Should we show Rocky that sweet, tasty, pussy of yours. "

"Yes. "

Neil says to me. "Toss those pillows over. "

I toss the pillows to the foot of the bed and Neil stacks them up. "Lie here, hon. " Then Neil gets on the bed and sits next to me.

Lauren smiles. She is not shy or demure at all. She is confident and relaxed and very beautiful. She gets on the bed on her back with the pillows propping her up so she can see us. Her knees are bent and her legs are closed. She makes eye contact. "Would you like to see my vagina, Rocky? "

My brain is yelling "Fuck no! ", but my cock is saying "Well, maybe. " I am barely able to nod my head.

Lauren opens her legs and there it is, her vagina. I don't want to look at it, but I can't look away. I just stare. I am trying to process what I am seeing. It's a baffling web of folded skin. Believe it or not, this is the first time I have seen one of these things.

Then Lauren brings her hand down and she spreads it open with her fingers.

I see this shiny moist slash of pink. It reminds of the inside of a mouth. Which, if I think about it, kind of makes sense.

Lauren says, "What do you think? "

I look up from her vagina and lock my eyes to her's. "I'm not sure. It's kind of gross. Sorry. "

Lauren laughs. "It's okay, Rocky. You don't need to apologize. " She looks at Neil. "What do you think? "

"Rocky's right, it is kind of gross. "

I laugh. That was exactly the right thing for Neil to say at this moment. Then I actually remember something from health class. "Where is your clitoris? " I'm not too sure I want to see it, but I guess my curiosity is more powerful than my revulsion.

Lauren spreads apart some folds of skin at the top of her vagina, exposing a little protuberance. "Here she is. "

It's hard to see from this far away. I get on my hands and knees and move a little bit closer, but not too close, for a better look. It kind of reminds me of a very small penis. I know I'm being ridiculous, but that sort of helps me feel a little bit more comfortable with her vagina.

I can work with a penis, no matter how small.

Then Neil puts his hand on my shoulder. I turn and look at him. He grabs my cock with that hand and wraps his arm across my back with the other hand. He holds me tight against his muscular body and kisses me hard with his tongue in my mouth. Then he lets go of me and crawls forward. He looks at Lauren. "I missed you so much. " He puts his head between her legs and starts eating her.

Lauren arches her back and moans.

I watch.

Neil's ass is sticking out and I can see his hairy asshole. I suppose, if I were being honest, his asshole is also kind of gross, but that doesn't mean I don't think it's also super fucking hot.

We humans are so fucking complicated.

I get next to Neil. I grab his cock and stroke it. I take my other hand and press my fingers between his butt cheeks and slide them over his hole.

He moans.

I move my head so I can see Neil eating Lauren's vagina. His eyes are open and he is smiling beatifically. Seeing Neil enjoying this so much is sort of turning me on. I find myself thinking I might like to try it.

I study how Neil performs cunnilingus. It doesn't look too difficult. As far as I can tell, it's like licking an ice cream cone. Although, he does seem to be giving her clitoris some extra attention. I am conflicted. I want to try it now, but I feel like if Lauren's vagina has a fishy smell, I might puke up all of the macaroni I had for dinner.

I try to smell her from my vantage point. All I can smell is Neil's familiar musk. It's reassuring and sexy.

I look up at Lauren.

She was looking at me. "Do you want to try it. "

Neil stops and sits up. The area around his mouth is shiny with saliva and, I guess, pussy juice?

Shit. He's going to kiss me now.

Before I can stop him, Neil gives me a hot and passionate kiss.

I don't taste any fish. Thank fucking god. But I think I can detect the odor of something different, I'm not sure what it is, or even if I like it.

Neil says, "Go for it, stud. " He moves out of the way.

I'm hesitant. "Okay. " I get on my knees between Lauren's legs. I look at her. "Please be patient with me. I don't know what I'm doing. "

"Take all the time you need, Rocky. Neil and I love you. We don't judge. Try to relax and have fun. "

I give Lauren a quick nervous smile. Then I look down between her legs at her vagina. It doesn't seem too gross now. I must be getting used to it. I pull on my cock. I lean forward. I inhale. No fishy odor, just an earthy musky scent. It's not unpleasant.

Lauren rests her hands on my head, but she doesn't pull. I bring my head closer. I squeeze my eyes shut. I stick out my tongue. Then I lick up and over her vagina. Lauren pulls on my hair and moans. It doesn't taste like fish, it's more like the taste of a new penny. I guess I'm not going to puke. I open my eyes. I explore her vagina with my tongue. I find her clitoris and I lick it. It's not bad. It's not exactly earth shattering, but I like making Lauren feel good.

My ass is in the air as I am bent down in front of Lauren. I feel Neil's hands on it. He spreads open my cheeks. Then his hot tongue licks across my hole.

I stop doing Lauren. "Fuck. " I feel Lauren pull on my head and I go back to licking her vagina. At the same time, Neil licks on my hole.

Goddammit. I fucking love college life.

We continue like this for a little while. I'm enjoying Neil licking me and I think Lauren is enjoying me licking her, but I'm getting a little tired of it. What I would like now, is to see Neil put his cock inside her vagina.

I sit up and wipe my face with my arm. "Can I watch Neil fuck you? "

Lauren smiles. "Neil honey, would you care to fuck me? "

"I thought you'd never ask. " He brushes past me and climbs on top of Lauren. He kisses her.

I look down between Lauren's legs. I can see Neil's hard dick poking the outside of her vagina. I am impressed at how easily their parts match up. The result of millions of years of evolution. I momentarily visualize the plug from a hair dryer about to be inserted into an electrical outlet.

I know. I'm weird.

Then Lauren reaches down and grabs hold of Neil's cock. Neil pushes his hips forward. Her vagina spreads open as his cock slowly makes its way inside.

Lauren moans. I watch as his shaft goes deep inside. I stroke my cock.

Neil pulls his cock all the way out. He suspends the head of his cock over the opening of her vagina. He says, "Fuck yeah, babe. " Then he pushes forward again.

This is hot. I get behind Neil and lie down with my head on the mattress looking right up between his legs and under his tight balls. I have a clear view of his cock fucking Lauren's vagina hole.

Neil has his knees on the mattress and is leaning forward on his hands. He starts fucking Lauren faster.

I watch and stroke my cock. It is fucking hot.

Lauren is moaning. She starts making this soft noise every time Neil thrusts into her. "Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh... "

Neil is obviously enjoying himself. He is talking. "Fuck yeah. Shit. Oh my fucking god. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck, that's a good pussy. Yeah! That's a fucking hot pussy. "

I watch Neil's cock go in and out of Lauren's vagina. I get caught up in his excitement. "Yeah Neil. Fuck Lauren. Fuck her hard. " We start talking to each other.

Neil says. "Fuck yeah, Rocky "

I say, "Fuck her with your hard cock. "

"Yeah, I'm fucking Lauren's pussy. "

"Fuck yeah. Fuck her pussy! Fuck Lauren. "

"Yeah! Fucking shit fuck! That's a sweet fucking pussy. "

"Yeah! Fuck her Neil! Fuck Lauren! Fuck that cunt! "

Neil stops in mid stroke. He looks back at me. The room gets quiet. I can hear the wind rattling the window.

Shit. I just said the "C " word. I put my hand over my mouth.

Lauren chuckles. She sits up as Neil gets off of her. Lauren appears like she might burst out laughing.

I sit up. "Sorry. "

Lauren smiles. "I think it's your turn now. " She looks at my cock, which started to get soft as soon as I uttered the "C " word. She looks at Neil. "Hon, can you help Rocky? "

Lauren watches as Neil sucks me. I get hard quickly. Lauren lies back and I crawl forward. Neil has his hand on my erection. He holds it as I position myself on top of her.

I look into Lauren's eyes. God, she is so fucking beautiful. At this moment, I realize I love her.

Neil rests his fingers on my asshole. It feels really good. He is still holding my cock.

I look down between our bodies.

Neil says, "Push forward. I'll guide you in. "

I can't help thinking of an airport employee with two flashlights guiding a Boeing 747 into the gate. Okay, maybe not a 747. How about a Gulfstream G500?

Neil squeezes my cock and I focus back on my current task. I watch myself push forward. Neil rubs his fingers across my hole. Then my cock easily slides into Lauren's vagina.

Neil and I say "Fuck yeah! " at the same time.

I'm still looking down. I watch myself slide my cock in and out, in and out. I can't believe I'm actually fucking a real live bona fied vagina. It feels really fucking good. It's different from Neil's hole, but it's also similar. I think about Neil's cock just having been here and experiencing the same exact feeling. This gets me hotter. I speed up my thrusts.

I look Lauren in the eyes. She is breathing hard and begins to moan. I realize I know what she is feeling right at this moment with my cock fucking her, because I felt something similar when Neil fucked me with his cock. Having this shared experience brings me even closer to her.

This is the reason Neil wanted me to fuck him. Well, this and being horny.

Then Neil takes his hand off of my ass. He comes around to face me. He is smiling broadly. Our eyes meet. He kisses me as I pump my cock into Lauren. Then she raises her head and now all three of us are kissing. I continue to fuck. My cock continues to penetrate her vagina.

I can't believe it. I am actually having heterosexual intercourse. Me, an inhibited nerdy gay boy. So this is what all the straights are obsessed with. Okay, I kind of get it now.

We stop kissing. Neil says, "Does it feel like me, babe? "

Lauren is breathing hard. She can barely answer Neil. "Yeah. "

I'm getting tired. I slow down my thrusts. I fuck Lauren nice and slow. My cock has become the center of my world. Lauren wraps her legs around my back.

Neil gets behind me. I keep slowly fucking Lauren while making eye contact with her. She is breathing hard and moaning.

Neil rubs his fingers across my ass.

It feels good. "Fuck. "

He takes his other hand and plays with my balls.

"Fuck yeah. " I keep fucking Lauren in slow motion. Her vagina is hot and moist and slick and feels awesome against my shaft. I look into her beautiful dark brown eyes. I start to tremble. I feel weak. I move my arms and put my full weight on top of her. I kiss her neck. Her breasts are pressed against my chest.

I'm going to cum soon.

Neil stops rubbing my hole and lets go of my balls. He taps my shoulder. He says in a bad English accent. "May I cut in? "

I reluctantly stop fucking Lauren, but I'm also grateful to put off my orgasm. She smiles. I got off of her and turn around to face Neil.

He grabs my hard cock. It is slick. Then he bends forward and sucks it clean. He gets back up and licks his lips. Then kisses me.

I move out of the way. I have returned from the brink of orgasm.

Before Neil gets back on Lauren he quietly says to me. "Fuck my ass. "

I wasn't sure I heard him. He is looking at me. I raise my eyebrows and nod my head towards his ass.

"Yeah. " Then Neil crawls on top of Lauren and kisses her.

I go to the closet and grab the lube.

Lauren says, "Get up. " They both stand. The pillows fall on the floor. She gets on her hands and knees in the center of the bed.

Her vagina is exposed in this position. I watch Neil as he gets behind her and slides his cock inside. He starts fucking her doggy style.

I think back to when I compared Neil to a Schnauzer. I try to figure out what kind of a dog Lauren would be. Probably a Borzoi. Beautiful and elegant. Although I don't think a Schnauzer would be physically capable of fucking a Borzoi. Unless he were on a footstool maybe?

Neil Looks back at me while still fucking Lauren. "Hurry up. "

Shit. I got distracted.

I get on the bed behind Neil. He slows down his thrusts and bends forward, sticking his ass out, making it easier for me to pump the lube onto his hole. Still, some of the lube misses and gets onto our brand new comforter. I set the container on the bed, then rub my fingers across his hole and spread the lube around. I push a finger inside Neil. Then I push in a second finger and slide them in and out. I play with his balls and watch his cock fuck Lauren while still moving my two fingers in and out of his ass.

I am super hard and super horny right now. I'm not sure if Neil is ready to take my cock, but I need to try. I get behind Neil. He stops thrusting and bends all the way forward, pressing his chest against Lauren's back.

I pump lube onto my cock. I drop the container onto the floor, then push my cock against Neil's tight hole.

He grunts.

I selfishly keep pushing my cock into him. I don't care if he is in pain. I have to keep going. He can try to stop me if he thinks it's necessary.

My cock gets all the way in without a lot of resistance. "Fuck yeah! "

Lauren has her head turned back watching me. If she didn't already know I was inside Neil before, she knows now.

I start moving my cock back slowly then push it in. It feels so fucking good. Neil's ass is a lot tighter than Lauren's vagina. I speed up my thrusts.

Neil groans, then resumes his thrusting into Lauren.

This interrupts my rhythm and my cock comes all the way out.

Neil says "Shit. " He stops again.

I put my cock back inside Neil. This time it was a little bit easier. However, I can foresee a problem with both Neil and I trying to synchronize our thrusts. Then I get a flashback to a porno of three twinks fucking in the same manner. The twink in the middle did all of the work, while the twinks on the ends stayed relatively still.

I say, "Neil, you start fucking, I wont move. "

Neil's natural athleticism has enabled him to grasp the solution right away. "Got it. " He slowly moves his hips.

I have to make some adjustments to get the distance right.

Neil speeds up. "Oh my fucking god! Oh fuck. Oh shit. Fuck yeah! "

Lauren starts moaning.

I start moaning.

It works! Once again, my diligent dedication to the study of pornography over the years has proved to be immensely helpful.

I reach down under Neil. I find his cock and move my hand forward until I can feel it moving in and out of Lauren's vagina. It is so fucking hot.

Lauren starts to make those soft sounds again. "Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh... "

I move my hand around the edge of her vagina while feeling Neil's cock moving in and out. I try to find her clitoris. I rub a possible candidate with my lubed up finger.

Lauren's soft moans become more urgent. I think I found it.

Neil has stopped talking. He just grunts. He continues to push his ass into my cock and his cock into Lauren's vagina.

I quietly moan. I am really enjoying myself. We carry on with our three-way fucking. I am starting to feel the beginning of my orgasm.

I don't know if this position has a name and I don't want to cum yet, so I try to think of a name in the hope that it will divert my attention from my cock and stem off my impending load.

I brain-storm for an appropriate name. A Pink and Brown. A Dirty Lauren. An Open Faced Sandwich. Two Men and a Pussy. Front Door Alley. Bye Bi Doggy.

Not only are the names lame, but it's also not helping me slow down my nut. I'm really getting close to popping off. I don't want to be the first one to cum. I better stop.

I pull out of Neil. Then he pulls out of Lauren. She turns around and sits on the bed. All three of us are looking at each other. We burst out laughing.

Neil says, "Oh my god. Being fucked and fucking at the same time is totally fucking awesome. I was so close to cumming. " He looks at his hard cock. It is throbbing and glistening. He squeezes it, then looks back at me. "You should try it. "

"I don't think it's a good idea. "

"Okay, but why not? "

"I'm worried I'm still too tight. I don't want to ruin our fun by crying like a little baby. "

Neil smiles. "Whatever you want. " He gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Lauren says, "I almost came too. " She looks at Neil. "I loved seeing Rocky fuck you, hon. It was so fucking hot. " She smiles at me.

I smile back. Neil is smiling too. I fucking love these two people. I really need to do something special with them.

Then I get a brilliant idea. I look at Lauren. "Would you like to try D.P.? "

"What's D.P.? "

Neil says, "Double penetration. Both Rocky and I would have our cocks inside your pussy at the same time. " Neil looks at me. "Good idea. " He seems impressed I thought of it.

I'm kind of surprised Neil knew what it meant, but of course, Neil has watched his share of porn too.

Lauren says, "I would love that, but how would we do it? "

I'm pretty sure I know how it would work, but I'm not too sure I'd be able to explain it. "Maybe we could get a tutorial from the internet. "

Lauren finds her phone on the nightstand. She says into it. "Hey Seri, show me a double penetration video. "

Seri replies in her stilted voice. "Okay, here is a double penetration video I think you will enjoy. "

All three of us gather around the screen as the video begins to play.

I recognize it immediately. It's the one with Conan and Terry. They showed it to me just before they went home to Cleveland. You remember? Right?

As we are watching it, Neil says, "Hey, I think I know those guys. "

I say, "That's Conan and Terry, they live on our floor. "

Neil looks at me momentarily before he goes back to watching the video.

Lauren says, "I think I got it. " She goes to turn it off.

Neil says, "Hold on. "

I'm glad he stopped Lauren. I want to see the whole video, I think Neil does too. I mean, it's porn. It wouldn't be right to quit in the middle of it.

Lauren turns the video off anyway. I can tell Neil is disappointed, so am I. Of course, why would we want to watch porn when we have the real thing right here on this bed? I don't have the answer to that. I'll have to think on it later.

Lauren takes charge now. "Neil, you get on your back here. "

Neil moves down to the foot of the bed. He gets on his back with his big feet on the floor.

Lauren says to me. "I'll get on top of Neil. You stand behind us. After he puts his cock in me, you can put your cock in. Okay? "

"Okay. " I am sweating. It's getting really hot in here. Our entire dorm room has a musky smell. I realize it's the scent of hot, sweaty, lusty, teenage orgy sex. I open the window about halfway, before I go to my assigned spot at the foot of the bed. I look at Neil's hot naked body. He is super fucking hard and slowly stroking his cock.

Lauren climbs on top of him. She puts her knees on the bed, straddling Neil, and presses her body down close to him. Her rear end is sticking out and her vagina is in full view. I have become accustomed to it and I'm surprised that I think it looks hot. At least in a sort of gross way. She reaches behind her and grabs Neil's cock.

He pushes forward and it goes inside. He starts moving his hips and his cock moves in and out.

I just stare. It is fucking hot. I slowly stroke my cock. I would be happy to watch them fuck while I jack myself to an orgasm, but it would be even better to fuck Lauren at the same time Neil is fucking her.

Lauren looks back at me. She is already breathing hard. "Come on, Rocky. "

I get up close to the bed between Neil's legs. My cock is the hardest it's ever been in my life.

I have to bend my knees a little in order to line up my cock with Lauren's vagina. I press my cock against Neil's cock, belly to belly so to speak, and push forward. Both our cocks are slick and slippery. I keep moving it forward until the head touches Lauren's vagina. "Are you ready? "

Lauren says, "Go for it. "

I push forward. I watch my cock shove it's way inside Lauren's vagina on top of Neil's cock. It's a little tight, but not any tighter than Neil's asshole.

Lauren moans.

Neil says, "Fuck yeah. "

I keep driving forward until my cock goes right up to it's base. Neil pushes all the way forward too. I pull my cock back. When I start sliding forward again, Neil pulls his cock back. Then he pushes forward as I pull back.

It is genius of Neil to alternate strokes with me this way. It also feels amazing.

Lauren is moaning loudly. Her voice gets to a higher pitch.

I look down at my cock fucking Lauren and rubbing against Neil's cock. He has his hands on her bottom. Our balls keep rubbing together. I speed up my thrusting. Neil matches my thrusts. Lauren is almost screaming. Her being so turned on, gets me even hotter.

The combination of my cock rubbing up against Neil's cock and also penetrating Lauren's vagina at the same time feels phenomenal.

Neil must think it feels phenomenal too, he is talking. "Fuck yeah. Oh fucking shit. Damn shit fuck. Fuck! I'm getting close! "

Lauren gets more excited. She gets even louder.

I get more excited too. "Fuck me! I have to cum! "

Neil says, "I'm going to cum! Fuck I'm going to cum. "

Then Lauren's screams get frantic. I instinctively know she is having an orgasm right now.

I feel Neil's cock convulse against my cock inside Lauren's vagina. He yells, "Shit! I'm cumming! "

Then I start cumming too. "Fuck! Fucking fuck! "

All three of us convulse and buck and shudder together as one giant three-way fucking orgasm.

Then we hear a loud thunderous eruption. It is midnight. The fireworks have begun. Our orgasms begin to dissipate while the whole room rocks with the booming force of the explosions coming from the river. I look towards the window and I can see their brilliant fiery display not too far off in the distance.

I pull my cock out of Lauren and she rolls off of Neil. She lies on the bed next to him. I fall forward and spread my body across their bodies. I need to feel their skin against my skin. They scoot over until their bodies are pressed together, then wrap me up in their arms.

We stay like this, breathing hard and listening to the fireworks.

We catch our breaths. I get up and help Lauren to her feet. We look down at Neil. He smiles. "Happy Fucking New Year. "

Lauren says, "Literally. "

Neil and I laugh.

I say. "I guess it's twenty-twenty now. Not a bad way to begin a new year. "

Lauren says, "The best beginning to a New Year in my entire life. "

Neil holds his hands up and Lauren and I pull him to his feet. All three of us are smelly and sweaty and disheveled. We need to shower.

Then there is one final round of explosions coming from the river. I turn off the light and we go to the window and watch the big finale. It is an amazing show. Lauren is in the middle and she puts her arms around our waists. I reach behind Lauren and place my hand on Neil's butt. Neil places his hand over Lauren's hand on my side. We stand bonded together, naked, satiated and content, while the last of the fireworks fade away.

I turn the light back on.

Lauren says, "I need to shower. I have to wash two huge nasty loads out of me. "

Then I say, "Oh shit! What if you get pregnant? "

Neil and Lauren laugh.

"What's so funny? "

"Don't worry Rocky, I'm not going to get pregnant. "

I realize, of course, Lauren would have taken precautions. Although, it would be fucking awesome if we had a baby. All three of us could live together and raise a big fucking family with tons of kids running around everywhere. I'm sure Neil would love it.

Then Neil says, "We can shower together, I don't think there's anybody else on this floor. "

So all three of us head down the hall to the men's room and clean up. We bring our toothbrushes and get ready for bed.

We get back to our room. Lauren looks at me. "Rocky, would you mind if I slept in the middle. I want to be next to both you and Neil? "

"Of course. "

We all get into bed naked, with Lauren in the middle. It is nearly 1:00am. I am exhausted. I turn off the light and cuddle up to Lauren. Neil is cuddled up to her on the other side.

Lauren says, "Rocky, I have to leave early. I might not get a chance to say goodbye in the morning. "

"Wake me up, I wont mind. "

"I want to say how happy I am that Neil has you. I know you will take good care of him. "

"Yes, I will. "

"I love both you and Neil very much. "

"I love you too. " I lie there feeling Lauren's soft body next to mine. I wish she didn't have to leave. "Do you think you can come back here for Spring Break? "

Lauren doesn't say anything. Maybe she's asleep. The room is quiet. The wind rattles the window. Occasionally I hear a string of firecrackers shooting off from somewhere in the middle of town. I fall asleep.

I wake up. I am alone in bed. The room is still dark. There is a heavy rain beating against the window. It is coming down hard. The window is still open and the rain is getting inside.

The door to the hallway is ajar and the light is coming through. I can hear Neil and Lauren in quiet conversation on the other side of the door, but I can't see them and I can't understand what they are saying.

I listen. I want to get out of bed and say goodbye to Lauren, but something stops me. I somehow sense this is an important private moment between them.

Then Neil speaks a little louder, "Goodbye. "

Lauren says "Don't worry. You're going to be alright. "

Lauren and Neil move into view as they hug. Then she turns and steps out of sight. I hear her boots walking down the hall and her suitcase rolling on the floor. A moment later the elevator dings.

Neil comes into the room and shuts the door behind him. He doesn't notice I'm awake in the dark. He walks to the window and closes it. He looks out on the rain. I can see him silhouetted against the dim light coming from the window. He sniffs heavily. He brings his hand up to his face. I think he is crying.

I get out of bed and stand next to him. Neil turns and hugs me hard.

I hug him back harder. "Are you okay? "

"We broke up. "

"I'm so sorry. "

"It's okay. We've been talking about it for a while. We finally decided two days ago. We thought it was for the best. " Neil sniffs again.

I put my hands on the back of his head and hold him to my shoulder. His arms are still wrapped around me.

Neil continues. "Lauren wanted to make sure I would be okay with you. That's why she came up here. "

I feel his tears on my shoulder. I say, "Don't worry. You belong to me now. We will be happy together for the rest of our lives. "

Neil lifts his head and looks at me. It is beginning to get light out and I can see his smile. He kisses me softly on the lips.

We turn towards the window and look down on the quad eight stories below.

Most of the snow has washed away.

H.T. Bruhaus. January 27, 2020

First, I have to apologize for the vagina in this chapter. I considered rating this VG for Contains Vagina, Heterosexual Guidance Suggested, but I didn't want to give away any spoilers, which meant you all had to get that nasty surprise without any warning.

As gay men, we should not have to be subjected to the female genitalia willy-nilly. The thing is, I could not end this story without resolving Lauren. My imagination has it's limits and the only way I could conceive of a resolution, was to have a three-way with her.

Of course, that meant that a vagina would have to be involved. Sorry. It's not desirable, but it is the only logical conclusion I could come up with.

Just think how I feel. I haven't fucked a vagina in forty years. I was in the Navy at the time and about the same age as Rocky. I have mostly forgotten the details of my heterosexual experimentation's. During that time, I never once looked at, or smelled, or especially tasted a vagina. I just climbed on top, stuck it in and fucked away. As a result of my memory loss and my limited contact with the vagina, I had to go on the internet and do extensive research. I now have a folder in my computer labeled "Vagina ". It is full of images of various vaginae in various positions. Blah!

The sacrifices I had to make for this fucking story. I am a fucking saint.

Second, I cannot take credit for Rocky's insightful description of caviar.

"It tastes like how the ocean makes me feel. "

I have never tasted caviar myself, so I resorted to the internet for that specific experience.

Somewhere on the internet I found that description. I now have forgotten exactly where. It was probably from some food blog. I thought it was so clever and fucking beautiful, that I could not prevent Rocky from saying it. I plagiarized it.

I am a bad man.

Thanks for reading the Neil and Rocky series. If you have read all seven chapters, then you have read approximately 75,000 words. I just thought you might like to know.

Please email me with comments. I thrive on attention. I'll try to answer back and I'll also send you a notification of when I post my next story. Assuming you are interested in reading something else of mine. Don't forget to tell me where you live, if you haven't already, so I can put a pin in your city on my world map hanging on the wall near my computer.

Also, please make a donation to Nifty if you have the ability.

Now it's time for a beer.

Thanks, Dave Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

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