Neil and Rocky


Published on Jun 16, 2019


by H.T. Bruhaus email: June 16th, 2019

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Neil and Rocky: Chapter 4

Neil Returns

After the shower, I go back to our room and put on some clothes. It's now nearly 7:30 in the evening. Three more hours until I get to see Neil. I clean the room. As I am making Neil's bed, I see some of my dried cum on his sheets. I guess I better wash them and I might as well wash mine too. I also better wash the towel I was using as a cum rag.

I take the elevator to the laundry room in the basement and do a load of laundry. While I'm waiting for the sheets to be washed, I play Fruit Ninja on my phone.

I return to our room with the clean sheets and make our beds. Now it's nine o'clock. I look around to make sure everything is okay. The bottle of Jack Daniels is back on Neil's nightstand, but it's almost empty. He did say I could finish it. The tube of K-Y Jelly he also said I could use is pretty much dead. Shit. I was planning on getting some more and totally spaced out.

I put the K-Y in the drawer of my nightstand. I don't want Neil to know how much I've been jacking-off. It's embarrassing. Hopefully, Neil wont remember he loaned it to me.

I get out my laptop and sit on my bed. I have just enough time to watch "Elf" before Neil gets here.

I wake up. It's 1:00am. My laptop is sitting on my nightstand. I don't remember putting it there. Neil is across the room unpacking his duffel bag. My heart beats in my chest. My dick starts to move. I watch his beautiful athletic body as he puts clothes away.

Neil sees me in the reflection of his closet door mirror. He gets a big smile and turns around to face me. "Rocky, it's good to see you. I missed you."

I stand. "I missed you too." I am expecting a hug from Neil. I'm not disappointed.

Neil wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight. I close my eyes and squeeze him back as hard as I can. It feels good. We continue our hug for a long time. We finally break apart. His hair is wet and some of it drips on me.

I say, "Still raining?"

"Not rain, snow."

"Snow? Really?"

"Where have you been for the last four hours?"

"Inside, I guess."

"It's a snowstorm. It took us three hours just to drive fifty miles."

I'm confused. "A snowstorm? Here?"

Neil goes to the window and raises the blinds. He swings it open. I feel cold air come into the room as I go over and stand next to Neil. I lean out and look down. I can see the quad eight stories below us. It is dimly lit by lights from the dorm and the lights along the paths. The quad is completely covered in snow and there are big fat snowflakes lazily drifting down.

I'm excited. "Wow!"

Neil says, "We're in the middle of a snowstorm. They're expecting eighteen inches overnight."

"That's what she said." I know my little joke is inappropriate, but I can't help myself.

"Funny, Rocky."

While we are looking down on the quad, six female students come running out from the dorm and into the snow. I can hear them laughing as they start throwing snowballs at each other. One of the women sees Neil and I looking down from our window.

She motions to us with her arm and yells. "Come on out and play. This is crazy!"

I look at Neil for permission. I don't know why, it's not like he's my dad. "Can we?"

"Let's go."

I throw on my sneakers and hoody and wrap my new scarf around my neck, then Neil and I take the elevator to the lobby and go out onto the quad. Along with the six women playing in the snow, there is now a male student playing with them.

I kind of thought I was the very last student on campus. I'm a little shocked that these guys have been here all along. It makes my jacking-off in the common area a lot riskier than I had realized.

This new guy is super fucking pretty. Seriously. He has to be one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen, but not in a boyish way, like I am boyish. He is pretty in a masculine way. He has a very strong jawline and big full lips. He has heavy dark eyebrows. His eyelashes are thick and long. He has a Roman nose. It reminds me of a Gladiator. His nose might be a little big for his face, but somehow it just adds to his prettiness. He acts very masculine too, even a little cocky.

And what makes him so much more attractive to me, is that he is actually smaller than I am, which is unusual. He is about five-five and no more than maybe 115 pounds.

I mean, I would not choose him over Neil, but that being said, he would run an extremely close second.

The quad has at least six inches of snow on the ground, maybe more. I stick out my tongue and try to catch some snowflakes. Then a snowball hits me in the chest and I hear Neil laughing. I start chasing him. We run across the quad throwing snowballs at each other. My snowballs mostly miss Neal, his always hits my body directly. Fuck!

I am probably getting cold, but I don't feel it. All of the other students are throwing snowballs as well. It turns into one big snowball free for all. I am getting hit from all sides. Then two of the women break off from our snowball fight and start making a snowman. I have never seen snow in person before and all my life I have wanted to make a snowman. So I quit the snowball fight and start helping them.

Neil helps too and a minute later everybody is cooperating with this snowman project.

One of the women must be an artist, because as we gather up the snow in great big balls, she starts sculpting and shaping the snow into, what I would call, a masterpiece in snow art. Our little cliched snowman has now transformed into an amazing tableau of snow people.

She confidently gives us directions on where to put more snow. This is beginning to turn into something very special. In my uninformed opinion, this could be somebody's spectacular Masters Thesis.

Then as Neil and I are rolling a huge snowball into position, he suddenly stops helping and just stares up at the dorm.

I look to where Neil is looking. There is this extremely beautiful woman on the second floor, directly above the automatic front doors, with her window swung open and looking out on us.

I look around. The pretty boy is also looking up at this woman.

One of the female students says, "Hey Julie, come on down and play with us."

Julie doesn't say anything. She is dressed for bed and we probably woke her up with our ruckus.

She is wearing a black silk nightgown with narrow shoulder straps and lace over a plunging neck line. Her hair is long and loose and luxurious and flowing down past her shoulders.

As you know, I am gay. Normally, I do not pay much attention to breasts, but even I can see that Julie has huge fucking breasts pushing out her nightgown and showing deep cleavage. I have to admit, she is a very stunning woman.

Then the pretty boy says, "Yeah Julie, come on down and play with us."

Then one of the female students says, "Come on Julie."

Then Neil joins in, "Julie, come and play with us."

I don't want to feel left out, so I say "Ju-lie. Ju-lie. Ju-lie..."

Everyone else joins the chant. "Ju-lie. Ju-lie. Ju-lie..."

Julie says, "Fuck you guys!"

She closes her window. We stop chanting. I see her shadow moving around on the ceiling. I don't know if she is going back to bed or if she will be joining us on the quad.

I don't really care what Julie does and I'm a little jealous that Neil is paying so much attention to her, so I throw a snowball at Neil. It hits him on the ear.

Neil doesn't even react to my strike. He continues to stare at the dorm. I go back to rolling our snowball into position without Neil. A few minutes later I hear yelling. I look towards the sound.

Julie is shouting "Fuuuuuccckk". She is running out of the automatic doors with her hands in the air, bare ass naked except for a pair of Uggs.

I look at her. My dick moves a little bit. Julie looks amazing. Yes, I may be 99.8% Gay, but the other 0.2% is all for Julie. She is incredible. She is very tall, nearly as tall as Neil. She is also, what might be referred to as, a full figured woman, or heavyset. I would call her Rubenesque. Her body is beautifully curved, like a cello. Her breasts are very big and perky and her nipples are gigantic. I mean, I'm assuming they would be considered gigantic. I'm not exactly an expert on the shapes and sizes of the human female nipple.

She also has a very bushy vagina. Lots of pubic hair down there. I like hairy cocks. I now realize I might actually like hairy vaginas as well. For some reason, I get the feeling that Julie is a highly sexual being. I start to imagine what the inside of her vagina would feel like against my cock.

I can see that both Neil and the pretty boy also think Julie is super hot. They just openly stare at her. I wonder if they are fantasizing about fucking her too.

Julie comes through the doors and out into the snow. She stops. Snow flakes are lightly falling all around her. The quad is suddenly quiet. I swear I can hear the snow falling. All nine pairs of eyes are focused on Julie's beautiful nude body. Then she yells, "Everybody get naked!"

Right away, the pretty boy throws down his jacket, strips off his shirt and takes off his sweat pants. He tosses his clothes onto the snow near the front door. He is totally naked, except for a pair of Nikes and black socks.

He has his back to me and I get a clear view of his ass. It is small, but muscular. Oh my god, I could really go for that hard little ass. I wonder what it would be like, with his permission of course, to lie on top of his petite body and just fuck the shit out of it. Okay, that was gross, but you know what I mean.

Then he turns and I get to see his dick. I cannot believe my eyes. His dick is super fucking huge. The word colossal doesn't seem adequate enough to describe it. I have to admit I am jealous. Seriously, why does this pretty little man have this huge fucking dick.

I think about him acting cocky and I can't help wondering if the term "Cocky", has its' roots from guys having big cocks and acting like they are special because of it.

All of the female students strip down too.

I take off my hoody and shirt and pull my jeans down over my sneakers. I get completely naked except for my scarf. I'm afraid I might lose it in the snow and besides, I suspect I look sensational all naked with just a scarf on.

Neil takes off his shirt, but his jeans get stuck on his boots and he falls on his bare ass into the snow.

He looks up at me. I pull him out of the snow and Neil leans against me as he takes off his boots and pulls his jeans and boxers all the way off and puts his boots back on. His socks get wet in the process.

I stare at Neil's cock. Fuck, I sure missed it while he was away at home. It is super shriveled up, because of the cold. I look down at mine. Of course, mine is super shriveled up too.

I'm embarrassed my cock looks so small, especially when compared to the pretty boy. Neil doesn't seem to care that his own cock looks small too. I wish I had his self confidence.

So now all ten of us are totally naked except for shoes or boots. We start running around the quad and throwing snowballs at each other. We are laughing and yelling and just being silly. We are having a blast. We completely abandon the Snow People Project.

I notice that Julie and the pretty boy are mostly playing with each other.

It gradually starts to snow harder, then the wind picks up and the snow flakes turn into pellets.

One of the students says, "Fuck, I'm freezing," and she heads back inside. I'm also freezing. I quickly start gathering my clothes. So does everybody else.

We all run inside with are clothes bunched up in our arms. We go into the elevator lobby as a group and wait for one of the ancient elevators to arrive. I am shivering and my body is covered in goosebumps. I am holding my clothes in front of my cock. Most of the women are holding their clothes in front of their vaginas, but their breasts are still exposed.

I glance up at the security cameras. They must be recording a bunch of butts and boobs right now.

I stand next to Neil, hoping to get some of his body heat. He starts rubbing his hand on my back, trying to warm me up.

It feels good. If I wasn't so fucking cold, I'd probably be getting a boner.

Julie and the pretty boy are standing apart from the rest of the group and facing each other. His eyes are at the same level as Julie's huge nipples. I get glimpses of the couple through gaps in the crowd. They are whispering.

Julie had come outside without any clothes, so she is completely exposed. The pretty boy is holding his clothes to the side. It's like he is displaying his huge cock to Julie. It appears his cock is semi-hard. Julie keeps looking at it. Nobody is paying any attention to them, except me.

I'm not sure, because somebody moves into my field of vision, but it appears the pretty boy pushes his cock against Julie's thigh.

The car finally arrives and we all get in. It's crowded and Neil gets pushed up against me. I am holding my clothes in front of my cock and Neil's bare ass is pressed up hard against the back of my hands. He looks over his shoulder at me and shrugs as if to say "Sorry, but it can't be helped."

Of course, I don't mind a bit. I consider pinching Neil's ass cheek as a joke. Kind of like the way he pinched my cock as a joke just before he went home, but I control myself. I don't think it would be appropriate in front of all these people.

Julie and the pretty boy get in last. We call out our floor numbers and Julie selects them for us.

It takes what seems like forever for the elevator to get to the second floor. I don't mind because Neil's ass cheeks are pushed against my hands. A moment ago, my hands were freezing, but now they are warm and comfy thanks to Neil's hot cheeks. Both Julie and the pretty boy get off on the second floor. As they turn to head down the hall, I can see the pretty boy is completely hard. His great big dick is even bigger.

Before the elevator doors close all the way, one of the women yells out, "Wooo Julie, get that big dick!"

We all start laughing. Neil looks back at me and raises his eyebrows up and down. He is smiling. So am I.

By the time the elevator makes it to the eighth floor. Neil and I are the only ones left. We get off and Neil says, "Let's go take a shower."

"Good idea."

We head directly to the showers. We set our clothes down on a bench and take off our shoes. I remove my scarf while staring at Neil's big feet. I look at Neil's amazing ass as he goes over and turns on a faucet. He puts his hand in the stream waiting for it to warm up. I grab a shower on the same side as Neil, but with one empty shower space between us.

The water warms up and Neil and I get into our respective streams and just soak. It feels good to be warm again.

I try not to look at Neil's cock. I know, by passed experience, that if I look too long at a cock, I will get an erection. I still look at Neil's cock anyway. I love Neil and I really love his cock. I just can't help myself.

Neil looks happy. I know I am happy Neil is back. I now have a semi, but I feel like I have it under control and my cock only sticks out just a little bit.

As a safety precaution, I close my eyes. I visualize Julie's naked body, thinking that will help my cock subside. Nope. My cock lifts up a bit more.

So I think back to my Geology class and visualize how a subduction zone works. That does the trick. Limp city.

After a few minutes of soaking, Neil says, "That Julie sure is hot."

I open my eyes and look at Neil's face. For once in my life, I don't have to pretend a girl is hot. "Yeah, she's really stunning."

"She is so much bigger than that dude she went back to her room with."

My eyes drift to Neil's cock, it might be poking out a bit. I quickly look at his face again. "No kidding. It makes me think of a Chihuahua trying to fuck a Great Dane."

Neil laughs. "Yeah, a Chihuahua with a great big dick. I'd kind of like to watch them fuck." Neil turns off his shower.

"Me too." I'm a bit surprised Neil said that, but I know what he means, watching that little guy and his big dick fucking Julie, who probably weighs nearly twice as much, it would be interesting and hot at the same time. It'd be like a weird combination of National Geographic and a porno.

I turn off my shower. "Maybe we should both go down there right now, naked and knock on their door."

"I know you're kidding Rocky, but wouldn't that be something if we did. I kind of have a feeling Julie would be into it."

"I think that pretty boy would be into it too." Whoops. I just admitted I thought that guy was pretty. I look at Neil. He didn't catch it.

Neil says, "I think you're right, I bet he would love it if we were watching him using that big tool of his on Julie."

"Yeah. I bet he would." I know I would love it. Neil and I naked together, side by side with our cocks in our hands and watching the pretty boy fucking Julie.

My dick starts to get hard again. Sometimes my dick can be such a pain in the ass.

I involuntarily laugh out loud at my accidental joke.

For some reason, Neil laughs too. I know he can't read my mind. Right?

Then Neil says, "Talk about getting 18 inches overnight."

"Good one." I'm surprised Neil remembered my joke, especially since it was so bad. I'm touched.

I follow Neil as we walk over to retrieve our clothes. My dick still wants to get hard, so I avert my gaze from Neil's ass and go back to visualizing a subduction zone. I get my cock under control, at least for now.

I catch up to Neil as we go to pick up our clothes. I glance at his cock again. It is sticking straight out. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Neil has a boner. I wonder if talking about sex has made Neil horny.

Neil doesn't try to hide it, like I have been trying to hide mine, but it's not as if he were showing it off either, it's more like he is unaware that it's wrong and shameful to have a public boner. He must know I can see it. He's just totally unconcerned. "Shit. We forgot to get towels."

I now lose control of my cock and I get a boner too, but I'm not like Neil. I can't let him see it. He might think his erection spurred on my erection and of course, he'd be right. I pick up my clothes and casually cover my cock with them. I act cool. "Oh well. I guess we'll just have to drip all the way down the hall."

Neil picks up his clothes and we walk side by side back to our room. I have to hold my clothes higher up in order to carry them and walk at the same time and my hard dick is free and flopping around as we walk down the hall. Unfortunately, it feels really good and my cock has no chance what soever to get soft.

I know Neil can't see my cock from this angle, because I can't see his cock either. As we head towards our room, I wonder if Neil's cock is still hard and if so, if it is enjoying the same feeling as my cock of being free and loose and flopping around every which way.

When we get to our room, Neil holds the door open for me and I go inside first. I quickly go to my closet and grab a towel. I cover my cock as I dry off. I force myself to look at anything except Neil's cock. My primary goal right now is to get control of my dick and make my erection go away.

Neil gets a towel from his closet. He smells it. "Rocky, did you wash this towel?"

I am grateful for the conversation. I now have something to divert my attention from my cock. "Yeah, I did a bunch of laundry and decided to wash all of your dirty clothes too."


"No problem. I was bored and had tons of time to burn. I even washed your sheets."

"Wow. That was nice of you."

"It's no big deal. I actually washed your sheets twice."

Neil's voice sounds confused. "You washed my sheets twice?"

I just realized my mistake. There wouldn't be any reason for me to wash Neil's sheets twice, unless I was the one to make them dirty in the first place.

Well, I'm a smart guy and I'm also highly motivated in keeping Neil from discovering I've been fucking his pillow and blowing a load onto his sheets every morning while fantasizing about his beautiful ass, so I come up with a brilliant excuse right there on the spot. "Yeah. I spaced out and forgot I had washed them earlier. Sometimes I can be such an idiot."

Neil is done drying himself and he throws his towel into his closet. He takes my towel out of my hands and tosses it over his shoulder. It lands directly into my closet. We are both completely naked, but I don't dare look at his dick. Thanks to our conversation, I have mostly forgotten about my cock and I believe I am safely soft. Neil holds onto my forearm and we make eye contact. "Rocky, you might be a lot of things, but you certainly are no idiot."

I'm not sure what point he is trying to make here. Is he calling out my lie? "Thanks."

Neil lets go of my arm and lies down on his bed. I lie down on my bed too. We are both still naked. There was a moment, right before he went home for the break, that I was concerned Neil would be uncomfortable in front of me because we had jacked each other off. I guess that is not going to be an issue with us.

Our room is warm. For some reason, it has always been a little bit too hot during the winter. It's actually just the right temperature for lounging around naked.

We are both on our beds on our sides facing each other. I really want to look at Neil's cock, but I am totally content to look at his handsome face. Yet, I can still see his cock in my peripheral vision. It is hanging down at an angle. The head is touching the blanket. It kind of looks like it's pulsating. It's difficult to tell for sure, but I think Neil is still hard.

I force myself to ignore it, "How was your visit home?"

"It was so much fun, Rocky. I love my brothers and their partners. And I especially love all of my nieces and nephews. The only problem, besides almost everybody getting the flu, is that I had absolutely no fucking privacy what soever."


"Yeah, my parents apartment has only one bathroom and two bedrooms. I had to sleep on the floor in the living room surrounded by a bunch of kids and there was always a line for the bathroom."

I try to imagine being in that situation. I realized I would never have an opportunity to masturbate. Poor Neil. He must be ready to burst his nuts. I decide to push this issue, maybe I can broach the subject of jacking-off without appearing like I'm a pervert. "Shit Neil, what did you do about...I mean how did you um...?"

Neil looks at me. He gets a big grin. "How did I what, Rocky?"

"Um..." I can't get up the courage to ask Neil about jacking-off. I'm still afraid I might somehow ruin our friendship. "Forget it."

Neil casually squeezes his cock and then lets go. I try to be cool and pretend I didn't notice.

I concentrate on looking at Neil's eyes. I can feel my cock begin to get hard.

Then Neil says, "There is a gas station on the corner of our block. I actually walked down to it and used their bathroom."

Is Neil talking about jacking-off, or is he just talking about taking a dump?

He continues. "I was able to get off, but it was so fucking disgusting in there that I never went back. That was like ten days ago."

Okay. Neil just confessed that he hasn't jacked-off in ten days. If it were me, I would probably be spontaneously shooting a load right at this moment. Fuck it, somehow I find the courage. "You haven't jacked-off in ten days? You must be horny as hell." I feel a bit like a predator, but there's nothing I can do about it now. I casually pull on the head of my dick and let go. My cock gets totally hard.

Neil's grin gets even bigger. "That's an understatement." He grabs his cock and shakes it back and fourth. "Do you mind if I rub one out? I am so fucking horny."

"I don't mind." I hold my boner in my hand and show it to Neil. "Do you want me to leave, or what?"

Neil looks at my hard cock. "You should stay, definitely."

So Neil and I start stroking our dicks. We are lying on our beds, facing each other, totally naked and masturbating. It feels good and I am super happy.

Neil stops and looks over to his night stand. He puts his hand on it feeling around for something. "Where's the lube?"

I stop stroking my cock and open the drawer to my nightstand. I toss Neil the tube of K-Y.

"Jesus Rocky, it's almost empty."


Neil looks at me with a perplexed expression. "What did you do, flush it all down the toilet?"

"No. I was super bored and didn't have anything else to do." I feel a little defensive. "So I just jacked-off most of the time."

"Wow, you are a fucking super stud. Here I was only able to jack-off once in two weeks and you have been doing it like what, twice a day?"

"More like three times a day."

"Shit. When was the last time you did it?"

"What time is it?"

Neil laughs. Then he rolls up the end of the tube of K-Y and manages to squeeze out a decent sized glob.

"Can I have some?" I think I might be dependent on the lube. It feels so much better than dry jacking.

Neil tosses me the tube. By a Christmas Miracle, I manage to catch it with one hand. I try to act like it's no big deal, but I think I might have impressed Neil with my athletic ability. I have at least impressed myself. I roll up the end of the tube and attempt to squeeze some out. I get a little tiny dollop. I try to spread it around my cock, but it's not enough.

Neil notices. "Here, maybe we can share."

Neil stands. I move to the edge of my bed. He sits next to me and pushes the side of his body against the side of my body. Then he grabs my erect cock with his lubed up hand and spreads the lube around. My cock get slippery and Neil goes back to stroking his hard cock. "Is that going to be enough for you?"

Oh shit, Neil's hand on my cock felt so good, I don't want him to stop. I wrap my fist around my shaft and try out a couple of strokes. "I'm not sure."

Neil smiles. "Stand up."

We both stand facing each other. Neil bends his knees until our cocks line up, then he lifts his cock and pushes the underside of it against the underside of my cock and wraps them both in his big hand.

He twists his fist over our cocks, distributing the lube all over. Then he starts moving his fist up and down.

Neil and I moan at the same time.

Neil looks into my eyes. I look back.

Neil's dark brown eyes are deep and soulful. He has got to be one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. "Rocky, is this okay?"

Neil is so considerate, he's actually asking for my permission to stroke our cocks together. If only he knew.

I nod my head up and down.

Neil goes back to looking at our cocks while he strokes them. I look at our cocks too. They are both pointing up. Precum is leaking out of the slits. Their undersides are pressed together. Our balls are touching. It feels amazing.

Neil says, "Fuck that feels good." He moves his hand faster. He moans some more.

I think Neil might already be getting close. I can't blame him, after all, it's been ten days since he's shot a load.

Then Neil puts his free hand on my shoulder. He strokes us faster. He is breathing hard. He quietly says, "I'm already getting close. I'm getting so fucking close. I want to cum now."

I whisper back, "Go ahead Neil, shoot your load."

"Fuck, I really need to cum."

Then without thinking it through, I reach behind Neil and grab his ass with both of my hands. I have surprised myself with this action. I momentarily consider letting go, but oh my god, I don't have the will power to let go. I just can't do it.

Neil stops stroking our cocks. He inhales and holds his breath, then he goes back to stroking them, but faster and with a tighter grip. He also starts breathing again, but even faster than before.

His ass cheeks are big and full and soft and muscular. I squeeze them hard. I cannot stop myself. My fingers go deep into the crevice between his cheeks. I feel them near his hole. It is hot and moist between his cheeks. I think back to when Conan let me slide my finger inside of him. I desperately want to put a finger inside of Neil.

I lose my mind. This big, handsome, athletic man, jacking our cocks together, has caused me to lose my goddam mind. I do it. I slide my middle finger into Neil's asshole. My finger still has some lube on it from earlier. I get to the first knuckle. I don't stop. I get to the second knuckle. I keep going. I pull apart his cheeks with my other hand and I push my finger all the way in. A portion of my brain is thinking, "Why hasn't Neil stopped me?"

Then Neil says "Fuck!" He starts shooting cum out of his cock, spurt after spurt after hot spurt. It gets all over Neil's hand and both of our cocks and onto the carpet.

I quickly take my finger out of his hole and let go of his ass. I irrationally think that maybe he didn't notice my transgression.

Neil squeezes my shoulder with his hand. He continues to stroke both of our cocks together. Despite him having just shot a huge load, his dick is still hard. His cum is all over our dicks. I can smell it. It gets mixed in with the lube as he keeps stroking. I am getting close. I am right on the edge. Neil moves his hand from my shoulder. He brings it down to our cocks and gets some lube onto his finger. I absently wonder why. I don't grasp the significance of it.

Then he moves that hand behind me. He momentarily squeezes my ass, then slowly pushes his finger into my hole. He keeps pushing until it's all the way inside of me.

"Fuck!" Now I start cumming. I get cum all over our cocks and Neil's hand and onto the carpet too. My load mixes in with Neil's load. Neil still has his finger inside my ass. I can't believe Neil let me put my finger inside his ass.

Neil keeps on stroking our cocks with his finger inside me. It's slightly moving back and forth. He slowly squeezes his fist up and down our combined shafts. He moves his hips. I guess Neil still needs to cum some more. I'm not surprised, I mean, he did have a ten day supply of jizz in his balls. Then Neil's breath gets short and he starts grunting.

I quickly pinch his nipple. I remember when that swimmer jock did it to me. The pain really intensified the pleasure of my orgasm.

Neil screams and more cum shoots out of his cock and onto his hand. "Fuck!"

Finally, Neil lets go of our cocks and pulls his finger out of my ass. His hand lingers on my butt for a moment before he drops it to his side.

Now that I have shot my load, I recover from my temporary insanity. I'm a little shocked by my impulsive behavior.

Neil says, "Fuck I needed that." He is looking at me. He has a big grin on his beautiful face. "Where did you learn to pinch the nipple like that?"

I shrug. "Internet."

"That really made my second orgasm intense."

"Good." Neil hasn't mentioned my finger in his ass. I am somewhat hopeful he forgot about it.

"Oh my fucking god Rocky, and when you put your finger in my ass, I came instantly. That felt so fucking amazing."

Okay, he remembers, but I really wasn't expecting this kind of a response. I don't know what to say. "Good."

Neil continues. "Lauren is the only one who's ever done that for me. Thanks."

Neil just jacked me off and he is thanking me? "Shit Neil, it was a reckless impulse on my part. I probably shouldn't have done it."

"I'm glad you did. It really felt nice and I think you liked it when I returned the favor. Right?"

My instinct is to lie here. I'm still not used to the idea of having my asshole penetrated and enjoying it, even with just a finger, but if Neil can admit to liking a finger up his ass, then I guess I can too.

I am unable to meet Neil's eyes. I look down at his cock when I say it. "Yes Neil, I liked it when you put your finger in my hole."

Then I look up at Neil's face. He has a big grin. Our eyes lock. "Alright Rocky, high five." Neil is holding his hand high above his head. I bring my hand up as he brings his hand down and they meet with a loud slap.

Lube and cum splashes onto both of our faces.

Neil says "Shit, lets take another shower."


by H.T. Bruhaus email: June 16th, 2019

I had intended to move this story further along in this chapter, but it has taken me a lot more time to write up to this point then what I was expecting, and since I've gotten a few emails from readers asking for more, I decided to stop here and get this posted now.

This is not the last of Neil and Rocky.

Also, please help support Nifty by making a donation.

Feel free to contact me. I really like to hear from you. I try to answer all emails. If I haven't answered yours, please forgive me. I know I will eventually get to it. I am doing a survey of where everybody is from, so if you send me an email, please include the city you live in, if you haven't already.

Thanks, H.T. Bruhaus Portland, Oregon, USA

Next: Chapter 5

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