Neil and Rocky


Published on Apr 22, 2019


by H.T. Bruhaus email: April 22nd, 2019

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A quick note. In case it's not clear, Rocky and Guy are the same person. Rocky is Neil's nickname for Guy. But you already knew that, right?

Neil and Rocky: Chapter 3


After the text from Neil saying he will be home late tomorrow night, I perk up. I no longer feel depressed. I also get horny. In honor of Christmas, I decide I need to do a special masturbation session somewhere on campus I have never jacked-off before.

This becomes a challenge. In the last two weeks, since the winter break began, I pretty much have done it everywhere on campus I can think of. I rack my brain. "Come on Guy, you're a straight A student. You can do this!"

I come up blank, so I decide to take a walk. Maybe I can find a place off campus to get my nut. It has stopped raining, but it is still super cold and damp. I put on my warmest clothes and my hoody. I wrap my new scarf around my neck. I'm from Florida. I don't have much in the way of winter clothes and I didn't expect it to be this cold in Oregon anyway, especially in the Willamette Valley.

I go off campus and start walking towards the river. The streets are quiet and I get glimpses of families inside their homes celebrating Christmas together. I walk fast trying to keep warm.

After about fifteen minutes I come to a grade school. I am thinking there might be a place on the playground where I could jack-off. So I walk between two buildings and come out onto a large paved area behind the school with a covered basketball court in the middle.

There is a guy riding a BMX bike around the playground and doing tricks. He is really good.

I lean against the building and watch him for a while. I would guess he is around 25 years old. He is wearing jeans and a tee-shirt. He must be heated up from his trick riding, because his coat is neatly folded and placed under the cover of the basketball court. He has a purple beanie on his head that kind of matches the white and purple checkered Vans on his feet. He has long blond hair sticking out from underneath his beanie. He also has some tattoos on his arms.

He sees me watching him and peddles towards me. He stops short and raises up on his front tire. Then he does a 180 spin and heads off in the opposite direction. He comes back to me and bounces his bike off of the wall ten feet to my left and flips around. He leaves tire tracks on the wall.

I kind of get the feeling he is showing off for me.

He sits backwards on his handlebars and rides in circles. Then he tries to do a handstand.

He crashes.

It looks bad. I run over to him. "Are you alright?"

There is blood on his arm. He looks at me and holds out his hand. "Can you help me up?" I grab it and pull him to his feet. He brushes off his pants. "Fuck me. I almost had it."

I say, "Are you sure you're okay?"

He smiles, "Yeah thanks. My name is Cody."

"I'm Guy." We shake.

Cody leaves his bike where it landed and I follow him to his coat. His jeans are baggy. I can't really see what his ass looks like, which is frustrating for me because, as you know, I am somewhat of an ass man. But his arms are lean and muscular and his back looks strong.

That's a good sign.

Cody takes an antibacterial wipe from his coat pocket and cleans up the abrasion on his arm. "I keep these handy. I'm always getting banged up."

I don't know what to say, so I just say, "Nice." It sounds lame.

Cody smiles again and puts on his coat. "Fuck, it's getting cold." He looks at me. "You must be freezing your balls off, Guy."

"I'm fine."

"Come back to my place, I'll make you some hot chocolate."

The way Cody looked at me when he said that, made my dick move a little bit. I haven't a clue if it's more than just hot chocolate he is offering, but the one thing I have learned in the last two weeks, is that there seems to be a lot more opportunities for sex out there than I have ever imagined. "That sounds great, Cody."

"Can you ride pegs?"

I've been riding pegs since I was eight. I smile and say, "Of course." I get on the back of the bike standing on the pegs with my hands on Cody's shoulders. He takes off and rides around the playground. I think he is getting a feel for how confident I am.

I must have past the test, because he picks up speed and shoots out into the street. He peddles uphill at a fast clip, running stop signs and swerving to avoid various road hazards. I have to be alert in order to keep my balance, but the speed and challenge is exciting and I completely trust Cody's skills.

In less than 10 minutes we stop in front of a nice brick ranch home with a hipped roof and an attached two car garage. It has a string of Christmas lights running along the roof line and there are lights in the bushes along the front of the house. Cody says, "Here we are." He is not even breathing hard. He must be in good shape.

We get off the bike. I follow Cody as he walks the bike around the side of the garage. The ground slopes downhill. We come into the backyard. The house has a daylight basement.

Cody unlocks a door into the basement. It's a little dark inside but it's nice and warm. Something smells good cooking in the oven. He hangs his bike on a rack on the wall. There are three other bikes hanging next to it. He turns on a lamp. "Have a seat."

I sit on an old sectional couch in the shape of a square "U". It's covered in soft, creamy white leather. The color reminds me of cum. The sectional is gigantic and seems to be in pristine condition. In front of the couch is a large coffee table made out of Travertine. Across from the coffee table, between two columns, is a sixty inch flat screen TV.

I watch Cody move around the room. One by one he plugs in Christmas lights. His place gets bright. He has long strings of small white lights and multicolored lights crisscrossing the entire ceiling. It is fucking amazing.

His place is one big huge room. It looks to be nearly as big as the entire house above. There is a row of round metal columns spaced about twelve feet apart running down the center of the room. The floor is covered in brown shag carpet. The walls and ceiling are covered in raw sheet-rock. It's not painted or even taped. There is a gas furnace against the back wall with ducts branching off to various rooms upstairs. I can see the glow of the burners inside and it's making a deep humming sound.

Next to the furnace is an open kitchen area on green and tan checkered linoleum floor tiles. The kitchen has recycled white cabinets, probably from the eighties. There are dishes washed and drying in a rack next to the sink. Adjacent to the kitchen is an old breakfast table with a gray Formica top and metal legs. Around the table are four bright-orange molded fiberglass chairs.

On one side of the room, in the middle of a big empty space and placed at a forty-five degree angle to everything else, is a king sized bed with a red velvet tufted headboard. The bed is neatly made. There is a Star Wars blanket folded at the foot of the bed.

A large section of wall near the bed is decorated with vintage record album covers.

On the rest of the walls are posters of famous art pieces. I recognize some of them. There are paintings by Chegall, Picasso, Kandinsky, Matisse and Jackson Pollack.

In the exact middle of the room are two shelves back to back. They are each about a foot and a half deep, three feet high and at least ten feet long. The shelves are full of vinyl record albums. There is a turntable and tuner on top and large speakers on each end.

Cody crosses the room. In front of a floor to ceiling window, is a vintage aluminum Christmas tree. He gets on his hands and knees and a moment later a color wheel lights it up. The tree reflects the light and slowly changes from red to blue to yellow to green and then back to red.

"Fuck Cody, that is awesome."

"The people who live upstairs gave it to me. They're the original owners of this house and raised three kids here. It was built in 1949."

Cody walks over to the turn-table and starts playing a record that was already on it. "Count Basie." He hands me the album cover.

I read it out loud. "A very Swingin' Basie Christmas." The music comes on. It's a big band version of Jingle Bells and it is incredibly cool.

Cody takes off his coat and beanie. His blond hair is straight. "Get comfortable guy, give me your hoody."

I hand him my hoody and scarf. He hangs them on a coat tree near the front door along with his jacket. Then he grabs a hairband from a bowl on the coffee table and twists his long hair into a man-bun. He goes to his bed and sits. He takes off his shoes. "If you want Guy, you can take your shoes off."

I take off my sneakers and look around for a place to put them. Cody's home is so immaculate, that I don't want to just leave them on the floor.

"Here Guy, you can give those to me." He is still sitting on the bed.

I walk over to him. There is a rack of clothes on the far side of the bed area and he puts both pairs of shoes under it.

I say, "I have to take a leak."

"It's right over there."

In a far corner, away from the rest of the room, is a large open bathroom. It is on the same linoleum floor tiles as the kitchen. It has no walls. The sink and toilet are out in the open, but there are various house plants strategically placed, so it's mostly private. One corner of the bathroom floor is just bare concrete with a drain in the middle and a shower nozzle on a tiled wall. Despite this, it is dry and looks clean. I can detect a light scent of bleach.

Cody is busy in the kitchen. I pee into the toilet. I suspect he can hear me over the music.

I wash my hands and go into the kitchen area. Cody has milk heating in a sauce pan. The basement is warm and cozy. The Christmas lights on the ceiling make it look like a fairy land. The music is soft and jazzy but still Christmassy. The smell of a roast cooking in the oven causes my stomach to growl. I haven't eaten all day.

I sit at the table. I look at Cody's tattoos as he mixes chocolate into the milk. He pours it into mugs, puts little marshmallows on top, gives one mug to me and sits at the table across from me.

I blow on the hot chocolate and sip it through the marshmallows. "This is good." I stretch out my legs and my foot touches Cody's foot. I quickly bring it back to my side of the table.

"Thanks Guy. So what's your story? You're obviously a student at the college here."

"Yep, I'm a freshman." Then I give Cody a brief history of my life. I leave out any mention of girlfriends or my recent sexual encounters. I don't want Cody to think I'm straight, but I also don't want him to think I'm some kind of freaky perverted sexual deviant. Which, as we all know, seems to be what I am turning into.

When I'm done I say, "What's your story Cody?"

He laughs. "Where do I start?"

We sip our hot chocolate and Cody tells me about himself. He is 25 years old, just like I guessed. He works at a local bike shop doing both bicycle maintenance and sales. He is from Portland and was going to college here when his dad got hurt at work and had to go on disability. Eventually his parents got divorced and by the middle of his junior year, they no longer could afford his tuition. He had to drop out and find a job.

He liked living here in this small college town and since there was no future for him in Portland, he decided to stay here.

No mention of girlfriends or boyfriends either. Maybe Cody is a deviant just like me.

Cody says, "Guy, it's Christmas and since you have no place to be and since I'm all by myself, why don't you stay for dinner. I have a nice roast in the oven."

My dick moves again in my pants and I have to discretely rub it. "Thanks Cody, I was hoping you'd invite me for dinner, that roast smells amazing."

"My pleasure, Guy." Cody's foot briefly touches my foot. We're both finished with the hot chocolate. Cody takes our mugs and washes them, then sets them in the rack to dry.

The music has stopped. Cody says, "Will you find something else to play? I need to work on dinner."

"Okay." I look through Cody's record collection. There is nothing I recognize. I haven't a clue what to play, so I randomly pull an album from the shelf. I put his Count Basie record back into it's sleeve and set the new record on the turn-table. I'm completely out of my comfort zone here. This is the first record player I have seen. I at least know enough to know you don't ever want to scratch a record.

I eventually figure it out, after all, I am a studious, nerdy, straight A student.

The music begins and a trumpet and saxophone starts playing this wild, sexy music.

Cody looks up from the kitchen, "Guy, you're a Wayne Shorter fan too?"

"Sure." I read the album cover "Speak No Evil". The music is awesome. I have never heard anything like it.

I go back to the kitchen and sit at the table. "Anything I can do?"

"Nope, it's almost ready." Cody sets the table. There is a salad, broccoli with cheese sauce, two baked potatoes wrapped in tin foil and a roast resting on a cutting board. The roast is dripping juices which are collecting in a little trough around the board.

He opens a bottle of red wine and pours it into two wine glasses. "He raises his glass. "Merry Christmas, Guy."

"Merry Christmas, Cody."

We eat Christmas dinner while Wayne Shorter transcribes sex into music, or at least that's what it sounds like to me. Maybe I'm just horny.

Horny or not, dinner is amazing. Even the salad is fresh and delicious. We take our time eating and when we are done, I help Cody clean up and put away the leftovers. We move to the couch with our wine glasses and sit next to each other. Cody divides the rest of the wine between us. The music had stopped a while ago and the hum from the furnace fills the room.

We both take a sip of our wine. Then I set my glass on the coffee table.

I look Cody in the eyes. "I like your tattoos."

Cody sets his glass down. He looks at his arms. "Thanks." He pulls off his tee-shirt. "What do you think of these?"

He has a few more tattoos on his chest. I take my time looking at them. "I like those too. I don't have any tattoos at all." I pull off my shirt. "See?"

Cody traces a finger across my chest, like he was imagining a tattoo there. "I see."

I say, "Do you have tattoos anywhere else?"

"I have one on my butt, would you like me to show it to you, Guy?"

At this point I can't talk, I just nod my head up and down.

Cody stands. He pulls his baggy jeans and boxers down just far enough to expose one ass cheek. Covering a good portion of that cheek is a "To Go" box like they have at Chinese restaurants. It has chopsticks resting on top of it and there is a red pagoda with the words "Thank You" on the side of the box.

The tattoo is so fucking amazing, I almost forget to look at his beautiful bare ass. I put my finger on the tattoo, tracing its' outline. "That's awesome."

Cody pulls up his jeans and sits back down. "Are you sure you don't have any tattoos hiding somewhere else on your body, Guy?"

"Positive." I get to my feet and pull my jeans and briefs down to my ankles and kick them off. I am standing naked in front of Cody. My dick is already hard and pointing up. "See?"

Cody looks at my throbbing cock. "I better check under your balls."

"Be my guest."

Cody gently lifts my balls with one hand and tilts his head sideways. I'm hoping he will give me a blow job now. I have only had the one from Oscar and I'd like to see how his compares to Cody's.

I don't know how to ask for a blow job, so I kind of push my cock towards him.

Cody ignores my subtle hint. "No tattoos under your balls. Turn around, you might have some on your backside."

I guess no blow job. I'm disappointed, but I turn around.

"Guy, your ass is spectacular." Cody puts both hands on my butt.

This is the first time anyone has complemented my butt. I have looked at my ass in the mirror many times over the years. I never got the sense that it was that great, until I saw those pictures Neil took of me two weeks ago. That is when I realized my butt is actually pretty fucking amazing.

I mean, I would fuck me.

Cody spreads apart my butt cheeks. I'm getting a little uncomfortable. I may be inclined to fuck myself, but I'm not anywhere near ready to let anyone else do it.

Cody says, "Guy, you lied to me. I see a little rose bud tattoo right here."

Shit. I'm shutting this down. I quickly turn around. I give a little laugh.

Cody looks up at my face. I think he might be disappointed. He stands up and wraps his arms around me. This is more like it.

I press my hard cock into his baggy jeans. Our bare chests are touching and I can feel the heat of his body.

I start rubbing my cock on his jeans. The fabric is a little rough, but the friction against my cock feels good.

Cody lets me continue to hump him. I don't know what he is getting out of it, since his cock is still in his pants, but I don't care. I'm having a blast. Then my nerdy brain wonders if the origin of "Having a Blast" might refer to blasting a load of cum.

I stop humping as I ponder this question.

When a person blasts a load of cum, he is having fun, obviously, therefore it would follow that "Having Fun" could be described as "Having a Blast". Makes sense, right?

Cody lets go of me and leads me to his bed. He pulls back the covers. I get in and watch Cody as he takes off his jeans and boxers. I have forgotten my previous question about the origin of "Having a Blast" and I'm back to being totally focused on him, or more precisely, his cock.

It is hard. It has a light patch of blond pubic hair. It's maybe an inch longer than mine and a little thicker too. I reach out and start jacking it. Cody gets right up next to the bed and lets me jack him. He grabs my cock while standing there and starts stroking my dick. He pulls off his hairband and shakes out his man-bun. His hair falls down over his eyes and his shoulders.

Then he crawls into bed on top of me.

His hair gets in my face. He pushes his hard cock against my hard cock. He moans. He keeps rubbing against me. Our balls are knocking together. I wrap my arms around his back. He puts his full weight on me. I feel like I'm being crushed. It feels amazing.

I have never had this full naked head to toe skin against head to toe skin before. It is absolutely fucking glorious. Why did I wait until I was almost 19 years old to experience it?

We continue rubbing against each other. His head is buried in the crook of my neck. I feel his hot breath there. Some of his hair gets into my mouth. Then he stops humping. He pushes my legs apart with his knee. He reaches down and puts his cock between my thighs then closes my legs against it. He starts fucking my thighs. He groans even louder.

His abs hit my cock as he fucks my thighs. I push up against him as he thrusts into me. I moan. Cody humps faster. He closes his eyes and arches his head back. I look at his neck. I look at his jawline. I look down towards our cocks. I cross my ankles and tighten my legs around his dick.

He pumps faster. He whispers, almost to himself, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh man, oh fuck, goddamn, goddamn, oh man, oh Jesus, oh shit. His voice gets higher in pitch. It trembles a little. His cadence picks up. Oh Fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck."

Cody is so turned on by fucking my thighs, that it gets me more excited. I want to feel what he is feeling. I have to feel what it's like to fuck Cody's thighs and I have to feel it right now.

Without warning, without even asking or discussing it with Cody, I tighten my arms around him and roll him over onto his back. Now I'm on top of Cody and I have my full weight on him.

The move has caused his cock to come out from my thighs. He looks surprised. I realize he was close to cumming and I interrupted him. At this point I don't care. I push his legs apart with my knee and put my cock in between his thighs.

Cody has figured out what I'm up to and he closes his thighs on my cock himself.

I start fucking. "Fuck yeah." My abs hit Cody's cock as I thrust.

Cody says, "Oh fuck, oh shit."

I speed up my thrusting. I'm getting excited. My cock sliding between Cody's legs feels incredible. I fuck even faster. I start jack-hammering Cody. I'm in good shape, but I didn't know how fatiguing fucking like this could be. I'm starting to flag. I slow down my stroke.

Cody pushes me off of him. I lay back and catch my breath. I look at his body. I look at his tattoos. I look at his beautiful hard cock. It is throbbing and leaking a lot of precum, so is mine.

Cody is on his back looking at my body. We laugh.

Cody says, "Turn over on your side, Guy."

I turn facing him.

"No, face away from me."

Oh shit. "Cody, you can't fuck my ass." I'm a little scared.

He laughs. "I know Guy, you have made that painfully obvious. What I'd like to do is put lube between your legs and fuck you there, if you'll let me, then you can do the same thing to me. Okay?"

I'm immediately relieved. I get a big smile. "That would be fucking awesome, Cody." I turn around and stick my ass out towards him. I look over my shoulder and watch Cody squeeze lube onto his hand. I make note of the brand. "Astroglide." I'm going to have to replace Neil's K-Y Jelly before he gets back.

Cody rubs his lubed up hand between my legs, then he puts a bunch of it onto his hard cock. "Do you want some?"

I think about it for a moment then decline. If I were to use lube now, I might blast a load of cum before I get a chance to fuck Cody's thighs.

Cody tells me to straighten my legs. Then I watch Cody's face as he slides his cock between my thighs. The head pushes against my balls. I get a glimpse of the head before he withdraws his cock. Cody wraps his arm around me and pushes his body up against my back. He thrusts faster. He is grunting right into my ear. The head of his dick keeps pushing into my balls.

I have to let go of my cock. I am feeling like I could cum soon. I want Cody to hurry up and finish before I involuntarily shoot a load. I put a finger down below my balls and push it between my thighs. The underside of Cody's cock rubs against it as he thrusts. He moans.

I put two fingers between my thighs. The head of Cody's cock slides in the crevice made by my two fingers.

He moans louder. His rhythm becomes sporadic. He says, "I'm going to cum!" He starts shooting his load. It squirts out of his cock between my legs and gets on my hand and wrist and balls and thighs.

We both roll onto our backs. I can feel his cum dribbling down to the sheet. Cody is breathing hard. I look at him. We lie there for a moment until his breathing becomes steady.

"Fuck yeah, Guy. That was sweet. Are you ready to do the same to me."

I nod my head up and down

"Alright." Cody rolls over and sticks his ass out. It is fucking beautiful.

I put lube onto my cock and get it all slippery. Then I put a bunch onto my hand and slide it between his thighs. It is hot and slick in there and nice and tight. I suspect my little cock is going to really enjoy this.

Cody's thighs are ready to receive my dick, but I am really loving the sensation of my hand sliding in that tight space, so I start exploring the area with my fingers. I push them all the way through to his balls and tickle them a little, then I move to his taint and rub on it.

Cody doesn't seem to mind my exploration.

I get bolder and slide my fingers between his ass cheeks. He might have tensed up, but I push ahead. I use my index finger and rub around the edge of his asshole.

"No Guy."

"Sorry." Although, I'm not really sorry. I feel satisfied I made him a little nervous too. I pull my fingers out. I put them to my nose without even thinking about it. All I smell is the lube. Cody straightens his legs, then I watch as I slowly push my cock in between his thighs. "Fuck!"

"Not so loud."

I speed up my stroke. I look down at my cock. It looks like I'm fucking Cody in his asshole. The sight makes me want to cum, but I don't want to cum. Not yet.

Then suddenly and without warning, I think of Neil. He is the one in front of me now and I'm not fucking his thighs, I'm fucking his hole.

"Fuck!" I start cumming. I shoot out spurt after spurt after spurt. Cody squeezes his legs around my cock and finally I'm spent.

I lay back. I notice his "To Go" box tattoo. The words "Thank You" take on a whole new meaning.

Cody turns around, puts one arm over my chest and kisses me softly on the lips. "That was the best Christmas present I have ever gotten."

I smile.

Cody says, "Let's shower."


"Help me with the bed first."

I help Cody strip off the sheets. They are loaded with our cum and wet with lube. I follow him. We are both still naked. We go through a door next to the furnace. There is a washer and dryer on the other side and stairs going up to the main floor. Cody puts the sheets into the washer and starts the load.

We go back to his room. We put clean flannel sheets on his bed and pull the covers over them. Then we take a shower.

After the shower, Cody takes a squeegee and wipes down the walls. I am spotless. I feel fresh and very relaxed. I really like Cody. His home is warm and inviting. I don't want to go back to my dorm right now.

Cody says, "Guy, would you like to spend the night here. I have the movie 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas' on Blu-ray."

We are both still naked and standing facing each other. I look at his face and long hair. I look at his arms and chest with his tattoos. I look at his soft cock and balls. "Yes Cody, I would love to stay the night. The Grinch movie is one of my favorites."

Cody gets a big smile. "Mine too!" He gives me a hug and kisses me sweetly on the lips. We break apart. "Don't laugh Guy, but I have really awesome flannel footie pajamas I like to wear when I watch TV."

"That sounds nice."

Cody goes to a dresser and hands me a one piece pajama with feet. It has images of He-man on it. I put the onesie on over my naked body. It's a little big, but it feels super amazing against my skin. Cody's onesie is covered with Firetrucks and Police Cars.

Before we put the movie on, Cody makes us some popcorn in a hot air popper. Then he pours melted butter over it and lightly salts it.

We cuddle up in a corner of the couch with his Star Wars blanket and watch the movie.

Both Cody and I fall asleep before the movie is over. I wake up during the credits. "Cody, the movie is over."

Cody opens his eyes. He smiles. "I guess I fell asleep."

"Me too."

The popcorn bowl is empty. There is congealed butter on the bottom. Cody takes it to the kitchen and washes it. I go to the bathroom and pee. Cody joins me in the bathroom while I am washing my hands. He gives me a brand new toothbrush. We stand side by side at the sink while we brush our teeth. I think we must look like two kids in our footie pajamas having a sleepover.

It's not like any sleepover I ever had.

I sit on the bed. Cody goes around the room and turns off most of the Christmas lights on the ceiling, all that's left lit are a few strings of blue lights. It looks really cool. The color wheel is still turning and shining on the aluminum tree. It all seems magical.

I watch Cody as he comes back to the bed. He is just barely illuminated by the blue lights. "Guy, I like to sleep naked. Would you be okay with that?"

"Only if I can sleep naked too."

"That's the idea."

We strip out of our pajamas and get into bed naked. The sheets are soft. I push my body up against Cody and spoon him. He is warm and comfy and I drift off to sleep.

I wake up the next morning.

Cody is dressed and in the kitchen. "Morning Guy."

"Morning Cody." I get out of bed and go into the bathroom to pee. After I wash up I go into the kitchen, still naked. "What time is it?"

"Eight-thirty. I have to be at work in half an hour. I made you some oatmeal. Sit down."

I sit naked at the table. The chair is cold at first, but warms up quickly.

Cody sets a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and walnuts in front of me. "Coffee?"

I nod. Cody pours me a cup of coffee then moves a chair around to my side and sits next to me. He puts his hand on my thigh near my dick and watches while I eat.

I look at Cody and put my hand on his crotch. He moves his had over to my cock. I start to get hard.

Cody quickly stands. "Shit Guy, I have to be at work in like, twenty minutes."

I say, "You started it."

Cody laughs. "I know, sorry. What's your number?"

I give Cody my phone number. Then I quickly finish the oatmeal. I don't want to make him late for work. Cody cleans up the kitchen while I get dressed.

As we head out the door, Cody pulls a vintage Schwinn Bike off the rack. He walks it around to the front of the house and I follow.

Out in front, Cody asks, "Do you know how to get back to the college?"

I look around. There is a heavy fog settled over the area and I'm not exactly sure where I'm at. "Just point me in the general direction and I'll be okay."

Cody points in the exact opposite direction I would have gone. We say goodbye and Cody gives me a hug. Then he gets on his bike and I watch as he rides towards town and his bike disappears into the fog.

By the time I get back to my room, I am freezing. I feel like I need to go for a good run. I put on shorts over tight jogging pants and my hoody over a tee shirt, then head out.

It has started drizzling. I run fast. I head into town. I go by the Pizza Parlor where Oscar gave me my first blow job. It's closed. I go down main street and run past what is probably Cody's bicycle shop. I cross the river. I head up hill. I don't know where I'm going. I just want to go up.

At a high point the rain has turned into snow, but it's not sticking. I stop to catch my breath and look down on the town. Then I head back to campus.

Before I go up to my room, I get lunch in the cafeteria. There are three other students in there.

Back in my room I dry off. I probably should take a shower but I'm exhausted from the run and I didn't sleep all that well last night. I'm not used to sharing a bed with somebody and I kept waking up throughout the night. I decide to take a nap.

When I wake up. The room is dark. I check the time. It's just after 6:30pm. I must have been really tired and it's too late for dinner in the cafeteria. I go to close the blinds. The quad below is lit by a few lights. It is raining hard and there is snow mixed in with it.

I get a text from Neil. Rocky, we are making good time. I should be there by 10:30pm.

I text him back. Great.

I might as well take a shower now. I wrap a towel around my waist and head to the men's room. Nobody is here. I start showering. I'm happy. Neil will be home in just a few hours.

My dick gets hard just thinking about Neil. I start stroking it. I take my time. I visualize Neil's face. I think about his cock and balls. I pretend I am fucking his beautiful ass.

I keep stroking my dick until I'm right on the edge of orgasm and then I abruptly let go of my cock. It spasms, but nothing comes out. I soak in the water. My cock starts to get soft.

I grab my cock again, just lightly holding it. I slide my fingers up and down slowly. I bring myself right up to the edge again and let go. My cock spasms some more. I get a tiny dribble of cum.

I keep soaking. I wash my hair. My cock is almost completely soft. I visualize Neil bent over and spreading apart his ass cheeks. My cock gets hard quickly. I push a finger in my ass and move it in and out. I don't touch my cock, but I rock my hips and make it swing up and down.

I rock faster and my cock starts moving in circles. I push my finger deep into my asshole. My cock jumps. I get an awesome tingling sensation. I think I just found my prostate. I stop thrusting. I wiggle my finger. My cock starts pulsating. I pull my finger out of my ass. A little more cum dribbles out of my cock before it settles down.

I lightly hold my cock again, this time I don't move my hand at all. I put my finger back into my hole and press once more against my prostate. I clench my ass onto my finger. I push my hips forward. I slowly move my hand down the shaft, just barely touching it. I am really close. I wiggle my finger. I pull it out of my ass and let go of my cock right before my cock goes into rapid spasms. Too late. I start cumming. My cock moves up and down on it's own and at every up stoke it shoots cum onto the floor tiles. I don't touch it. I fight the urge to stroke out the cum.

I'm not completely satisfied. My cock is still hard. I lather it up with bath soap and grab it in a tight fist. I slowly squeeze my fist up the shaft, giving my hand a little turn at the top of each stroke. It feels good.

I continue to slowly stroke my cock using this method. "Fuck." If anyone was out in the hall, they would have heard me. I stroke faster. I moan. I'm getting close.

I shout, "I'm going to cum!"

I spasm and buck my hips. Then I start cumming. I shoot cum across the shower room in big powerful spurts. I keep stroking my cock long past the point of when I stop cumming.

I finally let go. I lie down on the tiles on my back and just let the warm water spray onto my naked body.

My eyes are closed and I am grinning. Neil will be home tonight.

by H.T. Bruhaus

email: Let me know what you think of the story. I suspect their might be too much storyline and not enough sexline.

Also, I had intended for Neil and Rocky to reunite in this chapter. However, the story took off on it's own direction and I had no choice but to follow.

I promise they will get together in chapter four.

I also just wanted to apologize for all the cleaning Cody did. I have been spending so much of my free time writing these depraved sex stories, that I have neglected my own housework. Writing about cleaning house is almost as good as actually cleaning house. Right?

And don't forget to make a donation to Nifty. It's for a good cause. If you don't help men get their nut, then who will? Who the fuck will?!

H.T. Bruhaus

Next: Chapter 4

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