Neighbours Unseen Episodes

By tweek

Published on Mar 1, 2000


NEIGHBOURS UNSEEN EPISODES 3 written by Tweek. -------------------------------------------------

All the usuall applies here, if you are under 18 you really shouldn`t be reading this, like wise if you are not into this sort of thing, ie. stories describing gay sexual encounters between males.

If you have any comments about this story please e-mail me

I would just like to take this opportunity to say hi to Jase, Ad, Mark, John, Harvey, Mike, Martin, Liam, and loads of other people I can`t think of right now!

It was late, it was dark, and it was raining. Joel had been caught out in the rain, it had started suddenly while he was out jogging. He was now running for shelter by the coffee shop. As he was standing there he could just make out a figure on the footbridge. Whoever it was was sitting there, in the heavy rain. Joel shouted but got no reply, he decided to go over to see who it was. As Joel got closer he could see it was Paul, his head in hands, crying his heart out. Joel sat down next to Paul.

"Whats up Paul?" Joel asked. Paul just continued to sob. "C'mon, it can`t be that bad, whatever it is." Paul lifted his head from his hands and looked at Joel.

"Its worse than you could ever imagine" replied Paul. "Youd never understand, and if you did, you wouldnt want to know me anyway".

"Hey, come on, nothings ever that bad, things always work out in the end" Joel had now begun to guess what Paul was so upset about, remembering the real reason he moved to Erinsbrough anyway. "Look Paul, youve got to tell someone eventually, youll feel a whole lot better, and I`m a good listener." Joel wanted to make Paul feel as secure as he could.

"Are you sure you want to here this?" Paul asked. Joel nodded. "I - I think I`m gay." It was clear just how much courage that one sentance had taken for Paul to take. He closed his eyes and almost cringed in anticipation of Joel, expecting to either lash out, or laugh at him. But Paul heard nothing.

"Its ok Paul, I know what you`re going through mate." Joel put his arm around Paul. "Its difficult, I know.

"What! Youre not..." Paul couldnt believe this. Joel nodded and smiled. "Shit, I never thought you`d be..."

"Gay?" Joel finished Pauls sentence. "Well, Im in my twenties and Ive never had a steady girlfriend, Im suprised more people don`t know." Paul suddenly looked nervous again, he shifted slightly away from Joel.

"The thing is..." Paul said quietly. Joel looked at Paul. "I`ve always been attracted to you. In fact, its you that first made me thought I might be gay."

"So this is my fault is it?" Joel laughed. "Well, youre not a bad looking kid yourself you know. Ive often thought about you." Without even giving Paul a chance to speak, Joel put one hand around the back of Pauls head, and firmly planted his lips around Pauls, pushing his toungue in to meet Pauls mouth. Paul was shocked at first, but within seconds he was enjoying it every bit as much as Joel. Paul started to rub his hand around Joels muscular body, circling his hand around Joels huge biceps. Joel took the hint and took off his tshirt, revealing a beautiful, tanned, muscular body. With Joels tshirt off, he now only had his cycle shorts left, and with the pouring rain, Joels hard on was perfectly clear, Paul couldnt keep his eyes off it. Joel noticed where Paul`s eyes were wondering.

"Right then, I`m gonna give you the first lesson in being gay. Giving blow jobs"

Joel got up off the floor and beckoned Paul to follow him to an alley at the back of the coffee shop, at that time of night, no-one would see them there. Joel leant against the wall, and Paul nealt down in front of him. Joel pulled down his cycle shorts to reveal the full 11" of his cock. Pauls eyes lit up at the sight, as he could hardly contain himself with excitment. Joel calmly grabbed hold of Pauls head and pushed it towards his cock. Paul opened wide and began to slowly suck Joel off.

"My God, you`re a natural" sighed Joel "Oh yeah."

Paul continued to suck Joels huge cock, slowly, up and down his entire shaft. To Pauls surprise, Joel withdrew.

"Now its your turn" Joel said with a smile on his face as he swapped places with Paul. Joel pulled down Pauls trousers to reveal a smooth 8" cock, Paul grabbed his cock with one hand to guide it into Joels mouth. Joel began to suck slowly, placing his right hand on Paul`s balls, massaging them slowly between his fingers.

"Oh fucking hell, yes." Paul moaned as he ran his hand through Joels long blond hair. "This feels so good." Paul placed his other hand on Joels head to get a better grip as he slowly started to pump Joels mouth. Joel didnt say a word, he was just concerntrating on giving Paul the blowjob of his life. Paul let out a huge groan as he came into Joels warm, moist mouth. Joel didnt waste any whatsoever as he licked Paul`s now semi-erect cock dry. Paul sighed and smiled down at Joel.

"Ypu know theres still one thing you could show me Joel" said Paul. Joel didn`t need any guesses to work out what Paul was going on about. Paul walked over to a dumpster, and he leant fowards against it, still bottom half naked. Joel, with a huge grin on his face, and an even bigger hard on walked up behind Paul.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Joel. Paul just looked back and nodded. Joel pushed Pauls tight cheeks apart and slowly stared to push his huge thick cock inside Pauls ass. Paul let out a huge groan but Joel kept going in. Slowly but surley Joel pushed right in so the whole of his dick was inside Paul. As he started to withdraw Paul let out a quieter moan. Joel only pulled half way out and started to push back in again, as he slowly started to pick up pace Paul started to move with him, with each of Joels thrusts, Paul would push back slightly to meet him. Joel moved his hands round under Pauls t-shirt, feeling his slim, well formed chest, this added to the sensation for Paul as he closed his eyes. By now Joel was really pumping hard, he was surprised how well Paul was taking it. Joel let out a huge groan as he came inside Paul`s ass, this was a great sensation for Paul too, as he moaned at the same time.

As the two young men got dressed again Paul said to Joel

"Can we do this again sometime?"

"Sure" Joel said smiling as he walked away "Next time with more people though eh?" he didn`t give Paul time to answer as he walked off into the night.

Well, this one did take a long time didn`t it. Sorry it took so long but I have been really busy so far this year. If you have any comments or suggestions about my stories, or ideas for future ones (Neighbours or something else) please e-mail me;

If you dont e-mail me I dont know youve read it, and dont know how popular, or unpopular it is, so please just take a few minutes of your time. Thanks.

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