
By chay wright

Published on Apr 7, 2004


WARNING:This story contains a gay theme so if your not old enough, or not interested then don't read it.

This story is based on "Neighbours" the Australian soap. It contains the characters Lance(Andrew Bibby) and Paul (Jansen Spencer)and is the second in a series of story's from "Neighbours" and other T.V. shows.

p.s. This is a work of fiction so don't assume anything about the actors sexual preference.

The program and characters are trademarks and copyright of Grundy International Operations BV.

p.p.s All comments (which are of great importance to the writers ego) can be sent to Any questinos or queries about up coming stories or idea's or pix can also be sent there :)

Australian Soap Pt 2 : Neighbours Lance & Paul

Lance had gotten up early to go for a jog. Recently he'd been on a health kick, all to please that girl. Now he'd seen the light about her, but he still felt it was a good idea to keep the running up. Especially after the party they had had a couple of days ago. He put on a loose pair of running shorts, an old t-shirt, and his new NyKey sneakers. He headed out the door and across the lawn toward the park. It wasn't long before he'd built up a sweat. His light brown locks plastered to his fore head, a dark patch appearing on the front of his shirt,making it stick to his pecs. He passed the toilet's thought about going in then decided on another lap. After putting in a big final lap, he slowed down to a quick walk and made his way into the dunny's. He splashed his face with water and took a quick swig at the same time. That's when he got a cramp in his left thigh muscle. He hopped to the toilet stall and sat down . He started massaging it and could feel the tension running all the way up nearly to his groin. He shut the door and stood up and pulled his shorts down so he could get at his leg with out anyone seeing him. Lance heard movement outside in the toilet and heard the stall beside him shut. He looked to his left and could see a four inch wide hole at about eye level. The words "Stick it in" scrawled above it. He paid it no attention until a seven inch cut cock poked through.

"Suck it."growled the voice from the next stall.

Lance gulped, what was he supposed to do. He had his pants around his ankle's and he had a cramp so he couldn't make a run for it.

"Nah mate, I don't."He stammered back.

The cock withdrew and was replaced with a tongue.

"How about I do you then?"said the voice.

Lance's heart pounded in his chest. Could he let another guy suck him off? He looked down at his crotch. His cock had stretched out to it's full eight inch's.

"Come on dude, I wanna suck some cock."the voice said.

What the hell, thought Lance. He stood up and grabbed his cut cock and pushed it through the hole. As soon as he had, he felt the stranger grab his dick. What am I doing, he though. This is insane, I'm going to get my ..... before he could finish the thought, Lance felt the guys lips wrap around his cock.

"Oooohhh."he moaned.

Completely lost in the sensations of his body. The man's tongue licked at his piss hole. Lance's cock swelled in response . He thrust his hip's against the wall of the stall, forcing his cock down the strangers throat. The man, swirled his tongue up and down the length of his fuck pole. It wasn't gonna take long before he shot his wad. Lance pumped his cock in and out of the hole and into the strangers slippery lips. He heard the man gasp as he forced his cock deep into the man's throat. He felt his nut's rise up into his body, his legs buckled . Cum shot up through his cock flooding into the man's mouth. Lance couldn't believe it he'd just shot a load into another guys mouth.

"Uuuugghhh...."he moaned.

As his nut sac kept pumping wad after wad of his teen cum into the man's throat. The guy kept sucking till he was done. Lance fell back on the toilet seat exhausted. He looked through the hole in the wall, the guy was gone. Before he could do any thing else the lock on the stall turned and the guy pushed his way in and shut the door behind him. Lance didn't recognise him, but he sure was a specimen. He looked to Lance to be about thirty five. The stranger was about six foot, with short dark hair and a goatee. He looked at Lance.

"Gonna suck my cock, boy."

Lance looked up at the man, who was pulling his dick back out of his pants.

"I've never done this before."said Lance.

The man pulled his head forward and pushed his cockhead against his lips. It was so hot to the touch. Lance parted his lips slightly and licked the piss slit with his tongue, just like the man had done to him. The man took hold of his dick and jerked it up and down.

"Lick my nuts. Yeah gettin my cock sucked by a hot teenager."

Lance obeyed, having been taking over by some unknown sexual force. He slurped on the hairy nutsac before managing to get both of them into his mouth. The eighteen year old rolled them over his tongue , driving the man wild.

"Get back on my dick and blow me, cock sucker."

Lance took hold of the man's veiny shaft and licked the knob. The cock parted his lips and dove into his mouth. He snorted as his nose buried in the man's pubes while his cock penetrated deep into Lance's throat.

Paul had woken early and had gone for a walk to get over the dreams off the night before. They had been particularly strange. At first he dreamt of Hannah, they had never had sex but in this dream he had seduced her and they had made love the night before she left. However during their lovemaking, Hannah had turned into the new girl from next door. Paul had thought about her alot since she had moved in, and now that his girlfriend was gone he had to move on. This is when it got weird though. The dream had got murky for a minute or so and then he saw that he was fucking his best friend Tad. Instead of waking up though, it had turned him on. Moments later in the dream he had cum, and as soon as he had, he woke up. Only to find he had cum all over his smooth belly. He didn't know what to think so he had decided to go for a walk to clear his head. Soon he found himself at the park. It was still early barely seven o'clock. He headed or toilets to take a piss. Once inside he could hear voices coming from one of the stall's. He made his way quietly to the other cubicle and sat down. There was a hole in the wall. He tried to look through but it was partly covered by a hand. What he could see was a man's naked body and part of his cock, before it disappeared behind the hand.

"Come on boy, suck it, take that dick in your hot teen throat."

Paul couldn't believe what he was hearing. Some young guy was sucking cock in the next stall. He tried to get a better look, but the hand obscured his view. He could feel his cock hardening in his pants. He reached forward and shut the door. Paul tried to look under the stall, but all he could see were a pair of boots and a new pair of NyKey sneakers. He sat back up and soon had his hard uncut seven inches in his hand. He pulled his foreskin over his cock head and started jerking his dick up and down to the rhythm of the guy getting his cock sucked in the booth next door. He squinted through the hole watching the guy pump his ass back and forward toward whoever it was that was sucking him off. Soon Paul's balls were slapping off his thigh as he slipped the skin up and down over his gooey cock knob.

"Take my cock in your mouth , slut, yeah play with my ass."

Lance had never felt so turned on. Here he was in a public toilet sucking the cock of a complete stranger. He slid a second finger into the man's ass and pumped them in and out in time to his sucking. The man grabbed Lance's hair and slammed his cock down his throat.

"Fuck, I'm cummin."

The man's cock spurted wad after wad after wad of thick creamy cum into Lance's throat. He could feel the man's ass spasm around his fingers, as the stranger's cock continued to pump man goo into his throat. The man pulled his cock out and smeared the rest of it over Lance's lips. Lance right hand took hold of his own meat, fisting it furiously, until he sent a geyser of cum onto the back of the man's ass. Globs of it splattering his back and sticking to his hairy ass cheeks. Some even dripped back down on to Lance's hand as his prick started to soften in his hand.

Watching the most erotic thing he had ever seen, Paul ran his finger down over his piss slit, rubbing the pre cum over his cockhead. He slid his hand up and down his dick as fast as it would go, using his other hand to play with his almost smooth nutsac. Suddenly he felt his nuts tighten and boy juice erupted from the tip of his cock, splashing down all over his t-shirt. He quickly grabbed some tissue and cleaned up. Before he was caught he pulled his pants up and ran from the toilet's back to his house.

Lance looked up at the man, he had a smile on his face.

"Not bad cocksucking for your first time. Your a natural."

The man pulled up his pants and headed out the door leaving Lance to think about what had just happened.


Paul snuck out of his room, it was barely six thirty. He wanted to go to the toilet's again, and this was his first opportunity. He made his way toward the door but was cut of before he got there by Harold.

"Where do you think you're going, young man."blustered Harold.

Paul had prepared for this and was wearing running gear. He knew that Lance had been running in the mornings recently so that would be his excuse.

"I'm going running."

"At this time, on a Friday morning, on the holidays?"

"Yeah gotta keep in shape. Anyway I'm off Harold. See ya."

With that he headed out the door for the park. Once at the end of Ramsey Street, he walked to the park to see who went into the toilets. He sat a few hundred metre's away on the grass, doing some stretching exercises in case anyone saw him there. Ten minute's went by with no-one coming close to the dunny's, maybe it was those threatening black clouds in the distance. He looked up and saw Lance running in the distance. If he was to keep up the charade with Harold he would probably have to do a few laps with Lance. He waited till he got closer then started jogging towards him. Lance stopped on the running track to wait for him.

"What are you doing here?"Lance asked.

"Decided to do the same as you and get in shape."

"Like you need to. I've seen you at the pool you don't have an ounce of fat on you."

"Yeah but you can never look to good."Paul said in his defense.

"Come on then lets get a few laps in before this rain starts."

They took of at a slow pace before Lance started to stride out in front of him. Paul had to speed up to keep up with the bigger teen. It wasn't long before they had both broken out into a sweat. It looked to Paul as if Lance was trying to show him up. He decided to see if Lance could keep up with him and took off at a sprint.

"Come on slow poke."he shouted.

They were on the far side of the park when the deluge hit. The rain was coming down in buckets and they both took shelter under the nearest tree. Even that was of no help. Soon they were both soaked to the skin. Lance looked over at Paul, he was starting to shiver.

"Let's get back, no more running for us today."he said.

They took off for home at a steady pace. They turned into Ramsey street just after seven thirty. He could see Harold and Madge in the distance heading toward the Coffee Shop.

"You can come into my place and dry off." Lance said."I'll make up something hot for us to drink as well."

"Yeah, that sounds great."Paul said shivering in his wet clothes.

They made their way though the frontdoor of the Household. The place sounded empty. There was n air of messyness. Clothes lying on the couch, a plate from last night's meal on the coffee table.

"Where's your parents."Paul enquired.

Paul followed Lance into his room. Lance walked over to his chest of drawer and pulled out two towels. He threw one to Paul then kicked off his shoe's, and walked into the ensuite. Paul watched Lance dry his hair in the mirror. Lance peeled off his wet t-shirt and threw it in the corner and rubbed the towel over his developing pecs. Paul watched fascinated, as Lance dried of his upper torso. A small matt of hair between each of his pecs, on a rock hard chest, with to hard, dark nipples on each. As he lifted his arm's, the same dark curls there too. His stomach was hard and Paul could see that Lance had been working out, as his six pack was starting to really show. A thick line of hair went from his navel and disappeared into his shorts. He looked away, shocked at how turned on he was getting.

Paul looked down at the floor and saw Lance's sneakers. Something struck a chord,

these were the same sneakers he had seen in the toilet at the park. No they couldn't be, could they? Could Lance have been that guy? He looked back up at Lance, in time to see the nineteen year old pull his shorts and jocks down. Lance stood with his back still to him, but now Paul could see all off him. He started at his feet and worked his way up his leg's which were covered in a layer of dark hair. His ass, two perfect mounds, smooth and hard from his work outs. He looked into the mirror, and where his eyes had left of at his waist-band before, they could now continue down. Following the trail of hair from the belly button it spread out into mass of thick dark pubes. The hair covered the root of his cock and continued over his balls, however as Paul could see, didn't continue to his ass. Lance continued drying his body as Paul watched on. He bent over exposing his ass to Paul's roving eye's. Lance had seen Paul watching him from the bedroom, and wondered if it was just boyish curiosity or naked lust. Could his neighbour want him? Lance wrapped the towel around himself and walked back into the bedroom.

"Do you want some dry clothes?"Lance asked.

Paul had dried his hair, but was still dripping water onto the carpet. Paul looked a terrible sight and as Lance could see his shorts had a noticeable bulge in them. He opened his drawers and pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and threw them to Paul. He caught them and dropped them on the edge of Lance's bed. Paul looked at Lance, his heart racing, he decided to ask him.

"Umm, Lance, I, Umm."

"What is it?"

"I, umm, I was at the park the other morning."He stammered. Then pointed down at the

sneakers. "I saw your shoe's."

Lance didn't know what to say. He sat down on the end of the bed stunned. Paul had been in the next stall. He had seen hi with that guy on the first day.

"It, uh, it turned me on."Paul stammered.

Lance looked up at the fifteen year old standing before him. Paul's big brown eye's were wide with the excitement of the moment. Lance reached out and took him by the hip's and drew the youth toward him.

"Is this what you want?"Lance asked

Paul didn't answer, he grabbed one of Lance's hands from his hips and placed it on the growing mound in his shorts The feeling was unbearable, a hand on his cock, not his own. His heart skipped a beat, as Lance began massaging his dick through the wet material of his running shorts. Paul was breathing fast, he couldn't believe this was happening. Lance pulled Paul's shorts down and buried his face against the cotton of his jocks. Paul's hard cock straining the fabric. Lance's tongued the meat through the material, soaking the front of the underwear in spit. He grabbed the snowy white briefs and pulled them down. At the same time Paul pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw it to the floor beside his kicked of shorts and jocks. Lance took in the sight before him, this beautiful boy,completely virginal. Paul's dark hair still messed up from drying with the towel, his soft brown eyes and a cheeky grin that crossed his face as he looked down at Lance. He stood a couple of inches shorter than Lance but, everything was in proportion. The older teen raised his hands up to Paul's chest. He ran his hands over the hard tanned pecs, the skin so smooth. His hands reached the two dark point's that were Paul's nipples, he played with them, rolling them between thumb and forefinger.

As he did this his eyes journeyed down the boy's torso, crossing the rock hard abs to his crotch. Lance's hands slid down Paul's body to his pube's, a small dark patch just forming around the base of his cock. Paul lifted his arm's and crossed his finger's behind his head, revelling in the feelings of another touching his body. Lance looked up as the boy moaned, and saw to dark patches under the boy's arm pit's. Other than a light covering of hair on his calves and beginning on his thigh's Paul was totally smooth. As Lance felt between Paul's leg's, fondeling his ball's, rubbing the inside of his thigh's, he found them to be also totally hairless. He cupped the fifteen year old's nutsac in one hand, rolling the nuts around in their skin bag. He slid his other hand back toward his ass. He slid a finger into the smooth crack of the young man's ass. It was hot and wet with sweat. He used this lube to guide his finger closer to Paul's boy hole. Then with out warning Lance leaned forward and kissed the end of Paul's straining erection. The foreskin having pulled half way back across his cock-knob. As he licked at the boy's piss slit, Paul's whole body shivered.

"Oooohhh, yes, Lance, suck my cock.

With that Lance dove forward, driving Paul's cock deep into his hot wet mouth. Paul moaned in response and as he did Lance slid a finger deep into the youth's ass. Paul bucked forward as the digit invaded his hole, and his cock slid further into his neighbour's throat. Lance's nose was buried in the boys pube's, he breathed in deeply, inhaling the boy scent.

Lost in the sensation's of having his cock sucked and his ass played with Paul reached down and took Lance's head in his hands and began pumping his dick into the older teen's mouth. Lance pumped his finger deeper, further into the hot hole, then joined it with another. Paul's hole stretched wider as the finger's slammed in and out of his hole. He watched as his cock slid in and out of the eighteen year old's wet lips. Lance snorted and slurped on the young man's dick, as he worked his magic from behind. He pushed a third finger against the boy's ass, slowly feeding them in, stretching the hole wider than it ever had been before. A bolt of electricity shot through the teen's body making him jerk in response. The amazing sensation's driving Paul wild, he could feel himself getting close. Lance's mouth so hot and wet, his ass constricting around the teen's probing fingers. He could feel his orgasm rise, staring way down in his nut's.

"Uuuughhh, Lance, oooohhh,I'm,,uuuhhh, gonna, uuughhh, cuuuuummm."

His legs began to buckle, his ass muscle's tightening around Lance's furiously pumping fingers. Grabbing Lance by the hair he slammed his cock deep into the other teen's throat. His boy juice erupted from his cock, jetting across Lance's mouth, tongue and throat. His whole body felt like it was on fire. Lance used his other hand to tug on Paul's nut's, as the boy's cum shot down his throat. The fifteen year old whimpered in this newly discovered pleasure, as Lance gulped the last of his nut's treasure. He pulled his dick out and smeared it across Lance's lips like the man in the toilet had done. Covering the teen's lips in the last of his cum, Lance licked under the sensitive foreskin gathering the jizz on his tongue. He pulled his finger's from the boys ass and grabbed his hand pulling him down in front of him, as he sat on the bed's edge.

"Gonna suck my prick now Pauly, "Lance chided"Gonna suck you first dick."

Paul sank to his knees. Over come with lust from the blow job he had just received, he leaned forward and kissed inbetween Lance's pecs. His lip's grazed over the patch of hair between the two tanned mounds of muscle. He moved his mouth over Lance's right nipple, extending his tonged through his soft wet lip's. The moist tip of his tonged slid across the hard point of Lance's nipple. Getting it hard between his lips, he nibbled on the point gently. Slowly Paul made his way up, finally placing his lip's on Lance's, softly at first, barely touching, then harder. His tonged and lips licking his own cum from Lance's face. Exploring Lance's mouth leisurely, as he twisted the older teen's tit's between his finger's. Paul's mouth parted with his and he looked longingly into his eye's.

"I wanna suck your cock."Paul said longingly.

Lance didn't need to be asked twice. He grabbed the boy's head and guided it down toward his prick. Lance grabbed his hard eight cut inches, and guided it between Paul's waiting lip's. Paul kissed the head, then made his way down the shaft to his hairy balls. He tongued the furry sack, then took the nuts into his mouth. Lance took his fuck pole in his hand and jerked it up and down, as the boy kneeling before him rolled his balls around in his hot mouth.

"Ooohhh, fuck yeah, suck those nut's."

Paul grabbed Lance's cock in his hand's he wanted him in his mouth, needed to taste the guy's cock. He hungered for it, like nothing he had ever before. He spat the hairy sack out of his mouth and licked up to the tip of Lance's meat, then in one all mighty gulp took the teen's cock deep into his throat. The prick slid down into his hot wet mouth, as Lance took the back off his head and held him there. His nose was buried into Lance's pubic bush, the manly scent was intoxicating. Lance pulled his cock back out of Paul's mouth and slid it all the way back in, he couldn't believe how far his cock went into the boy's mouth. Paul gagged as the huge piece of meat rammed down his throat, his jaw stretching wide. His tongue mashed into his mouth with each thrust, he licked the under side of the knob. Lance groaned in pleasure as he ground his crotch into Paul's face. Inch after inch going into Paul's waiting mouth.

"Fuck, Paul you're gonna make me cum."

This drove the teen wild, he started gobbling down on Lance's cock with abandon. He grabbed the hairy nutsac and pulled down with his right hand. With his left he reached up and twisted Lance's left nipple between his finger's. Lance lifted his ass of the bed, slamming his cock in and out of the wet mouth. He could feel the cum shooting from his balls and up his cock.

"Uuughhh, cummin in your mouth Paul."moaned Lance"Here it come's babe."

Lance thrust his hip's forward into the youth's face forcing his fuck meat down into the boy's throat. Jizz shot from the tip of his cock, pasting the inside of the Paul's mouth. Paul spluttered and gagged as the cum filled his mouth, invoulintarily he began to swallow. The hot cream ran across his tongue and down his throat filling his young belly with his first taste of man juice. A small amount of cum escaped his lips and dribbled down his chin, as Lance pulled the teen to him on the bed and they kissed passionately. Lance looked at his young neighbour, his heart and crotch filled with lust.

"That was incredible"he whispered in the boy's ear.

"I've never felt like that before."Paul said.

"I can make you feel even better."Lance said seductively.

He instructed Paul to get on his hands and knees, exposing his cute little butt. Lance spread the tight ass apart with his hands, the skin soft and smooth under his touch. Paul looked over his shoulder as Lance dove between the hot sweaty valley of his ass-cheeks. His tongue licking up the funky crack of Paul's butt, seeking out his tight rosebud. He licked up and down the smooth line till he reached Paul's hole. Paul couldn't believe the feeling's coursing through his body, he needed to reach down and jerk on his leaking cock. He grabbed his prick and slowly began pulling his foreskin over his cock knob. Pre-cum had already leaked all over his foreskin and was pouring down his shaft and across his hairless ballsac.

Lance looked up from Paul's ass, just as the teen began wanking his cock,

Paul looked over his shoulder back at him. Paul's big brown eye's sparkling with lust, his short black hair messed up from where Lance's hand's had been when he had face fucked him. His back arched and sweat gleamed on the smooth tanned skin, until it reached the tan line of his ass. Lance stared at the perfect bubble butt before him, so beautiful in the morning light that shone through the window. Going back down ,slowly Lance's oral poker edge closer to the teen's ass, lapping, licking and poking further and further. Sweat poured down Paul's face and chest, Lance smeared some of it from his back onto his hand and slid a finger into the boy's ass, as he tongued around it. Deeper and deeper Lance's tongue went into his neighbour's puckered hole.

"Oooohhh, Lance, it feel's so good."Paul moaned.

It was about to feel even better, Lance thought. He knelt on the bed behind his young neighbour, spread ing his ass with one hand, while he grabbed his hard veiny prick with the other. Guiding it toward the fifteen year old's smooth fuck tunnel, he pressed it against him. The pink hole before his cockhead glistening with sweat and spit. He nudged his throbbing knob to the heart of Paul's ass crack. At once Paul knew what Lance was going to do, he was going to take his virginity right here, right now. On this bed, in his friends house, was going to be the first time he had sex. His heart began doing double time, his eye's watered, he was almost about to cry with joy. He let go off his cock and reached back grabbing Lance's red hot prick and guiding it against his arse.

"Do it Lance."he moaned"Fuck me."

Lance took hold of Paul's hand around his cock and pushed. Slowly feeding him the first inch or so of his dick, until it passed the tight barrier of his sphincter. Paul's head snapped back down toward the ground, he clenched his fist's against the bed, as his ass was filled with hard teen cock. His eye's shut tight from the feeling's he was experiencing in his ass, he moaned through clenched teeth. More of Lance's meat slid into Paul's ass, Lance reached around and began twisting the teen's right nipple to take his mind of the pain of having his cherry busted.

"Uuugghhhh"Paul moaned.

"It's o.k. baby. Everything will be o.k. Gonna take all of Lance's cock."

"Yes,"huffed Paul"keep going."

Pushing in faster now, Lance couldn't believe what he was seeing. His cock was going deeper and deeper in to the virgin's ass, within a few moments his pubes were pushed against the boy's ass cheeks. All eight inches of his dick deep inside Paul's ass, his hairy balls resting against his butt. Slowly he began pulling out, faster than he had gone in, till just his cock head remained in the teen from next door. Lance reached up and stroked Paul's face with his hand, as his other hand cruelly twisted the boy's nipple. Lance took Paul's shoulder with one hand and slowly , as if to prolong each and every second he was inside the boy, pushed back into the hot tight cavern of Paul's ass. Paul's back arched up and he nearly came up to a kneeling position as the assault on his virgin butt began. His hole stretched to capacity as Lance's steely fuck meat slid back into him. Paul moaned loudly as he felt his tight chute being thrust back into.

"Fuckin...your...ass...Pauly."Lance groaned. "Filling...your...slutty...hole."

Paul liked the sound of that, the way Lance was talking dirty to him.

"Yeah, do it. Fuck my virgin ass. Come on man fuck me. Fuck me hard."

Lance pulled out for a second time this time all the way. Then with the tip of his cock resting against the boy's hole he began to brutally rape the ass before him. He slammed his cock in all the way to the hilt. Paul let out a loud yell, but Lance didn't care. He was going to have his way with him now, now that he knew how Paul liked it. He began thrusting in faster and faster, driving his cock deep into the boy's ass. His hairy nuts slapping against the base of Paul's crack. The feeling of Paul's hot, tight ass clenching his shaft had driven Lance over the edge, he became like an animal, he tore at Paul's back leaving red welt's where his nails dug into the skin. He slammed his cock in harder,faster, deeper, leaning forward kissing the back of the teen's sweaty neck. Their bodies were as one as they writhed together in their lust. Paul thought Lance had been rough to begin with but now he was really tearing him up now. He felt the thick meaty prick ram repeatedly into him, pounding him without mercy, till he whimpered in sexual ecstasy.

"Love fuckin your ass Paul."Lance moaned"So hot and tight."

Paul loved the thought of being used by this hot teen stud. It felt awesome to have someone else in total control of his body, using him for his sexual needs. He bucked back against Lance's thrust's, as the older teen's ass moved up and down in the cool morning air. His ass could feel the pulsating rhythm of the cock, pistoning in and out, in and out.

Like a dog in heat, Lance humped into Paul's virgin chute as hard as he could. Feeling every inch of the boy's ass around his cock. His nipples like two steely points pressed into Paul's back, he could feel himself gettin close to the edge. He took his hand's from Paul's hip's and grabbed his shoulders once again, burying his cock as far as it could go. He could hold on no longer. Holding all of his eight circumcised inches deep in Paul's butt., he began shooting the biggest load of his short life. Lance could feel wad after wad after wad of his thick ropey cum splattering Paul's ass chute. Lance gasped sharply as he felt the cum spray from his dick into Paul's inside's. This was to much for Paul he grabbed his still hard shaft and skinned it right back. Then pulled it right out stretching it as far as it would go. Then he began furiously pumping his prick, jacking himself faster than he ever had before. Lance could feel Paul's ass spasming around his cock, even still he pulled it from the battered hole, letting a gush of his semen dribble down the boy's sweaty crack onto his smooth ballsac.

"Oooohhh, Lance, I'm gonna cum."Paul almost shouted

Lance reached down between the boy's leg's and pulled on his balls, rolling them around in the sweat and his cum. It was all the youth could take, he yanked down on his cock pulling the foreskin all the way back, exposing the rosy wet head to the air, like a dog sniffing the air. His cock throbbed in his hand, his balls wanted to pull up, but Lance yanked them down further. Paul looked down just in time to see a huge load spray from his cock. His teen juice splashed across his chest and face, covering him like a glazed donut. It was the most intense orgasm Paul had experienced, wad after wad of his cum splashed over his exhausted sweaty body. His lip's were covered in hot boy juice and he licked it up with his tongue. Even still more jizz pumped from his piss slit, soaking the sheet's below, till it just leaked down the hard shaft over his hand and onto Lance's hand which still grasped his balls. Both boy's crumpled in a heap on the bed, Lance still atop Paul, his cock resting between Paul's leg's. Never before had either of them experienced anything like what they just had done. So spent from their marathon effort, that neither of them could say anything, they just lay there panting, revelling in the afterglow of first time sex. Paul turned and looked at the hot eighteen year old stud who had just introduced him to the world of sex. Lance's hair was matted to his forehead, a grin they would have to jack hammer of his body when he died plaster across his face. Paul knew that even though this was his first time it wouldn't be his last, because if sex felt this good he vowed to become Ramsey Street's first male slut.

Well that's the end of part two, I hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It certainly seemed that Paul enjoyed himself, looks as if he's on his way to becoming an all out boy toy. Maybe he might introduce Tad to the wonderful world of boysex, or could it be Lance and Billy, or maybe even Joel, Lance and Billy. Maybe you guy's can decide. If you do have any suggestions you can contact me at

Next: Chapter 3: Paul Tad and Billy

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