Neighborhood Jogger

By moc.loa@6949alucoJ

Published on Mar 3, 2002


Chapter 3

Thank you, to all for all the positive feedback from the first two chapters. I truly appreciate all your kind words and support.

I want to dedicate chapter three to a good friend Richard Grayson who inspired and gave me the courage and strength to write this story. I truly miss him and I hope I make him proud (He died January 2001). He also has a story on here on nifty site called "Billy" it is in the athletics and beginning story sites. The last time the story was posted was January 2001.

The next day at work I was a basket case. I could not concentrate on my work, all I kept thinking was about John and his visit from yesterday. How wonderful the visit truly was, and to finally meet him face to face. Then it hit me I am actually going to spend more time with him this afternoon. This made it all the harder to try and focus on my work.

Finally, work had ended, and when I got home I changed my clothes and did some laundry. The hardest part now is waiting for the all-important phone call from John. As I was waiting patiently, I glanced at the clock and it was a little after three in the afternoon. It was still early and there was no need to worry or to be alarmed that he has not called.

While I waited I turned on the television to ease my tension. Even though the time passed very slowly it still managed to creep on by. It was now four o'clock, and still no phone call. My emotions were now starting to get the best of me. I was getting a little upset, worried, and scared all rolled into one. I wasn't sure why he had not call, but maybe he was held over at work. What if he got into an accident on the commute home? Then I thought that maybe he was just being nice to me yesterday, and felt obligated in saying that he wanted me to help him with his yard.

The afternoon slowly became early evening, and it was now 6 o'clock. When suddenly the phone began to ring. When the phone rang for a split-second my heart skip a beat. I walked over to the phone as it continued to ring knowing deep down it had to be John at the other end. Yet, I wonder what took him so long to call? Why didn't he call on the time he was supposed to call? There was only one way to find out, and that is to answer the phone. I picked up the receiver and said hello, but on the other end of the phone was not John but my friend Cesar. My heart that skipped a sudden beat quickly sank along with the smile on my face that instantly faded.

Cesar called me to go to dinner and to hang out for a while. By this time I was emotional drained and has constantly analyzing on why John did not call. I decided to get out of the house and hangout with my friend Cesar. Even though, I went out with Cesar the evening was a total bust. Cesar tried to cheer me up but it was no use, I was way too dejected to have a good time.

I got home around midnight and there were a couple of messages left on the answering machine. I hit play and started to listen to the messages.

"Hi Tim. It's John, and I am sorry for not calling earlier and I will explain later, but I was hoping you would still be home. It is about six-thirty, and I guess I will call you a little later. Bye."

The last message started to play and it was John again.

"Hi this is John again. I was hoping you were home by now it is almost eight o'clock. I thought that if you were home we could still make it to look and buy the plants... Tim, I am so sorry and I feel totally bad for not getting home on time to call you. Please call me when you get home. My phone number is 555-8376. Talk to you later."

Something obviously came up for him not to be able to call on time. I guess leaving these messages meant he didn't deliberately stand me up. My happiness came back along with a small smile on my face. I started to pick up the phone receiver to call John, but then realized that it was after midnight. I put the phone receive back down and I knew this meant I would have to wait until the morning to talk to him.

I slowly dragged myself to bed to go to sleep. I was a little bummed out that I missed John's call, and that I would have to wait to talk to him. I didn't fall asleep until after two in the morning. I kept think how the first time I saw him out my window as he jogged by my house. Where the first time he smiled at me, and we actually met at my front door and talk. I even thought about what transpired when he didn't call and then when he finally did and apologized. Eventually exhaustion took over and I finally fell asleep. I soon went into dreamland, and I started dreaming about John and me being together.

The next morning I woke-up around seven, and wondered if I should go down to John's house or if I should call him. Regardless, of doing either of those two things I didn't know if it was still too early, because I didn't want to be rude and wake him up. I waited patiently until eight o'clock to call, but I didn't wait a minute longer. I decided to call him first, and I let the phone ring several times but there was no answer. I figured he is either asleep or not home, but I decided to go outside to check if there was any movement down at his house. Sure enough when I looked down the street, John was backing his truck out of the garage. He got out of his truck and went back into his house. I closed my front door and walked as fast as my little ass would get me down to his house. I caught him right when he was walking back out of his house and was ready to get into his truck.

"Hey John." I said.

"Hey Tim, how you doing?" said John.

"I am sorry I didn't return your call last night, but I went out with a friend. I got home around Midnight, and I thought it would be too late to call." I said

"Oh no problem Tim. I am the one who should be apologizing, since I didn't show up or call at three like I said I was going to." said John.

"I hope I am not prying, but can I ask why didn't you call? If you would have called early enough I would have stayed home and not gone out." I said.

"I know, I was planning on calling. Especially, when I knew I wasn't getting off work at noon like I thought I was. Every time I was about to call I either had a meeting, a client, or some kind interruption. I decided to wait and call when I got on the road and into my commute. I was leaving around Two and I figured that there would be no interruptions once I got on the road. When I finally got onto the freeway and got settled into the long commute home, I went to get your phone number to call you. I looked through my briefcase, in my jacket and pants pockets, but I could not find your number. I then realized I left your phone number on my desk at the office. By this time I was already over forty-five minutes into the commute, so the only thing I could do was to continue to drive home. I had to hope that you would not be too upset for me being late in calling. Of course on the drive home there had to be an accident on the freeway. This causing a commute from hell, and prolonged the commute an extra hour. Tim, please forgive me and accept my apology." Said John.

"It is okay John. I understand things happen and come up, and if you still want me to help you with your front yard I am still willing and able." I said with a smile.

John replied back "I was actually just going to the nursery to buy some plants. Do you still want to go and help me out?"

I said of course I still wanted to go, and I hopped in his truck and we left for the store. We spent almost two-hours looking and bouncing ideas off one another on what plants to buy at the nursery. The two hours we spent together was incredible, I felt like I have known John for my whole life.

After we got home John got the necessary tools for pulling out the old plants and putting the new ones in. By the time we started it was already eleven o'clock in the morning, and it was getting warm outside. We were pulling out some old shrubs to put in the new ones, and it was starting to get pretty warm, warm enough that I was starting to work up a sweat. I wanted to take off my shirt, but I felt kind of self-conscious in front of John so I kept my shirt on.

While I was working I was watching John digging and shoveling the dirt and loving every minute of it. I could see all his muscles flexing each time he moved the shovel into and out of the dirt. I could see his biceps flexing and stretching his sleeves on his short- sleeves shirt. His chest would move his fitted shirt up and out as his pecks flex. His leg would also stretch the material of his sweat shorts that fit his waist and legs very nicely. I was getting even hotter from just watching John. If I didn't stop looking I would be definitely trying to conceal a very hard, hard on while working.

The increasing temperature was starting to make it a bit unbearable to wear a shirt. The sweat was starting to bead up on my forehead, and my shirt clinging to my body. I kept on contemplating if I should or should not take off my shirt. Yet, I felt I would feel funny taking my shirt off in front of John. I would feel like a guy that has an average stripping in front of a Chippendale dancer. Well, I couldn't stand it anymore I had to take off my shirt I could not let being self-conscious get in the way. As I took off my shirt, I felt I had to justify myself on why I was taking it off.

"I said. Boy, it is getting way too hot. I think I am going to take off my shirt to cool down and to catch some rays."

John looked over at me as I took my shirt off, but it was mostly a glance. Shortly after we both went back to work, and every once in a while John would look over at me.

About fifteen minutes had passed and John wiped the beads of sweat off his forehead. He was getting hot and justified why he was taking off his shirt. He went on to say that it was hot and that he too needed to work on his tan just in case one of his modeling gigs wanted him shirtless. Part of me wanted that shirt rip off, hours ago. But part of me didn't want his shirt to come off at all, because I was already being distracted enough with his shirt still being on.

John slowly peeled off his shirt by pulling it over his head revealing his awesome physique. It was now going to be extremely hard to concentrate on the yard work. As I was working I would catch myself frequently glancing up and over at John. I tried to make sure John didn't notice me admiring him and his body.

John was working hard as I got a nice front view of his chest and abdominals. I noticed John was beginning to sweat. The sweat was slowly trickling down his neck and running down between his pecks as it gradually made its way over his rippled six-pack. A few minutes passed by and I continued to glance over at John who beginning to really sweat. There wasn't just a line of sweat trickling down and between his chest, but his whole front body was saturated from him sweating. The sweat was making the front of his whole body glisten in the hot sun. This was making his muscle show off bigger and better. I could hardly contain myself I was getting a raging hard on by now, and I wanted to jump him right then and there which was not good. I had to quickly go back to working and start thinking about something other than John and his body.

I saw in the corner of my eye that John was occasionally looking over at me. By this time I too was working up a pretty good sweet. The sun was reflecting off the sweat of my chest, arms and stomach. My arms and chest has definition, but was not as cut and big as John's. My stomach was extremely flat, but lacked the six-pack that John also had. Regardless, I knew that the wetness from sweating and the sun was making what little I had to show off.

While this was all happening I was still working on trying to work on and dig out this huge shrub. The shrub was not budging, and to make matters worse was that I had to dig around on one side. The other side of this particular shrub still had another shrub next to it, and I couldn't get in between the two. I sort of grumbling under my breath that the shrub was being stubborn and the progress I was making was very slow. John piped up and offered to help, and before I could reply John start walking towards the planter where I was. John told me he would help. As he slowly came up from behind put his arms around me to put his hands on the shovel along with mine. As he did this his warm moist chest and abs gentle pressed against my back causing an electrical sensation to go through my body. I turned my head to look at him, and as I did this he had a huge grin on his face. I smiled back at him with our faces and mouths' only inches apart. I started picturing myself tilting my head and closing my eyes to kiss him. Then sudden John spoke and brought me back into reality. John was still behind me with his wet body leaning and pressing against mine. He ask if it was okay that he came over to help out, since he had more weight to back him up on digging out the shrub. I told him that I was very grateful and I slipped out from under his arm to give John more leverage to dig. This was the first time John and I were this close together, and that I actually felt his body touch and pressed against mine without our shirts. As I stood off to the side in a daze watching John, I sighed and took a long deep breath. Here I stand not knowing where or what this will all lead too in the end.

Please email me and let me know what you think. If you guys enjoy the reading the story, I will continue it. Email address

Thank you again, to all for all the positive feedback from the first two chapters. I truly appreciate all your kind words.

Next: Chapter 4

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