Neighborhood Jogger

By moc.loa@6949alucoJ

Published on Feb 22, 2002


Chapter 2

Thank you, to all you guys for all your positive feedback from the first chapter. I truly appreciate your kind words. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Even though I knew where he lived I could never go down to his house. I would not know what to say to him if I went down there to his house. What would I say? "Hi there I am your neighbor that lives down the street. Who works outside in his yard to look at your awesome body when you jog by my house." Plus, I still do not know if he is even married, single, or if he is straight or gay.

As all these thoughts were going through my head, I looked down the street and there was Jerry outside washing his car. Jerry is a neighbor/friend who live four doors down the street from me (right across the street from my jogger). If anyone knows the scoop about the new neighbor it would be Jerry.

I walk down the street to talking to Jerry, where he was working on his car. I started the conversation with the basics. How have you been? What have you been up to? As I was talking to Jerry, my Greek God jogger came out of his house, and started mowing the lawn (with his shirt off). This gave me two opportunities, one to gaze at him; the second gave me a reason to question Jerry about his new neighbor. I asked Jerry who the new neighbor was that was mowing the lawn. He told me his name was John. As I was talking I would glance across the street to look at John. Yet, I was trying to do it casually, because I didn't want John or Jerry to see me staring. Plus, watching John mowing the lawn without his shirt was getting me hot. I had to be extra careful, because there was movement starting down in my pants. I didn't want to get a hard on while talking to Jerry.

Jerry then spilled what he knew about John (the new neighbor). Even though to Jerry it was just making meaningless conversation, but to me it was priceless information. Jerry proceeded to tell me that John was single and lived alone. He also told me that he just moved from the Bay Area, but still commutes back and forth to his works (it's about a two-hour drive). Jerry went on to say that John is also an accountant. Well, this is sort of good news because he is not married, which obviously means that he is single. The question now is, is he gay?

Why Jerry was telling me all about John, I started thinking that I really did not know why I am so interested in him. Yes, he has a gorgeous body, but there is something else that I find irresistible about him and I could not put my finger on it.

As I was still glancing back and forth from Jerry to John it happened, I was glancing over at John when he looked up and over towards me. I quickly turned my head and continued my conversation with Jerry. I felt like a little kid who got his hand caught in the cookie jar. I waited for about thirty seconds or so to peep back over at John. I found that John was still looking over towards Jerry and I, but he quickly turned his head like I did previously. So, John was glancing over here as well, but what does this all mean. Was John wondering why I was looking over at him? Or was John simple looking over here to see what his new neighbors were doing?

Well, I milked as much information out of Jerry that I could. I said my good-byes, and I took one last glimpse across the street before I started back to my house. Of course after that last look, many erotic thoughts about John went running through my head. Before long, my dick started to get hard, and once again when I got home I had to jack off.

I decided to lye on the couch jacking off, as I envisioned John coming through the front door all sweaty after mowing the lawns. We both headed to the shower where we washed each other bodies and made hot passionate love in the shower. While imagining all this, it did not take me long to climax. I shoot my load of cum all over my stomach and chest.

The next day I saw John jogging by as I was outside getting groceries out of the trunk of my car. I saw him jogging by, but he was looking and smiling at me. He kept turned his neck to gaze at me until he could no longer turn his neck any farther. He then looked straight ahead and he continued his run. All I could do was just stand there with my mouth hanging wide open. Here I am holding my bags of groceries in arms and not knowing what to think or how to react to John's gesture. I have been literally drooling over this guy for the past few weeks, so much so that my yard is immaculate condition. Now, he is actually looking at me and smiling. Nah, as I shook my head, this is crazy there must be some explanation why he looked and smiled at me. He was probably just doing a neighborly gesture, since he saw me outside yesterday talking to Jerry. Hell, maybe I just imaged the whole thing, because I want him to be interested in me. Anyway, why would this guy that looks as hot as he does, want someone who's just a plain ordinary guy like me? I did not imagine him smiling at me that day, because from that day forward each time John jogged by he would greet me with a smile. After that first day, I now smile right back and even say hi him when he jogs by. Each and every time I smile, John would give me the warmest smile back that would melt the arctic snow.

One afternoon, about two weeks later, I was working around the house (cleaning and doing laundry) when the doorbell rang. I opened up the door only to see John standing at my front door. There he stood six feet in height. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt that clung to his well-sculpted body, and with a pair of cargo shorts that fit him perfectly. Here I am once again caught off guard, not expecting John to come knocking on my door. All I could do was stand there for a few seconds trying to keep my composure and not act all stupid. Especially, when realized that I am standing in front of John only wearing my sweat shorts and no shirt. I know I usually go shirtless, and that John has seen me this way while working in the yard. This is totally different, because he is only three feet away from me and fully clothed.

"Hi my name is John, you don't know me except from me smiling and saying hi when I jog by. I wanted to introduce myself, because I am your new neighbor who live a few doors from you" he said.

"Hi John. Nice to meet you, my name is Tim" I replied.

"I am sorry to bother you at home, but I just wanted to say how great your yard looks" John said. "Why thank you?" I said.

Of course my yard was in extra good shape, only because of wanting to catch a glimpse of John jogging by. Then I realized that here I am leaving him standing in the doorway. I apologized and asked him to come inside (didn't take no for an answer). I told John to make himself comfortable as I went into my bedroom to get a shirt. I would feel a little more comfortable talking to him if I was fully clothed. We both had a Pepsi and sat and chatted for awhile. Of course while talking, my mind would start drifting off into my fantasyland. I would think about him and me being together in very intimate ways. Then of course my dick started to react and get hard very quickly. Thank God we were sitting at the kitchen table to conceal my hard dick. I honestly tried to keep my mind on the conversation as much as possible. I did find confirm from John that the information Jerry gave was accurate. John was an actual accountant, but also a part time model and still worked the Bay Area. He could easily be an actor or a model without a problem. He also confirmed he was single, but did not show and I could tell if he was straight or gay.

As John was leaving he once again complimented me on the yard and wished his yard were as half as nice as mine. He also said he was going to start working on getting his yard it into shape. But he didn't know where or how to get started in his yard. I piped up and asked him if he wanted me to help, by pick out the plants and planting them. I figure he made the first two moves with the smile and coming over to my house, and it was now my turn to make a next move.

John replied. "Really! I was planning on doing my yard work this weekend."

"Not a problem John, what we can do is on Friday afternoon or evening we can go pick out and buy what you need for your yard. Then on the weekend we could plant what we bought" I said.

"Great actually I get off at noon from work, and I should be home from the commute around 2pm-3pm. If you want, we can go after 3pm?" said John.

"That sound great, I will be getting home around the same time myself. Here is my number 555-2275 just give me a call when you get home" I said.

John thanked me and started walked down the street to his house. I slowly shut the door with a big ass smile on my face. Yes, he was drop dead gorgeous, but now I knew what really caught my eye from the beginning. It was the way he carried and presented himself. He did this with such confidence, sincerity and kindness in his eyes and gestures. I could tell that he is a warm caring guy, with a kind heart. I also realized that I was falling and falling hard for John. I was falling in love with a guy that I don't even know if he is gay. But right now the hardest part for me was waiting for tomorrow to come. Unfortunately, I have a feeling it is going to be a long night and day ahead of me waiting for tomorrow afternoon.

Okay guys this is the first time I have ever written a story, and here is the next chapter/part. Please let email me and let me know what you think. If you guys enjoy it I will continue the story. ;o) Email address Thank you, to all the guys for all the positive feedback from the first chapter. I truly appreciate it your kind words.

Next: Chapter 3

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