Neighborhood Friends

By John Mack

Published on Jul 3, 2004



There are four of us that live in the same neighborhood who have grown up as best pals since the third grade. Kevin and Mark live one block to the north of me and Sean lives one block to the south. We did all the normal things that boys do, getting into more trouble than staying out of it. We had a special place that we could gather every summer day just a few blocks away and across the creek. It was an old barn that belonged to my grandfather. My dad had refused to sell it after he died even though my mom said the developers would pay lots of money for the 300 acres. Mark and I had a lot of the same interest and so naturally, we spent more time together than with the other two.

By the time, we were 14 my dad allowed us to sleep in a tent near the pond on the farm. We would leave right after school on Fridays, pitch our tent and fish or swim. It was during one of these camping trips that Kevin brought some porn magazines. As we all got ready for bed Kevin pulled them out and we all gawked over them as only teenage boys can do. Up to this point, nothing sexually had ever happened between any of us that I was aware of. It was actually about a month later before Mark had gotten so horny looking at the pictures that he went outside the tent near a tree and masturbated. Kevin realized what he had done and teased him tremendously about it. He then told him he could have done that in here that we are all guys and it was natural to masturbate. Of course, Mark challenged him why he had not masturbated in front of us if it was so natural. Kevin stood up, pulled down his underwear, and began pounding his 5" cock. Although Mark was 15, the rest we were 14 at the time, I think Kevin realized that I was not as developed as he was, so he began persuading Sean to masturbate also. Sean had about a 5" cock also but was much fatter than Kevin's was. They looked at more pictures and continued to masturbate. Mark and I watched them through the corner of our eyes trying not to look as if we were looking. Kevin said watch as his breathing got heavier and his cock got a little bigger. He shot a good load of cum, most landed on him but some landed on Mark's leg. As he was shooting, Sean began shooting. His were not as powerful and landed all on his chest and legs. That same event happened a few more times with eventually Mark and I joining them in masturbating. Mark was the most developed and I was the least. They all had a good amount of black hair and 5" cocks while my hair was blond and thin with my still 4" cock. By summers end I had managed to catch up some but still had the smallest.

During the winter, Mark and Kevin began to hang out more. I became less visible because I was still embarrassed about my size and did not feel comfortable with masturbating in front of them. Sean started eating lunch with other friends so during our 15 year of life we sort of split up. When summer rolled around it was a hit and miss on camping and our mischievous ways were slowly disappearing.

Mark turned 16 in Jan. and got a summer job. Kevin turned 16 in Aug. and Sean and I turned 16 in Oct. Sean invited me over for his birthday on Friday night. I thought it was going to be a party but it turned out to be just the two of us. We had lots of fun talking, playing games, eating and reminiscing about summers gone by. It was almost six in the morning when we finally got to bed. I had brought my sleeping bag, but Sean insisted that his queen size bed was more comfortable, with plenty of room and he promised not to bite. I was a little surprised when he got completely undressed and got in bed. I sleep that way at home but not when someone is over. I was not sure what to do when Sean realized what was taking me so long. He apologized saying he forgot his manners, got out of bed and started to put back on a pair of shorts. I told him that I was fine and got nude also and got in bed with him. I was a little uncomfortable at first but after some more idle talk and sorry jokes, we both fell asleep. It was passed noon when his dad came in to wake us. Talk about embarrassed, I was cuddled up next to Sean with just a sheet covering my mid section. Sean was on his back and had a woody that showed through the sheets that even a blind person could have seen. The fact that his dad had came over to the bed and stood over Sean gently nudging him in order to wake him up only made things worse. I am sure his dad knew we were both nude and then me to be lying on top of him almost. At least my woody was not visible. Sean simply said good morning to his dad and told him we would be down in about thirty minutes. While his dad was still in the room, Sean rolled over to face me and said good morning. I nearly freaked!

Sean reached down and twisted his cock making it even harder before jumping out of bed and going to the bathroom. I was still in bed when he came back out, still going over in my mind what his dad must have thought, still trying to figure out what I was doing in this situation. Although his cock had gone down it was still about 5" long and very fat, it was just pointing down now. He came over to the bed and pulled the sheets off me.

"Time to get out of bed sleepy head" he said.

I did what most guys would have done; I reached down to cover up my privates. This brought laughter from Sean.

"I have already seen it Joey, you don't have anything to be ashamed of or hide. You have matured a lot since two summers ago. I remember when you only were about 5" hard and as thin as a toothbrush, now look at you 7" plus and thicker than the cardboard cylinder for paper towels. Don't worry I still aint gonna bite."

He was not helping, ok maybe a little but why would he notice something like that. But then again I noticed his.

I got out of bed and he teased me some more while we got dressed and ready for the day. We were going to a ballgame, then go-cart racing, then out to eat with his parents then to a picnic with some friends and then finally home. The day was great. However, there were times during the day that I thought it was more like a date than two friends just having fun. There was this one point during the game when he was talking in my ear about the last time he and I went out to a game and he placed his hand on my knee. There was nothing really sexual or unusual but enough that I took notice of it. Then while standing in the go-cart line he seemed to stand awful close, even bumping me a couple of times with his mid section. At dinner he seemed to stare at me and I kept wonder what he and his dad were thinking. Then later during the picnic, he wanted me to go out on a boat with him. It was just a simple roll boat made for two or three at most. He took the rowing seat in the middle and I took the back seat facing the front. I guess I could have taken a seat next to him and helped roll. As we he began to roll, a movie scene popped in my head of a man wooing a girl on a romantic evening with him singing to her as he rolled. I do not know what made me do it, but I said, "Are you going to sing to me too?" and started laughing. I not sure he realized what I was talking about and I realized how dumb it must have sounded after I said it. It did not take long for him to come back with a witty comment.

"If you would like but I have to warn you every dog with in a ten mile range will begin to bark." We both cracked up laughing. Then there was a long silence. He just kept watching me. I tried not to stare back and kept looking away but it is as if you are drawn back to look at someone looking at you. He just smiled.

We rolled around for about an hour and a half not saying much at all, idle talk about this and that. I asked several times if he wanted me to roll but he insisted on rolling, at one point sort of laughing he said it was his manly duty. When we reached the shore it was almost 9 pm and getting dark. He helped me out of the boat and then tied it up. I stood like an idiot watching him, not knowing what to do with out getting in the way. When he was done, he gently took my hands facing me. We were not more than a foot apart.

"Look Joey I had a great time tonight...well actually all's just that I don't want you to get the wrong impression...I mean I...well...I don't know how to say this..."

I had been thinking it and was wondering about it but I really didn't expect me to ask it, "What! That you are gay?"

"What?" He responded as if in total shock.

I began to think that I had made a mistake but it is like taking a taste of your favorite cake, you just can't get enough so you keep going. That's when I heard myself say, "You are aren't you?" What was I trying to destroy this relationship completely; I just needed to shut up.

He let go of my hands with a look of puzzlement he quickly walked away.

"Wait Sean...Wait up. Let me explain."

He stopped and turned toward me with tears running down his face so fast it was as if a spigot was turned on. "What's there to explain, you said it all; I am gay. I did not think it was that obvious but I guess it is. It's just I don't want to lose you as a friend."

As I caught up to him, I took his hands as he had done mine earlier. "You're not going to lose me as a friend. Hell, I can think of worst secrets to keep from your friends." Trying to make light of the situation and bring a little laughter I continued, "You haven't killed any one or robbed a bank have you? You're not part of a large underground secret society to eliminate the human race?"

I think he realized that I was being sarcastic with the way he replied, "No."

"Then it doesn't matter to me if you are gay." I reach up, wipe away some tears from his face, then leaned in and hugged him. As we embraced, I said, "Besides, it's a complement to have such an attractive young man chasing after you, if I was a girl I would be flattered to have you as my boyfriend."

Sort of laughing, "See that's why I hate you because you are so funny, understanding and smart..."

Cutting him off before he could finish he statement. "Oh so now you hate me? I thought you loved me the way you have acted all day!" It was if I had said something, he had never thought of. All expressions wiped away from his face. He stood there staring at me with blank eyes. "Hey you ok?"

"That's it isn't it?"

"What's it?"

"I do love you, I never really thought of it in that way until just now, but that's it, I am in love with you."

"You sure have acted like it. Staring at me all day, holding my hand, sitting real close, you wouldn't even bump in the go-carts but you sure did a lot of bumping in line. During the ball game I thought you were going to kiss me at one point. Yea I would say you're acting like you're in love."

"You re not going to tell any one, please. I am not sure I could handle the teasing at school. We only have the rest of this year and next and I just want to get out of this town with out being killed, please don't tell any one."

"I am not going to tell any one. Besides, you think I want people to know that I hang out with some one who is gay? Again laughing trying to make light of the situation with out making him feel bad. Or sleep over at his house nude, in the same bed, with his dad walking in on us? ... By the way does your dad know? Because if he doesn't he must suspect it after this morning."

"I think my dad knows. He found some gay porn in my room and the only thing he said was that I was too young to have porn magazines. ... So you are going to still hang out with me, even though you know that I want you sexually?"

I grab his hands and pull him down so that we are both sitting on the ground next to each other but sort of facing each other. "You know for the nine years we have known each other have we ever given up on each other? We have not always seen eye to eye on everything but we are still friends. I don't think you sexual preference is going to make a difference in our friendship...That is unless you do something dumb like try and kiss me while others are watching."

"See that is why I love you, you are so understanding and willing to give everyone a chance."

"I thought you hated me. I wish you would make up your mind."

There was a short awkward few seconds of silence even though it seemed like minutes went by. We seemed to move at the same time to rest on our back and stare off at the stars, looking at the smooth glass-like lake, and enjoying the calm night air. The hill we were on was semi-steep and made a good recliner as we lay on the grass daydreaming (night dreaming really) and made idle talk about this and that. We talked and stared for some time when all of the sudden Sean got upon his elbow, turned on his side so that he was somewhat over me, and said, "So I can't attempt to kiss you when lots of people are around but what if I was to try it when we are alone?"

"Is that what you have been thinking of? I thought you were admiring the stars and sky. There was another moment of silence before answering. "Sean, I am not sure what I would do...I still like women and you will have to understand that trying to persuade me to become your boyfriend might be a waste of your time." A huge smile appeared on his face. "Now look Sean, I know that grin, and it means you got your way but that's not what I said." As I attempted to finish my sentence, he leaned in to kiss me on the lips. I know I should have tried to stop him or at least put up an illusion that I wanted nothing to do with him kissing me. Instead, I found myself putting my arms around him, pulling him on top of me and opening my mouth to receive his tongue. A tongue war broke out as we embraced in a long passionate kiss.

"You two might not want to do that in public. It might be dark but people can still see you." His dad sat down next to us. "Joey, I have known you for a long time and I will always welcome you in my home, but if you hurt him, I might not be able to forgive you. He is my son and I love him very much. I will do just about anything to make him happy and to enjoy life to the fullest, so please be gentle with him, he is my only child." A strange feeling came over me as he talked but it was a good feeling, really somewhat indescribable. We talked about the day and the night. His dad is actually quite enjoyable to be around. "So what are your plans for tonight (looking at his watch) I mean this morning? Should your mother and I make arrangements for a hotel room for you two or can you keep the noise down?"

"Whoa, Mr. C, I think you got the wrong impression. I am not sure that I am ready to do more than be a good friend to your son. I am not even sure that I am gay. I still have desires for the women, don't get me wrong he is still my best friend and I will help him out in some areas but I am not sure that I am sexually attracted to your son. I just need to take it slow and see what develops."

"Joey, Joey, Joey...that did not look like I am your best friend' type of kiss to me. Maybe I am old fashion but that looked more like this is my boyfriend' type kiss to me. And after this morning and the way you two have acted around each other for the last year, Joey don't kid yourself, you are either gay or you have a very strong attraction to Sean. But hey, you two do what you want just remember that I will support you both in what ever you decide, but remember Joey, you hurt him and I will come for you." He really did not wait to hear my reply as he got up and walked away.

As I turned to look at Sean, I could see the disappointment in his eyes. "Look Sean, I am just not sure that I can do much more than kiss you. I mean I like kissing you, but I am not sure that going any farther is what I want to do, do understand what I am trying to say?"

"Let me just ask you one question that will help me determine what to do. When we were kissing just now, did you get even the slightest erection or tingling in your loins?"

I thought about it for a moment and realized that I did get excited and facing the truth I realized that I got more excited kissing him than I did kissing any of my girlfriends. I got erections with them but I knew that I had gotten more excited kissing him and I was still a little hard now even after all the talking. "Yes." It was all I could say.

Sean simply looked at me and said, "Then I can wait for you to come to terms with yourself. It might take awhile for you to realize that you prefer guys or that you are bisexual, but I am in no rush. I want to wait until you are ready and I will take it slow and enjoy every second that I am with you. I want you to know that I am not talking about a one night stand here I want to have you as my lover and as a friend, and one day hopefully as a boyfriend."

"Sean, I just need some time."

"That's fine, I can wait. How about let's get back to the cabin and see when my rents are planning on leaving?"


We got up and started walking back toward the cabin. After a few steps I was walking beside him and decided it would be nice to hold his hand to let him know that, I wasn't mad at him and to insure him that I was thinking about us. We walked all the way to the cabin that way.

Once we got to the cabin, his rents were ready to go. His dad asked me if I was still going to spend the night and I told him I was. He then asked if I was ok with everything that has happened and I told him I was still working on it but that it would be all right. He then asked me not to make a big deal in front of his wife because she was not very comfortable with the idea that her son is gay. That has to be a first, the dad ok and the mom not!

On the ride home, Sean and I took the very back seat in the van. I was not comfortable with this at first but warmed up to it as Sean just held me close. He did not try anything just small talk and placed his arm around me. I turned somewhat sideways allowing his hand to drape down the front of my chest as I leaned up close next to him. By the time we got home, we were both very tired.

When we got to his room, we both got nude again but this time I moved right up next to him as we said our goodnights.

Part II of Friends

Sean and I slept together until about 9 the next morning. I woke up with Sean spooning me. It was actually fairly nice having his manhood logged in my crack, an arm draped over me and the warmth of his skin against my back. I was wonder if Sean was a wake but did not want to disturb him incase he might move. Then I heard Sean say softly, "Good morning sleepy head."

"Good morning back at you woody." He started to move but I moved my arm around to hold him close to me. He stayed there for several minutes with my arm resting on his hip holding him close to me before he spoke, "Joey, if you keep holding me here we are both going to get soaked." We laughed which did not help any. I think I had to go just as bad as he did. I let go of him and we both got up and headed to the restroom. I let him enter and stood at the door to wait but Sean pulled me on in. "You know you need to get over your shyness. Let me guess you can't pee while some one is watching?"

"Yea, it is just..."

"Come on, I promise I won't bite. I might want to hold it though."

"You really don't want me to pee do you?"

"You will eventually have to go." We both started laughing. We walked over to the toilet and he grabbed my cock and pointed it toward the bowl. I still had a morning woody and the fact that some one else was holding my cock did not help matters at all. I had to go really bad but I just could not go. Although Sean had a morning woody too he just let it rip as he held his cock down. After he finished he asked me if I needed some help getting it started. I was not sure what he meant but I was sure I did not need any help. He said, "I have heard that if you are having a hard time peeing that if you get the head wet it will help you go. Do you want me to wet the head for you; I could gently suck that piss right out of you?"

"I think I can pee on my own but thanks for asking."

"Joey what are you going to do when one day during our love making I want you to pee on me or want you to pee in my ass or even swallow some of your golden juices, you going to freeze and make me suffer?" I was stun by his boldness but took it light hearted.

"Let go of the merchandize and step away so I can pee."

"Alright, but that is not going to let you off the hook." He let go but stood there to watch.

"What do you mean it won't let me off the hook?" Almost as soon as he let go my cock it started deflating and I was getting close to being able to pee.

"Wait and see." Just as I started to piss he grabbed my cock and held it as I finished. When I was done he continued to hold on to it sort of jacking it. Again I should have stopped him but I didn't. He held my cock all the way back into his room where his dad was standing in the door way leading to the hall as we walked in from the restroom doorway. I thought he would let go when he saw his dad but he didn't right away. I guess it was his way of telling his dad that things were alright between us or something. I was a little nervous and moved behind Sean to cover up I guess. This was the second time his dad had caught us in a compromising position and the first time he had seen me nude. He did not make a big deal out of it and Sean acted like it was nothing at all. His dad said that if we wanted breakfast it would be ready shortly. Jokingly he added, "And son, you and Joey will need to put some clothes on before coming down stairs."

"Sure thing dad." After his dad left Sean grabbed me and tossed me own to the bed. He pinned me down, sitting on top on me. He was laughing as he did this but once he got me the way he wanted me he stopped and took on a very serious look. "I am not hurting you am I?"

"No, not really, why?"

"I don't mean physically, silly, I mean our relationship. Am I hurting our relationship by playing with you this way? Are you sure it is alright for me to act this way around you? Are you ok with it? I just don't want to do anything that will cause you to hate me."

"Shut up Sean you're babbling. ... I think I am ok with it. I mean I haven't left yet and it is still sinking in that I might be attracted to you too. I have to say that when you said that we would be making love earlier when we were in the restroom it caught me by surprise. I am not sure that I know how to make love to a guy. And the thing with your dad, that is just freaky. I mean I am just not use to an adult seeing me naked, and your dad is almost encouraging us to be naked and to play with each other. I have a lot to absorb still."

"I love you Joey." With that he leans forward and kisses me. At first it was just a peck but after the second or third one it became a full passionate kiss. I put my arms around him and pulled him in tight to me. He stretched his legs out to lie on top of me. We kissed for a long time before we heard his dad clear his throat. We broke the kiss and looked over at his dad. I am not sure why but we both looked at each other and began to laugh.

"Breakfast is ready if you think you two can separate long enough to get dressed and eat."

After his dad left the room, I told Sean, "You are going to have to talk to him about privacy. I know it is a big responsibility for you but it has to be done. I don't think I will be able to do anything with you if I think your dad might pop in the door at any moment."

"You do realize that every time you open your mouth you are getting closer and closer to admitting that you love me too."

"How do you figure that?"

"Well you never deny that there is a possibility of us making out, you have not yet objected to any of my advances, and in a way you just said you were considering doing something with me."

"You read too much between the lines. Let's go eat I am hungry"

After stealing another quick kiss he got off of me and we got dressed. After breakfast we decided to go to the arcade place in the mall. When we got there we realized that it was Monday and we were supposed to be at school. I was really surprise that my rents had not called to see where I was and then thought that maybe Mr. C had called them. Sean and I walked around a little and talked about school mostly but other things in general too. It was close to noon and we stopped to eat at one of the food courts in the mall. Sean wanted a burger and fries; I wanted chicken and slaw so we went to two different lines and met back up at a table. As we were sitting there, Mark walked up to us.

"Why are you two out of school, playing hook I bet. Where is a police officer when you need one?" He cracked up laughing which caused Sean and me to laugh. (Mark gets out early for a work program. He is a senior this year.) He sat at the table and stared for a couple of minutes before getting a strange look on his face and leaving. Sean and I just looked at each other and then stared eating our food. About half way through, it occurred to me that he had guessed what we had done. I began to panic. "What if he knows?"

"Knows what?"

"What if he knows that you and I slept together?"

"First of all, we only slept together we did not sleeeeep together. Second, how is he going to know that from sitting here just a couple of seconds? Third, so what, he is a good friend he would never tell any one after what we did together at your grandpa's farm. Besides you panic over nothing. He probably just remembered something he had to do."

"He left without even saying goodbye?"


"So, normally you say goodbye to your friends."

"Let's get your mind off of the subject and go play some games; they should be open by now."

I am not sure I fill like playing right now. Can we just go back to your place and hang out for a while before I have to go home?"

"Sure buddy what ever you want."

Sean drives us back home but not much is said in the car. Considering we did not stop talking on the way to the mall the silent ride was scary. When we got home we went to Sean's room. I sat in one of the chairs near his computer and he sat on the bed. We stared at each other for a while and Sean tried making small talk but I was not in the mood. He convinced me to come and sit with him on the bed which took a lot of persuading because that was the whole reason I was quiet in the first place. He assured me that everything was going to be alright and that I was worrying for nothing. After some of his off the wall humor and some poking and teasing I began to relax a little. The more he joked about it the more comfortable I got which should have been the opposite but I realized how there was no way Mark could have known what had gone on between us. Sean asked if I would take off my shirt and allow him to study my chest.

"I know how you want to study my chest, by licking and kissing it. I don't think so."

"Ah, Joey would I do that to you?"

"Yes you would and more if I let you."

"Then let me and I won't have to ask."

"Sean, what am I going to do with you?"

"It is not what you are going to do with me but what are you going to let me do with you?"

"Sean, do you think of anything but sex with me?"

"Ah let me see...No that is about it." He says that jokingly as he tries to remove my shirt. I give in and let him remove it. He studies my eyes and I guess I gave him permission as he begins to kiss my neck and work his way down my chest to my nipples. My nipples have always been a sensitive spot. I have always loved it when my ex-girlfriend use to suck on them. I slowly sink backward on the bed and Sean crawls on top of me. His hands are roaming my body as his lips kiss every imaginable spot on my chest. He works a hand down to my pants and starts to undo them when there is a knock at the door. He tells me not to go away. Like where would I go? He goes to answer the door. I can hear them talking but can not make out what they are saying. Then I realize that it is Mark's voice I hear. I put on my shirt and decide to go to the restroom and wait for Sean to return. My heart begins to race and I panic. It seemed like hours before Sean came back to the room. I listen to see if he is talking to anyone before I leave the restroom. "What did Mark want?"

"He is still here with Kevin and they want to talk to both of us."

Now my heart is really going fast and I thing I am going to have a heart attack. "Really, about what? I think I am sick."

"Now don't panic, you were right he knows about us, but the thing is Kevin and Mark have been dating for over a year now and they wanted to come by and share in our joy."

"You mean Mark and Kevin are gay?"

"No I just thought I would say that to get you to calm down." He is laughing so hard that I am not sure which is true now. He jesters with his hand for me to following him. He is laughing so hard when he gets to the living room that he can barely stand. Kevin and Mark are standing off to the side when we enter and my heart sinks. Kevin starts to laugh I guess because of Sean but Mark walks over to me. He stands in front of me like he is trying to figure out what to say. He reaches out is arms and pulls me in for a hug. He whispers in my ear as he hugs me, "I am so glad that you and Sean are able to enjoy the same pleasure that Kevin and I have been experiencing over a year now."

I am really scared now and not knowing what to do but I do what I have always done. I broke the hug and I ran to the nearest restroom and shut the door. I can hear them talking and I listen as Sean tells them that we have not done anything. He tries to persuade them that he is gay but that I am not into guys. They don't seem to be buying it. Mark apologizes about a hundred times for running me off. Mark wants to come and talk to me but Sean says he will do it. Then Kevin suggests, "Maybe if we showed Joey that it was alright by Mark and me kissing in front of him or something he would not be so apprehensive."

"What do you have in mind Kevin, making out until he comes out of the restroom?"

"No, I was more thinking in the lines of setting up a double date. You know but not telling him it is a double date. Like when we used to go to his farm and play around there."

Mark breaks in laughing by the sound of his voice, "I remember the last summer we were all on the farm looking at the porn and Joey fell asleep after he masturbated and Kevin and I decided to suck each other off and you kept making noises and we thought you knew what we where doing so we would stop and wait for silence before starting at it again. It would have been really hard to explain why we were both in the same sleeping bag and my feet were sticking out the top." It sounded like they were all laughing when Kevin said, "Is that what we were supposed to be doing; I thought I was supposed to be tickling your feet." There was more laughter. I worked my way back into the living room. "You two have been sucking each other off?"

Kevin: "Yes, and more."

Sean: "Look Joey, it is no big deal; they are just enjoying each other's company and having fun."

Joey: "Are you two gay?"

Mark: "That is a tuff question Joey. See I like guys like Sean here and well Kevin he just likes to get his rocks off. It is a mutual agreement in a way. I give Kevin what he wants and in return I get what I want. Kevin does not want me to fuck him, but I love his cock in me."

Joey: "Whoa, you allow him to fuck you? Doesn't that hurt?"

Mark: "It did at first but it feels so good that after a couple of minutes it is worth the slight discomfort to enjoy the feel of a big hard cock sliding in and out of your hole."

Joey: "Sean you knew these two were gay?"

Kevin: "Wait a minute bud, I am not gay!"

Joey: "Yeah and I am Margaret Thatcher, you need to come to grips more than I do. You allow a guy to suck you off or you pack his fudge your gay."

Sean: "You realize what you just said don't you?"

Joey: "Yes, and I admit it; I am gay too. I just did not know it until a little while a go; I was denying it like Kevin."

Kevin: "I AM NOT GAY."

All three of us, "Shut up Kevin."

Mark: "So you are ok now? I mean you're not going to kill us or anything are you, because if you are I would like a two days head start." We all laughed, but Kevin had to get is last two words in, "I am still not gay." We laughed even harder.

After we finished laughing Sean invited us to have some sodas, so we all went to the kitchen to drink and talk. Mark finally got Kevin to admit that he was at least bisexual if not gay. After some small talk and lots of laughing Sean said that it was almost 6 and his parents would be home soon. Mark and Kevin said their goodbyes and Sean said he would take me home, even though I could walk; it is only around the corner.

When we got in Sean's car he did not start it. He looked at me and with what looked like tears in his eyes, he began to speak, "Joey, I know I am gay and that I have no desires for women at all, but you do and...well I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do. I know we have been joking about it and I have made several advances toward you but if you don't want to do anything I will understand. Joey I just ask one thing, please don't lead me on when you know you have no intentions of doing anything with me."

"Sean, if it is possible, and I come to grips with wanting to have sexual intercourse with a male, I would like nothing more than it to be with you. I would love for you to take my cherry, but I don't know when I will be ready for that type of commitment. I would like to see you next weekend and if you can keep your dad under check we can see how far I am able to go." Sean's eyes water over and I lean in to kiss him. We kiss for a long time before it hits us that cars are going by and can see us. He takes me home with the promise to have me over Friday night.

To be continued.

Part III of Friends

Sean and I had made an agreement for me to come over next Friday to see how far I was willing to go. All week I had my reservations. I would get all excited about the possibilities and then get really nervous and scared. I even masturbated a couple of times just at the thought of him and me having sex.

When Friday finally arrived I was so scared that I thought even if I did want to do any thing that I would not be able to get hard. Sean was very gentle. He picked me up after school and took me out to eat. He then asked if I wanted to go to a movie or go to his house. I told him that a movie would probably help, that I was still a little nervous. He said he understood and that he had the perfect movie in mind that would help me relax. He took me to see Shrek 2. It was funny and it sure did take my mind off of what we might do. However, after the movie my nerves were right back to the hypertension spot and I was not sure I could go through with it. Sean had another suggestion if I wanted to try it but it would be my decision. He suggested a porn flick; he said he knew a place that would allow us in even though we are under age. I agreed to go. When we got there the place looked empty. Sean went to the desk clerk and the clerk escorted us to a back room. He told us not to come out with out ringing the bell and waiting on him. If someone knocks at the door keep it locked and don't answer.

The room was dark except for one very dim light that flickered like a candle. We sat on a couch against the far wall. After a couple of seconds a menu appeared on the large screen TV in front of us. Sean took the remote and programmed in the movie he was wanted to watch. He just said relax and watch. He snuggled up close to me and put his arm around me as he gave me a sweet little peck on the neck. He whispered that it was going to be fine.

The movie was a plot movie which surprised me; I thought all porn was nothing but action. It was about two guys who had gotten scholarships playing basketball, they ended up as roommates. One was only interested in basketball the other in getting an education. When the one wanted to leave basketball to get better grades the other was being forced out because of bad grades. They developed a relationship which lead to them having sex. The sex was not a wham bam or a lets just get it over type deal. It was very romantic with lots of tender kissing and petting before they gently removed each other's clothes. They took their time and really seemed to be in love with each other.

When the movie was done I was almost in tears for the love they had discovered. Sean had held me through the entire movie and not once tried anything. Still holding me he asked how I liked it. I told him that it was great and that is the way a relationship show go. He leaned to me and kissed my lips. I thought he was going to kiss me open mouth but just a tender kiss and then whispered that he loved me. He rang the bell and a couple of seconds later the clerk escorted us out the back door. I know they charge for seeing the movies but the clerk never asked for any money. The car ride was quiet at first but Sean asked me if I want him to take me home or if I wanted to spend the night. I told him I would spend the night. It was after 2:00 when we finally got to his house, hard to believe we had been gone for 10 hours. We went straight to his room. Sean stood real close in front of me, in a soft tender voice he said, "Joey I want this evening to be perfect for you. I want to treat you as a king and I want to be your princess. I want nothing more than to please you. With that he leaned in and kissed me tenderly on the lips and down to my neck. He reached under my shirt and pulled it up over my head only leaving my body for a second with his tender kisses. He kisses his way down to my nipple and gently kissed and pecked at one. He then worked his way back up to my lips and removed his shirt at the same time. He then grabbed my hand and moved me toward the bed. He sat me down and picked up my legs and placed them on the bed leaning me backward on the pillows so that I was in the reclining position. He then said he would be right back. When he returned he had a bottle of champagne, two glasses and a CD. He turned off all the lights except for the bathroom light but he closed the door so that hardly any light was in the room. He lit two candles, poured me a glass of champagne, turned the music on down real low and got in bed next to me. With a toast he said, "May tonight be the beginning of a very special time in both of our lives that we will never forget or want too." We tapped our glasses together and took a drink. The champagne was very strong for some one who does not drink and jokingly I asked him if he was trying to get me drunk.

"No, I want you to remember this as the best night of your life and if I get you drunk it would be less than perfect. I want you to know, feel and see everything that we do so you will know how wonderful it can be."

The sincerity in his heart and the compassion for which he was demonstrating his love for me made me want to cry. I held off but it was not easy. No one had ever shown this much love and thought toward me in my entire life. Sean took the glasses from me and placed them both on the night stand next to us. He then nibbled at my ear and neck before finally kissing me. It was so tender, so loving it was like he was giving me all his love and devotion. I pulled him on top of me and we kissed for a long time. When we finally broke he worked his way down to my chest where he kissed and licked my nipples. He ran his hands over my body gently touching my skin. He moved lower, undoing my pants as he kissed my naval. I lifted up and he pulled my pants and shorts together. He removed my shoes and shocks, then pants and shorts. He kissed his way back up my legs to my thighs were he laid flat on his stomach with his body between my legs, his hands running up next to them resting near my buns and his mouth inches away from my cock. He gently kisses all around my thighs, legs and crotch area but not toughing my cock. I was leaking so much pre-cum that it looked like it was flowing out. There is no way he could have been any more romantic than at that moment when he asked if I was ok and kissed the tip of my cock. He slowly descended down my cock engulfing the whole thing. He deep throated me several times before licking the sides and balls. He slowly jacked me with one hand while kissing and licking my nuts and sides of my cock. I did not think I could hold off very long but wanted to extend this as long as I could. When he began to suck on my cock again I told him to wait because I was to close. He worked his way back up my body and passionately kissed me again. I wanted to return the favor and do to him what he had done to me but he got off the bed and removed his clothing. He stood there for a couple of seconds so I could admire his beautiful body. So handsome yet very soft and tender like a girl's body. He had matured in to a fine young man, well developed and great shape with a nice even body tone from head to toes. He would make a great model for clothing or for nude shots. He then laid back down on top of me. We kissed for a long time while our cocks leaked pre-cum all over our mid sections. He rubbed his cock against mine like he was humping me. It felt really good. After a long time of holding each other and kissing I was able to roll him over onto his back and make my own advances upon him. I started off by licking my way down his body stopping to tenderly bite his nipples, kiss and lick them before licking my way under his arms down his sides making sure that my chest just barely toughed his cock every so often. I could feel his cock jump each time I barely moved near it. A trail of pre-cum covered my chest where his cock had managed to touch me. I worked my way to his thighs and kissed around his cock as he had done to me. By the time I got around to kissing the head of his cock it was completely covered, glistening with his clear liquid. It tasted so good. I sucked on his cock for just a couple of seconds when he began to moan and his balls drew up close to his body. I knew he was fixing to go and I wanted every drop of his cum in my mouth. I deep throated him and that was enough to send him over the edge. He came in powerful burst that shot down my throat like rockets. I backed off just enough to feel and taste his last few burst on my tongue. I squeezed his cock to milk out every drop of cum in to my mouth. I continued to suck his cock until his breathing settled down and I knew his head was too sensitive. As I worked my way back up his body he pulled me up and kissed my deeply. When we broke with almost a pleading voice and look it asked me if I would take his cherry. I kissed him some more before I asked him if he was sure. He said he was and told me the lube is in the drawer pointing at the night stand. I applied a generous amount to two fingers and as he lifted his legs I smeared it on his hole. I slowly work one finger in then two. I applied more lube and added a third finger. His cock was rock hard again as I got into position to penetrate his ass. I lined my cock up with his hole and leaned forward. It was not going in to easily but he told me to keep going. As I leaned forward I began to kiss him still applying lots of force to my cock. As he put his arms around me my cock invaded his ass. He pulled me tighter as he kissed even harder. I know he wanted to scream but muffled it with my kiss. I stopped moving to help him get use to my cock but he moved a hand onto my ass and pulled me closer to him. My cock went in deeper and deeper as he rocked back and forth. Soon my cock was all the way in. He continued to rock to get every single possible part of my cock in him. He used his hand to set the pace of me going in and out. Soon I was pounding him as far deep as I could go and bringing it almost all the way out. He was moaning in my mouth and when I let go of kissing his moans were loud. His breathing was sporadic and deep. He was rocking his hips and begging for me to go harder. The harder I pounded the louder he got and the more he pounced up. The feeling on my cock was sensational. I was taking long strong strokes at a fairly fast pace and was getting close to cumming. As if reading my mind Sean asked for me to cum in his ass and not to stop. Just as I was starting to cum, buck him really hard. He shot another load of cum. I was surprised at how much cum there was. The shots reached his forehead and all down his chest. It had only been about thirty minutes since his last cumming but this was a powerful orgasm. I shot my cum deep in his ass and was pounding so hard in him that he as bouncing up as I was starting my down stroke. I don't think I have ever had an orgasm so strong and last so long in all my life.

Both of us being exhausted from our orgasms, I collapsed on top of him keeping my cock deep inside him. He lowered his legs some but held my ass tight against him so that my cock could not get out. When our breathing return to almost normal we kissed and he pulled on me wrapping his arms around my back forcing me tight against him. We stayed like this for a long time. When we broke the kiss there were tears in Sean's eyes and his bottom lip began to tremble. I started to get off of him thinking that maybe he regretted what we did or that I hurt him. But he kept his arms tightly around me.

"Are you ok?"

A smile broke across his face and almost laughing said, "If I was doing any better I would be in heaven." I kissed him again. I realized that this relationship was no longer a one way love but that I really do love him as much as he loves me. He opened up all of his feelings to me and even though I rejected my feeling for him, I could no longer deny the truth. I love Sean.

Our lovemaking for the evening (morning) had ended, but it was only the beginning of our relationship. We fell asleep holding each other as only two lovers can do.

Comment welcomed. Other stories include: Bisexual, Authoritarian, "Change of Life", Aug. 2000 Bisexual, Incest, "Twins", Jun 2004 Gay, Incest, "Challenge Pool", Jun 2004 Bisexual, College, "Christmas Party", Jul 2004

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