Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Mar 21, 2020


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

There were times that during summer I would see Jerome walking his youngest daughter to school. I believe her name is Megan. Her elementary school is just a few blocks up. This is from a gay teachers perspective of seeing this hunk of man walking his daughter to school. Once again, this does not suggest this hunk of maleness is gay or would play gay.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (The Kids Teacher (3)

... It was after school that same day that Martin took a drive. That same day that Jerome's daughter went home sick that he drove up a ways. Just a few blocks before heading home to his lonely place..he had been horn most of the rest of the day after seeing the hot Jerome at school. He was so damned sexy as he came to pick up his daughter. Beefy and belonging in all the right places. He wasn't completely sure where the man lived. He just nee from a conversation a few days before with his student, about where her and her dad lived. He had to know.

"Somewhere up this street" he said to himself "Lake street"

He remembered her swaying in there conversation. And older white house where dads car was always outside. He drove slowly through the neighborhood as he looked for it. And then he saw the mans car. It was outside a house that had seen better days. It did y look like the man kept it very well. Buy that was Jerome's car for sure. He had studied its flanks and blemishes like he had studied the godlike man driving it.

"So that's where the man lives" he said

Then he felt his dick getting hard again. And then he saw someone open the curtain and look out. It was Jerome. He looked at Martin's car as he drove by slowly. So Martin knew he had to get out if there. So he pressed down on the accelerator and drove off. His dick was raging in his pants. He went home as he needed release. He went to his room and threw off his clothes. Climbed into bed and grabbed his laptop. Then went onto some porn sites. Gay one where a big brute was slamming some smaller guy. Watching videos of the burly dudes as they took there smaller and usually twink victims The videos were rough and he liked it. Because he knew that Jerome was that way. The mans demeanor dictated what a beast he would be.

"Bet he slams his wife to begging" he said to himself. "Lucky Bitch gets pounded by that man whenever he wants it"

He could picture the woman he had met before laid on some bed inside that house he looked at. In one of those bedroom beyond one of those windows getting a hard fucking by Jerome. Screaming as he plowed he vagina roughly. Taking what was his.

"Fuck me" he huffed as he was watching a rough video "Should be me" "Should be me"

He paused and went to his drawer. He pulled out his dildo. It was a nice 7 ish thing he had used many a time when he wanted pleasure. He grabbed the lube from the drawer and swabbed up his dildo. Then he lifted a leg as he continued to watch the video. Then he pushed the thing into his ass as he watched the hot sex video. Imagining that the rough dude in it was Jerome. And the city stuck in the sling getting wrecked was himself. The shouts and cries from the guy his own. The begging and pleading, his own. The heat from this video causing him to bust a nut fast.

"Fuck. I bet he fucks just like that" he sighed

The next day it was routine. Getting up and dressed and getting to school nice and early for the kids. Prepping the class and course for the say. And as it was with him lately, he looked outside the window to see if he could catch Jerome walking his daughter to school. But as the clock ticked on they were a no show. So he surmised that Jerome's daughter was sick. So he went back to getting class ready. Then after class started, a teachers aide showed up at his class room. It was a note staying she was out sick. So he closed the note and let the class know. There was sad sighs in the room. But his sigh was deepest. He would be denied a viewing of the hot daddy And for the next few days and even when she came back to school dad was a no show. But then he remembered that Jerome was not always the one to drop her off. Mom had done so most of the time. And it seemed to return to that.

"Sucks" he huffed

So he wasn't sure when he would see the hunk again. And he was not expecting to either. He seemed to get back to the kids and school and the old fulcrum if it all. His one interesting distraction was now gone again. Then one day he saw the big hunk again. Dropping his daughter off at school again. Jerome was walking up the road with her again as Martin's was looking out the window as he still did each day. Always in hopes of seeing the man. He was in some baseball trousers that were pushing at the crotch. A very sizeable bulge pushing at them at crotch too.

"Holy baseball hunk" Martin huffed "Look at that." "Those poor pants"

That bulge seemed enormous. He licked at his lips as he gazed down below at the hot meaty man. Bit as if he thought he knew he was being watched, jerome looked up to see Martin at the window. His hand went down to hua bulge crotch and shifted it around. Martin's eyes fell wider as he gazed at the sight. Then Jerome seemed to smile. Then the man walked out if sight and into the building. Martin left the window and then he walked to his desk. Waiting for the little girl to come into the room. He felt his dick throb in his pants at the sight he had just he quickly moved his own dick around.

"Damn that man is pure sex" he said softly "He can shive that bulge at me any day"

The thing was his sift worse were still loud enough to be heard if someone was close enough. Then he heard a voice at the door to his classroom. It was a mans voice, a deep sexy mans voice. Jerome's voice.

"Here ya go" he said to his daughter "Now get in there and sit" "Wanna talk to your teacher"

Martin looked at the man standing at the door. He gulped a swallow of spit as he looked him up and down. The gruff bearded face looking as grungy as usual. But below was that very noticable lump in those pants. And his eyes could not help but look down on it.

"Can I talk to you buddy?" Jerome asked. "Yes sir" martin replied

Jerome stepped out if the room and then Martin moved from his desk and out the door. He was roughly grabbed by Jerome and pulled to just outside the door. Then Jerome pushed Martin against the wall just outside. For a moment Martin was afraid. Was this guy gonna slug him. He sure looked mean enough to. And he would surely lay martin out if he wanted to.

"So teach" Jerome then crowed "You like dick?"

It was the obvious question that would eventually be posed by a man talking to Martin especially as Martin gawked so on his crotch. "So he had seen me staring at his crotch" Martin's head shouted "Yup. He is gonna give me a beat down"

But no. It did not happen. Jerome leaned in really close. Martin could smell coffee on his breath. He still pulled back as Jerome's face came in close.

"I saw you." Jerome growled "Every damn time I am here" "Fucking little pussy faggot wants daddy's big dick" "Doncha?"

Then Jerome grabbed the guys hand. And there in the the corridor, even as kids were starting to kill into the building jerome pulled Martin's hand down and pulled out over his dick. Martins eyes shot opened and he felt it, felt the object of his lust in his palm. His dick raged in his own pants is milliseconds and he exploded in them.pulled feeling the damp moisture in his shorts as Martin came right there. A wet spot pooling at his dark slacks.

"Even drive down my street to catch me outside" he continued "Is that what gay teacher was doing.?" "Looking fir big daddy Jerome"

He squeezed Martin's hand in his dick. Martin felt Jerome's dick push back at him. Swelling under him.

"I am gonna fuck the shit outta you one day" Jerome then said "Just like every gay mother fucker I slam when I want ass"

Then the man pulled away from him. Taking that huge bulge from his hand. Martin gazed down at the lump in those pants. It had grown substantially. Jerome looked sown at the mans damp pants. Seeing how Martin had lost it he smiled wickedly.

"You should clean yourself up" Jerome grumbled "Don't wanna freak out the kids"

Then Jerome turned and walked away. Martin looked at the mans big beautiful ass again as he walked off. It was spectacular. He sighed as he looked at the stud leaving. But then he saw the bundles of kids running down the hall. A few passed him and went into his classroom.

"Take your seats" he stated "I will be right back"

He went to the bathroom to clean up his pants of his wet cum splatter. He looked at the mess when he opened his pants up and scooped ot out. He sucked the goo off his fingers.and them git some damp paper towels and soap to clean off his underwear and pants. He finished and went back to the classroom. Looking down the now empty hall as he walked across ot to get to his class. He saw that ass walking out again. And his dick hardened again.

"Fuck" he huffed.

By then the words Jerome said returned. How he was gonna fuck his gay ass. And it kept him excited the rest of the day.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 98: The Kids Teacher 4

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