Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jan 21, 2020


This is a supplemental story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind' story

It is told at the point of view of one of Jerome's Fuck holes. The young buck Wade. And what he gets out of the experience. With the daddy stud

Again this is only fiction as the man is married and has kids. And I would not surmise he would try a gay experience. But I'm sure Wade would love it.

Enjoy.. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neighbor Behind Me. (Wade's Tale (17)

.... Wade had enjoyed the hot sex with the new neighbor Jerome had. That sexy younger guy Danny. It was smoldering hot and he hoped to get sone more if Danny in the future. But the one he still wanted the most was Jerome himself. That big daddy stud. The huge hung beast that made all other guys pale by comparison. But somehow, he just kept missing him. It was like the day as we're keeping him from the daddy he desired.

"Gotta have Jerome again" he sighed "He is my daddy stud" "And I love him"

He looked at Jerome's house after leaving Danny's. Sighing as there was no sign of the bull.

"I belong to him". He said before leaving.

He got in him car and went home again. Sexually fulfilled after the new guy Danny. But not completely satisfied. But as he got home he received a text from the man of his lust. He knew it as the mans phone number. "Have fun with Danny?" It said "Would have joined you but had to go out"

Wade looked at the text. It immediately turned him on. And he wanted to rush over to Jerome's and fall before his a daddy God.

"I can come over" he replied, licking at his lips

He was ready to do just that too. Jump in his car and drove over to jerome and give the man his ass again. To feel that brutes big fat salami as it gutted him once again. But his desires were immediately shut down. His growing erection stunted as Jerome said no in his next text

"Can't" the man replied "Wife will be home soon" "And gotta go pick up daughter from school" "Another time"

Wade slumped in his seat as he saw that last text. How he wanted to have Jerome again. To feel the huge bull in him as he dug that weapon of sex into him. All that fat cock the man had. But as for now he was yet deprives of the dick he wanted. The man he wanted. But he was at least able to get some fun that night. He had gotten a call from Jerome's neighbor. The guy that he first had sex with. He called to say that he saw him leaving the area to as he drove up home. Saying that knowing he and Jerome may be doing stuff together got him horny.

"Would love for you to stop by Wade" he said "Cool" Wade replied

So Wade did go and have some fun with the neighbor. Knocking on the guys door and then quickly getting undressed for a great Fuck and suck between he and Jerome's neighbor. He stepped into the guys place and was quickly getting a great blow from the neighbor. If which he also reciprocated. Getting on his knees and going down on the hit neighbor. And then once they were done with blows, then moved over to the bedroom and sex. Flip flopping back and forth between them.

"Let fuck man" the guy said

Then first he let the neighbor Fuck him. Sliding in his hard cock I to Wades ass. Bent over the edge of the bed. Then Wade turned and pushed the guy to the bed and he slid his raging cock into him. Sliding down on his butt. Plowing his bowels as Wade fucked the dude to a mice wet orgasm.

"Yeah man. Great" he huffed "Will definitely hook up again soon" "Sounds good to me" came the reply.

Then Wade pulled up his pants and left Jerome's neighbors house. He looked up to one of Jerome's windows. Hoping to see the big hunk staring down at him. But he wasn't. So Wade sighed and then got in his car. Then he left. But then his phone rang.

"Still having fun Wade?" Came the sexy voice

It was Jerome. He felt his dick immediately spring up. Jerome was talking to him.

"Next time Wade" Jerome added "You are all mine"

Then he hung up. Wade nearly crashed his car..... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 96: Wades Tales 18

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