Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jul 23, 2019


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is the point of view is from Jerome's young nephew. He is about 12 or 13 years of age. And obviously gay from the brief moments of seeing him when I saw him over the fence one day This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Neighbor Behind Me (Jerome's Nephew (20)

..... Billy pulled up to his uncles place about 3 pm. It was a great time to get there. If Jerome was home, he would be alone. He got out of his car and walked up to the door. He was so nervous yet horny already. His dick was already throbbing in his pants. He would soon be with his uncle again.

"One minute" he heard from beyond the door

Billy felt his dick pulsate in his crotch area. He took a deep breath and waited there for Jerome to answer. He could hear the man as he closed in on the door.

"Hold your balls" Jerome crowed

Then his uncle opened the door. And stood there looking at him. Jerome didnt recognize Billy, so he was his usual 'pleasant' self

"Yeah kid. What do you want?" He grumbled

Billy looked at his big hunky uncle. He looked thicker. And older of course. He had a thicker beard with aome graying in it. But the man was still handsome as ever Then Billy looked down to the shorts the man was wearing. They were kinda baggy at the crotch, but his thick manly thighs filled up the legs if them. His heart skioped a beat as he gazed at his uncle

"Uncle Jerome" he then answered "Its me. Billy"

Jerome regarded the kid with skepticism of the comment for a second. But then looked over the youngster again. Finally seeing his nephew in the stranger standing at his door. Then his scowl left his face and he smiled.

"Holy fuck!" Jerome shouted "Billy?. Little Billy" "Look at you boy"

Jerome reached up and grabbed the kid. He pulled him into a big bear hug as he called out his name again. Billy fekt the hard big man against him. All that maleness against him again. After all this time. It was awesome and weird at the same time. But he loved it nonetheless. He could smell the heavy sweat from his uncle. He hadn't bathed yet it seemed. Sweat was fairly strong. But it was a heady familiar stink he liked.

"Look at you boy" Jerome stated "All grown up now"

Jerome pulled back from him and smiled again.

"You look good boy" he said

Then Billy reminded him that he was coming up. And Jerome pondered the statement. Then it was like his memory clicked on right before Billy.

"Ohh yeah kid" he said "I totally forgot" "Come in. Come in"

Then he went inside with Jerome. He brought him to the kitchen and they sat down at the table. Jronw asked him how old he was. So Billy told him.

"Finally legal" Jerome said "Well almost". Billy said "Still not old enough to by booze" "You want one?" Jerome offered "No I am good uncle Jerome"

They chatted a bit about what was going on with the kids life. How he graduated from high school. And was out to look for a college to go to. "I wanna go up here" he said "I miss my old town." "And I miss you... Guys" he added

Jerome looked at the kid. Smiling that he wanted to be here.

"Thats nice son" Jerome stated "Any schools on yer list" "I might know someone."

Billy thanked his uncle. And he did want to come up there for school. But right atv that moment, what he wanted was Jerome. His hot beefy uncle. He looked Jerome up. The strong forearms and the broad shoulders that the man still had. Jerome watched the kids eyes as they moved over him. Almost caressing his body. Then jerome decided to just ask what was the obvious question.

"So are you still gay?" Jerome asked

Billy looked at the man and smiled almost timidly. Jerome got his answer just by the shy look. But Billy still answered his question. "Yea sir. I am" he replied

Then Jerome asked him if he has had much action.

"Yer a good looking kid" Jerome said "Bet you are popular" "Getting a lot of jocks pounding you?"

Billy almost laughed. He had turned into a whore. He had gotten quite a few guys. And teachers. And then there was that cop. "I have had a few" he said "But no one compares to the best and biggest"

Jerome's eyebrow cocked up. Then Billy could see jerome reach down between his legs. "So found a hot hung dude to ram ya regularly," he asked

Billy looked at his uncle. Just filling his eyes. Then he got up off the chair. He walked around the table to where Jerome sat. And Jerome turn in his chair towrds him. His hand still groping at his cock through his shorts. Billy came around to see the thick legs and the awesome valley between them. And the already growing bulge Jerome was starting to sport.

"No uncle" Billy said "No regular guy" "Then who?" Jerome asked with a smile

Billy licked his lips and moved in closer to Jerome. He looked at the hot older man that was his uncle. The man that made all other men pale in comparison. Them he looked down atbthe covered crotch again. He could feel his butt twitch with desire. And then he reached down and grabbed at that crotch.

"You for. You" Billy stated as he grabbed at the man....... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ to be continued

Next. The final chapter

Next: Chapter 78: A New Neighbor 14

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