Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jun 6, 2022


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

This is per the point of view of the the thief that chose to go into Jerome's neighborhood to steal. Eventually finding himself face to face with the hot bull if a man. This of course again does not presume the stud Jerome would take part in a gay encounter. But I'm sure his nephew would love it.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (Jerome's Junk (2)

... I was constantly at my back windows after that first thrilling encounter with the new neighbor Jerome. Yes just after a first meeting I wanted the burly hot stud that l had just met. This meaty thick hunk of maleness that lived to the backside of my house. There on the opposite street. His back yard facing mine. And all views of it and him in back whenever he may be out there. Anything to see the hot scruffy dude and that ass and bulge he had. I looked out all the time. Hoping to capture a glimpse of Jerome in those jeans again. Or anything that may show off that spectacular ass and thick looking legs. Well I did see Jerome. All the time to be exact. As he was always back there doing something in the back yard. Or I would see him at his garage and working on his car. So yeah I saw Jerome all the time. And each and every time I did I became all the hungrier for the hot dude.

"Hey man" he would say as he saw me "How ya settling in?" "Good. Real good man" I would say back.

The funny thing was that Jerome had a wife and kids. But I really rarely saw them. Two kids were in school. Or the eldest out with her friends. And wife I caught on occasion when she was in transition of coming home from work or taking the kids some where. And Jerome rarely went with them. He would almost always stay behind. Behind to work on the outside or be in his garage. Or he himself would drive off to a bar (he told me once that he went there just to drink). But yes he would be for the most part on his own around the house. And his wife was far from a pleasant person. Barely acknowledging me when ever she saw me outside. Even if I were to wave at her.

"Bitch" I would huff under my breath "Not like we would hang out"

And the kids didn't even bother to say hi either. But that's how it was. Jerome was the only cordial person in that family. Even if he appeared that if he found out I was a fag he might just beat me down for that alone. But he did not, and I assumed he had to know I was. Equality sticker on the back of my car and far to interested in gardening that a man normally would be. But that was me. A guy who liked the outside and making his place look nice. Jerome had even once later seeing I was redoing the back yard. Telling me that I was gonna make his place look like crap. I took that as a compliment and thanked him. Noticing that his place was more or less unkept. I mean he cleared out junk now and then from the back yard. And he mowed the lawn and such. But as he was the only one in that house hole that did much of anything I presumed he let the place go. And for that I felt sorry for the guy. His wife and kids had no interest and he probably lost his.

"Oh well" I said "Sucks for him"

But that was his issue, not mine. All I cared about in his yard was him back there whenever he would be there. Hopes of seeing him in something that would show off his ass and bull crotch. That was all I was to look forward to when I gazed into my back yard. Just the hoes of seeing this big hunky stud It was a few weeks later that's got a view of the hot man in shorts. He was back in his yard and in some very lucky and almost tiny shorts. It was a hot day so I was not surprised he was in then and a T-shirt. And those shorts showed off the most spectacular thighs. I thought that he may have nice meaty leafs from his jeans. But now there in his shorts I was astonished by the thick beefy legs that were even thicker than I presumed he would have.

"Goddamn!" I chriped as I gazed out the window "Look at that man's legs" "Fuck me. Already horny"

Yes he had me already hard and excited, just from the sight of Jerome in shorts. Showing off his thick legs and an ass that was even more fantastic in those shorts. I wanted to just rush over there and shove my face at that big ass. To be on my knees for this bull of a man. The master of pure make sexuality. I reached down and groped at myself as I tried to calm my crotch. As the sights before me were beyond incredible. And then he turned away from me and bent over to get something and the sight of his ass was even more awesome.

"Jeesuss!" I crowed

I had to get closer. To see this stud closer. So I went outside. I pretended that I was going to to do something in back. Even heading out to the shed to open it. Jerome turned and saw me. He smiled and waved a big meaty hand up. Saying hello in his deep manly voice. I felt a tingle in my shorts as he spoke. Seeing this hottest hunk as he stood there about 5o feet away. I said hello back and smiled at him. My eyes then fell southward as his hand went down and he blatantly reached for his crotch and pulled at his thing. I figured he had an itch or some thing by the way his fingers pulled down there. But as it was a delicious sight my eyes went down there and gawked. And I know he saw me looking. And even though the front of his shorts were loose fitting in his crotch. I still could make out bulge. And it was delicious.

"It's so fucking hot" he said "Makes one balls itch"

My eyes widened at his comment as he still stood there pulling at himself. And I felt a growing hunger in my head from the hot sight of those legs. Then something stupid just spilled out from my lips that I somehow could not believe I let my mouth say. Something that could only tell how fat I was for him.

"Tiny shorts are gonna grip at yer balls" I said

I heard it and then felt almost mortified. But he looked over and just smiled. Then he stepped over to the fence. Standing there against it. His hand on the top rail.

"I like letting my junk breathe." He then said "And it seemed to get people's attention" "Got yours"

He then reached down and groped himself again. This time in a more sexual fashion. Helfting at the junk in his shorts. I could make out the meaty tube of his dick as he held to it. Then Jerome's hand and fingers pushed his dick down and to the leg. He then reached for the edge and pulled up the leg of the shorts. Then his big fat dick fell out of it. I gasped as I saw the meaty and thick looking cock that he blatantly let free of his shorts for my eyes to look upon

"Maybe I should come over" he then stated "That way I can give your faggot ass what you want" "My big fat dick"

Then he shook the thing at me. My eyes locked to the bug heavy looking club that was flung back and forth at his crotch. My mouth falling again at the utter lust I had for it. I could not believe that this hunk that lived behind me was standing there at the fence offering me up his fat dick... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

To be continued

Next: Chapter 132: Jeromes Junk 3

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