Neighbor Behind Me

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Nov 8, 2021


This is a supplement story to the very popular 'Neighbor Behind" story. It has received such great response. I figured the hunk deserves more.

There were times that during summer I would see Jerome walking his youngest daughter to school. I believe her name is Megan. Her elementary school is just a few blocks up. This is from a gay teachers perspective of seeing this hunk of man walking his daughter to school. Once again, this does not suggest this hunk of maleness is gay or would play gay.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Neighbor Behind Me (The Kids Teacher (10)

... Martin them screamed. Yes he screamed as he felt Jerome thrust that big massive dick back into his guts. Almost all of Jerome's huge schlong was thrust into his bowels. Pulling at his insides as it plunged back into Martin's ass. Martin's back arched up and his head hit the desk as he thrust back. And he cried out from the sheer pain of this powerful thrust.

"Boo. Fuck. Too big.!" He cried out "Its too fucking big." "Ohh God!"

And Jerome just started to work that ass. After that deep ripping thrust he pulled back and then started to just fuck the tight tight hole. He moaned as he felt the hole tighten on his bug club. It was fighting his forced entry as Martin's body tried to reject the intruding log. Jerome was.lobing the tightness that was.shrink wrapped over his dick. He figure a gay man like Martin would have a looser hole. But no it was very tight. Almost virgin like in it tightness. But he piked it. And was glad that Martin was so tight. Holes like this got him off more

"Damn. What a pussy hole you got teach" he stated "Like a tight little virgin" "I live tight little virgins"

Jerome pushed harder as he continued to fuck. Giving Martin more and more of his huge dick. Martin clawed at the edge of the desk. The scratching sound loud I the acoustical emptiness of the room. Telling Martin what he was gonna do to his ass.

"Daddy's gonna fuck the shit outta you man" he growled "Dig my hard cock in there until I can't more"

As he spike he thrust down again and again. Martin still clawed at the desk. His nails seeming to dig into the wood at the edges. He cried out as each manly thrust jerome gave seemed to split his hole more apart too. He felt his ass crack would just split his body in half from the slaughtering he was taking by the big strong Jerome. It was just so much cock in his ass. Nothing ever before compared even the slightest to this monster. His hole wide opened and the depths of his guts being filled up to more than he could imagine them to be. His tender prostate feeling as each thrust hit it. Creating a rippling quiver that shot through his body. And all that ass slamming an prostate punching was too much for Martins body. For he felt his balls tighten up and he blew on the back side of the desk as Jerome continued to pummel his hole and bowels.

"Hey buddy. Yeah!" Jerome crowed "Gonna slam up this pussy good" "Then daddy will make a baby im there" "You want that. Doncha?"

Martin moaned some more as he heard the big mans comment. Knowing the probability of such a thing was unlikely. But the thought of somehow getting pregnant by a man cumming in his ass was more believable with such a powerful stallion such as Jerome. The torrent of cum that would shower his bowels and guts would some how find the female parts in him that may have never developed in the womb. That somehow this mans potent cum for find an lost egg somewhere in his body and produce life. With a man such as this one it was possible.

"Yess! Ohh God yess!" Martin shouted "Give it to me stud. Give me your baby seed" "Fill me up with it and give me your baby!"

Jerome started to accelerate now. Thumping and thrusting harder on Martin's ass. The desk below Martin's body started to shimmy and squeak. The sounds getting louder as the beast pounded away on the hole on his dick. Fucking to do just as he said. To breed.

'Yeah fucker. Awe fuck yess!" Jerome moaned out "This pussy is gonna get filled up" "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Awe fuck yeahh!"

And then jerome exploded. His body tensing up and he rammed up and slammed up the guys ass. Pumping and fucking, fucking and pumping as his unloaded his semen into Martin. Growling and grunting like a wild boar as he bred his female. Martin gripped at the edge of the desk as it seemed to start to really move under the hu ping and thumping going on on top of it. Any moment he feared the thing was give and he would be falling down onto the crashing desk. But somehow the loud squeaking desk held under the assault. And the two men grunted madly as the pounding continued. Then after Another 20 seconds or so Jerome stopped his ass raping assault. He had filled up Martin's hole, just like the man wanted.

"Goddamn that was good" he stated "So fucking good boy"

Jerome then pulled out of Martin's ass. He swatted the now drooling hole. Then stepped back to pull up his pants. Martin just lay there groaning and in his mess. Ass dripping cum and cum still dripping from the desk when he came. He just groaned as he lay there on the table. Jerome then smiled as he looked at his work. Saying that it was a definite to happen again. That he wanted at Martin's sweet hole again. Then the man turned and left Martin laying there in his mess

"See ya later teacher" Jerome huffed "Be back for some.more after school activities."

And then he was gone. Martin just lay there on the desk fir a little but longer. Or at least until he heard the cleaning crew coming up the hall. He pulled up his own pants and sat down. Feeling a wet ass from the gym still dribbling from it. Then he grabbed his things and headed home. His head filled with images and thoughts of the hot Jerome. And when this would indeed happen again. It made him hard just to think about it.

"Definitely me Jerome" he sais to no one "Definitely"... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The End.

Thanks for reading

Next: Chapter 126: A Thief Caught 8

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