Needing Tim

By Daniel Gre

Published on May 30, 2023


WARNING: This story contains sexual situations involving teenagers. Do not read this story if you are under 18.

NOTE: This is a continuation of my first attempt at an erotic story. This part can be read separately. Please send me your comments.

Needing Tim-3 (t/t) (Oral) (Anal) (Humil) By

Part 3: Disappointing Tim

Life as a teenager can be a bitch. Only a few weeks ago, Danny had sex with his childhood idol and he was the happiest boy at St. Viador. Since then Tim had been a virtual stranger. Tim acted as if nothing had happened between them.

The frustration of seeing Tim every day at school almost drove Danny crazy. He fantasized about Tim all the time, especially during the math class they shared. On one occasion Tim caught Danny staring at him while they were taking a geometry quiz. Their desks formed a circle and the teenagers were sitting directly across from each other when it happened. Danny finished the quiz early and looked up to see everyone working away. He saw Tim writing furiously, his left hand curled around his paper and his legs spread real wide. Tim had a habit of spreading his legs really, really wide when he sat. Danny found himself staring between Tim's legs and feeling kind of hot and sweaty. He was fixated on Tim's crotch, the dark blue shorts tightly packed around the cock he had in his mouth not that long ago. It was like being in a trance. Then Tim broke the spell by rocking his legs a little. Danny looked up to see Tim staring back knowingly. The athletic stud smirked and shook his head. Danny's face turned beet red from embarrassment.

Danny was desperate for an excuse to be alone with Tim and his parent's recent vacation provided him with a golden opportunity. They decided to leave him alone during their two weeks away, confident that their trustworthy son was old enough to be on his own.

On a Friday afternoon, the day after the team's first playoff victory of the basketball season, Danny decided to pay Tim a visit in the gym to congratulate him and invite him to stay over at his house for the weekend. The published playoff schedule in the school newspaper indicated that the next game would be the following Monday, so Danny hoped Tim would have some free time on his hands.

It was not unusual for Tim to work out for a couple of hours after the rest to the team left to hone his timing and technique, so Danny waited in the library before heading over to the gym. A couple of hours later he stepped onto the parquet floor of the basketball court. Tim was dressed in his school clothes at the far end, next to a rack of basketballs, practicing free throws. With his back to Danny, he dribbled the ball a couple of times for rhythm and released a shot. Swish. Danny watched Tim repeat the motions exactly the same way time after time with the same results, noticing the way Tim's butt stuck out when he bent his knees to shoot, wishing he could grab onto those meaty globes and caress them. After emptying the rack Tim retrieved the scattered balls, limping noticeably as he moved around the court. Danny called to his friend and they exchanged greetings. Then Danny explained his reason for being there.

"I came by to congratulate you on yesterday's win," said Danny, "but I didn't want to interrupt your concentration."

Tim headed over to the bleachers and sat down. He was clearly favoring his right leg. "I'm done anyway," he said. "I need to take a load off my feet."

"You were awesome in that game, yesterday," said Danny. Now they sat side by side on the bleachers. "I've never seen a player dominate a game like you did."

"Thanks," said Tim, grimacing in pain. "I've got to take off my shoes." He discarded his air-cushioned high-tops and peeled off his socks.

"Guess what?" asked Danny. "My parents went to Mexico for a couple of weeks and I have the house all to myself. You probably have other plans, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over and spend the weekend."

Tim was inspecting his sore feet. "Any beer in the house?"

"Of course."

"Sounds good to me," said Tim. He picked at a dime-sized flap of skin hanging off the side of his big toe. "I got this blister when coach made us do wind sprints today." He tried to cover the wound with the loose skin. "Oh fuck, this hurts."

"It looks pretty raw. Is there anything I can do?"

"I've got some tape in my gym bag down in the locker room. Would you go down there and get it for me? You can't miss it. The coach makes everybody stow their gear after practice, so it should be the only gym bag down there."

"I'll be right back."

A lump formed in Danny's throat. As a freshman taking the mandatory semester of P.E., he dreaded the daily ritual of changing in the locker room. He spent most of the time averting his eyes from naked boys surrounding him so he wouldn't be accused of staring, or worse, popping a boner. Located a floor below the basketball court in a kind of half-basement, the only way into the locker room was through a narrow tunnel that sloped steeply downward. It was like entering a dungeon. Day after day he had to endure the temptations of 30 teenagers unknowingly teasing him with their naked bodies. Most of the boys paid no attention to the shy kid in the corner who never took a shower, so they certainly weren't teasing him intentionally, but it felt that way to Danny. And the biggest temptation of all was Tim. The young stud was completely uninhibited, cock swaying as he walked to and from the shower, laughing and joking with the other guys as he toweled himself off, oblivious to the boy in the corner longing for him.

There were other minor torments that Danny had to endure in the locker room.

Guys would playfully rib him about his little weenie and lack of pubic hair. Once while he was changing, Rolondo sneaked up behind him and snapped his exposed ass with a wet towel. After that experience, he had to keep his back to the wall while undressing to avoid a big, red welt on his ass.

Danny went down the ramp to the locker room reminiscing about those days in gym class. He liked the musty smell of sweat that hit him as he descended. It was dark down there; sort of spooky, but he found the bag he was looking for right away. It was on a bench in front of the first bank of lockers. Noises could be heard from the far end of the cavernous room. Water was running. He could hear it flowing through the pipes above his head. Someone was taking a shower. He told himself to just get the tape and get out of there. The first thing he saw when he opened the bag was Tim's jock strap lying on top of a basketball uniform. The uniform was neatly folded, but he picked up the bottoms anyway and looked around to make sure no one was spying on him. He was aroused by the uniform, but afraid. He thought he could still hear water running, so whoever was down there must be busy in the shower. He bent over and took a quick sniff of the crotch of the shorts without removing them completely from the bag. Damn, he thought, they're clean. Then he remembered that the team usually doesn't practice in their game uniforms. He heard a noise again, like a squeaky spigot. Just find the tape and get out of there, he kept telling himself. He rummaged through the bag to see what else was inside. There was that jockstrap again. Maybe Tim wore it earlier during the regular practice and took it off when he showered and changed. He rubbed the inside of the cup where Tim's cock had been. Then he sniffed his fingers. Wow! The smell sent a rush through his body that caused his dick to twitch. It was a total turn-on. But there was something unfamiliar about the smell. It smelled like a dirty jockstrap all right, but the scent was somehow different from the way he remembered Tim's crotch. He pulled the jockstrap out of the bag and looked around again to make sure it was safe. This'll only take a second, he thought, as he buried his face in the cup. He took a big whiff and groped himself. Mmm.

"Do you like the smell of my jockstrap?"

"Rolondo!" Danny was busted. As if from nowhere Rolondo appeared, dripping wet and naked except for a skimpy towel around his waist. Danny dropped the jockstrap into the bag like it was red hot.

"Don't stop what you were doing on my account." He picked up the dirty jockstrap and hung it around Danny's neck. "Do you like it? I really worked up a sweat today."

"I...uh...I thought this was Tim's bag," said Danny, so scared he was shaking.

"Is that why you were sniffing it? Because you thought it was Tim's?"

"Yeah, I mean no." Danny was flustered. "Tim's got a blister. He wanted me to get his gym bag for him."

"Did he ask you to sniff his jockstrap, too?"

"I wasn't..."

"Don't even try to lie your way out of this, queerboy."

"Please, Rolondo, I didn't know it was yours."

"I ought to kick your ass right here and now you little faggot. For all I know, you were spying on me while I was taking a shower. Were you?" Rolondo seemed really pissed. Danny was tongue-tied. "Answer me!"

"No, Rolondo. I thought I was alone down here."

"Don't lie to me, faggot." He let the towel slip from his body. "This is what you were looking for, isn't it?" He was hung like a horse. Naked, he didn't look as chuncky as he did in clothes.

"I wasn't spying on you. Honest."

"What am I going to do with you, Danny-Boy?" asked Rolondo, toweling his crotch dry. His cock and low-hanging balls flopped beneath damp pubic hairs. "I always knew you were a fucking fairy and now I finally caught you in the act. Maybe I should tell all the guys on the team about you. What do you think would happen if I told them that I caught little Danny in the locker room with a hardon sniffing my jockstrap? Maybe they'd let you suck their big, fat cocks one at a time."

"Please don't tell anybody," pleaded Danny.

"If you did a good job, maybe they'd let you sniff their jockstraps while they take turns fucking you up the ass. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"No! I wouldn't like it. Please don't tell on me, Rolondo."

"Maybe I should tell your boyfriend I caught you spying on me; that you were playing with yourself while you sniffed my jockstrap."

"Please don't tell Tim," begged Danny, assuming Rolondo was referring to Tim.

"So he is your boyfriend. I thought so."

"Tim's not my boyfriend. I just meant..."

"You meant he lets you suck his dick. Don't even bother to lie about it. I know exactly what you are. You're a born cocksucker, aren't you?" No response. "Say it," yelled Rolondo, so loud it echoed through the room.

"I'm a cocksucker."

"You must be a really good cocksucker, because Tim has a really big one. I'll bet you took it all the way down your throat and swallowed every drop of his load, just like you're going to do for me right now."

"I can't. Tim's up there," said Danny pointing upward. Danny was desperate for a way out of this mess. "I'll tell on you if you try to make me do it."

Rolondo laughed with contempt at the hollow threat. "You're going to suck my dick and you're going to keep your mouth shut afterwards. Unless you want every boy in school to find out how much you like my jockstrap." He stuck a finger into Danny's mouth and slid it in and out a few times, then wiped his saliva-coated finger on the boy's cheek.

Danny had no choice. The only way out was to do what Rolondo wanted. "I'll suck you off if you want, but please don't say anything."

"That's better. Now drop and suck."

That seemed to be the best deal that Danny was going to get. He got right down to business, using his talents to end this nightmare as soon as possible. Grunting and heaving, Rolondo aggressively pumped Danny's mouth with his big dick. "That's it, faggot," said Rolondo. "Suck my big pinga."

Mercifully, it ended quickly, with a burst of cum in Danny's mouth.

Just as Rolondo emptied the last drops into Danny's mouth, Tim emerged from the darkness of the tunnel entrance. "Get up, Danny," said Tim, startling both boys. He was glaring at Rolondo.

Rolondo jerked sideways to hide his nakedness from Tim. His semi-hard cock plopped out of Danny's mouth. A rope of saliva-cum hung for a moment between Rolondo's cock and Danny's lip. "Hey Tim," said Rolondo, nervously.

"Let me explain..."

Tim hobbled up to within inches of Rolondo's face. "You're dead meat," said Tim. "I warned you to stay away from him."

"Cool it, Tim," said Rolondo. "You don't understand. I caught Danny..." Tim thrust Rolondo against the lockers before he could finish the sentence. The crash echoed through the room.

"You fucking dog." He belted Rolondo with a left jab that landed squarely on the nose. Rolondo fell backward and landed on the concrete with a fleshy thud. Blood trickled from his nostrils. Tim picked up the gym bag and hurled it at Rolondo. "You had to fuck around with him, didn't you?"

Calling Danny a shameless slut, Tim told him to take off the dirty jockstrap still wrapped around his neck. Then Tim grabbed him by the collar and roughly marched him up the ramp, like an irate parent escorting a naughty child. Rolondo was left behind, naked and defeated, to lick his wounds. "You really fucked up this time, Danny," said Tim, as he let go. They were back on the basketball court.

"I'm sorry," said Danny as they left the building. "Can I tell you what happened?"

"Don't say anything more, okay? You're just going to make it worse." They walked along the path leading to the dorms, Tim setting a brisk pace despite the limp.

Just before they reached the dorms, Tim broke the silence. "Go home and take a shower."

"Will I see you later?" asked Danny timidly.

"Are you deaf? I said 'go.' Right now I can't even stand the sight of you." There was anger in his voice, but also pain. His teary eyes glistened in the light from the setting sun.

Tim spent the next couple of hours cooling off. After the initial surge of jealousy and pain wore off, he was able to gather his thoughts and decide what to do next. Before all this happened, Tim was able to focus on his basketball and put his feelings into the background, but after seeing Danny with someone else, his desire for Danny turned into an all-consuming passion. Basketball wasn't very important all of a sudden.

Downstairs in the common area, Tim called Danny on the public phone, saying he'd be spending the weekend at Danny's after all. "I'll be there in a couple of hours," he said, not bothering to ask if the offer to spend the weekend was still open. On the other end of the line, Danny tried again to explain what happened, but Tim wouldn't let him. There was no hint that he would forgive Danny for his indiscretion, preferring instead to let the boy sweat a little. Just before he hung up, he said, "When I get there and you answer the door, I want you to be naked." He whispered into the receiver so no one else could hear.

Tim quickly packed the bare necessities. With an overnight bag slung over his shoulder, he opened his old roommate's dresser drawer and pulled out what he was looking for: a four-inch butt plug and a jar of lube. He dropped the goods into the bag and headed out the door.

(continued in part 4)

Next: Chapter 4

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