Naval Academy Wrestler

By Hairy Jacques

Published on Mar 16, 2017


This story, modified to protect the anonymity of those involved, blends fact and fantasy.

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When we arrived at the foot of the bed, I reluctantly released his dick to place my hands on his shoulders. They were big and broad. I could feel the firmness of his muscles as well as the warmth and the slight dampness of his skin. I spun us around so that his back was to the bed. Then I gently pushed him down so that he was sitting on the edge.

Greg was now eye level with my hard cock. It twitched and bobbed just inches from his face. I saw him lick his lips. I laced my fingers through his hair and tilted his head upward to regain eye contact. "We're going to have a lot of fun doing a lot of things over the next 24 hours," I told him. "Anything you want to do, we'll do. Anything you want to try, we'll try. But first," I continued, "you're going to let me have my way with you."

He was still looking up at me with those puppy dog eyes. He licked his lips again.

"That's right," I whispered. "It's your turn to do the sucking."

He didn't need to be asked twice. He dove right in -- a bit too eagerly, in fact. He tried to swallow my cock all in one go, triggering his gag reflex. Coughing, he backed off abruptly.

"Easy, tiger," I said, tousling his hair. "It takes some getting used to." His inexperience was evident, but also kind of endearing. I tilted his head upwards again and stared into his eyes. "Tell me the truth. Have you sucked a dick before?"

He hesitated. He knew the answer, obviously, but wasn't sure if it was the right one. It was very clear he wanted to please me. I understood this fact, and it pleased me very much.

"Tell the truth," I whispered.

"Only once," he admitted, looking up at me. He looked so sexy sitting on the edge of the bed. His cock, still hard, continued to protrude from the fly of his tighty whities.

"Who was he?" I asked.

He broke eye contact, but not to gaze at my throbbing cock. He was now hanging his head, eyes focused on my bare feet. He glanced back up at me. "My high school coach," he confessed.

Suddenly I felt protective. "Did he pressure you? Force you?"

He shook his head. "It was sort of the other way around," he said. "He was hot. He was like you: really manly, really confident." It kind of surprised me that he saw me as confident. That wasn't always how I saw myself. "I wanted him a lot more than he wanted me. He's married, but at the end of my senior year, I caught him in a moment of weakness."

"How?" I asked.

"It's a long story," he said, "but he was drunk."

"So he let you suck him off?"

"He was out of it," he clarified. "He didn't have much of a choice. I don't know if he would have let me. I still feel guilty about it. I wanted to suck him off. I sucked him, but I couldn't keep his dick hard."

I did my best to process what he had just said. It struck me that he and I had a lot in common -- but that's not what he needed to hear at the moment.

"Greg," I responded, "thanks to you, my dick is already hard. Very hard. And I'm giving it to you. I want you to have it. My only condition is that you show me you can make the most of it. I want you to remember tonight forever. I want to see you take your time and really enjoy it. Don't do what you think I want. What I want is for you to do what you want. What you really want. I know you want to savor this. I want to see you make the most of all your senses."

He was still looking up at me, but now his guilty expression had been replaced by one of eagerness.

"You can name the five senses, can't you, Greg?"

He nodded. "There's touch," he whispered, "sight, hearing, smell" -- he paused for just a second -- "and taste."

"Let's start with touch," I said. "Use your tongue and feel the different parts of my dick." Maintaining eye contact, he extended the tip of his tongue and slowly licked from the base of my shaft all the way up to the head. For me, the sensation was electric. I could feel my nipples harden and my balls tighten. He seemed to enjoy it too. He went back to the base and retraced his path. "Now feel around the head," I urged him. I nearly got goosebumps as he flicked his tongue against my piss slit. Then he licked around the circumference of my helmet. Finally, he had the head resting on his outstretched tongue and pointing toward his puckered lips. He looked into my eyes for approval. I nodded, and he slowly pressed forward over just the tip of my penis. The heat and wetness of his mouth felt amazing enough, but the sensations really intensified as his lips locked around my corona and he started to swirl his tongue.

I smiled while staring into his eyes. He was loving this. So was I. I don't think my dick had ever been so hard, and I could feel myself leaking. I alerted him to another one of his senses: "Can you taste what you're doing to me? How good you're making me feel?" Not wanting to pull off my cock head, he moaned in affirmation. The vibration nearly made me shudder.

"Now take me slowly," I whispered. I saw a bit of confusion in his eyes, so I rested my palm on the back of his head. That seemed to clarify things. He bobbed his head and took about an inch of my shaft into his mouth. "Remember to focus on how things feel and taste," I said. He backed off slowly, then want back down again, this time a little bit farther. His head was still, but I could feel the length of his tongue slowly stroking up the underside of my cock. He was trying to milk out more pre-cum. It felt really good, but of course it also fired me up. I wanted more. I needed it. He seemed to sense as much.

He bobbed his head again, this time swallowing even more of me, and this time establishing a sucking rhythm. Watching my dick sink partway into his mouth, over and over as he nursed on me, made me wonder if Freud would guess his mom had weaned him too soon. Certainly he was a natural. It was as if he'd been born for this. "That's it," I said through gritted teeth. "Damn, that's good."

Greg reached up to cup my hairy ass cheeks. He wasn't just holding them. He was caressing them to experience the sensation of my light coating of ass fuzz tickling his fingers. As I had asked, he savoring this experience. He was making the most of his first real opportunity to suck a man's cock. But Greg had needs, as did I. A few minutes later, I didn't complain when felt him grasp my ass and pick up the pace.

He was now swallowing about three-quarters of my cock. His eyes were squinted and his lips were glistening with saliva. I felt one of his hands drop from my ass and saw him reach for his own turgid cock. Before he could touch himself, I swatted his hand away. "Tug my balls," I said, and he did. My nuts felt wonderful wrapped in the heat of his sweaty palm. I called his attention to the sound of his lips smacking and slobbering and to the gulps of his throat. "Don't forget to listen," I reminded him. "That's the sound of you manning up to what you want. You've been craving this and you're not going to censor yourself." He quickened his pace even more. Damnit he was good. I could feel myself beginning to crest the wave toward the point of no return.

That's when I pushed back on his shoulders and pulled out of his mouth. I wanted to prolong the action. Greg deserved the full experience.

He looked up at me, expectantly. He was panting. I could see the sheen of sweat on his forehead.

"Catch your breath," I told him. "You see my cock? See it glistening with your spit? See how hard you made it?"

I twitched it so that it bobbed before his eyes. He licked his lips.

"Let's slow things down for a couple of minutes," I said. "The one sense we missed is smell."

He smiled when I said that. His grin was mischievous, as if he'd been granted permission to do what he had wanted all along. He raised up a bit on the bed, leaned forward, and pressed his nose into the dense tangle of my pubes. He inhaled deeply and held his breath. When finally he exhaled I could feel the warm air leave his nostrils. Then he inhaled again.

"What's it remind you of?" I whispered.

As he looked up at me I could see the wheels turning. What Greg said next was unintentionally revealing: "You smell amazing -- like a sweaty singlet or jockstrap."

"Like yours?"

"No," he admitted. "Better. Like a teammate's."

My heart kind of swelled when I realized what he was confessing. Greg got off sniffing other wrestlers' undies. That was hot. I could picture myself getting off on that sort of thing, too. I leaned down as I gently grabbed his hair, tilting his head back. I kissed him, allowing my lips to linger. He opened his mouth to grant me access and our tongues intertwined. I took advantage of my new position to reach down and grip his cock. As soon as my hand encircled him, he released a hot stream of precum that pooled on the side of my thumb. I broke our kiss as I lifted my hand to my mouth and gave it a taste. It was sweet, like watered down honey. There was still some left, so I offered it to him. He opened his mouth and sucked my thumb.

I stood straight up to present him with something else to suck on, but he surprised me by pressing my dick up against my navel and instead going for my balls. First his licked my sac, using his saliva to flatten the hairs of my scrotum against the wrinkly skin. He took my left nut into my mouth, pulling back gently while his rolled it around on his tongue. Soon my right nut received the same treatment until it exited his lips with a soft "pop." Then he took both in his mouth, bathing them in the heat and wetness, bobbing his head ever so gently, and moving his tongue in little circles.

Without even thinking, I pinched my nipples and heard myself vocalize something between a moan and a sigh. I looked down to see my hard cock resting on the side of his nose and extending across his forehead into his hair, which softly tickled my helmet.

The sensations, almost overwhelming, made me worry I'd cum right then and there. I had no intention of shooting into Greg's hair. To be honest, I hadn't even planned on cumming in his mouth. When I started this little sensory adventure I saw it as a way to teach him some things and maybe establish some dominance before having my way with his ass. With my wife I could never cum more than once, but with Greg I was pretty sure I could get it up again after a brief rest. It might even be a good thing if I came before taking his cherry. I'd last longer, I told myself. Given the state I was in I'm not sure if this was smart planning or simple rationalization, but at the moment I didn't much care.

His lips made a loud slurping noise as I slowly withdrew my balls from his mouth.

He looked up at me plaintively. "There's something you still need to taste," I whispered. He smiled and opened his mouth.

Part of me wanted to jam my cock down his throat, but then I remembered that this was his first real time. I rested my hands on the back of his head, encouraging him. He leaned forward, unfurled his tongue, and licked from the top of my balls all the way up the underside of my shaft to the head of my cock. He circled it with his tongue, puckered his lips, and slowly went down on me. I didn't expect him to be able to take it all, but then I saw his nose buried in my pubes. He started to suck, bobbing his head quickly and somehow swallowing in a rhythm that matched his movements back and forth. He had me. He had me on the edge.

I could hear myself breathing hard, I could feel my fingers running through his hair and my hips starting to thrust. I looked down and saw his wide shoulders, his muscular back, his narrow waist, and that sexy little patch of hair just above the waistband of his underwear. I saw his firm, full, muscular ass, practically bursting out of his BVDs. I heard him slurping on my cock. I felt his hot saliva leaking from his lips and trickling over my contracted balls.

I felt myself crest the wave. My whole body stiffened. I exhaled sharply and shot one, then two, then three, then four thick volleys of cum into Greg's mouth. I started to shudder. The sensations were just too much. I bent forward at the waist as Greg continued to suck me. I could hear him gulp and feel him swallow. Finally, right before the moment when I couldn't take it any more, I pulled out, pushing him back against the bed before buckling over on top of him. Our lips pressed together as his muscular arms embraced me. We panted as we exchanged wet, sloppy kisses and my hips bucked forward into the heat and hardness of his cock.

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Next: Chapter 6

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