Naval Academy Wrestler

By Hairy Jacques

Published on Mar 14, 2017


Dear Nifty editor:

Attached below is my story submission, "Naval Academy wrestler, part 4." Parts 1 through 3 posted in the gay "college," "military," and "athletics" categories. Thanks in advance for your help!

Best, Hairy Jacques _________________________________ This story, modified to protect the anonymity of those involved, blends fact and fantasy.

Reader feedback is welcomed, and the author will do his best to answer questions and respond to comments. Contact him at

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I had worked all of the knots out of Greg's back, enjoying the feel of his warm, muscular flesh beneath my hands. That's when I decided to up the ante: "Now that I've got your back, why not flip over so I can massage your front?"

He hesitated. "The thing is," he chuckled, "I'm kind of stiff there, too."

It was clear what he was implying. "Really?" I asked, playing along.

"Really," he admitted.

"Then I guess I need to ease the tension," I responded.

Up to this point, I'd been crouched over him, balancing my weight between my knees and my ass, which pressed down on the lower half of his buttocks. I lifted up to give him room to maneuver. "Flip," I commanded.

"You're sure?" he asked.

I decided to cut the pretense. It was clear what we were talking about. To take the edge off, I said it with a laugh: "It's not like I haven't seen it before."

"I owe you an apology," he said. This surprised me. I was the one feeling guilty. He got drunk, after all, and I was the one who took advantage of the situation. To this day, when I look back on it I can't help but think that I perpetuated some sort of sexual assault. Even though I'd do it all over again and the memory still makes me hard, It doesn't make me proud.

What he said next, at least, made me feel relieved: "I kind of trapped you. I did it on purpose."

He was still face down. Turned on by his body but curious about what he'd say next, I resumed the massaging of his back. On the most basic level, it was just so damn good to touch him. On a higher level, it satisfied me to satisfy him by giving him pleasure. He was such a stud -- one I felt lucky just to see, let alone touch. As I admired the incredible V-shape of his back and worked my fingers from his waist, past his lats, and up into the dampness of his armpits, I contemplated what to say. I decided on the obvious questions: "Did what? Trapped me how?"

"I was only pretending to be asleep," he said. "Honestly, I wasn't even really all that drunk."

"But you couldn't even hit the bars with my cousin," I countered. "They practically carried you into the guest room."

"That's what I mean," he whispered. I could hear real guilt in his voice. "I wasn't drunk. I was pretending." My hands had moved from his sides to his shoulders. I let his words hang in the air as I worked his muscles.

"Why?" I asked.

"Maybe I was just imagining it," he said, "but as soon as I walked in the door I saw how you were looking at me."

Greg was being overly modest. "You weren't imagining it," I assured him. "The truth is, it was pretty much lust at first sight. But I felt like such a pervert. You're my cousin's friend, ten years younger than me. And you're a guy. I never thought I had a chance. I never thought I even deserved one."

In a flash he twisted beneath me, landing on his back. He took me by surprise, although in hindsight I should have expected as much from a college wrestler. Greg was nimble, quick, and as my eyes confirmed, a true specimen of masculinity and muscularity. He laced his fingers behind his head and smiled up at me.

"What do you think of your chances now?"

I paused for a long second to allow my eyes the chance to take him all in. His body was so goddamn big and muscular, the perfect compromise between beefy and ripped. I could barely control my eyes, loving everything I saw and trying to see everything all at once: His heavy brow, his square jaw, his bulging biceps, the sweaty curls of his pits, his armor-plated pecs, his hair-fringed nipples, his six-pack abs bisected by a treasure trail pointing straight toward.

For a brief moment time stood still. But I didn't need to pinch myself. Instead, I felt my cock throb inside my jeans and pump out another dollop of precum. As my eyes traced the path of his happy trail I saw first his navel and then the waistband of his BVDs. Less than an inch lower, I could see Greg's hard cock sticking out of his fly.

For just a second my mouth went dry. I couldn't swallow and I couldn't speak. All I could do was stare and marvel. Greg's dick looked magnificent. Although the base of his shaft was obscured beneath the white cotton of his underwear, the top half was highlighted by it. Like the body of its owner, Greg's cock was big and broad, vascular and muscular. A big vein -- pulsing beneath the taut, tight skin of his shaft -- pointed up to his wide helmet and the glistening dollop of precum emerging from his piss slit.

I licked my lips.

I glanced up to make eye contact with Greg. He was smiling. "Don't hold back," he whispered. "I'm up for anything."

I leaned down to kiss him on the lips. At first it was just a gentle peck; then it became a smooch. Then his lips parted and I felt our tongues make contact, pressing and sliding in the wet heat of his mouth. I felt Greg's big muscular arms wrap around my back to pull me in closer. I felt the scratch of his whiskers against my lips and my chin. I felt his fingers gripping my scalp, pushing my tongue deeper into his mouth. We were making out, wantonly and feverishly as reserve and reluctance melted in the presence of passion and indulgence. There was now no uncertainty and certainly no holding back.

He shifted his weight beneath me, turning me on my side as his big hand pushed my shirt up my chest and over my head. The next thing I knew his lips left mine to kiss and lick my upper chest. As he started sucking my nipple I tilted my head first to nibble his cauliflower ear and then to taste the salty skin of his neck. I felt his hand wander south to my crotch, where he pawed my hard cock through the fabric of my jeans. Panting, I reached down to unbutton and unzip. A second later his hand pushed beneath the waistband of my boxers. I felt his big warm paw encircle my cock with its grip.

I swiveled my head in order to regain contact with his lips. We kissed, deeply, and then I withdrew. As I stared into his eyes I could feel his hot breath as I brushed my hand down his torso to make contact with his erection, still protruding from the fly of his sweat-soaked BVDs.

I marveled at how lucky I was. It had been years since I'd been with a guy, and I'd never been with a guy quite as hot as Greg, the Naval Academy wrestler. It was hot last night to get to enjoy his naked body, to suck his cock and swallow his cum. But tonight was shaping up to be even better. Greg was wide awake. He wasn't pretending to be passed out. And as I felt the tug of his hand against my cock and looked at the lust in his eyes, it hit me: Greg was as turned on by me as I was by him.

I gave him another quick kiss, grabbed him by the hand, and as I stood pulled him off the floor and up on his feet. I swiftly kicked off my jeans and boxers, standing naked in front of him. I saw him reach to push down his BVDs but stopped him by grabbing onto his dick, which still stuck out from the fly. Holding his cock, I smiled broadly and used my free hand to grab the back of his neck and bring him in for a kiss.

I thought he looked incredibly sexy with his cock sticking out of the fly. I also wanted to signal to him that I was going to be in the driver's seat for a while. "I'll peel these off you when I'm ready, okay?"

He smiled and nodded in acknowledgment.

I glanced over my shoulder toward the hallway. "Let's move this to the guest room," I said.

I maintained a gentle grip on his cock as we walked out of the living room toward the bed where I sucked him off the night before.

When we arrived at the foot of the bed, I reluctantly released his dick to place my hands on his shoulders. They were big and broad. I could feel the firmness of his muscles as well as the warmth and the slight dampness of his skin. I spun us around so that his back was to the bed. Then I gently pushed him down so that he was sitting on the edge.

Greg was now eye level with my hard cock. It twitched and bobbed just inches from his face. I saw him lick his lips. I laced my fingers through his hair and tilted his head upward to regain eye contact. "We're going to have a lot of fun doing a lot of things over the next 24 hours," I told him. "Anything you want to do, we'll do. Anything you want to try, we'll try. But first," I continued, "you're going to let me have my way with you."

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Next: Chapter 5

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