Naughty Scouting

By nick Knack

Published on Feb 5, 2011


DANGER gay sex DANGER underage DANGER not suitable for under 18

Thanks for the emails hope you like this one too. more emails to me at for more parts to this story :) by the way please excuse some of the corny innuendo.

So for those of you who have forgotten:

I'm Nick : 16 APL(assistant Patrol Leader) brown eyes shaggy black hair 6ft and well fed but not fat.

Then there's Dano: 17 PL (patrol Leader) green eyes ginger hair and hairy all over slim and roughly 6ft 6

And Séan: 14 black hair grey eyes and 5 ft 7.

and finally Tom: 15 Blue eyes brown hair and very handsome at 5 ft 8.

I fell onto my sleeping bag with a thump. A stupid move as it ended up hurting my stomach. I rolled onto my back and groaned. Séan and Tom laughed. I was wrecked after the days hike and was going to hit the sack early. Dano called us to make dinner just as I got comfy. "I hate you" I whispered tiredly as I left the tent. The sky was a steely grey as we prepared our dinner. "What are you making lads?" Chris, the senior scout, asked as he walked towards our camp site. "Chicken and Pasta with pesto sauce" Tom called. "With cheese" Séan added. I was tiredly stirring the large pot of pasta as Dano did the chicken, Tom grated the cheese and Séan kept an eye on the sauce. "You alright there Nick?" Chris asked. "Yeah Chrissy I'm just shattered" I said stifling a yawn. He clapped me on the shoulder as he walked over to Dano to make sure the chicken was alright. "By the way boys got a present for you" He said as he placed a large tub of ice cream on our table. "Everyone gets one for doing so well on the hike today". Everyone wooped in happiness and Chris , after ensuring the chicken was done right went to the leaders site for his dinner. We ate our fill and just as we were about to be told to do the washing up the skys opened and the rain came down. Tom and Séan launched into the tent while Dano went to talk to the leaders who had shouted for the PLs when the rain started. I quickly doused our fire just to be safe and left all the dirty dishes in the washing basin in the rain. I grrabbed the Ice cream and four spoons from our dining shelter and followed the others into the tent.

"You're all wet" Tom said. "Well done Tom you'll get genius of the year for that observation" I mocked. I hid the ice cream and zipped the sleeping area of the tent up with the other two inside so i could change into something dry. my t-shirt stuck to my skin. I was drenched all the way down. I slid off my shorts and noticied even my boxers where wet. "Well Shit" I said. "What?" I heard Séan ask from the other side of the partition. "got soaked through to my boxers" I answered as I searched my bag for a change of clothes. I pull out a t-shirt and shorts when I hear the tell-tale ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip of the tent door. "Nice view" A sopping wet, smiling Dano. "Fuck off" I said smiling as I thought of the roles being reversed. Dano's beautiful bubble butt in tight white boxers. He slipped off his boots and t-shirt as I stood to give him a quick kiss. He pulled me tight to him and I pulled him to me. Our bare chests touching and our covered crotches rubbing. I pulled away and went back to looking for underwear. I finally pull out something only to find it a pair of black briefs. I turn my eyes up to heaven before I throw them in. "Wear them" Dano whispered in my ear. He was now wearing a pair of boxers. Being a nice guy I sat him on the floor of the tent and slipped my white boxers off my body in front of him giving him full view. I turned and kissed him again before dressing quickly. I un zipped the partition and took the ice cream and spoons into the sleeping area with Tom and Séan. We dug in and waited for what seemed like ages before Dano came into the sleeping area. "We're to stay in here until the rain stops" He told us before grabbing a spoon and helping us eat the ice cream. I checked my watch and it read 9 pm. "I need a piss" Tom said. "So go" Séan said. Dano was sitting back listening to music and I was reading. "I don't want to go out in the rain though" He said. "Come here I'll show you a trick" I said. I brought him to the door of the tent which we then opened. It was still horrible out the sky was streaked with lightning and thunder rolled across the sky. The black clouds overhead blocked any moon or star light. "Here watch" I told him. I unzipped my flys and took my penis out of my shorts. Rolling back the foreskin I let out a sigh as my piss stream arced out from the tent door. Tom came tentativley up beside me and did the same. I stole a glance at his cock. It was nice enough about 4/4 and a half inches soft. I finished up and zipped up.

The night wore on and at about 12.30 we had started telling jokes. Then Séan came out with my favorite one. "There once was a man from nantucket, whose cock was so big he could suck it, he thought with a grin as he wiped off his chin, if my ear was a cunt I could fuck it." We roared with laughter. "I'd do it if I could" Dano said. "Too right" I added. "I can do it" Tom said looking excited. "Wow really?" Séan asked. "Yeah just watch" Tom said. He lay on his back and pushed his ass up with his his knees came down his crotch came directly over his face. "wow" we all said and applauded jokingly when he sat back up. We all chatted until 2 and then fell asleep one by one. Dano and I were still chatting at 2.30. My head on his hairy chest running a finger over his nipple. He fell asleep first and then I did. The next morning the storm had passed and the ground was drying quickly. The day passed uneventfully until after lunch when Tom started to feel sick. By dinner he said he felt terrible. He went to bed early while I went to talk to Chris. I told him what was wrong and he told me to just make sure he was alright. By 7pm he was asleep and the scouts were preparing for an overnight hike. There was much debate over Tom until I offered to stay and look after him so the others could go. If a leader stayed behind there wouldn't be enough leaders to keep the scouts under control. They agreed and set off on their adventure while I returned to the tent. Tom was sitting up awake again waiting to see who would be with him. "I'm in charge buddy" I said in a mock drill sergant voice.

At 9 I was bored and decided I smelled. "Oi patient Doctor Nick is going for a shower will you be alright?" I asked. He was playing a game on his DS. "Yeah I'll be fine I'm feeling a bit better now" he assured me. I gathered my stuff and headed off. After my quick shower I walked back to the site. I tried to remain quiet in case Tom had fallen back asleep. I had left the tent door open so I stuck my head in to check on him. Instead of seeing his face watching a game screen or reading a book I was greeted with his bare ass moving rhythmically. He was clearly sucking himself off. I listened in and heard the slurp slurp of his mouth on his dick. I watched as he exposed his pink asshole nestled between two unexpectedly hairy cheeks. Amazment coloured my face as he slipped a slick finger into his hole. My shorts had tightened long ago. I unleashed my cock from its cage after quickly checking if anyone was around. Using my fist I imagined myself entering him from behind. While my grip was tight I knew he would be tighter. My hand then went on auto pilot as I watched him finger himself and suck himself. With one hand giving my cock a good time my other hand slithered to my nipples and began to pinch the hardened nubs. I watched as the bobbing ass went faster as did the fingers inside him. I heard a brief moan and watched as the young man before me shuddered. Immediatly he dropped his legs. With no time to move and no desire to I watched this tired young man with cum and sweat all over his boday catch his breath and enjoy the after glow of his orgasm.I couldn't handle it. With sweet ecsatcy and lust I moaned as my cum shot from my cock. Tom let out a brief but audible yelp. With great embarassment I put myself away. "Don't worry" I heard him say. He crawled on hands and knees and licked my cum from the ground sheet of the tent. Unable to think of what to say or do I left and boiled some water for tea before bed.

With the two of us the only people on site and me being to embarassed to face him I stayed in our dining tent reading for a while. At one point I noticied an arc of yellow streaming from the tent in the light of my lantern. At around 11 I did a quick check around the site to make sure everything was alright make sure no one snuck back on the hike or anything. While I was doing it I thought it over. I couldn't understand why I was so embarassed over this time with Tom with Dano I relished every moment and with Séan that time we had enjoyed it. I came up to the leaders tent. With a sly grin and a quick look around I unzipped it and stepped in. Obviously there was no one in there but still it felt fun to snoop. The tent was strange in that there was a middle section and four sections going off it. I looked into each one being careful not to touch anything. It was very stereotypical two were very neat kept areas and two weren't. With there being a male and female leader and the two senior scouts Sam and Chris. I quickly stuck my head into each one, finding nothing until the last one. With a quick flash of torchlight I saw something purple and the shape was familiar. It was a dildo but I couldnt tell whose section it was except it was very messy.

After dawdling by looking around going to the toilet and doing everything else I could to avoid going into my tent I finally went in. I could hear Tom snoring softly as I stripped down to my boxers and go into my sleeping bag. I slept dreamlessly until Tom woke me up. "Nick I'm really cold" He said. I sat up and felt his head. He was freezing. "You really are cold. Here we'll open the sleeping bags and use 'em as blankets and we'll sleep close to keep warm." I said half asleep. We unzipped the bags and laid them on top of us. Tom quickly snuggled to me as I went back to sleep. Morning came too quickly. We were still alone and I couldn't hear anyone on approach. I snuggled close to Tom not realising I was spooning him. My arm trapped beneath him and my morning wood not far from his hole. I rolled onto my back but my arm remained trapped. He rolled alongside me onto my chest. I felt his hand rubbing my belly. He trailed lower and lower. He gripped my hard cock. "How about I deal with both our problems?" He whispered. "Ok" I choked back.

He slid his hands into my briefs. I lifted my ass to allow him to lower them. My cock sprung forth and stood tall and proud. Then he stood and began ever so carefully to reveal himself to me. He dropped trou and revelead his boner. He positioned himself carefully and took both his penis and mine into his waiting eager mouth. The soft moist velvet of the inside of his cheek moved across the head of my leaking dick. While I knew this feeling from Dano the extra kink came from feeling his cock next to mine. I ran my hands up and down his back to encourage him. What a beautiful person he was to be able to do this. His tongue darted into my piss slit making me moan almost beg for relief. With a slurp and a pop my tender cock was exposed to the air of the tent. "What're you doing?" I asked watching him. He moved off me and lay on his back. "Let's 69" He said secutively. I got on all fours above him. Worry spread across my face. I had never done this before I'd have to be careful. His cock stared up at me. He hadn't taken me into his mouth yet so I assumed he wanted me to go first. Unsure what to do I ran my tongue quickly across the head. He groaned quickly and quietly. The taste was exotic but made me all the harder. I quickly closed my eyes, opened my mouth and took it in the whole way. At 6 inches hard I didn't gag but it being in there seemed fine. He had groaned again. He started to nibble lightly at my cock still not taking it in. I began to build a constant rhythm of up and down. As I did I began to inspect his balls. While his ass had been moderatly hairy his ball seemed lacking. I began to try the tricks Tom had preformed on me. I began to rub the head against the inside of my cheek and nibble and the head softly. Then I felt two things. One was my penis being engulfed in Tom's warm sultry mouth. The other was Tom's finger in my ass.

I immediatly froze. It had shocked me that he did it but it didn't really hurt. "What're you doing?" I asked around his meat. "Ssssh relax this feels great" He assured me. "Look I'll make you enjoy it". He slid out from under me. I moved up onto my knees only o have him puch me back down. "This will feel weird but go with it." He said. "Ok" I said clearly worried. I felt his hands kneading my ass and seperating my cheeks. He pulled them apart and exposed my pink virgin pucker to the world. I expected the return of the finger but instead got the tongue. "Jesus" I almost shouted. His tongue darted against my hole. He licked and sucked and tongue fucked my little pucker. I started to pant like a bitch in heat. I had twice already tried to reach for my dick but he had swatted my hands away. He had me roll onto my back and hold up my legs. "I'm not ready to be fucked" I said quickly. He chuckled "Don't worry man". He once again placed my cock in his mouth and began to finger my ass. He seemed to be searching for something. Then I was reminded of why guys fuck each other. His search was understood and when he found my prostate there was no stopping me. Cum erupted from my long erect cock into his waiting mouth. Sweating and exhausted I lay back to catch my breath. I sat up and he was smiling. I looked and saw he still was boned up. "Come here" I said.

I sat up and sat him between my legs. I ran my hands up and down his leaking cock and bit and suckled his neck. He was in ecstacy. He wouldnt stop and couldnt stop gyrating and moaning in my lap. I finally ran my hand up a final time and his cum spurt forth onto his chest and my hand. I licked my fingers to taste his. It was bitter. He fell into my chest clearly tired. "Shower time mate" I said as I began to busy myself. We left the tent open to let the smell of sex out. Our shower was uneventful as we both knew the others would be back soon. After showering and dressing I cleaned the tent while Tom did some sausages for sausage sandwhiches. We cooked enough for a few people for when the others came back. We enjoyed our sandwhiches in amicable silence. I returned to the tent to lie down while Tom decided to play his game at the table. I drifted off because when I woke up Dano was hovering over me. He quickly shot a glance outside to check if the coast was clear. It must have been because he quickly entangles both hands in my hair and kissed me hard. He ground himself into me once and then rolled off. "Miss me?" He asked smiling. "Meh" I laughed. "Theres sausages on one of the plates and they're probably still warm" He was immediatly up and out the door. I followed suit right behind him.

Upon leaving I probably should have fixed my hair. It was shaggy and clearly some thing or some one had been at it. Chris was on our site. He was clearly grabbing a sandwhich instead of waiting to cook his own food. He looked over as Dano and I left the tent. He smirked. I flattened my hair and went to talk to Séan. They related the night hike to me. It sounded fun but while stressfull my morning and last night had not been to bad. Chris appeared in the enterance of our dining tent. "Bit of a smell in your tent lads better leave it open for the day" He smirked again. Séan had left and came back with the plate. "Anyone want the last sausage?" he asked. We all said no so he took it. "You not like sausages Nick?" Chris asked. "I had you picked for a fan". We all laughed as Chris left. I knew he must have suspicions but I don't think he knew that I had my own. I hadn't forgotten the purple dildo. Everyone was offered the day to rest after sleeping rough the night before. Tom and I were called to the leaders tent just to check how last night went. The leaders and the older scouts stayed up but the younger ones like Séan hit the hay. Tom stayed with Dano and I for a while but then went to hang out with Damien and Lucy from the other patrols. We walked off into the other area of the camp grounds. We strolled along to a wooded area. It had been Dano's idea to go for a wander around so I guessed what that meant in the long run. Once we weren't in plain sight I took the initiative. I glanced quickly around ensuring safety. I quickly pushed him against a tree. He seemed shocked and maybe even momentarily scared. I placed both my hands on either side of his head and dove in for the kiss.

Thrill took over as I pushed onto him. With my hands in his hair and me moving on him. I was in control. He kissed back hard. He tried to wrestle the control from me but I wouldnt let him. His hands moved to my head but I held them tight and moved them to his sides. He was in tracksuit bottoms and a green t-shirt while I was in shorts and a black T-shirt with a superhero graphic on it. I snaked my hand into his bottoms. I gripped the hardening meat firmly. "No boxers?" I whispered in his ear between bouts of kissing. I began to jack it. "No need" He replied throatily. He still sounded scared. He wasn't in control. This was why he had freaked about the first kiss, I realised, he hadn't been in control. I needed the control. I slid my hand up his torso under his t-shirt. I pinched a nipple and then caressed it. "Close your eyes and I'll give you a present" I said seductively. "O-Ok" He said. I slid my hand up his shirt and removed it. I kissed eat arm pit and each nipple as I went. I took his neckerchief and covered his eyes and then took mine and bound his hands. He went to make a sound of protest or maybe fear. "Ssssh don't worry it's me c'mon" I kissed him again. He calmed down as I lowered his trackies.

I gently turned him around to face the tree and spread his cheeks. Before he could speak he had groaned at the intense feeling of me licking his hole. His head hit the tree with a dull clunk as he began to pant "Jesus Christ" over and over. There was an earthy taste to it but I think that was just from being outdoors and doing it. I watched as he began to leak pre-cum as I continued to lick. I continued and then moved away. "I-I'm still a virgin" He said. This was fun but maybe not so much for him. "Really?" I growled. I moved my pelvis to his ass. "Ah" he said scared again as he flinched. I turned him around again. "Some am I" I whispered. "And that's not gonna change in the next ten minutes so don't worry". I dropped to my knees and took the now less hardened cock of Dano into my mouth. I licked and sucked with more finesse than he had the first time he sucked me the other night. I even dared to invade his hole with a single finger. With my tongue working both cock and balls and a finger on a mission Dano had no control and I had it all. I knew I had found it when he let out a hiss and I was greeted with a mouth full of his white creamy goodness. I swallowed it all and removed his blindfold. He was sweating and looked exhausted. A shaft of sun shone through the trees illuminating him. He was a glowing gorgeous guy and he wanted me. I kissed him softly and tenderly.

I pulled up his trousers and started to untie his hands. I picked up his shirt leaving the make-shift handcuffs loose. "On second thought.......Bye" I laughed and darted back the way we came with his t-shirt. I heard him shout. Then I heard him following. I looked back and saw my neckerchief in his hand a a grin on his face. I started to run down the hill we had come up when he jumped me. We rolled together down the hill back towards camp. Laughing with a few minor cuts and maybe some bruises I gave him back his shirt. I was filthy and so was he so this clearly called for a shower when we got back.

To Be Continued.....

well? love it or hate it or what? If you mailed me before make sure you do again also if anyone wants to get a version before nifty I need someone to check for spelling or grammar errors. Let me know gang thanks.

P.S. - E-mails mean more likely to write more :)

P.P.S - I was considering doing some Watersports in this tell me whether you would or would not like to see that. Thanks again gang.

Next: Chapter 3

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