Naughty Scouting

By nick Knack

Published on Jan 16, 2011


naughty scouting DANGER gay sex DANGER underage DANGER not suitable for under 18s

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Ok so I was 16 or so and I was going on a camping trip with my local scout group. My hair was shaggy then and I was a bit fitter than I am now. Myself, Dano, Tom and Sean all piled into one car to be dropped at the camping spot for a few days. We got there on a friday night and put together our campsite when everyone else arrived. Luckily my friends and I stayed together in our group when we were assinged a tent. There was 5 or 6 tents so it was 3 tents of 4 guys each 1 tent for the girls and 2 tents for our leaders. Upon finishing our campsite we were told to remove our Scout uniforms so we didn't ruin them. We went to our tent and picked our sleeping spots and began to change out of our uniforms. We started messing and horse-playing inside even though we were already tired from putting together the site. We all giggled at Dano took off his neckerchief and revealed love bites on his neck. We laughed at Séan's nipples as one stuck out and one stuck in and we were in tears laughing when Tom stripped off his trousers and pulled his underwear with them. So a quick rundown on the guys. Dano was 17 at the time, he had ginger hair and as I found out later was hairy everywhere. He was our Patrol Leader and had green eyes was slim and about 6 ft 6. Tom was 15, Blue eyes brown hair very handsome and 5 ft 8. Séan was 14 going on 15 and had black hair grey eyes and was about 5 ft 7. Me. I was 16 and the Assistant Patrol Leader, with brown eyes shaggy black hair 6ft and big but not huge.

So eventually we got dressed and out of the tent. Dano had to go with the other PLs for a meeting with the Leaders. Tom went to help Chris start the campfire. Chris was 21 and a senior scout meaning he could tell us what to do like a leader could. Séan went to help cut fire wood and I helped unpack the rest of the gear. I finished my job quickly so I went to help Séan. I was about to start helping him when Dano called me. I could hear the other patrol leaders calling their APLs for what ever Dano had to ask me to do. I had Séan quickly load some firewood into my arms to bring to the campfire on the way to find Dano. I dropped it off, told Tom to carry more over and found Dano by our tent with two big pots. He told me to grab one and follow him to the tap to fill it up. On the way he told me that the leaders wouldn't be on site tomorrow because they were testing Chris and Sam. Sam was the female senior scout and was 22. They were being trained for being leaders. Dano also said that the PLs were being told but to keep their mouths shut about it. Upon hearing this I felt a strange sense of joy that he could trust me with the secret. I filled my pot from the tap while he began to fill his. As I walked away Dano got whatever water was in his pot and threw it at my back. I was so pissed off I spun around and chucked the water in my can at him soaking him from head to toe. We let the cans fill up again but decided not to throw them since we needed them at the site.

We put the two pots on a grill over our cooking fire to let the Water boil to make hotdogs for our patrol the same as everyone else did. I was in charge of cooking them while everyone else was either runing around messing or relaxing by the campfire. A few minutes later I whistled for my patrol telling them the hotdogs where ready. We each had two and then used the other large pot to boil water for tea before bed. Around 10PM the younger scouts where sent to bed then around 11 the rest of us where sent in. As usual Tom and Séan who had been sent in earlier where still awake talking. They were next to each other leaving Dano and I together. They fell asleep quickly enough while Dano and I stayed up chatting I knew we wouldn't go asleep before 1 or 2. So we talked about bands we liked and about movies we had seen and we ended up on a topic I dreaded. Girls!. The year before I had come to understand that I was gay, but I knew some people were not accepting of it so I kept quiet and any time girls came up as a topic I just BSd my way through. Dano started telling me about this girl he had met, the one who had given him the hickeys on his neck. " I got to finger her while we were kissing her" he told me. He started to explain how it was soft and warm inside her and asked if I had ever done it. I said no but that it sounded hot. " It was hot mate and when I was done my fingers smelled like pussy and when I got home I sniffed 'em while I was wanking" he went on. Now I was more interested. We had chatted before about wanking but nothing too serious. " I imagine fucking her when I wank, What do you think about?" he asked. I was shocked that he would ask me something so personal. I layed back and looked up at the roof of the tent answering with a lame " lots of stuff". He quickly rolled over so I was looking up at his face. He looked strange. Then he lowered his head to mine but pulled back at the last second laughing. I turned on my side and looked at him quizzically. He put his hands behind his head and lay back smirking. I rolled so he was looking at me. I began doing what he had done and he laughed and played along moving his face closer making a kissy face still laughing. I took a deep shuddering breath that he didn't seem to notice placed both hands on his face and kissed him hard on the mouth.

He didn't resist it during those few seconds where my mouth held to his. I let him go and rolled away facing away from him afraid of what would happen. I waited for the longest time but nothing happened. We just lay there until morning. The next day I avoided while we went on a hike. I just did what needed to be done and did it fast trying not to have to talk to him but when I did I kept it short and civil. When 10 rolled around I headed to bed with the other two saying I was shattered from all our activites. Tom and Séan seemed put out with me there for some reason but I left it and just tried to sleep. The other two fell asleep by half and I left to take a piss. I walked a few feet from the tent and took my dick out of my boxers. I just let it go wherever and stared up at the starry sky. I finished up and tidied myself away when I felt someone grab me. An arm was across my chest a hand on my crotch and lips on my neck. I was turned around and had Dano's lips pressed against mine. Things seemed to have escalated so quickly. I melted into his kiss and allowed his tongue access to my mouth. His hands moved to my hips as he ground his hips into mine. I could feel how horny he was and it was giving me a raging boner. He dropped to his knees in front of me and lowered my boxers. I was never so thankful for the dark as it was too dark for anyone to see. The velvet warmth of his mouth engulfed me. I supressed a moan as he did this to me. His tongue slithered accross my piss-slit and his hands kneaded my ass. He was inexperienced but the heat of it was too much. " cum" I managed to choke out before I blew my load in his mouth. I felt him swallow it all down. He tucked me away and wrapped his arms around me neck and hugged me. " I want this" he whispered as I hugged him back. We returned to the tent with the two younger guys still asleep. I lay on my sleeping bag as I watched Dano shuck off his clothes. All he left on was his tight black briefs. He lay beside me. There was still a sizeable bulge in his undies. I ran my hand over it. "You don't have to" he told me before I took the weighty cock from its prison and began to wank it. It was about 7 inches and there was a seriouslt huge bush of fire-red pubes covering the base of his dick. I spat onto my hand and began to slick his cock up. He whined as I expertly wanked his cock. His foreskin rolled smoothly over his dick head revealing a gold mine of pre-cum to help lube his cock. I licked some from his head causing him to groan. It tasted sweet and tangy. I continued to jack his cock and fondle his balls. I wasn't ready to suck him but I seemed to be doing enough for him already. His body writhed under my ministrations. He was close as I felt his balls retract to his body I put my finger to my lips to tell him to quiet himself as I watched his face morph into pure pleasure and had cum spray onto his lean chest. He flopped back down useless trying to control his breathing. I licked up the cum and proceeded to kiss him hard intertwining our tongues as we shared his semen.

I lay my head onto his chest hearing his heartbeat. I would have to ask but feared the answer I would receive. "Why?" I asked. He understood. He rolled me onto my back and straddled me."Because you're gorgeous, Because I'm Bi, Because I've always wanted you, Because of last night and because I was scared." He told me. It was like he read my mind of all the whys I would ask like why me? and why now? and why not last night?. I was touched. I pulled his head down to kiss him. I checked my phone and saw that it was half 1 everything had happened so quick. We got into our respective sleeping bags shared one last kiss and went to sleep. Next morning I woke up late Séan and Dano were both missing and Tom was just finishing getting dressed. "Nick we have a problem." He said bluntly. I sat up in my sleeping bag trying to finish waking up. "Whats wrong mate" I said yawning. " Séan smells" Tom stated. "Why what did he do now?" I asked as I threw on my t-shirt and shorts from yesterday and fished out a towel, my toiletries and some clothes to wear that day. "No like he hasn't showered since we got here" Tom continued. "Really? jesus he probably does smell. He was sweating buckets on the hike yesterday" I stretched out my arms and left the tent with Tom. "Yeah so can you get him to take a shower?" he asked. "Yeah man I'm on it" I assured him. He ran off to do whatever job he had been given earlier in the day. I finally checked my phone and saw how late it was. It was already noon. I saw Dano talking to Damien who was in another patrol. He saw me and came over. We played it cool since everyone was around. "How come I was allowed sleep so late" I asked. We kept exchanging little smiles. "The leaders aren't back yet so Chris and Sam are letting us mess but wants all the patrols to do something tonight during the camp-fire like a play or some shit" He explained. "Cool" I replied. "By the way did Tom say anything to you about Séan?" I asked. "Yeah and I said you would get the job done better than me. But yeah I got a whiff he isn't terrible but it needs sorting" He explained. I gave him a sly knowing smile as a good-bye for now and continued on towards the shower block.

On the way I saw Séan with firewood in his arms. "Whats the story man?" I said. "Just getting firewood for later ya know for the campfire" He said. "Cool I'll help ya before my shower" I told him. We were still on site so I just piled my stuff near the entrance and waited for him to come back from leaving the wood down. The two of us jogged to the large pile of wood that was unused by previous groups camping here. As we went I caught a sniff of Séan and agreed he was pretty ripe. After two trips I said we had enough. "Your pumping sweat mate come on we go up to the showers and clean up" I offered. I knew I had to be friendly about this. "Uh no thanks I had one this morning" He said nervously. "Yeah?" I asked. "Cool stuff well if you think you are alright just walk up with me cause I know I need one" I laughed. He couldn't think of an excuse so came with me grudgingly. We talked on the way up about stuff we liked. We were both comic book nerds and loved talking about it at length. We arrived at the shower block. I walked in but he seemed to want to stay outside. "C'mon man we're still talking" I said. Again he couldn't think of a reason not to which seemed to annoy him. It was one of those wide open public showers with no stalls or dividers just shower heads sticking out of the walls. There was a small changing area at the back which was covered partly by a wall either side.. "Here Séan go check to see if anyone is down changing" I told him. He walked down to check while I made a big thing of coughing while I locked the door so he wouldn't hear. "No one" He said. "Cool" I said as I walked towards him. He seemed unsettled. "Sit down while I get ready for my shower" I said and we continued to chat. He remained uneasy. I started to press him as I took off my T-Shirt and shorts. "You sure you don't want a shower man your a bit sweaty after that jogging we did with the wood. You can use my stuff" I offered. "I don't have a towel" he said after a few seconds. "Thats cool man" I whipped out my phone and texted Dano. "gettin him to take a shwr bt he needs his towel run up with it yeah?". Seconds later I receieved "sure np". "Grand job come on then" I told him. He started to panic then. "No I'm grand I'm goin back to the site" He said trying to sound casual. He walked quickly to the door but it wouldn't open. "let me out" He knew I had the key. "I will when you tell me why you don't want to have a shower. Tom said to me earlier that you were smelling rank and Dano thought you were aswell and when I saw you bringing down the wood I thought you were aswell" I said to him in my most caring APL voice. He got really frustrated and was almost in tears before he told me. "I don't want people thinking I have a small cock." he said.

"Oh Right well If you're worried shower in your boxers" I told him. "Everyone else doesn't though I'll look weird so they'll just think I have a small cock" He whined. "Then wait till it's empty like this then do it you just need to take a shower man" I say in a friendly but firm do-what-I-say voice. "People could still walk in" He mumbled. Then I sorta lost it "Look you're having a shower now be it nude half nude or fully dressed" I told him. He made to grab the key but I kept it out of reach as I turned on the shower. "Your choice how this happens mate." I told him. "Anyway we're all mates it's not the end of the world if we see your bits man hell I'll show you mine if that gets you in the shower." He looked pissed off but began to strip down. He left the dressing area in white boxers. I inwardly cringed thinking that he's fucked either way with white boxers but I was also curious if he was worried about it being small I wondered if it was or not. Just before we got under I heard someone try to get in and then knocking. I walked over "That you Dan?" I asked. "Yeah I have that towel here" He replied. "Do us another favor lash down and get the lad a change of boxers yeah?" I asked. "Please?". "Yeah no problem back in a bit I need to do a little job for Chris. I'll leave the towel out here yeah?" He asked. "Grand job lad" I said and heard him run off. I turned back to grab my shower gel and picked my shower head. Séan picked the one next to me. I whipped my boxers down and flung them into the changing room as the water cascaded down my body and warmed me up. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the relaxing water. Séan on the other hand had his eyes open and was checking me out. I kept my eyes closed but left just enough open to see him out of the corner of my eye. Blood rushed elsewhere. I turned so my ass was facing him and made a big show of bending over and showing off the goods while I was picking up my shower gel. I started to chub up down below and just ignored it. I looked at Séan. His white boxers had indeed become see-through but what was really on show was his erection. It got me harder to know he liked me like this but it also helped me understand that maybe it wasnt having a small cock in the showers that worried him but having an erection. I sprayed some shower gel on my chest and rubbed it into my skin getting a nice soapy lather going. He closed his eyes under the stream of water thinking either "He hasn't noticied go down go down" or "Fuck It". I got a good look in. At maybe 6 inches this 14 year old boys dick was decent. He was cut and his pubes where still coming in. I closed my eyes again and started to put on a show for this guy who I knew but was hardly best friends with.

My cock was leaking. I pulled back the foreskin with ease and slipped my hand up and down. I grabbed the shower gel and sprayed some onto his chest. I closed my eyes again and returned to what I was doing. It was so hot. Knowing he was watching but just going to town on myself. An unspoken agreement occoured when I said "Your's is plenty big mate how about we help each other out". This agreement was that who cares what we do. He nodded and I slid his boxers down. We sat under the one shower and I snaked my hand around his cock. He adjusted quickly and did the same to me. Now I could moan and I did. Groans of pleasure crawled from each of us as we enjoyed this touching. A rapturous orgasm came upon us both. He screamed as I moaned in mutual release. I quickly scooped some of his onto a finger to taste it. Unlike Dano's whose cum had been tangy this was much more sour but I still liked it. I got some of mine on my finger and offered it to him. He suckled at my finger shyly. We both stood up and washed ourselves. I grabbed some shampoo and washed his hair and then did the same for myself. We turned the showers off and I ran outside as a dare in the nip to pick up the towel and luckily enough the boxers. We had a good laugh about it. "Was it the erections you were afraid of mate?" I asked as I put on my shoes. "Yeah but if showering with you is this fun all the time I don't mind" He laughed. We walked back to camp talking again of comics leaving our wanking in the shower block.

To Be Continued..................

If you want. But I need e-mails hell even one will do just to get me into writing more. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 2

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