Naughty Path to Hot College Sex

By x

Published on Apr 14, 2022


My Naughty Path to Lots of Hot College Sex part 3

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The last thing I remember about last night was holding Dan's warm, inflated cock as I drifted off. I had gone to sleep on my right side with my left hand hanging off my bed, resting on Dan's fat dick. As sleep took over, I fondled his hairless sack with my fingers and stroked his smooth, spongy tube with my thumb. I wish I had dreamed about sucking Dan's perfect dick, but if I did, I don't remember.

The early morning sun came creeping into our room which caused a glow through my closed eye lids. Before I even opened my eyes, I quickly reflected on last nights activities; from basically raping a drunken Mike and enjoying my first taste of hot, athletic teen dick and ass to brazenly seducing my roommate's 16-year-old brother and exchanging yummy loads of cum between us just feet from his sleeping older brother. While enjoying these recent memories, I realized that my hand was still holding Dan's now completely erect cock. I then opened my eyes and looked down toward the sleeping bag covered floor at sexy Dan, laying on his back, clad only in his loose boxers, his hard dick pocking through the fly, wrapped by my hand. Coming fully awake, I glanced up toward Doug's bed, seeing that it was empty. I scoffed to myself and grinned, knowing that Doug had seen me naked and fully hard, reaching down and holding his brother's equally hard dick. The thought of being seen by Doug in this hot situation only made my dick throb and grow even harder. I assumed Doug was down the hall in the restroom getting ready for the day. Since I probably only had a short amount of time, I plopped down next to Dan and took his cock into my mouth. This action had its intended reaction with Dan waking up. With is engorged dick still in my mouth, I looked up and saw Dan watching me go up and down on his sexy dick. Without hesitation, I pulled off his dick, perched up onto my knees and scooted up towards Dan's agape mouth. As I presented him with the prize between my legs, he eagerly took it in his warm, wet mouth and started to suck. Although I hated for the moment to end, I knew Doug would be returning so I pulled out of Dan's hungry mouth and sat on the edge of my bed.

Before I could say anything to Dan, Doug entered the room, fully clothed. Without any kind of reaction, Doug looked our way, me sitting on my bed buck naked with my wet, hard dick pointing to my belly and Dan spread out on the floor with his wet hard dick poking out through his boxer fly, and said good morning as if all was completely normal. Dan and I both returned the greeting, although Dan quickly covered his mostly naked body with his sleeping bag. Being a proud exhibitionist, I made no effort to cover my nudity or hide my throbbing hard cock. With the greeting out of the way, Doug sat at his desk facing us and asked Dan if he wanted to go down to the cafeteria for breakfast. Doug then looked at me and invited me as well, though I couldn't help notice that he took several quick glances at my still throbbing dick. I quickly declined the offer and said I was going out for a jog. Doug then asked Dan if he wanted to shower first or just go with a tee and shorts to which Dan replied that he could shower later. Dan stood up, not bothering to hide his exposed hard dick still poking out of his fly. As Dan walked past Doug to the closet where he fished out his shorts and a tee, I could see anxiety in Doug's face. I couldn't tell if he wanted to look at our cocks or not look. Just to put more pressure on Doug, I stood with my now hard, but drooping cock on full display and walked right by Doug in order to get to my closet where I grabbed my running shorts and slipped them on before sitting at my desk chair so I could put on my running shoes. As I was tying my shoes, Doug was sitting at his desk but looking at me. At the same moment, Dan, who was only inches behind Doug's chair, dropped his boxers, exposing his muscular ass to me. Dan then pivoted so that his now softening dick faced Doug's back. Dan had already placed a pair of shorts over the back of Doug's chair, but he was just standing there on display. As I unashamedly stared at Dan's mouth-watering penis, I made the remark that maybe I was getting hungry. At this remark, Doug lifted his gaze from a paper on his desk, looked at me, and said that I should join them. However, at the moment Doug said this, he glanced to his right where Dan was standing with his meat on display. Doug, not exactly a spontaneous person, took his eyes away from his brother's perfect dick, looked at me, and asked me again to come to breakfast. During the few seconds that passed during Doug's remark, he couldn't resist getting in another look at his brother's soft, but dangling rod. I responded to Doug that I would pass on breakfast but would be eating something else soon enough. As I said this, I took my glance from Doug onto Dan's dick, raising my brow as I looked at Dan's cock and said the part about eating something else.

At this point, I wanted Doug to know that his brother's dick was mine to do with as I pleased. Indeed, my comment caused Doug to turn to his right where he couldn't miss his brother's dangling soft cock. As Doug admired his brother's dick for a few seconds longer than he probably intended, he unintentionally licked his lips at the sight of such a stunning piece of boy flesh. This was not lost on Dan or me. I saw Dan smirk and slightly nod his head while looking down on his brother's now apparent lust for cock. I think Doug realized he was caught, so he quickly turned away from Dan's crotch and went back to looking at something, anything, on his desk. With Doug turning, Dan was able to grab his shorts from the chair back which had been pinned down by Doug leaning on them. As Dan grabbed his shorts and Doug looking down at his desk, I stood and deliberately grabbed Dan's soft, but ample dick. As I held his cock and balls, I repeated that I would be getting something to eat in just a bit before I opened the door to the hallway and left for my run.

I ran for about 90 minutes, intentionally running past the site of where I raped Mike's tight hole. Not more than 12 hours ago, I was tasting my first hot teen boy cock and ass. During my run I ran through several scenarios of how to have some kind of repeat performance with Mike. None of them were quite right so I then replayed the events in my dorm room with the Draper brothers. I gotta say, Doug being Doug, he was quite repressed socially, appeared to be religious, not interested in girls or boys, yet did exhibit some interest in what was going on in our room. I smiled to myself at the thought of getting Doug on his knees, patiently waiting for his brother to allow him to suck him. The smirk from Dan earlier led me to believe that Dan would be into humiliating his pious older brother. As this was now Saturday and Dan would leave tomorrow, I decided that I needed to get back to our room to set things in motion. I knew things were fluid, but I kind of wanted to get it on with Dan right in front of Doug. I knew if I took the lead, Dan would follow. Dan had already displayed his exhibitionist traits during his short time in our room and I knew he was into it. I also knew that even if Doug wasn't gay, he didn't have enough spine to object to what we were going to expose him to. Even though I wasn't interested in sucking Doug's dick or eating his ass, I did think rough fucking his face and ass would be a good way to satisfy my increasing need for control and power.

I know I haven't mentioned this yet, but one thing I was enjoying more and more with time passing of the school year was my being viewed as an alpha on our dorm floor. It's not like I was out or a feminine dude even though I am 100 percent into dick. Something that fed the exhibitionist in me was walking to and from our room to the shared restrooms and showers wearing nothing but a towel draped over my shoulders. Our dorm had guest hours, so there was no chance of a female or parent being offended by nudity. I also know that the make up of guys on our floor contributed to the fact that I wasn't seen as a freak parading around with my dick swinging. I actually noticed as the weeks passed by that a handful of other very fit dudes were also getting rid of their modesty and did the bathroom walk with equally impressive dicks, swinging and leading the way. It's not like it was to the point of nude guys hanging out in each other's rooms, but it wasn't unheard of to have a buck-naked stud walk in a room to ask a question or borrow something. On the occasions where a nude dormie would enter our room, Doug always seemed to be mortified. He didn't go cower in a corner, but he would avoid eye contact and droop over as if he had the posture of an elderly man. I know that I was the impetus in getting these other hot dudes to show off their assets. After the past 15 hours or so, I now had the impulse to be even more brazen with my exhibitionist ways. I was fucking proud of my body and awesome swinging dick and wanted to expose myself to as many as I could.

As my run was ending and I was almost back to the dorm, I reached down and gave my sweaty dick and balls a bit of a tug and fondle. My package was nice and floppy and sweaty. Again, I chose the stairs in lieu of the elevator to enhance the floppiness of my dick. Even though it was now visiting hours, being relatively early on a Saturday, there didn't appear to be any guests roaming about. Although I had a plan, it was very fluid. Upon entering our room, Doug was alone sitting at his desk doing some homework. As he looked up, I noticed his eyes slowly checking out my sweaty abs and pecs. As eye contact was made, I bent to slip off my shoes. I kept my neck craned up to keep eye contact with Doug. As I reached for the waist band of my running shorts, I tugged them down at the same time as I asked Doug where Dan was. As I straightened up, I gently thrust my puffed-up sweaty crotch toward Doug as he told me that Dan was showering. In the few seconds that Doug was speaking to me, I couldn't resist fondling my dick and balls and giving my dick several tugs. I could tell Doug was struggling to maintain eye contact with me and not let his gaze go down to my ample package. Since my towel was hung on a hook near the window, I had to walk by Doug's desk, giving him a chance to admire my bubble butt. Right before grabbing my towel, I feigned and itch and bent down to scratch my foot, hoping Doug would enjoy seeing my ass cheeks spread apart a bit. I stood up, grabbed my towel and hung it over my shoulders and walked by Doug then out of the room with my cock leading the way.

On my walk, I only passed by one other guy. His name was Benny, another freshman. Though he looked 14, he was 18. He was shy but nothing like Doug. On the few previous times when he had spied my naked form in the hall, he had openly admired my cock though I could sense some embarrassment. In Benny's case as opposed to Doug, I just think he had grown up as an only child and had probably never played sports where he would have been exposed to guys in a locker room. I had made a point to check out Benny once in the showers when I `accidently' opened his shower curtain. Benny was definitely on my list of boys I wanted to fuck. Now looking back, I can say he reminded me of a 14-year-old Justin Bieber; not super muscular, but nice and tight and smooth with a decent soft dick hanging down 3 inches or so. Oh, and his little bubble butt was freaking divine. On this day, Benny's eyes were again locked onto my manhood. When within reach, I placed my left hand on his light brown locks and gave his hair a ruffle. As Benny let out a cute giggle, and I continued to pass, I patted his denim covered cute butt, leaving my hand on his hard cheek a bit longer than a butt pat required. As my continued gate placed distance between us, I looked back at Benny, catching him eyeing my ass. Before turning my head, I gave Benny a naughty wink.

When I entered the bathroom, it was empty but I could hear a shower spraying. It had to be Dan, so I went back to the row of curtained showers and said hi Dan. He slung open his curtain and greeted me with a huge smile. I wasted no time and joined him, wrapping him in my arms and placing my mouth over his. We played tongue twister for several minutes as each of our cocks hardened and began sword fighting each other. I knew Dan couldn't be here long as he and Doug had plans so I knelt before him and engulfed his throbbing erection into my mouth. He didn't need any cue as he started face fucking me hard. To keep some balance, I grabbed his muscular ass cheeks with each of my hands, helping him to piston in and out of my mouth. At 6 inches long and fairly thick, his dick was a mouthful but I did my best to satisfy this 16 year old Adonis with my still amateur mouth. With each outward thrust, I could taste his sweet precum. My dick was throbbing for release, but I resisted the temptation to reach down and jack off as I wanted to save my load for later that night. If I do say so, I was giving Dan an incredible blow job. After no more than 3 or 4 minutes, Dan pushed deep into my throat and unloaded several generous shots of his thick cum. I didn't care that I didn't get to taste much of it. I rejoiced in having my face pressed firmly against his wiry bush and his cock shoved into my throat. I held him firmly in that pose for a good minute as I savored the taste of this boy's dick. Reluctantly, I pulled off. Being a bit dizzy due to this hot session, I stayed on my knees for about a minute. As a complete surprise, and what I discovered was an utter turn on, Dan began to unload a full bladder of piss all over me. At first in shock, I soon relished in his action, opened my mouth and drank as much of his stream as I could. The stream finally abated and in one quick action, Dan opened the curtain and left me on my knees, truly spent.

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