Naughty Path to Hot College Sex

By x

Published on Apr 10, 2022


My naughty path to lots of hot college sex. Part 2

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As I began my way to my residence hall which was a 15-minute walk from where I left Mike sprawled on the ground, with my spunk deposited deep in his ass; I reflected on my accomplishment. Wow, I finally had my first taste of hot teen boy cock, ass, and cum. Mike was so prime grade AAA that I put into the back of my mind a future plan to tail him so I could have a repeat performance. I knew his name and where he lived, so I was sure tracking him down wouldn't be a problem. I also hoped that his ordeal with me would at some level end up being a good experience for him, as in, he actually likes dick.

I knew I was pretty rank, smelling of sex, dirt all over, and damp with sweat. My devious mind already had a new potential scenario. I haven't mentioned my dorm roommate yet. His name was Doug. He was in decent shape, about 5'9". I had seen him nude and was fairly impressed with his body. Although a bit slim, he looked like a runner and had an average sized cut dick which hung soft at 3 inches. Getting a glimpse at his naked body wasn't easy as he was very modest when getting changed. Now Doug, if I was drunk, would probably be fuckable. What kept him from being a sober fuck candidate for me was his manner. Call me shallow, I accept it, but Doug was a major nerd and was lacking on masculine qualities. From our brief conversations, I also determined that his family was probably fairly religious. Anyway, to get back to my newest naughty scenario, and considering I wanted to pursue my becoming more of an exhibitionist, I decided that upon my entry into our dorm room, hoping Doug was there, I would proceed to totally disrobe in front of him as I prepared to go down to the showers. I wanted Doug to be exposed to my sweaty, dirty body and see my still inflated cock covered with the sheen of sex juice and sweat from my stint with Mike. Even if Doug wasn't at all gay, I just wanted to begin exposing him to the seedier side of life. We were now in our 4th week of the semester, and I had already made a habit of sleeping in the buff without any comment from Doug. He had definitely noticed, but either due to his shyness or just shock, he had never commented on it.

Our room was on the 7th floor and though there was an elevator, I took the stairs to add to the sweat and cause my junk to flop around so it would remain quite swollen. To my nice surprise, upon entering our room, I was suddenly reminded by his presence, that Doug's 16 year old brother, Dan, was staying in our room for the weekend. From his appearance, Dan was a younger version of Doug but with a tad cuter face. Doug's first reaction was to comment on my sweaty, dirty state. I told him that I had been out having some fun and left it at that. Doug then introduced his brother to me. I was impressed when Dan offered his hand and gave me a nice sturdy shake accompanied by a `what's up' greeting spoken with a deeper voice than his brother. I wasn't going to let an additional Draper brother stop my exhibitionist show so I immediately said that I needed a shower and proceeded to get naked, totally facing the brothers and not trying to hide my nudity. As I took off my shirt, Doug made some small talk but kept his eyes on me. I took the opportunity to ask Dan if he planned to come to our university as I yanked off my shorts and briefs in one fluid motion. Now buck naked, I waited for Dan's reply as I reached down and gave my still swollen and slimy dick a few tugs. Both brothers were sitting on Doug's bed in such a way that they couldn't avoid eye contact with my recently sexed body. I could tell I had made Doug a bit uncomfortable as he then looked at Dan to await Dan's reply. Even though I had released my dick after the 2nd tug, as Dan told me that he was considering attending our school, he was indeed a bit flustered but kept his gaze on my cock. I then quite deliberately reached again for my cock and gave it a 3rd, 4th, and 5th tug, this time taking a moment to smear some remaining precum across my piss hole before I released my puffed up dick. It so happened that my towel was hung on a hook in a place that caused me to walk right in front of the brothers. Since they were sat on Doug's bed, my dick was less than a foot from both their faces as I reached for my towel. As I took hold of my towel, I told Dan that I was happy that we could host him for the weekend. Lifting his gaze from my junk, he thanked me. Instead of wrapping my towel around my waist, I hung it around my neck, still facing Dan, I reached back down and this time scratched under my balls which lifted my swollen member so that it was horizontal and pointed directly at Dan's face. By now, Doug was also staring as Dan licked his lips. As my mind raced, I decided to put them out of their misery, so I turned and walked to the door, giving them a nice show of my sweaty bubble butt. Since it was still visitor's hours, as I opened the door, I wrapped the towel around my 30" waist. While taking a shower, I pondered yanking one out, but decided to leave it for later. Could I be so bold as to jack off in my bed as the brothers were sleeping, in the hopes that at least one of them would secretly spy on me. Hell yeah, I could be so bold!

As I walked back from the shower, my dick was still verging on a semi, in anticipation of my exhibitionist escapades to come. Upon entering the room, even though still a bit early for a weekend, the brothers had gotten ready for bed. Dan had brought a sleeping bag which he had laid out between the two beds leaving no uncovered floor. Both boys were sitting on Doug's bed as he was showing his brother a map of campus. Doug was dressed in his usual sleeping attire, sweatpants and a t-shirt. To my delight, Dan was clad only in boxers. I had misjudged Dan. He was sporting a nice sixpack with something else Doug didn't have, a treasure trail disappearing into his boxers. Still being in the mood to show off, I removed my towel and feigned that my body, especially my crotch still needed some drying off. I didn't spend too long on this endeavor, just long enough to get my dick to puff up even a little more. Since the sleeping bag was on the floor between the beds, I hung the towel over the back of my desk chair. Though the boys were still discussing the map, both were stealing glances of my nude form as I stood stoically as I applied deodorant. Just as I was placing the cap on my Rightguard, Doug stood and exited the room with his toothbrush. As the door closed, I asked Dan if he was going too which he responded that he brushed his teeth when I was showering. Hmmm, I wonder if he had tried to get a glimpse of me in the shower. I really couldn't help myself and as I shuffled through some papers on my desk, I very openly fondled my dick with my other hand to the point that I jacked it several strokes. Looking up from my desk as I strode to my bed, Dan's hand quickly pulled back from his crotch as he openly admired my now hard dick. I sat down on my bed facing Dan with my legs wide open which caused my dick to stand up towards my abs. At this moment, Doug returned. Dan then slipped off of Doug's bed and sat on his sleeping bag. As Doug turned his back to us to put his toothbrush in his closet, I told Dan to have a good sleep. Dan was already staring at my erection. I called to Doug to turn off the ceiling light switch which was next to his closet. In the moment before he turned off the light, I grabbed my hard dick, pointed it toward Dan's gaze, and jacked on it until the lights were out. Doug sat on his bed and laid down unaware of what I was doing. Although the light was out, enough light came in from the window for Dan to still see me aggressively yank on my cock. Doug went into his normal seeping position turned on his side toward the wall as he said his goodnights. Although it was dark, as I was still sat facing Dan on the floor, I could tell that he had put his dick through the fly of his boxers and was jacking while watching me. Since there were now no doubts about Dan, I reached with my free hand down to his crotch and grabbed his hard dick and started jacking him. His dick was sweet. It wasn't super long, probably 6 inches, but it was quite thick. Like Mike's dick earlier in the evening, it was spongy and hard while being a bit warm and damp. Since Doug was surely not asleep yet, I bent down and gave Dan a quiet signal with finger to my lips. As Dan gave a slight nod, I took my hand from his hard dick, placed it behind his head and gently pulled his head toward my hard cock which he eagerly accepted into his warm and wet mouth. Since I didn't want Doug to be alerted of our actions by hearing slurping, I just held his head in place and let him suckle on my erection filling his mouth. As about 3/4ths of my dick was in dan's mouth, I grabbed the base of my cock and gave it several slow, short jerks; just enough to get my precum flowing so Dan could get a good taste of my juice. As much as I wanted to go all out and face fuck Doug's little brother, I chose to be conservative, not knowing for sure what Doug's reaction would be. I reluctantly pushed Dan off of my cock and quietly had him stand before me with his leaking cock facing me. Without slurping, as quietly as possible, I took him in my wanting mouth and placed my hands on his boxer covered hard ass cheeks. I did my best to suckle his delicious 16 year old cock without alerting Doug. I could tell it had been a long day for Dan since his dick tasted very sweaty and salty. Like Mike's, Dan's cock had a taste that I can't really describe, just a natural muskiness. The best of all, was the taste of his precum which now seemed to be flowing an ample amount. I didn't want it to end so I held his ass firmly and took his thick cock into my throat. Thank goodness for the window fan whirring because there was no way I was going to stop. I did my best to suck Dan's dick without any slurping. Only another minute went by when I felt cum shooting down my throat. I quickly pulled back so the remainder could coat my tongue. Fuck me man, Dan's cum was like honey. It wasn't as sweet, but it made me melt. I kept the tip of his deflating, leaking cock in my mouth until I was sure I had gotten the last drop of this boy's nectar. As he pulled out of my mouth, I guided him back down to the floor in front of me. I again gave him the quiet signal before leaning into him and sharing a brief open mouth, tongue twirling kiss with this hot stud. The moment I had a free hand, I started jacking my very leaky hardness. Dan now knelt further down on the floor but dove in and took the head of my erection into his mouth as I continued to tug. Even though I had cum earlier with Mike, it only took a few tugs and I was shooting stream after stream into Dan's mouth. I wasn't sure, but the noise level had increased enough where I think Doug might have known what was happening if he was still awake. Dan kept the head of my spent dick in his mouth for another minute before he let it slip out. Without my dick in his mouth, as Dan looked up at me, I ran my fingers through his hair. As Dan laid next o my bed, I reached down and placed my hand on his still swollen dick.

Next: Chapter 3

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