Naughty Path to Hot College Sex

By x

Published on Mar 6, 2022


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Hi, I'm Nate. I'm 38 years old, originally from Columbus, Ohio and as a result of my career, I now live in San Juan, Puerto Rico where I am in hotel management. I first knew I was into guys when I was in the 7th grade and saw Doyle Huckabee's cute bubble butt in the shower after gym class the first time. Sure, I had seen my buddies naked before, but Doyle had the most amazing body; still that of an adolescent but with the perfect beginnings of soon to be ripped teen boy. OH, and his dick; soft, it hung down a good 5 inches. Even though I was never lucky enough to enjoy his body in the flesh, he gave me countless nights of whack off material which was forever imprinted in my brain.

I wasn't brave enough to come out then, so I put up a front and always had a token girlfriend. I didn't advance to anything other than kissing a girl until my junior year in high school. However, I did have my first experience with a boy when I was in 7th grade. This experience also was the beginning of the dark behavior which partially defines who I am today.

Although Doyle was my source of fantasies, we were only classmates and did not hang out together outside of school. Although I was athletic and had a fit body, unlike Doyle, I was not into organized sports. I hung out with a mixture of sporty and non sporty types whereas Doyle pretty much hung with the jocks. My best friend was a kid named Danny who lived across the street from me. To be honest, he was only my best friend due to the fact we lived so close to each other. Danny wasn't ugly but he wasn't hot either. He wasn't fat, but he wasn't thin either. Whereas I did like to go swimming, biking, and most outside leisure activities, Danny would rather play with toys inside his house. One thing Danny and I did do was camp out in my back yard in a tent during the summer. I don't really remember what initiated it, but our nights camping led to us streaking through our subdivision at the wee hours of the morning. This gave us the chance to see each other naked. Danny's naked body did not impress me the same as Doyle's, but his butt, although a bit chubby, was interesting to look at. On the other hand, Danny still had a little boy's dick with no pubes and balls which hadn't dropped. Thankfully, my body, though not quite as hot as Doyle's, was coming along fine. My cut dick hung nicely and had a fine patch of black pubes above it.

Again, I don't remember the catalyst, but on one of our nights in the tent, we decided to play a game of trying to scare each other. The premise was that we each took a turn of describing a situation or story; usually along the lines of a bad man breaking into a house, the tent, and attacking or killing the occupant. Of course, the premise got boring after a few goes so on my next turn, I decided to be breaking into a house where I thought a woman lived. During our game, we would sometimes narrate our actions as we went along. Since we often went streaking, I decided I would strip nude for this run through. As I came into the tent, I got on top of a sleeping' Danny(playing along of course) and said Hey lady, just be quiet and I won't hurt you.' As my drama continued, I got bolder. As Danny was only wearing briefs, I yanked them down and cupped his ass and said Lady, just relax. I'm gonna fuck your pussy.' As I was already nude, I laid on top of Danny with my now hard dick running along his crack. As I was just winging it, I was a bit surprised and happy that Danny was playing along and didn't mind my hard dick as it slid in his moist crack. The scenario drew me in as I humped his ass. The next thing I knew, I took my hand and positioned my erect 13 year old cock until it was poking at his hole. Nothing could stop me as I shoved my hard 5 inches into his wanting fuck hole. As I was in a trance and was only concentrating on my pleasure, I didn't even notice that Danny took my hard dick like a seasoned pro but was also pushing back on my thrusts. I fucked him hard for probably 5 minutes until I started shooting my load deep into him. As I pulled out, I was surprised when the first thing Danny said was I think you have shit on your dick.' As it was dark, I grabbed the flashlight, switched it on and had a look at my formerly virgin dick. Yes, Danny was correct, although just a bit on the head, I did have Danny's shit on my dick. I truly believe this is the moment my darkness came to life. I got so angry at seeing his shit on my dick head. As he was still laying mostly on his belly; I rolled him over and straddled his chest with my still hard dick pointing toward his mouth. Without even hesitating, I moved forward and pushed my cock into his mouth. Nothing would have stopped me, but he didn't resist and actually started to properly suck me off like he was a pro. My head was buzzing as I had just lost my virginity to Danny's ass and immediately after I was having another go at his mouth.

I found out that night that Danny was a born bottom and cock sucker. As I never reciprocated with Danny, I can't really entertain with a story about our times together. Why didn't I reciprocate? Danny was not attractive to me and he was just a piece of meat to me. Am I an ass? I guess so. I did, however, continue to use Danny's holes until I went to university.

In college, I mostly dated women. It was never long term; only to get my jollies and to hide my true nature. I did continue down my dark path. Although I hadn't needed to use force with Danny, even when I was fucking Danny, I knew that the harder and rougher I was with him, the more turned on I was. Even though I wanted to suck a nice cock, I still had not had the pleasure. The same was true of eating a sweaty athletic ass. This all came to pass during my first semester in my freshman year at university. As I reflect back, this was the result of a toxic combination of my inclination to enjoy force, my first time use of alcohol, and the fact that I had yet to satisfy my desire to enjoy the flesh of a hot dude.

Just like in my past, an idea popped into my head on how to satisfy my desire to enjoy the flesh of a hot young guy. This all happened during the first semester of my freshman year at university. This was during the 80's and I was attending a somewhat conservative state school. It's not like there was a very visible gay presence. One of the main outlets for having fun and getting drunk were the school's multiple fraternities. Before arriving, I had not given much thought to joining a fraternity. However, upon my arrival that hot August, I was treated to walking by many frats with their brothers playing volleyball and basketball while showing off their shirtless, sweaty bodies. Of course, I had seen plenty of fit dudes in high school, but this was on another scale. Within the coming days, I noticed that fraternities all had tables set up in the student union advertising for `rush', the process of signing up and being invited to social events which the fraternities hosted in order to recruit new members. During these still hot days of late August, I was wearing shorts and tank tops on most days. I was proud to show off my fit and tanned body to any one who was interested. I guess you could say my body was like that of a young Brad Pitt, slim with muscles in all the right places. I did also have light brown hair, but If I do say so myself, I was more handsome than Mr. Pitt. I'm pretty sure that my looks were mostly responsible for the interest most fraternities seemed to pay me as I was signing up at their respective tables.

Over the next few weeks, I was invited to and attended numerous fraternity hosted rush parties. My university had about 40 different frats. I came to find out that there were many different types of frats. There was a `top tier' which among themselves were varied. Some had all athletic guys, some had rich good looking guys, one seemed to be handsome bad boys, a few were attractive smart dudes, and the others were a combination of these so called good traits. I found myself to be interested in these houses and ended up getting asked back to the ones I attended. Times were different in those days as alcohol was very prevalent at these events. I wasn't a big drinker before coming to college and did not over imbibe at these functions. I was pleased to get to meet many hot guys. One thing I immediately picked up on was that there were always at least a few other freshmen recruits who would get liquored up and end up leaving the parties a bit drunk; not quite falling over , but definitely not walking a straight line. After experiencing this repeated scene over the first week of rush, a very Devilish scheme came to me. Why not try to assist some cute drunk boy back to his dorm and possibly take advantage of his drunken state. I was not above, and actually thought it a turn on, finally getting some action with a hot 18 year old wanna be frat boy. It didn't matter if he was gay, just as long as he was drunk enough to not be able to put up much resistance. I was beyond ready to taste a hot teenage cock and eat some tight athletic boy ass.

During the second week of rush, I formulated a plan in my head. As there were always a few hotties at each party that would drink too much, I would scope one or two out. I would leave the frat before my marks left and wait in the shadows of the large trees lining the old streets. Thankfully, I was still in the running at several frats and had many invitations. The first night of ask backs, I had two frat parties I was invited to. I decided that I would try my plan at the first, but at least had a backup if nothing good came along. The party at the first house began just at sundown. I was impressed with the members, most of whom I would have been happy to kneel down to and swallow their hard cocks. The same could be said of my fellow rush invitees. It didn't take long to scope out a candidate for my evil act. As we all were wearing name tags, I saw that his name was Mike. I did a good job of discreetly following Mike along as he talked to the current members. Mike was a hotty. He wasn't very tall, maybe 5'9" but his body was ripped. As he was wearing shorts and a polo shirt, I was able to admire his well-toned body. To my delight, the members were helping me in my quest by keeping him supplied with ample cups of beers. After about an hour, I felt it was my time to leave and find a dark corner outside to await Mike's departure. I had only nursed one beer while there, so I was completely sober. Only about five minutes had passed when I saw Mike coming down the walkway. He was alone and not exactly walking a straight line which brought a smirk to my face.

As Mike continued his journey to his dorm, I again had a pleasant surprise when he went in the direction of Amberson Hall. I thought I had heard Mike tell one of the frat members that he lived there. Amberson Hall was situated at the edge of campus. The quickest path to Amberson was through a fairly densely wooded park. By day, the park was fine to walk as it has many paved paths, but at night, as it wasn't lighted, it was a prime spot for all sorts of nefarious activities. I had one last worry when Mike came upon a choice in the way back. To my naughty delight, he chose the dark path through the park. Just as he entered the dark park, I walked up beside him and `accidentally' bumped into him. I immediately apologized while at the same time grabbing him by his waist, making it look like I was helping to keep him steady. As he was actually very drunk, my orchestrated action was indeed necessary to keep him from falling. While regaining his step, he reciprocated and brought one of his arms around my back and shoulder. For my next step in the plan, I now feigned that I was lit and fell into Mike. Although he tried to support me by wrapping his other arm around my front; his extreme level of intoxication caused us both to collapse to the ground. As we came to rest, I was basically on top of him. I immediately felt and appreciated his very firm abs. As it was pitch black, I could hardly make out details. Since Mike wasn't moving much, I peered closely to his face and saw that his eyes were closed. I said his name and got no reaction. The alcohol had taken its toll. Just to be sure, I placed my cheek over his nose and mouth and felt a strong breath. I couldn't resist and began caressing his rock hard abs. His shirt wasn't tucked in so it was an easy task. The warmth and smoothness of his skin sent shivers through me. As my hand traveled up to feel his sculptured pecs, I placed my mouth over his and began to gently lick his pouty lips. I don't know if it was a reflex, but his mouth opened which allowed my tongue to enter and taste the beer on his breath. He did begin to kiss back, but the rest of his body continued to be motionless except for his chest rising with each breath.

I looked up to see if we were on a path or off into the darkness of the woods. I was relieved to see that we were far enough from any path that we were safely hid from any passersby. My initial euphoria of being close to his perfect body now turned into pure lust. As I continued kissing him, I slid my hand from his chest down to the fly of his shorts and wasted no time almost ripping them open. As it turns out, I was able to open them without damage to them. Since the path was clear, I shoved my hand under his briefs, first feeling the wiry hairs of his bush, then going for the prize. Although soft, his dick was a handful. It was both soft and a bit damp and had a spongy feel about it. I felt all around his shaft and then cupped his hairless balls. His whole package was the perfect warmth. My hand explored his manhood, rubbing over every surface, imaging in my head what each bit was.

I needed more. I propped myself up on my elbow and moved my face to his crotch. Now getting to my knees, I took both of my hands and yanked his shorts and briefs down to his knees. Although it was dark, my eyes had adjusted just enough that I was able to see his soft dick nestled over his loose ball sack. I dove down and took his softness into my mouth. This boy was hung, even soft he must have been 5 inches. So many new sensations overwhelmed me. His taste was pure ambrosia for me. I could taste a bit of sweat but mostly the remnants of his last shower. His smell was just as intoxicating. I only hoped my crotch smelled this good. I know it was his natural scent, but he almost smelled like baby powder. As I manipulated his cock in my mouth, it started to come to life and get hard. Even though he still seemed to be asleep, his dick rose to its full length. I attacked his 7 or 8 inches like it was my only way to survive. While taking him in and out of my mouth, I was able to rid him entirely of his shorts and briefs.

Reluctantly, I removed his perfect cut cock from my mouth and lifted his legs up so I could have access to his loose balls. I spent the next several minutes bathing his smooth balls with my very aggressive tongue. With all of my strength, I then lifted his legs even more so I could have access to his perinium and finally his sweaty ass crack. I was thankful that this boy was clean down there since it was my first time feasting on ass crack. What a delicious ass it was. I then targeted on his tight hole and began alternating between shoving my tongue in as far as possible and chewing on his crack and buns. By this time, I had pushed my shorts down and was jacking myself with one hand while I held his legs up with the other. I don't think my dick had ever gushed so much precum.

It was time. I pulled back from my feast and pushed his legs back over his chest so his saliva drenched hole was now facing me. Without any hesitation, I lined my hard cock up with his moist hole and shoved the entire length in with one thrust. Even though his dick had come to life and was still hard, the only sound coming from his mouth were now feint moans. As I pistoned in and out of his ass, I used more force with each entry. After having been fucking him with full force for several minutes, he finally started to come to life. I could now see that his eyes were open and looking right at me. This only made me find even more power and fucked Mile's hole with all that I had in me. As my power hit overdrive, he bent his head back and appeared to be lost in ecstasy.

I fucked Mike for what seemed like a half hour. Probably half way through me pounding him, his hard dick flexed towards the sky and shot load after load of thick white cum, forming a line from his chin to his pubes. It wasn't easy, but without losing steam, my thrusts continued as I dipped a finger in his cum and took a taste. Fuck me! That shit was unbelievable. I had tasted my own spunk before, but Mike's load was only what I would describe as the most savory thing I had ever tasted. I used that same finger to wipe up and eat every drop of his seed. Unbelievably, I was able to hold out and fucked for another 10 or 15 minutes. That knowing tingling sensation started to build up which only caused me to go as deep into Mile's anus as I could before my dick finally exploded with such a force that I am surprised I didn't pop out. Once my dick was finished delivering my cum into Mike's ass, I prolonged fucking him another few minutes until I was wiped out. As I pulled my still hard dick out of his hole, it was trailed by a stream of my cum. Remebering back to my first fuck with Danny all those years ago, I stood up and dropped back down, straddling Mike's neck with my hard dick pointed at his mouth. By now, he had begun to fully wake up. As he looked up at me, I pried open his mouth and shoved my cum soaked dick into his mouth. He knew what was happening and tried at least a little to stop me; however, I was determined to continue this and I think he knew this was the case and acquiesced to my actions.

Once I was happy that my dick was properly cleaned off, I pulled out of Mike's mouth, leaned down with my face and kissed him with my open mouth. I think he was in shock and at first didn't respond, but within the next 30 seconds, his tongue became intertwined with mine. As I was finishing this sensual kiss, I played back the events of the last 30 minutes or so through my head. I was on cloud nine and knew this was only the beginning of things to come. As I reluctantly broke from our kiss, I slowly raised up and could see Mike looking at me, but then looking away. I briefly wondered what he was thinking. Was he reflecting on a hot encounter, or was he shattered that he had been violated. Even though his body reacted to my actions, was it just reflexes or a wanton desire. I knew I needed to take off before Mike got a good look at me. Due to the lack of light, there was no way Mike could have seen my face. Afterall, I could not have recognized him if not for having seen him already in the light.

I stood and put my shorts back on. Mike's shorts had been flung to the side so I grabbed them and threw them on top of Mike's belly so he wouldn't have to search for them. I took one more look at his face and his eyes were closed. He also just laid there motionless and did not seem to be in a hurry to get up. I wanted just a bit more so I laid down by his side and rolled him onto his belly. He offered no resistance to this. I just wanted to get a good look at his bubble butt, the same one that I had just raped and planted my seed in. Goddamn, my dick started getting hard again. I dove down one last time and buried my face in his sloppy ass crack and lapped up all of the remaining juices. It was a combination of my cum, sweat, dirt from the ground, and his ass juice. It was time to go.

Next: Chapter 2

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