Naughty or Nice

By moc.oohay@71_sulaerob

Published on Dec 21, 2007


It was nearing the end of the Fall semester at my college. We were on tha last stretch which meant hard and intense finals and extreme farewell end-of-semester parties.


In my dorm room, I was studying for my toughest exam for my night class which was in a good.....30 min., leave it to me to Cram study, huh? There was no way I was gonna pass this test with flying colors...ok so maybe One color, but just One since I knew I could pass it with a "C". So as my time grew to a close I grabbed my pencil and headed out tha door.

I arrived at my class a good 7 min. early hoping that the professor would pass out the exams earlier than expected...but no luck...there tha witch stood waiting till tha exact time that our class started to pass them out. So I received my exam and started to work on it.

-an hour and thirty minutes later...

It went horribly, at the last minute everything left me. I had the slightest idea What I was supposed to write...and not to mention that most of the test were Short Answer questions. I was furious. I mean, usually when I half ass study I somehow manage to pull through and pass it. What had been so different at this time.

I proceeded to talk to me professor but I couldn't isfd to get out of here. I needed some air. So I walked outside and just wanted to leave it all. I started heading back to the dorms, all the while thinking "Damnit, I can't believe I failed!" I was soo upset. I reached for my phone and started to dial my friends Keshia's number, cuz I Definitely needed to vent. It began ringing...


-Hey girl...

-What's wrong?

Noticing my sad tone.

-Well I took my exam awhile ago...

-Really. How'd it go?

-Well I think I Failed the idiot test, cuz it was hard and I guessed or made or left most of the answers blank.

  • Dang, that Does suck. So what are you gonna do now?

The thought of failing continued to hammer away at me heart. I mean, I counldn't fail...imagine how Ugly an "F" would look on you transcript. What a sad sad day.

-I don't know...probable just go to my room and cry myself to sleep...

I could hear her chuckle on the other line

...naw just kidding. I really don't have anything planned for tonight...What about you?

-I don't know. I have my last exam tomorrow, so probably nothing.

-Man. Well that sux.

Finally plans drifted back to me.

...hey wait a minute...wasn't there gonna be a party at Ronnie's house tonight? I heard everyones gonna be there. Do you wanna go?

-I don't know Ryan...I have that exam tomorrow. I know that it was Totally selfish of me to be Begging her to go, but Hey...I was having issues

-oh, Keshia...Please do me this one favor and go with me tonight...I really Need to get out....I really need this, please.

-But Ryan...

-Pleease. I'll love you more than yesterday...

-Damnit Ryan, well Fine then! But if I fail tomorrows test best Believe ima be Super Duper pissed...and trust me you Will hear about it...

-aww Thanks Keshia. Ur the bestest friend Ever.

-i know

-so I'm at my room already, so...get ready and meet me here in 45 minutes, ok?

-Alright babe i'll see you then.

-Thanks again keshia.

-Ur welcome.

-Ok bye!

So I entered my room rather excited. Cuz finally I had something to do in order to get this blasted test out of my head. So immediately I jumped in tha shower, washed myself, got out and went back to my room to dress. Man, was I excited...I couldn't wait to see who was gonna be there. All of a sudden i heard a knock at tha door. Just in my underwear, a pair of black boxer briefs, I opened the door to see Keshia.

as I offered her to come in

-Daang girl, I said 45 minutes.

-Oh, well before u called me I had just gotten back from eating dinner with Melissa...

Our other friend. basically all I needed to do was reapply my make knw how all That goes.

-yeah I guess....

There I stood in my underwear looking through my closet to find something to wear. Don't be alarmed, name one gay guy whose "girlfriends" haven't seen him half naked or in there underwear. I wasn't embarrassed since I'm not shy to admit that I'm packin in Tht department. So there I was standin there with the light adding shape to my soft bulge.

Finally I chose an outfit and started to get dressed, as Keshia watched TV. Then before you know it did my hair and Listo!

-You ready, girl? Let's go get 'em

So we walked outside towards the dorm parking lots and got in her car, Since we agreed that she would be tha designated driver for tha night. She refused to drink due to her Damn test...but oh well...her loss.


We finally arrived at Ronnie's house which was in a ranch on the outskirts of the city, which made it a perfect location to hold a party. Oh but was it PACKED! Seein that there were soo many people there created the butterfly effect in my stomach. I couldn't help but wonder who was there. So after 5 minutes of circilling the parking lot we Finally found a parking space.

Stepping out of the car

-Dang, it's a bit nippy isn't it?

-yeah thank god I brought a jacket.

-well thank god I Didn't

Nudging Keshia

Of course since it was Winter I didn't know what Else I should've been expecting. But like an Idiot I didn't even bring a sweater. We left the car and started heading towards the brightly Christmas lit two story house. All the while an increasing build of suspense knotting in my stomach. case I forget to thank you again later, keshia...Thnx

-Gosh, enough with the thanks already...besides I know that If I was in tha same predicament you'd prolly do tha same.

So we reached tha door step and knocked...but we automatically knew that we wouldn't be heard since even as we approached the house we could here the music from within Blaring with that we took it upon ourselves to just walk in. As we entered there wasn't as big a crowd as we expected...we glanced at ech other thinking, what tha...We continued making our way throug the house when all of a sudden nearing the end of the house we heard people outside. With this the backdoor opened and in came Melissa.

-mmmm hmmm I didn't know you were coming after all, all three of us could've came together.

Keshia said.

-Well I wasn't and especially not with This flu...but my boy friend really wanted to come So he told me to come with him.

Teasind her,


I said.

-You guys, it's not even like that.

-I know sweetie. We were just teasing you.

Keshia informed her.

-Soo not to be blunt or anything....umm Where's tha party at?

I asked.

-Oh they moved it outside...something about people getting to Hot in here or something, u know

-Are you kidding me..

Said Keshia

...what Fools, why's everyone outside? Can they not feel tha cold?

-Probably by now they can't

So we continued outside to join the party. Upon exiting tha house we were greeted by a Loud yell from across the yard.


Looking through the lots of people we finally discovered who it was Ronnie...and by the look of his walking you could tell Someone already shot back more than a few.

I heard Keshia chuckle

-Keshia, stop! he comes

-Hey dudes...glad yall could make it.

-Daang Ronnie, what'd you do? Invite everyone in All of ur classes?

I wondered

-I honestly don't even know where half these people came from...but it's cool though...I'm having fun.

A little too much fun, I thought to myself... Poor Ronnie he could barely walk let alone Stand.

-Thats good...hey so where's tha drink at, foo?

-Oh yeah, all that stuff is inside in tha kitchen.

-Thanks Ronnie

Said Keshia.

With this, he turned and was gonna head back to his buddies when I caught him...

-Hey Ronnie...

He turned. you think you can lend me a jacket or something cuz it's rather cold.

-Sure here let's go inside the house we'll get these pretty ladies a drink and your sweater...

Slurring most of his words.

With this we entered the house and as we approached the stairway that lead to the rooms upstairs Melissa said,

-How bout tall go get the jacket and we'll get the drinks?

Flashing a small Wink at me.

-Yeah that's fine...we'll see yall in a minute.

Ronnie said.

We then split...the girls went back the other way to the kitchen and we started to head up the stairs. This proved to be quite the task bein that Ronnie could hardly walk. He missed one step causing him to fall if it hadn't been for me catching him.

-Here let me help you.

I suggested.

So I put his arm over my shoulder and we both continued to head up the stairs. After walking down a small hallway he finally stopped me and showed me to his door. We entered. Inside it was almost completely dark...the only light in the room was from the full moon which brightly shown in through a window in his room. This light was bright enough to illuminate the entire room with a hue of a moonlight blue. Once Inside his room I asked,

-So where are we headed now?

-the second door on that wall over there.

We then continued, following his new directions. At the second door now he directed me to open I did, he then reached in scavagging through the hangers of clothes.

-How bout this one?

-Thats fine...thnx! So are u ready to head back out?

I said.

-No, I think I'm done for the night already...I'm gonna go to bed.

So with this I helped him to bed. First he sat there and slipped off his shoes. He then layed down on his back and took off his shirt to reveal his athletically toned chest. I couldn't help but stare at him. His pecs were more than toned and thick...he had a well defined six back. He's all the man that i've always dreamed of having. Not too muscular and not too slim. He slowly started to undo his belt, to remove his pants but found this as complex as solving a rubix cube. As I was almost at the door he suggested,

-Hey, you think you can help me with something?

Inside I rapidly stirred and immediately answered. Oh sure babe i'll help you take off Anything you want. But of course these were only thoughts that couldn't possibly be expressed openly at the momemt....or could they?

-Yeah what's up?

-I can't get this freakin belt off, can you help me man?

-Sure...If you want me to

With this I walked back to the bed and swiftly sat down next to him...the thoughts that rushed through my head in that moment were unbearable. I could picture myself having my way with him right then and there...but then again how could I take advantage of someone as blown as Ronnie at the time.

I slowly reached for the belt. As I started to unbuckle the clasp i noticed that the bulge in his pants started to grow. At the sight of this, my heart started to pump adrenaline was rushing soo fast I almost started to tremble. I kept at it though, acting as if the awakening of his man meat had no effect on me. Once I undid his belt u turned to get up,

-Well there you go, Ronnie

I said in a hushed voice.

As I started to get up he placed his hand on my inner thigh, preventing me from lifting any further. His touch sent a tingling feeling through me.

-Take off my pants.

He said.

A big part of me said that I shouldn't do it....but the stirring in my pants suggested otherwise. I sat there thinking about it. While I was thinking he reached further and started massaging my Own bulge...which was a Very convincing action. So I turned and began undoing his jeans. First I undid tha snap then unzipped the zipper. I purposely grabbed a hold of both his jeans And boxers and began pulling down. I did this slowly as if to tease my own eyes from the throbbing cock that waited inside for me.

First I passed the clothing down and stopped. His nicely trimmed bush shown nicely peaking out rpm the top of his pants. Then I scooted them down a little more and saw the beginnings of the base of his thick shaft...I peaked a little more of what seemed like a shaft that would never end. Till finally there it was, thick ang long in all it's glory. It looked as if it was 8" long.

I realized that it was one on my favorite kinds of dick, one with a downward curve. As soon as his pants came off completely the shaft stood on its own. Curve and all. So there my prey lay completely naked. The moonlight gliding over his entire body.

As I came back up from removing his pants he sat up, and grabbed a hold of my shirt and pulled it over my head. He then started to kiss my neck, first with his lips, then with his tongue. My eyes instinctlly rolled tha back of my head cuz it felt soo good. I let out a small moan. This must've excited him cuz after this he grabbed me by the hips and moved me to the center of the bed where he once lay. He then started to kiss me from my neck to nipples. He stayed there slowly working his tongue around it. Flicking his tongue in and out at them. This one time he softly bit it which sent Another round of chills coarsing through my body. He then turned and started working the other.

He then made his way down to my abs...licking up and down their center. I could feel the pre cum start to leak out the tip of my 7 1/2" cock that was now pulsing to break free from my pants. I could barely wait for him to start working at my pants, I was soo hoping that he'd even go as far as working my thick cock with his mouth...but I could only hope.

He Finally worked his way to where I wanted him to go. He wasted no time at all undoing my pants and then pulling my pants off in one swift motion. My hard cock was now finally free. At first the little tease started kissing my inner thigh. Oh it felt soo good feeling his head Down there. Feeling his head between my thighs made me shiver.

He then made a move that dissapointed me. He came back up to kiss my neck again. I thought to myself, you big dick tease. He then put his bees to either side of my chest and out his hard throbbing cock right in front of me, tempting me to suck it. So I stuck my tongue out and Only licked it at first, cuz I wanted to be the one to do the teasing. I loved how his balls smelt so full of masculinity. Now, I slowly licked his balls, taking one into my mouth. then moving to pleasure the other. I then attempted to stick both in my mouth and succeeded, while my mouth was full of these man jewels I brought my hand up and started slowly jacking his large cock off...but not even I could resist the snake like member that rested above my I went back up and took his bulbous head into my mouch, rubbing my lips from side to side to just massage it...I could tell he liked this bcuz he rested his head on the was in front of him and moaned then while in my mouth I used my tongue ring to massage underneath tha head, going in pleasurable circles.

I then slowly took his cut cock into my mouth. Slowly inching it along inch by inch. I almost gagged when I was at the base, but slowly swallowed the hard cock deep throating it. He left his dick resting down my throat for a while, I guess he liked it there. And so did I, I guess I liked the thought and feeling of having all of him resting inside me. I then put my hands on his thighs and slowly pullled him out of my mouth, and then I pushed him back in...after he grasped what I wanted him to do, he proceeded.

Slowly fucking my mouth going slow at first, in and out in and out. Shoving his cock all the way down my throat then bringing it out till it touched the tips of my lips. He grabbed his shaft with one hand and rubbed his dick on my lips guiding it from side to side. Doing this he threw his head back and moaned. Then guiding it in one last time all the way to the back and down my throat.

He then scooted back and guided his head back down to my package. Which was hard as hell now. He immediately grabbed by shady with one hand pulled the foreskin back and shoved my hard pulsating cock...

Well guys this was my first installment, email me @ and give me feedback, that way if u actually liked what I had so far I can write the rest for yall, thanks

Next: Chapter 2

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