Naughty Nik Nontoons

By NiftyWriter

Published on May 4, 2009


Normal Disclaimers Apply. All names and likenesses are trademarks of Nickelodeon, and their other respective companies. The author implies nothing about the real life actors whose characters are portrayed in this story.

Check out my other stories: Experimenting with Friends in the Gay/High school section. Billy's Thirteenth Birthday Gay/Young Friends section. To Be a Pokemon Masturbator Gay/Celebrity section Naughty NickToons Gay/Celebrity section. ------------------------------------------------------------------- >From last chapter

Freddie's dreams were now no longer consumed with Carly and him fucking but Gibby and himself. After hitting his intense orgasm Freddie fell asleep where he dreamt of what it would be like to have his dick buried in Gibby's cute ass. He woke up to find himself with a tent pitched, he set to work jacking himself off intensely. Imagining that it wasn't his hand that his dick was in but Gibby's ass. After a few moments he unloaded into the palm of his hand. He licked it off imagining the sweet taste of Gibby. Then he laid back down.

"I can't wait till next time... that.... sweet.... ass..." Freddie said quietly as he drifted back to sleep... -------------------------------------------------------------------

The next morning came all to soon for Freddie, he woke up and made his way to the shower to "take care of business." After finishing up and rubbing himself down he stepped out of the shower, dried off, and dressed for the day. As Freddie exited his apartment he bumped into to Carly on her way to school.



"So Spencer is going out over night for an art expo and said that Sam, Gibby and you could sleep over tonight to keep me company."

"That sounds cool." Freddie dick was already getting hard thinking about a overnight with Gibby.

"Yeah, you and Gibby will sleep in the studio and Sam and I will sleep downstairs or in my bedroom."

"Okay, sounds good. I'll talk to Gibby about it when I see him and let him know."

"Thanks Freddie."

The two continued to school together but parted ways once entering the building. Carly looking for Sam and Freddie looking for Gibby. Once he found Gibby he told him about the sleep over.

"Yeah, I should be able to come over."

"Cool, and maybe we can have another 'lesson' " Freddie said.

"Oh, I can't wait." Gibby replied with a knowing smile.

The school day dragged on and on for Freddie. He even had to take a trip to the boys room to take care of his aching boner during lunch. Finally after the longest day of his life the school bell rang for the end of the day and he could finally go home.

The gang decided to run a special iCarly since they were all together and did a few quick gags and made a huge mess which in typical fashion Sam left for Freddie to clean up. Carly said she'd be downstairs with Sam and if the boys wanted to clean up and then get their stuff ready for bed they could go ahead and do that, then they could join them downstairs.

The boys set to clean up the mess. As usual Gibby's bit on the show had him shirtless, which Freddie had enjoyed. It didn't take long before they had the room clean, and set to getting their stuff out for bed. Freddie threw his sleeping bag down then Gibby put his down and unrolled it right next to it. They were pretty much set, all that was left was for them to change into their pajamas.

Freddie turned on the TV to see what Sam and Carly were up to, they were sitting on the couch watching TV and eating popcorn, both had already changed to their pajamas.

"Looks like they are well situated and won't be bothering us anytime soon." Freddie commented.

"Yeah, we should probably get changed and go down there soon." Gibby said

Freddie walked over to where Gibby was standing and ran his hand down his back then kissed him gently on the cheek.

"Soon, but first lets have a little fun..."

Gibby stood there as Freddie's hands roamed over his body and then Freddie kissed him again.

"I like fun..." Gibby said.

Freddie pushed Gibby down onto the sleeping bags leaned over his lover and began to kiss and suck on the boy's nipples. Gibby let out a soft moan and maneuvered his hands down Freddie's body so he could pull his shirt over his head. Tossing it aside he ran his hands down his lovers bare flesh. Freddie unsnapped Gibby's jeans and lowered them, Gibby kicked them off and was now only in his blue boxer briefs. Gibby pushed Freddie off him and rolled over so he was in charge of the activities. He had gone first last time, this time he wanted to treat Freddie to the first orgasm.

Eagerly he undid Freddie shorts and got them down and off. Freddie was in black boxer briefs and was obviously very horny as his cock was pushing out from his body tenting the tight garment. He pulled Freddie in for a deep kiss and the boy's tongues danced and intertwined together as soft moans came from both of their sexed up bodies. Breaking the kiss they stared into each others eyes for a moment and smiled. Slowly Gibby's hand found its way to the outline of Freddie's throbbing cock, and he traced its outline through the fabric. Kissing Freddie once more he whispered

"You ready?"

Freddie nodded and Gibby ran his lips down his lovers body and slowly removed Freddie's only remaining article of clothing. Revealing the boys hard dick.

Freddie looked over at the monitor and noticed that the girls too were having fun. He tapped Gibby on the shoulder not wanting to break the mood and motioned to the screen. On screen Carly's face was buried in between Sam's legs and the look on Sam's face wordlessly explained the what was going on.

This had made Freddie even hornier which he didn't think was possible. Gibby wrapped his hand around Freddie's penis he slowly stroked it and much to Gibby's surprise it started to leak precum. He couldn't wait any longer he wanted it so bad, Freddie gently placed his hands on Gibby's head and pushed his face down and gently forced his cock into the boy's mouth. As soon as his rod was engulfed in the warmth of Gibby's mouth he left out a soft moan of pleasure.

"Mmm God Gibby, I've been waiting all day... I don't know how long I can hold it back..."

Gibby made sure to take his time to draw this out for as long as possible. Slowly licking the love rod of his partner. He slid it out of his mouth and lapped at the hanging marbles below. Ran his tongue up and circled the head of Freddie's penis. Then took it back into his mouth and running his lips down his shaft til he found himself face to face with the wisps of newly sprouted pubic hair that was on the boys body. Freddie's moans became louder and nature began to take over as he started to slowly buck his hips forcing Gibby to move faster.

"I'm close..."

Gibby quickened the pace to bring the boy to a massive orgasm and was greeting by 4 large shots of cream from Freddie's body. Eagerly he swallowed the load not wanting to lose a precious drop of it. Then slowly as Freddie's penis deflated, Gibby let it slide out of his mouth and back to its place resting in between Freddie's legs.

He sat up and smiled, his own rod jutting from his body, he noticed a slight dampness in his shorts and figured himself too must have been leaking from all the excitement. Freddie crawled over to Gibby slowly pushing his back to his back again. And once more the two kissed.

"Now it's your turn..."

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