Naughty Nik Nontoons

By NiftyWriter

Published on Dec 15, 2008


Normal Disclaimers Apply. All names and likenesses are trademarks of Nickelodeon, and their other respective companies. The author implies nothing about the real life actors whose characters are portrayed in this story.

Check out my other stories: Experimenting with Friends in the Gay/High school section. Billy's Thirteenth Birthday Gay/Young Friends section. To Be a Pokemon Masturbator Gay/Celebrity section Naughty NickToons Gay/Celebrity section. -------------------------------------------------------------------

"And that's a wrap! Great show girls!" Freddie said

"Thanks for coming Gibby, he Fredo we are going down stairs for some snacks." Carly said

"Okay I'm just going to clean up and then I'll be down."

"I'll stay to help Freddie" said Gibby.

Sam and Carly went downstairs leaving Freddie and Gibby upstairs. Gibby didn't have a shirt on which was usually the case when he was on iCarly. Freddie finished packing up his equipment while Gibby sat down on the couch.

"Hey Freddie, can we talk?"

"Sure." Freddie and Gibby weren't the best friends but they were still very close and when it came down to it Gibby was the only guy Freddie had, outside of Carly's brother Spencer.

"How are thing between you and Shannon?" Freddie asked.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Last night..."

"Last night what?"

"Last night she was at my house and we were in my room alone and she wanted to take things to the next level but I chickened out."

"Why did you chicken out?"

"Why wouldn't I? Look at me I'm a shlub I don't know what she sees in me and I don't really feel comfortable with who I am. I wouldn't know what to do to make her happy."

"Why not? I think your a great guy being confident isn't hard just trust in who you are."

"That's easy for you to say, you got the looks, you got the smarts..."

"Yeah, but I don't got the girl." Freddie said referring to Carly.

"I'm just Gibby, nothing special about me, I'm to scared to even take my shirt off in gym class let alone in front of a girl I like."

"Well we're just going to have to boost your confidence."

"How are we going to do that?"

"Well your problem is your worried about your looks and your ability to perform, so lets squash those worries. I'll prove there is nothing different between you and me."

Freddie turned on the screen on the wall where they could watch Sam and Carly so he would know where they are at in case they decide to come up stairs. Then he walked over and sat down next to Gibby.

"Okay well let's start off easy." Freddie pulls his polo off reveling his sexy figure to Gibby.

"See, look at you your hot!"

"Gibby your not bad yourself."

"No, I'm fat..."

"No, there's just more to love." Freddie said with a wink. "Okay take off your pants."


"Take off your pants, your going to get over your fears and that includes being comfortable with your body in front of others. So take off your pants."

Nervously Gibby unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down. He had a pair of black boxer briefs on, he put his jeans nearby and then sat back down.

"Now is this so hard?"

"It's not that bad, but I do feel a little weird..."

"Okay now watch."

Freddie stood up and took his khakis off, he to had on a pair of black boxer briefs, then sat back next to Gibby.

"See we are exactly the same, there's just more of you to love."

"I guess, I still don't know though..."

"Gibby now I want you to pretend I'm Shannon and show me how you would handle her. Do whatever you want."

"But your a guy..."

"There's nothing wrong with one guy teaching another guy how to make a girl happy."

"How about you show me what to do?"

"Okay, sit back relax and don't fight the urges your about to have the time of your life."

Freddie reached over and ran his hand along Gibby's chest. Rubbing his nipples and then he leaned over and kissed his neck. He slid his hands around to Gibby's back and started to rub it up and down. Freddie's kisses moved to Gibby's face then lips, and to Freddie's surprise Gibby was the one who pushed his tongue in and started the make out session. Freddie slid over onto Gibby's lap he could feel the boy's bulge rubbing against his back side. This just made him even more hot for Gibby. He broke the kiss and rolled off Gibby's lap.

"Holy shit... that was AMAZING!" Gibby said.

"Yeah, you weren't all that bad yourself."

"Ready for round two?"

"I don't know..." Gibby shifted his eyes down to his obvious erection then looked over at Freddie.

"Don't worry mine gets like that too, why don't you try to make it like that?"


Gibby reached over and tried to mimic the actions that had gotten him erect, he figured if he enjoyed it so would Freddie. He ran his hand over the front of Freddie's underwear he could feel it rising. Gibby leaned in and pushed his lips to Freddie's then whispered "I love you." Then nibbled gently on Freddie's earlobe. This drove Freddie wild, he was so hard he thought his cock was going to rip out of his underwear. Gibby sat back and relaxed.

Freddie and Gibby were now falling in love, they didn't know it but their acts of seduction weren't just that of teaching one how to love another, they were acts that had them falling for each other in ways neither wanted to fight. Gibby looked over at the bulge that Freddie had. Freddie leaned in, "I love you too." Then wrapped his arms around Gibby.

The boys sat back and looked up...

"Oh my god!" Gibby said and pointed to the monitor.

On screen Carly and Sam were making out in their bra and panties.

"So that's why Carly won't date me, shes with Sam!"

"Well I don't think you have to worry about being single. You have someone who cares about you." Gibby said referring to himself.

"Okay lets have some real fun." Freddie said as he ran his hand along the outline of Gibby's dick.

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Next: Chapter 6: Icarly 2

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