Naughty Nicktoons

By NiftyWriter

Published on Dec 5, 2008


Normal Disclaimers Apply. All names and likenesses are their respective companies.

Check out my other stories: Experimenting with Friends in the Gay/High school section. Billy's Thirteenth Birthday Gay/Young Friends section. To Be a Pokemon Masturbator Gay/Celebrity section Naughty Nick Non Toons Gay/Celebrity section. -------------------------------------------------------------------

A few months have passed since our first story, Sam, Otto, and Twister are having sex sessions frequently and little to Sam's knowledge Reggie has been involved with some sessions with Otto and Twister, Also Eddie prince of the Netherworld has began becoming involved with the boys. The story resumes with Sam in his room

"Hey Sam!" Otto shouts from outside

Sam walks outside and sees Otto with Twister.

"Hey Sammy big Ray is out of town for the weekend so we're going to have the house to ourselves!" Otto exclaimed.

"That's sweet Otto."

"Come over tonight around 6 and the party will begin!"

Sam went back to his house and after hours of begging his mom she finally granted him permission to stay at the Rocket house for the weekend as long as he checked in a few times each day at home. Sam showered and got dressed and then left for Otto's.

Sam walked over to the Rocket house and let him in, surprised to see that it was going to be himself with Otto, Twister, Eddie and Reggie for the night. Needless to say Sam was a little disappointed because to him this killed the chances of anything fun happening between the boys tonight. He grabbed a slice of pizza that was on the table and sat down next to Eddie and joined the others watching skate videos for a few hours. Around 9:30 Reggie got up and said she was staying at Terri's for the night and that she would be home tomorrow, before grabbing her things and leaving.

"Geeze I didn't think she'd ever leave." said Twister

"Yeah, I know what your talking about now we can have some real fun." Otto said as a sly grin came across his face.

"So what will it be? Truth or Dare?" ask Twister

"Yeah nothing like a classic." replied Otto.

The boys played an innocent game of truth or dare for a while and mostly everyone was being chicken and picking truth after truth til Otto had enough.

"Okay guys this is lame from here on out its dares only and you have to do whatever it is that you are dared to do."

"Okay" everyone said in unison.

"Twister I dare you to lick Sam's armpit"

Twister made a grossed out face but sure enough he did it quickly to get it over with.

"Eddie I dare you to strip to your underwear and stay like that for 10 minutes"

Now to Sam this was an interesting dare, he hadn't known of Eddie being sexually involved with the other guys up to this point and was wondering if he would see what the prince's scepter looked like.

"Okay... I'll do it..." Eddie said pretending to be nervous, truth was he was excited because he had an inkling that this would eventually lead to some more fun times between himself and the others, and he was excited at the prospect at having a new sex buddy.

Eddie stood up and removed his cape, shirt, shoes and socks. This wasn't new territory he had surfed with the kids and Sam before. Then he unbuttoned his pants and slid them down revealing himself in a pair of blue boxer briefs. Satisfied with his now near nude condition he sat back down to resume the game.

"Sam I dare you to follow what I had to do and strip also."

Not wanting to be a lameo Sam stood up and began to undress removing his shirt, shoes, and socks much in the same matter that Eddie did. Then not to be outdone he slipped his jeans down slowly trying to turn all the others in the room on. Sam had decided earlier that day to wear a pair of tight briefs because he knew it drove Otto wild, so there he now sat in nothing but a pair of red briefs.

"Whoa Sammy if those were any tighter you'd have them bursting apart." Twister commented

"Otto I think you know what your dare is without me saying."

Both Otto and Twister knew what was going to happen so they whispered to each other for a moment then began to slowly strip each other. Twister began by tugging Otto's shirt off. Otto then ran his hand up Twisters back and lifted his shirt off. They both removed their shoes and socks themselves before resuming their disrobing of each other. Twister dropped to his knees and bit the waistband of Otto's shorts unsnapping them and then pulling them down, as he lowered them he got a whiff of Otto's sweet scent and it nearly drove him wild. He stood back up and Otto walked behind him wrapped his hands around Twister's waist and unsnapped his shorts from behind then pushed them down. Both Twister and Otto had on BMX boxers which to Sam looked like both pairs belong to Otto.

Otto was still not content with being dressed, so he came up with a new game.

"Spin the bottle but its going to be extreme! Who ever it lands on you leave the room and they get 10 minutes to do whatever the two of you want."

Now what the others didn't know yet was that Otto put a hidden camera in his bed room that would play on the downstairs tv and allow the others to watch what was happening.

Eddie took the bottle and spun it already knowing what was going to happen. He knew that Otto had rigged this so that Sam would go up with himself so that Twister and Otto could watch their first get together. He watched and sure enough the bottle landed on Sam and without a word both boys got up and walked to Otto's room dressed only in their underpants.

Twister and Otto eagerly jumped to the couch and started to idly rub their bulges as they waiting to see what would happen on the TV.

As the boys entered Otto's room and shut the door behind them, both of them could feel their hearts pounding at their chests, eager for what was about to come. Eddie jump to the bed as Sam followed.

"So you know what I wanna do?" Eddie said as he reached over and circled Sam's nipple with his finger

"What's that?" Sam replied as he to started to rub Eddies chest.

"I want you..." Eddie whispered softly.

That's all the talking that went on, as soon as those word left his mouth he lowered his hand to Sam's crotch and rubbed the front of his briefs. Sam pushed Eddie to his back leaned in to kiss him. Eddie didn't fight as Sam tongue pushed through his lips and began to swap spit between the two boys. Sam wrapped his hands around Eddie's back and felt his way down to the boys soft ass. At long last Sam tugged down the boys boxer briefs. Revealing the boy's 4 1/2 dick, circumcised just like the others. Eddie not to be alone in his nakedness ripped Sam's briefs off revealing Sam's equally sized penis. Sam was glad at the size of Eddie happy that he wasn't faced with a larger penis, at times Sam felt insecure because Twister was always the one with the largest penis.

Sam and Eddie without saying anything got into a 69 position. Each wanting to be the first to bring their opposite to the brink of cumming. Sam eagerly licked at the rod in front of him loving the familiar yet new taste of Eddie's dick in his mouth. Eddie to was enjoying having a new treat to call his own and lovingly serviced Sam's cock trying to give him the maximum pleasure without making him finish so soon. After a few moments Eddie took Sam's dick out of his mouth and pulled his own out of Sam's.

He rolled Sam to his back and after swiping some lube out of the table near the bed he lowered himself onto Sam's dick, this was the first time either of them had been fucked or fucked. Sam was so turned on by this new feeling. He had always wanted to try it with Otto he just didn't know if Otto would let him.

"Sam your dick feels so good inside of me."

"Eddie it feels so good you have no idea I don't know how long I can last." Sam said as Eddie bounced up and down on his penis. The boys quickly swapped and Sam took control thrusting in and out of Eddie faster than before. He pulled almost all the way out then pushed in Eddie moaned like crazy. Sam wrapped his hand around Eddie's dick and started to stroke it for a moment then stopped. Sam looked down knowing he was nearing his climax and watched as Eddie moaned in pleasure. Sam pulled out and stroked his cock a few times then shot a huge load onto Eddies body. Eddie reached down and ran his fingers though the cum on his chest and then tasted it. Eddie felt warmth around his cock and saw Sam sucking him off, and it only took a few moments before Eddie sperm of the netherworld filled Sam's mouth and was eagerly swallowed.

Slowly Sam withdrew and just collapsed on the bed next to Eddie. Running his fingers through the leftover cum on Eddie's chest and having Eddie lick it off.

Downstairs Otto and Twister were stroking themselves gently watching the two naked boys relaxing in their bliss.

"Think we can top that?" Asked Otto

"I know we can..."

Sam and Eddie pulled the underwear back on and headed back downstairs.

"I guess its our turn to put on a show." said Otto as himself and Twister got up and walked to the bedroom.

"Holy shit! They were watching us!" said Sam "I sort of expected they would."

"I knew they were going to they told me... sorry for not telling you..."

Sam looked over at his recent lover and kissed him, "I'm not mad, besides, now we get a show..."

Sam and Eddie took their places on the couch and watched as on screen Otto and Twister entered the room and begin their show.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want the next part keep the comments coming. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 14: Rocket Power II 2

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