Naughty Nicktoons

By NiftyWriter

Published on May 24, 2005


------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Naughty Nicktoons- Rocket Power! P1

Normal Disclaimers Apply.

Check out my other stories: Experimenting with Friends in the Gay/High school section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It was a warm summer day when Sam first arrived at Ocean Shores, he was the only child and his father worked out of state leaving Sam to live alone with his mother. Sam had very little time to spend with his father, usually seeing him once every few months.

The local kids were in their garage working on their skateboards when they noticed the moving truck at their neighbor's house.

"Hmm seems like someone finally bought the house next to yours Twister." Otto said.

"I see a computer; looks like you have someone to talk nerd to Reggie."

"Screw you Twister" Reggie responds.

The kids walk over to where the truck is to see what's going on.

"Hi I'm Sam."

"Hi Sam I'm Reggie this is my brother Otto and our friend Twister."

"Hi guys."

"Isn't a bit warm for pants?"

"My shorts are in another box, I haven't unpacked them yet."

"You play any sports?" Twister asks.

"I tried hockey, but that's about it."

"That's cool maybe you can join our team after a little bit of practice." Otto says.

Sam shows the kids their house then Otto leads the group back to the Rocket garage. Sam is amazed at the amount of skateboarding, and snowboarding equipment in the garage. They give Sam some gear and to see how he can do at being a goalie in hockey.

"I don't know if I can do this..." says Sam worriedly.

"Relax you will do fine." Twister assures him.

Reggie leaves to hang with her friends as the boys start to take shots on Sam. The start easy and Sam does well only letting about 1 in 15 shots by him. They slowly take harder shots and Sam still lets very few by.

"Jesus Sam for someone who has only played a little you are a kick ass goalie!" Otto shouts.

"Beginners luck..." Twister says.

Twister takes four rapid hard shots at Sam. The first hits him hard in the head the second in the chest, the third on his left ankle and the forth in a very painful spot. It wasn't long before Sam was unconscious on the ground.

"Wha... wha... what happened?" Sam awakes not knowing where he is or how he got there.

Sam was now lying in nothing but his briefs in a person's bed in major pain. Sam can't help thinking that something isn't right. A few minutes pass and Otto comes in to check on him.

"Whoa Sammy, are you ok? Twister got a bit tweaked and took some cheap shots at you. I sent him home for being a jerk."

"Otto how did I get in here? What happened to my clothes?"

"I carried you in here, then took your short and pants to check your injuries, I get all kinds of injuries all the time from all my extreme sports so dad made me take a first aid course. There one I didn't check and that's because it's somewhere I didn't want to go without your permission."

"Where exactly did I get hit?"

"Well from what I can tell you got one in the head, one in the stomach, a nasty one on your left ankle, and one in the privates."

"So that's why everything hurts, man Twister is a jerk!"

"Yea he can get a little jealous sometimes. I walked over to your house and told your mom, she wasn't to upset once I explained it and told her I would help you until your healed."

"How badly am I injured?"

"It's hard to tell because I haven't given you a good exam but at a glance I think your ankle may be sprained and your going have a nasty welt of your head, probably a bruise on the chest and I don't know about the other spot. I'd say you are going to stay here at least for the night so I can help you because I don't think you should walk on your ankle. I'll tell your mom later."

Sam was surprised at how caring Otto was for him, he at first thought he kid wouldn't give a damn he would just say he's the new kid he'll get used to it, but no he wants to help me get better.

"Otto can you check me over to see how bad off I am?"

"Sure dude I was just waiting for you to give me your permission."

Otto moves to Sam's bedside and pulls the sheet back down revealing Sam's twelve year old brief clad body. Sam at age twelve was of a medium build around 4' 5", not muscular, very pale complexion, with blonde hair. Otto takes in the image of Sam being in his briefs before starting his examination of Sam's body. Otto climbs on the bed and slowly lifts Sam's ankle onto his lap and rubs the bruise trying to find any signs of a sprain.

"Tell me if it hurts."

Otto moves his hand up and down Sam's ankle.

"Ouch! Right there."

Otto pushes gently trying to not hurt Sam more than he has to.

"Feels ok but I think I'm going to put a brace on it for a few days. I don't want to take any chances, we have a few downstairs I'll be right back."

Otto runs downstairs and returns moments later with a small brace and carefully puts it on Sam's leg. Moving to Sam's head he sees the small bump and ignores it, most of the hit was taken by the helmet. He checks Sam's stomach there is a small bruise but nothing severe.

"Sam the parts I can see only the leg is in bad shape, but I still need to check where the forth hit." Referring to Sam's penis.

Sam blushes and slowly pulls his briefs down.

"Be gentle Otto."

Otto slowly moves Sam's flaccid penis to one side revealing a bruise on his inner thigh.

"Your pretty lucky Sam, looks like your buddy didn't get hit only your inner leg did."

Sam's penis had come alive from Otto's touch, it was now slowly getting erect, and Sam was slowly turning red again.

Otto just smiled and said "Chill dude I get them to. Heh I got an idea I gave you a full body check up why don't you check mine? I am sure your not going to be the only one in that state. Sam nods his head and Otto begins to strip. Rising up from the bed Otto unties his surfer shorts and lets them drop revealing his boxers.

Otto had a nice 12 year old body, much more appropriate than Sam's for their location. Otto stood about 4' 7" just a bit taller than Sam, dark tan complexion from all the sun he got surfing and boarding, and slightly built probably close to 95 pounds.

Sam sat up and like Otto did he takes in a picture of the boy in his current state. Without hesitation Otto drops his boxers and climbs back on the bed. Neither boy was interested in the others body as a whole just interested in what each had in-between their legs.

Both boys watched as their penises became erect. Sam's cock was about 4inches which was just a bit bigger than Otto's. Otto reached over and rubbed Sam's penis before asking.

"Sam do you masturbate?"

"No, what's that?"

"Oh dude it's the best thing in the world, just lie back and relax and you will soon be addicted."

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Next: Chapter 2: Rocket Power 2

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