Naughty Hollyoaks

By col bou

Published on Jan 7, 2009


I don't own these characters

Chapter 8

Darren: That was great, cheers for that

Rhys: That's fine, as soon as Cindy told me what you said about her spanking you I had to come round and help you out

Darren: Yep and thanks for the info about John Paul, I will pay him a visit sometime soon!

Later on in the SU Bar...

Craig: Justin looks so smug since him and John Paul

Rhys: Yeh, I've hardly seen him since

Craig: We did it in the Loft toilets last night, was so good

Rhys: Wish I was there

Craig: There'll be another time

Rhys: I got a plan, warn Justin off

Craig: He's doing no harm; John Paul says he's a great shag

Rhys: We'll see about that

Rhys: Justin, party back at mine now

Justin: Thanks, I'm working though

Rhys: John Paul said he wants you there

Justin: Well, maybe I can escape

Back at the Dog...

Justin: Where's John Paul?

Rhys: He's coming later

Rhys: Craig, pin him down

Justin: What?!

Rhys: It's about time you learnt that John Paul is off limits for you

Justin: Wow, you love John Paul

Rhys: No I don't, just I, need, erm...

Craig: Justin, why don't you show Rhys why John Paul sees so much of you

Justin approached Rhys and placed a light kiss on his soft lips.

Rhys: Who says I want you anywhere near me?

Justin: That bulge in your trousers gives quite a lot away

Justin grabbed Rhys bulge and told him to strip. Justin stripped too and proceeded to lift Rhys and dropped him onto the kitchen work top, Rhys lay down with his legs dangling over the edge. Craig had gone to Josh's bedroom for some lube and threw it at Justin who used the lube and entered Rhys. Craig then left, he hadn't seen John Paul all day and wanted to go and find him.

Justin started to give Rhys a good idea of why John Paul liked Justin so much. Justin was really going for it, Rhys was moaning loudly. Justin was a bit worried that people downstairs would here but he didn't really care. Rhys was begging him to go harder, faster and not to stop. Justin kept on ploughing Rhys ass, he couldn't keep the pace up, something had to give, unfortunately for them it was the fruit bowl, the vibrations had sent it crashing to the floor

Both boys jumped up, grabbed their clothes and ran into Rhys' bedroom, Rhys locked the door. Justin pushed Rhys over his desk and started again.

Justin: Keep quiet

Rhys: It feels so good

A few minutes later Justin came in Rhys, it took a lot of effort for Justin not to scream out loud but he kept quiet, he actually spent the night in bed with Rhys and they agreed to meet up again.

At Russ' flat...

Russ: Josh, are you concentrating?

Josh: Yes, of course sir, I am hanging on your every word

Russ: No need for sarcasm, so back to the book...

Time went on, Josh wasn't really listening to Russ, and he just kept imagining Russ on his bed, naked with Josh riding him. Josh had wanted to get Russ drunk but Russ wouldn't touch a drop, he decided on a different approach.

Josh: Let's take a break

Russ: OK, just 5 minutes though

The boys sat in silence, Josh decided to go for the direct approach.

Josh: So, you missing Caroline?

Russ: Yeh, thanks for bringing that up

Josh: You must be gagging for it?

Russ: JOSH! I can't talk about that with a pupil

Josh: I won't tell anyone

Russ: I know, don't worry about it

Josh: You should go to The Loft

Russ: I did, I set Tony up with that school girl

Josh: At least you didn't, you know

Russ: Yeh, I was lucky that night

Josh: So, where's Nancy?

Russ: Out for the night

Josh: So it's just us then

Russ: Err yeh, I suppose it is

Josh: You got any porn?

Russ: You're getting cheeky Ashworth!

Josh: You must have, I bet it's under your bed

Russ: Josh, come back here now! I mean it!

Josh: Bingo!

Russ: Put it back, it's private

Josh: Me and Mercy, kinky!

Russ: Come on mate, it's not funny

Josh: It must run in the McQueen family

Russ: What does?

Josh: Porn DVD's

Russ: You and Michaela?

Josh: Eww NO!

Russ: Oh, who then?

Josh: When we moved into the Dog I found a Craig/John Paul DVD down the back of a cupboard

Russ: Nice!

Josh: Yeh, it was a bit of a shock, especially when Craig came round and he put it on

Russ: Eh?

Russ put on a confused look

Josh: Yep, he gives one hell of a blowjob, so does John Paul come to think of it

Russ (stammering): What? You've..John Paul and Craig

Josh: Yep, I'm not as innocent as you thought

Russ: Listen Josh, you should be careful, they love each other

Josh: Yeh I know, it's just a bit of fun Mr Owen

Josh put the DVD down and whispered into Russ' ear

Josh: I've been naughty though, I need punishing

Russ: Josh, stop it

Josh: Have it your way but I suppose when everyone finds out you invited me round and showed me porn...

Russ: That's a lie

Josh: Sweet, little Josh wouldn't lie sir

Josh smiled

Josh: You think I'm cute, admit it

Russ: Josh, this is serious, you can't just...

Josh was on his knees, undoing Russ' belt, undoing his fly.

Josh: Going commando. Nice

Josh's mouth was soon sucking on his cock which was huge, he choked after 7" and there was still another 2" to go, it was thick as well.

Josh: On the bed

Russ: This shouldn't be happening

Josh: But it is and if you're good I'll tell you who else in Hollyoaks you can have some fun with

Russ lay down on the bed and Josh went back to work when Josh's phone rang...

Josh: Hi

Craig: Hi, I'm with John Paul, in the shop, we need your help!

Josh: Well I'm busy right now but if you come to Nancy's flat I can help you

Craig: You know about Ravi too?

Josh: Yeh, err Ravi

Craig: We'll be there soon

Josh: OK bye

Russ: Who was that?

Josh: The 2 lover boys, this night is going to be awesome...

Any feedback welcome!

Next: Chapter 9

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