Naughty Hollyoaks

By col bou

Published on Dec 29, 2008


These characters aren't mine

Chapter 5

Craig relayed the news of Ste's career to John Paul; it all sounded a bit sordid. Both boys agreed they should go check it out. They entered Ste's flat but couldn't see anything until they saw a note from Josh. "Check the bedrooms", they found Ste, handcuffed to the bed, his mouth taped up and cum dripping out his ass.

John Paul: What do we do, Craig?

Craig rang Josh, his phone was switched off. John Paul untaped Ste's mouth.

Ste: Josh has the keys

Outside Ste's room, John Paul found Craig

Craig: Josh isn't answering

John Paul: We have options, leave him, try to cut him free, try to find Josh or we could take advantage

Craig: We could take advantage and then find Josh?

John Paul: I don't know, I mean it's tempting but it's a bit sordid, isn't it?

Craig: Well yeah but it will be fun, you always wanted a chav!

John Paul: No I haven't!

Craig: Oh, maybe that was me

John Paul: What happens if Justin comes home?

Craig: Listen, you go find Josh and I'll stay here

John Paul: No way

John Paul kissed Craig to emphasise that he wasn't going anywhere/

Craig: OK, what should we do then?

John Paul: Let's tease him for a bit, no harm in that

Craig smiled and walked into Ste's room

Craig: I've spoken to Josh; he's going to give us the keys

Ste: Good!

John Paul: On one condition though

Ste: What condition?

Craig: Me and John Paul have to screw you...

John Paul: Oh yeh, and take pictures using our phones

Ste: What!? Why?

Craig: So he knows you'll be well behaved from now on

Ste: Oh god, well get on with it then, who is going first?

John Paul: Going first? We meant at the same time!

Ste just started shaking his head

Craig and John Paul were trying to hard their laughter, they did realise that doing Ste at the same time was going to be difficult, the position Ste was in made it so.

Ste: Hang on; Josh only took 1 set of keys

John Paul gave Craig the look

Ste: They will be in the bag, front pocket

Craig retrieved the keys and undid the handcuffs on Ste's left wrist. Ste immediately started to try and free himself from the remaining pair of cuffs.

Craig: Stop it or else I'll put these back on

Craig started stripping, John Paul never actually believed they would do it, Craig through a condom at John Paul, in record time Craig was naked and hard.

Craig: OK Ste, stand up on the bed

Ste did as he was told, Craig then lay down underneath him.

Craig: Lower yourself down onto my cock

Ste: Do I have to?

John Paul: If you want to be free, yes

Ste did wincing as Craig's hard dick entered him. Craig started to buck up and down, Ste was moaning. John Paul moved behind Ste, as Craig came out, John Paul went in, Ste winced again. John Paul then pushed Ste back down onto Craig's cock. John Paul felt Craig's cock up against his, it felt good.

Ste screamed out in pain so John Paul put his hand over his mouth. Both boys started to fuck Ste, he was being used, he was no more than a sex toy. John Paul took his hand away from Ste's mouth; all that came out from Ste's mouth now was moans.

Both John Paul and Craig had a quick pace going, hammering into Ste, Ste's free hand was wanking his cock, he didn't last long as cum spilled out all over Craig's chest. This caused Ste's arse to clamp down and both boys orgasmed at the same time.

They untangled themselves; Craig made Ste lick his own cum off his chest.

Ste: You didn't take any pictures.

Craig: We know, you're webcam was on, Josh isn't stupid

Ste: Who has seen this?

Craig: Just Josh, he has recorded it

Ste: So when are they keys coming?

I'll ring him.

Phone call

Craig: Hi, you enjoy the show?

Josh: Yep, Justin has the keys

Craig: OK, bye

Craig: Ten minutes and they will be here, bye and thanks

John Paul and Craig left Ste's left

John Paul: Josh is on his way?

Craig: No, he gave Justin they keys

John Paul: He really is turning nasty man

Craig: Must be my influence

John Paul: You've never tied me up

Craig: Maybe I will sometime, I'll have to think of where though

John Paul: Naughty boy

Both boys kissed and then realised they shouldn't let Justin see them so they hurried home.

Josh closed his laptop, he had made numerous copies of Ste's video, maybe he will give one to Rhys to show him what John Paul does when he is not around. Josh was rock hard though especially thinking that any minute now Justin was going to find Ste. He had told Justin some girl had tricked Ste and handcuffed him and he had found the girl and got the keys and he should go let him out. Justin couldn't stop laughing; Josh said he should read the note pinned to the back of the front door.

Justin entered the flat and read the note...

"Some girl didn't trick Ste, I did. Find attached his online profile for being a gay male escort. I shagged him after I cuffed him, I'd recommend it. If you don't believe me, give Craig and John Paul a call, they have done him also, it's recorded on the webcam."

Justin went into Ste's room.

Ste: Oh God mate, you won't believe what has happened!

Justin went over to Ste's laptop and replayed the webcam video; he did believe Josh but needed to see it with his own eyes. He watched 20 seconds of the video and smiled.

Justin: Well, well, well. I've always wanted a bitch after Warren made me his all those years ago.

Ste: Warren?

Justin: Yep, I'll start at the beginning. Warren was in care when he was younger; he experimented a little and had always wanted to try stuff out again.

Any feedback welcome

Next: Chapter 6

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