Naughty Hollyoaks

By col bou

Published on Dec 22, 2008


I don't own these characters

John Paul joined Craig and Ravi, kissing, sucking and some general worship of Ravi's great abs, Ravi also become the filling in a John Paul/Craig sandwich. All 3 lads enjoyed themselves but both Craig and John Paul felt guilty about Nancy, for a second or two they did anyway.

John Paul met Rhys the next day, he had met Cindy a few times and he liked it even more that Rhys was also seeing Cindy, he sometimes thought about Cindy finding out that Rhys liked cock as well.

Craig had gone to find Josh but couldn't find him; his phone was off as well. Josh was banging on Ste's door, he didn't really know why, what Ste did was his business as long as he left Amy alone.

Ste: I wondered when you would show up

Josh: Why?

Ste: Calling yourself Hollyoaksbabydiego kind of gave you away in the chat room

Josh: Oh

Ste: It's OK; I always knew you were a fag

Josh: Err; pot kettle and black come to mind

Ste: I'm only doing it for the money, I don't enjoy it, I think about Carmel McQueen or your sister

Josh: Shut it, or I'll tell Justin or maybe even Amy

Ste: I'll tell everyone you were in the chat room

Josh: They would never believe you, I have proof about you

Ste: What?

Josh: I did a Google on you; you put your real name in your profile

Ste: You have to, it's the rules

Josh: Ha ha, so which old man you letting fuck you today?

Ste: You could make some serious cash, you know?

Josh: No chance mate

Ste: Fine, just keep it to yourself or else

Josh: Or else what?

Ste: I'll beat you to a pulp

Ste grabbed Josh and pinned him against the wall, Ste had this confidence about scaring Josh into silence but Josh was also confident, he had never been before but he knew Ste was very scared of his secret being revealed. Josh shrugged Ste off, turned to leave and then rugby tackled Ste onto the sofa.

Josh: Never ever do that again, from now on, you don't breathe unless I tell you to

Ste: Get lost

Josh: 30% of your profits or I'll tell everyone

Ste: No way

Josh: Fine, have it your way

Josh switched his phone on, saw some missed calls from Craig, smiled to himself and found Amy's number in his phonebook, showed it to Ste, Josh's finger slowly went towards the dial option...

Ste: OK, stop, 30%, I promise

Josh: I want access to your emails so I know about every booking

Ste: OK, the laptop's in the bedroom

Josh followed Ste into the bedroom, he thought he had broken Ste but didn't want to risk Ste getting a weapon or something. Ste went into his room and panicked, he had forgotten that his bag of tricks was on his bed. Josh came in and immediately saw the bag.

Josh: What's this?

Ste: Some of my customers pay more for extras

Josh: Handcuffs, a whip, a paddle and this lovely dildo

Ste: Leave it alone

Ste went for Josh, wrestling him onto the bed, Josh wasn't weak though and managed to topple Ste and pinned him to the bed using his legs, Josh acted impulsively and grabbed Ste's left arm and handcuffed it to the bed, he then found another pair and did his right arm, Ste started to thrash his legs. Josh left the room, he knew Dom would have something for Ste's legs, he couldn't find anything though. Josh went back through Ste's bag; he found a dog collar which was inserted around Ste's neck.

Josh then found some tape; he taped Ste's ankles together. Josh's plan was to now leave Ste like this but he was so tempted to have some fun. He wasn't sure how he was going to get Ste's trackies off, he found some kitchen scissors and cut them off and Ste's boxers. Ste was scared but he didn't think Josh had the nerve to go any further; Ste's jibes were getting to Josh so he just taped Ste's mouth shut.

Ste was naked from the bottom down and Josh was enjoying it. Josh got undressed, untaped Ste's ankles, put some lube on his cock and just rammed it in. Ste's muffled screams could barely be heard by Josh as the bed creaked. There was no romance in this for Josh so he just started hammering Ste's ass.

Ste had started to grow hard; his 6" cock wasn't as big as Josh's. Josh was really going for it, Ste was now moaning but occasionally a scream could be heard. Josh ripped the tape off Ste's mouth.

Josh: You enjoying this?

Ste: Fuck you

Josh tried to force a kiss onto Ste but it wasn't going to happen, so Josh taped Ste's mouth back up.

Josh: If you had any brains you would have screamed for help then

Josh then started his assault on Ste's ass again; he didn't last long as the excitement got to him. Josh's orgasm was intense and he lay on Ste panting for a while afterwards. Josh got up, got dressed and then left a print out of Ste's online profile taped to the door. He found the keys for the handcuffs and put them in his pocket.

Josh: I'll text Justin, let him know I have the keys

Josh smiled and left Ste's flat. The old Josh would have felt guilty, but in his mind, Ste deserved this for everything he had done to Amy. Josh had a new found confidence and texted Justin a cryptic message.

"Hi, when you get home call me, I'll unlock him then, do not text back until you are home"

Josh sent the text and then turned his phone off.


Craig: Come on it will be fun

John Paul: In broad daylight?

Craig: Even better

Both boys had persuaded Neville, with help from Rhys and Josh to let them run Drive `N' Buy. Neville wasn't keen but Steph lied and said Max had trained Craig to manage the place plus John Paul pointed out that he would cut shop lifting as most of it was done by his family.

Craig closed the door and set the sign to closed. John Paul walked towards the stock room.

Craig: Where do you think you're going?

John Paul: Err, in there

Craig: No, No, No. The dessert section is here

Craig walked over grabbed John Paul and pinned him against the shelves. Ripping at his buttons, hungrily kissing his mouth. Both boys were naked very quickly, Craig ran over and pulled the blinds down, he knew John Paul wouldn't relax properly unless he did something.

Craig told John Paul to bed over the counter. He found some KY Jelly (Craig had ordered some within minutes of starting his job) and soon he was fucking John Paul hard, very hard. John Paul felt amazing, this was better than in the park in Dublin and in the DJ booth in the club. Items on the counter were rattling, the lolly tub fell off and smashed, neither boy cared though. Craig winked at the CCTV and then made a mental note to keep the tape of this. Both boys were sweaty and panting, John Paul wanting more but Craig could give any more, he erupted inside John Paul, who had wanked himself to climax.

John Paul: Is it this good with Josh?

Craig: You know it isn't, what about Rhys?

John Paul: Same answer as yours

Craig: You ready to stop seeing him?

John Paul: You want to give up Josh, or Ravi?

Craig: Ravi was a one time thing, and you know I won't give up Josh until he is the filling in our sandwich

John Paul: It does sound tasty; will we do a Rhys sandwich too?

Craig: Umm, I'd like that

John Paul: Just think, when Darren comes out of prison he might be...

Craig: Stop right there...

John Paul: Jake has a certain ruggedness too

Craig: Alright cheeky!

John Paul: I love you!

Craig: I love you too

The boys got dressed, Craig checked his phone:

"My plan went better than expected, Ste's flat is open as is his ass. Josh xx"

Craig didn't know what to do; he couldn't believe Josh, had he corrupted him? That thought quickly disappeared as John Paul read his text from Josh.

"Just to make you know as well as Craig, Ste is free in more way than one"

John Paul: What does this mean?.....

OK, so what do people think? Good or bad? Not loads of feedback yet but I appreciate every comment and thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 5

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