Naughty Hollyoaks

By col bou

Published on Dec 19, 2008


I do not own these characters, this is fiction

Craig: So, we're agreed, we can have an open relationship while we deal with everything that's happened

John Paul: Yeh, I can't deal with an intense relationship after Kieran and Niall

Craig: Yeh, me neither, ever since Scotland I feel the need to have some fun

John Paul: We could have some fun together

Craig: Oh we will, don't worry about that, I still love you

John Paul: I love you too

John Paul and Craig kissed, the wind was strong on the Irish Sea today but the sea air somehow allowed both boys to think clearly.

John Paul: So, where are we going to live?

Craig: Maybe separately while you sort your family out and I make sure my Mum is OK?

John Paul: Sounds sensible

Craig: We have no money and no jobs

John Paul: You just want someone to do your washing

Craig: You would have done it if you loved me

John Paul: Love is doing your partners washing I suppose

Both boys laughed as the ferry pulled into the docks.

Craig: When we get off I might as well book my next ticket, so I can go back and sort out transferring courses

John Paul: Good idea

The boys kissed again, got off the ferry, bought Craig's next ticket and returned home to a mixed reception. Frankie cried tears of joy, Newt looked miserable, nothing new there then. Myra hugged John Paul, as did Carmel, Michaela and even Mercedes. Jacqui was more preoccupied with Theresa to really notice the return of the prodigal son. John Paul's joke about Tony trying it on with him because he was younger didn't go down well although Michaela laughed and wondered why Tony had never tried it on with her.

Back to the present day...

Craig kissed Josh, a deep long passionate kiss. Craig took off Josh's t-shirt; he had such a nice body Craig thought. Craig then undressed really quickly to reveal his own impressive torso. The boys kissed again, Craig gripped Josh's cock and Josh reached out tentatively and touched Craig's hard member.

The kiss broke, both boys were knelt on the bed; Craig pushed Josh's head down towards his cock. Josh hesitated but stuck his tongue out, Craig then pushed half of his cock into Josh's mouth who then started to bob up and down; he took around 6" in, not bad for a beginner Craig thought. A few minutes later, Craig was back to rimming Josh, he came up for some air and swallowed Josh's cock again, while he was doing this, he prodded a finger into Josh's hole. Josh squirmed, it hurt, especially as a second one and then a third finger was added. Josh still felt pain but then something unfamiliar, it was good but he didn't know were it was coming from. Craig then found something that he could use as lube and gently eased into Josh. He slowly moved in and out of the young guy, he started to quicken up, Josh's legs on his shoulders. The boys kissed again as Craig sped up. Josh was moaning, he even asked to be fucked harder a few times. When they had finished, they got dressed but lay together on the bed for a while, Craig knew he would be back for more.

A few days later...

Josh was in a chat room, he was confused, he wanted to speak to someone about how he was feeling, was he bi? Was he gay? He also wanted some tips on what he could get John Paul to do to him, little did he know that Craig knew about Rhys and John Paul knew about Josh. John Paul admitted his fling with Rhys straight away, Craig scored Rhys as an 8, John Paul scored Josh as an 8.5, so Craig was slightly ahead. Their little competition started when they were drunk, it was just a little bit of fun, both boys were enjoying the open relationship; they just couldn't deal with anything more right now. Steph had said that as soon as she gets rid of Cindy they can move in with her and Tom.

Josh was in the chat room, trying to find someone his age who he could speak to, his eyes were drawn to one user `HollyoaksEscort1991'. He presumed 1991 was the year of this person's birth, the same age as Josh then. He opened the profile and was simply stunned by what he saw. Josh could only mutter the person's name, "Ste".

Meanwhile, Craig was in The Loft, very drunk, stumbling everywhere, it was the end of the night and the place was emptying.

Ravi: Time to get you home I think, you need a cab?

Craig: You're seeing Nancy right?

Ravi: Yeh

Craig: So how come you tried to kiss Russ?

Ravi: What? I never did that!

Craig: Russ told John Paul, he wanted some advice

Ravi: Oh God, what did John Paul say?

Craig: It's OK, Russ won't say anything, we enjoyed fucking him though

Ravi: You're joking, right?

Craig: Yeh, of course

Craig was pawing at Ravi's crotch

Craig: Although if you want me to keep quiet, I might need some help right now

Ravi: Listen mate, I don't just...

Craig had pushed Ravi onto the sofa and unzipped, Ravi decided that it wouldn't take long as Craig was hammered. Suddenly, the door swung open.

Craig: Hi

John Paul: Well, what do we have here?

Craig: Want to join us?

What do you think? Email me!

Next: Chapter 4

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