Naughty Hollyoaks

By col bou

Published on Dec 13, 2008


I don't own these characters. Feedback welcome

John Paul was sat in the SU Bar, by himself, he couldn't be at home right now, the bar was quiet, and it was such a relief to not hear any crying or screaming. Darren came in, John Paul wondered how he would cope in prison, in the showers, he smiled and he thought about Darren being someone's bitch. He was brought back to earth though when someone came over.

Rhys: You OK?

John Paul: Top of the world, mate

Rhys: I've lost a sister you know, almost lost Hannah too

John Paul: At least I wasn't shagging Tina

Rhys hung his head, John Paul thought this could be in shame or maybe he was just trying to not respond to the taunt.

Rhys: You want to talk?

John Paul: You wouldn't understand

Rhys: Try me

John Paul: OK, I'm scared my psycho brother may return to try and kill us, my sister is dead and all I want is someone to hold me and love me

Rhys: You've got Craig

John Paul: He's back in Dublin, tying up loose ends

Rhys: I get the bit about wanting someone to hold you; no one will go near me since Beth

John Paul: You just want sex mate

Rhys: Well, that is true but I miss the intimacy I had with Beth

Darren now came across.

Darren: Watch out Rhys, he'll try and turn you

John Paul: Get lost Darren

Darren: You should be more grateful; I saved your lot in the church

John Paul: Oh thanks, I should also thank you for faking Jack's death, Craig loved being lied to

Darren: None of it would have happened if your slag of a Mother hadn't abandoned Niall

John Paul launched himself at Darren; Rhys grabbed hold of him and held him back. Darren just made some comment about "poofs" and left, John Paul ran into the toilets and Rhys followed.

Rhys: Should we go home mate?

John Paul: You should have let me hit him

Rhys: Probably, just instinct I suppose

John Paul: Walk home with me, I'll feel safer then

Rhys didn't really want to, he didn't know how to act around grieving people, what happened with Beth was still too raw but he had no choice. The two boys walked home in silence, they opened the front door where John Paul saw a few bin bags lined up in the living room. He ran over to them and tore one open and Tina's clothes spilled out.

John Paul: How could they do this?

Rhys: Err, I don't know mate, listen, I better...

Rhys felt so uncomfortable, he turned to leave but as he did he heard John Paul sobbing. He turned round to see John Paul sobbing into Tina's cardigan. He went over and knelt down and hugged John Paul. It felt weird but Rhys knew John Paul needed this; he dropped the cardigan and was sobbing into Rhys' shoulder.

John Paul lifted his head up, Rhys tenderly wiped away some tears using his fingers, and he was so gentle. John Paul then leaned in and kissed him, he expected Rhys to run a mile but he needed to be close to someone. Rhys didn't move, John Paul kissed him again; it was a soft kiss that lasted a few minutes. John Paul then got up and held out a hand to Rhys.

Rhys was shaking slightly, he wasn't gay, he wasn't bi, he had no idea what was going on but the kiss with John Paul was the first proper contact he had felt in months. He took hold of John Paul's hand and was led to his bedroom. The two boys fell onto the bed and just kissed for ages. They held each other, looked into each others eyes between kisses, John Paul would run his fingers through Rhys' fringe and they would kiss again.

John Paul needed some release, he undid his fly and pulled out his cock, he was hard. Rhys was taken a back by this but he too needed to release his erection. John Paul slowly undid Rhys fly and pulled out an 8" rod of steel.

John Paul didn't intend to do anything other than kiss Rhys; he just wanted to be with someone. However, he was wanking Rhys' cock and kissing him now, a few minutes later he was sucking Rhys, he wanted to please Rhys, he wanted Rhys to be pleased with him, kissing wasn't going to satisfy Rhys.

Rhys felt great, John Paul really knew what to do, he moaned as he came in John Paul's mouth. A few minutes later they were in each others arms, John Paul was still hard.

John Paul: I might just nip to the bathroom, sort myself out

Rhys: Don't, I'll return the favour

Rhys carefully started to wank John Paul, he couldn't suck but wanking was fine. John Paul was moaning, Rhys was going faster and faster, Rhys had moved so he could be comfortable, he kissed John Paul again and then found himself kissing John Paul's body, all of a sudden his head was level with a hard cock. Rhys licked it, and then licked it again, it tasted weird but John Paul had sucked him so he should do the same back.

Rhys took John Paul's head into his mouth, John Paul hadn't warned Rhys and within seconds cum had flooded Rhys mouth, Rhys swallowed, he had no idea what else to do. They lay in silence for a while, then drifted off to sleep. Rhys woke John Paul with a kiss; they both were young guys and therefore were horny again. They kissed for ages, John Paul sucked Rhys again and Rhys did the same.

Rhys had never thought he could sleep with a man but John Paul gave him the closeness he had craved for so long and he couldn't be the one getting all the pleasure, John Paul needed it too. John Paul felt guilty about Craig but Rhys sort of knew what he was going through.

Over the next few weeks they met up, Craig was always with his Mum, John Paul liked someone to be with when Craig wasn't around and there was distance between the pair. Rhys' inhibitions had gone and John Paul was about to enter Rhys for the first time when Josh walked in on them, maybe not locking the door and showering together wasn't a great idea. John Paul presumed Rhys would lock the door, he shouldn't have and Josh got a massive shock, Rhys started giving Josh a lot of lifts in their Dad's cars but Josh hadn't started with John Paul yet. Josh wanted to shed his squeaky clean image, rock and roll stars aren't squeaky clean.

Any thoughts?

Next: Chapter 3

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