Naughty Boys of Waterloo Road

By Anon Bucket

Published on May 30, 2023


Naughty boys of Waterloo Road part 3

This is a fictional story that involves consensual sex between 2 people over the age of consent and does not imply the sexuality of the characters or those who play them.

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Tom Clarkson had, had quite the week, having graded most of the Year 12 papers and done Grantley's papers as well it had been a hell of a week, he had fucked Finn Sharkey up the arse in his classroom. That was a positive part of his week and after the fuck he sat there in his chair naked thinking, "What in the hell has just happened?". He was a dedicated teacher to his students, and he had just shoved his cock inside one of them. Tom didn't have time to think, he quickly got dressed and finished marking before going home. That night his dreams were filled with images of Finn's hole and his cock ploughing the tight ass. When Tom woke in the morning his erection tented the sheets. "Nah time" he chuckled giving his large 8.5 incher a shake. He showered and headed into School. As he arrived he saw signs for the end of term party which was to he held that evening between 7-10pm, Tom had been roped into chaperoning the party to make sure nobody was causing any trouble, "Why did I volunteer to do this" he groaned as he slung his bag over his shoulder and walked into his classroom. As he walked into the room he noticed the nail marks on his desk from When Finn was holding on trying not too fall off as the teacher was fucking him so hard. He looked at his class list for the day, Year 12 was up first, "Good" Tom thought he needed to have a word with Mr Sharkey. As the class entered the room Finn smirked at Tom and winked before reaching back and wincing as he felt his ass. Tom stood there awkwardly, "Sit down now" he whispered. The lesson seemed to go on forever, Finn kept trying to get Tom to go over to him, but Tom ignored him or told him to get back to work. Finally, the bell went, "Homework is to be in tomorrow...Finn please stay behind" he shouted, Finn grinned and waited in his seat as the class left. When they were alone Finn chuckled, "Finn stay behind...or Finn give me your behind" Tom walked over to him looking serious, "Look Finn...that will not be happening again you got was a moment of weakness and I regret it ok". Finn stood up, " if I were to grab your cock like this?" he reached out and took hold of Tom's soft cock, "And drop to my knees you wouldn't let me suck you?" Tom stepped away, that's what I'm saying, it's inappropriate. Finn shrugged his shoulders, "Fine with me sir...So...I'll be seeing you at the party later" he winked at the man and shook his ass before walking out.

The rest of the day went on like a normal, lessons then lunch then another lesson and then football practice, Tom quickly made his way home to change into his suit, looking in the mirror he smiled, "Fuck I look good" he chuckled. He was wearing a white shirt with a black blazer, a black bow tie and smart black trousers. He was actually looking forward to the party now, he just hoped that the students would behave themselves tonight. Cut to an hour later and the party was in full swing, Tom was stood with a group of teachers when Finn came up to the group, "Mr Clarkson...can I have a word" Tom could hardly say no so he nodded his head and followed the boy out of the room. They walked through the hallway and into the science room as it was the closest room. "What is it Sharkey?" Tom sighed as Finn smirked, "I know what you said sir...but I just cant stop thinking about you...thinking about what happened...thinking about your cock" He reached out as Tom stepped away, "And I said no was a mistake it shouldn't have happened" Finn scoffed, "OH COME ON SIR" he chuckled, "You loved it tight teenage hole gripping that fat cock" he reached out once more and thrust his hand into Tom's trousers bypassing his pants and wrapping his hand around the man's soft 5 inch cock. "I can bring this back to life" he grinned rubbing it up and down as Tom stood there softly grunting. Finn had the man just where he wanted. "I could pull my hand out now and stop...if that's what you want", Tom grunted, "No...please don't" he whispered as his cock firmed up in the boy's hand. Suddenly they heard a noise coming from the science storeroom. Finn pulled his hand out noting that It shone with Tom's pre cum. "Go back to the party...I'll see what it is" he whispered as Finn sighed, "But Sir..." Tom cut him off, "You can suck me off later...just go" Finn nodded and walked out licking the juices off his hand. Tom gained his composure and walked over to the closet, as he approached it he was startled as the handle turned and Young Aiden Scotcher walked out, "Sir" he muttered as he skittishly walked from the classroom. Tom looked down to See a startled Chris Mead wiping the side of his face, "It's not what it looks like" Chris stuttered as Tom stared, "OH YEAH THEN WHY IS THERE A BLOB OF CUM ON THE FLOOR" Chris looked down, "Fuck" he muttered as he stood up, "Look Tom...Tom you cant tell was just the once (Lies) I cant lose my job over this" Tom smirked, he was in no position to argue...but then Chris didn't know about him and Finn. "Sorry Chris I have to", he turned around and went to walk, "I'll suck your cock if you don't tell" Chris shouted, Tom stopped and took his hand off the handle, "What?" he questioned frowning, "Chris was nervous...Tom was 100% straight and would probably punch him now, "Sorry no...i shouldn't have said that" Tom grinned and put his arm on the doorframe, "You any good?" Tom chuckled as Chris raised a brow, "What?" he asked knowing what the man meant. "You any good at sucking cock because I'm not gonna keep yer secret just for some shit blowjob" Chris nodded, "I'm pretty good at them I think". Tom walked forward and closed the door, "Well get yer mouth around this then".

Chris stood there in awe as Tom pulled down his suit trousers and white boxer shorts, his large thick erect cock bobbing up and down as it was freed from its restraints, "Well come on then Mead...suck my fucking knob". Chris walked over and was pushed to his knees by the man, "That's it...good boy" Tom sniggered as Chris lifted up the cock and took a deep inhale at the man's hairy balls, "Oh fuck" Chris moaned smelling the scent of a pure man. He stuck out his tongue and began to lick the large hairy eggs coating them in his saliva as he popped them into his mouth and lashed his tongue around them, a slight salty taste filled his mouth as Tom grunted above him. He lapped and sucked on the large eggs drawing the pre-cum from the man's cock and juices started to flow out of the flaring piss slit, Tom's cock stood hard above his head so the pre-cum dripped onto Chris' neck and oozed down his collar. He pulled the bollock out of his mouth noting how it dripped with saliva as Tom tilted his head up, "Suck me cock...NOW" He ordered and as Chris opened wide he stepped forward sliding his whole cock deep into the man's throat his pubes slamming against Chris's nose. The man gulped and choked as Tom wasted no time and slid his cock back before thrusting hard and fast his cock stabbing and sliding down Chris' throat as he looked down with a look of dominance in his face. He was using the man as a human fleshlight and took no mercy on him, his hairy bollocks slapped against the fellow teacher's chin as he sat there getting mouth-raped and he fucking loved it. He put his hands on Tom's hairy cheeks and pushed harder loving the sheer dominance of the stud. Tom felt the throat tighten and constrict on his head sending shivers up and down his cock. Suddenly as he slammed it down the man's throat his phone buzzed, he held it as deep as it could go and muttered, "Hang on" he pulled his phone out it was from an unknown number, "Come to your Ps. It's Finn" Tom smirked, he pulled back dislodging his cock From Chris' throat, "Did I do something wrong?" Chris asked looking confused, "No Mate...gotta be somewhere I'll be back later". Tom stuffed his erection into his trousers and walked towards his office. As he approached the door he was stopped by Josh, "Hey Dad have you seen Finn?" he asked making Tom smirk, "No son sorry maybe he went for a breather outside", Josh nodded, "Yeah we were gonna get some air...think he just went ahead". As he walked off Tom chuckled, "I'm the only one getting head tonight" he chuckled as he walked towards his door, he turned the handle and went inside quickly opening the door. "" he chuckled as Finn stood there completely naked. "Like what you see?" Tom groped his cock, "Fuck yes " he grinned, "So you gonna let me in that throat" Finn scratched his chin, "Ahhhh well...i had something else planned", "What's that then eh" Tom asked looking confused, "Finn pointed over to his chair, "Thought you could sit there and well...I wanna eat yer arse sir" Tom's mouth fell open, he had never been eaten out before, "I dunno about bit gay ain..." He was cut off, "Oh come on'll love it I promise". Tom's cock spoke for him, "Ok me shitter then".

Tom unbuckled his trousers and pulled them and his pants down freeing his recently sucked cock, "I love that cock" Finn grinned ushering the man over to the chair, "Legs up then sir...i wanna see that ass. Tom tentatively raised his legs and led back, "What an arse" Finn chuckled looking at the perfect cheeks, big fat straight man cheeks dusted with black hair getting darker and darker as it circled around his pink hole, "Never had me shitter licked before" Tom chuckled, "Well prepare to see stars" Finn grinned crawling on his knees and spreading the hairy cheeks making Tom's pucker stretch. "Oooooh that feels well weird" Tom grinned, "Well it's gonna feel a lot weirder sir". Finn was so going to enjoy this. Finn licked his lips and went for it, he buried his face between the fat hairy cheeks and pushed his tongue so hard into the hole pushing it inside and immediately began to lap and suck at the straight hole, "OHHHHHH WOOOOOW", Tom moaned throwing his head back and his eyes rolled back into his head as his cock jolted and spewed pre-cum onto his hairy stomach, his legs shook and his hole quivered as some primal instinct took over and he pushed his ass against the boy's face as Finn furiously lapped at the hole taking in the taste of the tight hairy hole, "Wow sir you taste so good" Tom looked down in awe as he saw the boy's tongue scraping at his hole. Finn wished he could lick this ass forever, if he had to eat nothing but one thing for the rest of his life it would be this arse. He slurped and sucked at the hole getting it slick with his saliva before squeezing the fat cheeks around his face and motorboating the hole. "Ughhhhh it more" Tom squealed as new sensations ripped through his body, sensations he had never thought possible. His legs shook as Finn pulled out, "Push me into your bum" he smirked as Tom reached out and pushed him back between the cheeks, Some instinct took over Tom and he began to rub his hold against Finn's face sliding his hole all over the boy's mouth and face coating him in juices. Tom really wasn't sure about this to begin with and now he was addicted. He pushed the boy's face hard into his ass and held him there as Finn circled the hole with his tongue before plunging in as hard as he could go making Tom throw his head back in pleasure. Tom reached down and gripped his cock and began rubbing it rolling the foreskin back and forth over the wet head. Finn then reached up and began to wank his teacher off matching the thrusts on his cock to those in his ass. Tom was in such pleasure his toes curled and hairy legs shook. It was then he remembered he had left Chris nearly 30 minutes ago, "UGHHHHH FUCK...Finn...FINN", the boy pulled off and wiped his face all he could taste was fat stud hole. "Yes sir...felt great didn't it?" Tom smirked, "Yeah boy...look I gotta go...I ummm need to walk the grounds to see if anyone is up to no good" Finn frowned, "Sir...we are up to no good", "Yes Sharkey...but we are hidden anyway I gotta...go" he stuttered getting dressed, as he walked out he muttered, "I'll be back".

As Tom walked the corridor again he thought to himself, "How did it turn out like this...I'm fucking exhausted.." he walked to the science room, "I'm never double booking myself ever again" he chuckled walking in. After having his ass eaten he felt like it had taken some of his manliness away, so he wanted to take charge. He walked into the storeroom where Chris was still waiting, "You took ages" he grinned as Tom undid his belt, "Less talking...get your trousers off...I'm fucking" Chris went wide eyed, "Ummm Tom I want planning on getting..." Tom put his hand on Chris' shoulder, "Plans ass in the air". Chris nodded and stripped before bending over a desk and grunting as Tom slapped his smooth cheek, "You alright with bareback?" Tom asked not waiting for a response, "Yeah tha...AAAAAAHHHHH FUCCCKKKKK" Chris screamed as Tom pushed his pre-cum lubed cock right against the man's pucker bursting it open, "OHHH FUCK ITS TIGHT" Tom moaned slamming his hand on the desk in pleasure as Chris hole spasmed around his thick shaft. Chris was speechless, up until today Tom was just another colleague and now he had his willy up his bum...and Chris fucking loved it, through the pain waves of pleasure shot through him as Tom grabbed his hips and pulled him up and down his cock tearing his ass to shreds as he pounded and pounded with vigour, Tom unbuttoned his shirt whilst fucking revealing his beefy hairy chest, he pulled off his shirt as his chest was beginning to get rather sweaty. He pounded and pounded the hole grinding his fat cock around inside really making Chris his bitch. He slammed himself inside before pulling the man back, "Yeah...ughhhh you like like my fat cock inside you...breeding your slut hole", He pulled Chris's head back making the man squeal as he pushed harder, "Yes...yes Tom...i love your fat's so big and manly", Tom grinned, "Good boy" he chuckled before putting his leg on the desk and deep fucking the tight hole, his own cheeks shaking with each moan inducing thrust. He fucked the man with brutal force, his body and balls slapping hard against the science teacher as his hole twitched and spasmed tightening around Tom with each thrust. Tom slammed in with a primal, "UGHHHHH" Before ripping his cock from the hole, "Stay here I'll be back..." he chuckled noting that Chris' hole was gaping. Chris led there breathing heavily wondering where the man was going.

Tom once again walked down the corridor and into his office where Finn was sat in his chair legs in the air shoving a hairbrush he found in the drawer up his tight teenage asshole, "Oi Sharkey less of that...i need that to brush me hair with...come here and suck me" Tom ordered pointing down to his cock, "Your wish is my command Sir" Finn chuckled dropping to his knees and engulfing the whole shaft right up to the pubes, as he sucked the head he looked up at Tom, "Yer cock tastes different Sir", Tom grinned, "Less talking more sucking" he ordered hearing a squelching sound as Finn throated him. He didn't have to know that minutes ago he was inside Chris. Tom reached out and pushed the boy down hard, his pubes mashing against his nose as he spluttered and choked saliva immediately pouring from his mouth and tears filled his eyes. Finn had an amazing fucking tight and it squeezed Tom's cock just right. He put his leg on the desk and began a relentless throat fuck, muffled gags filled the room as Tom leant down and pinched the boy's nose shut. Finn's eyes immediately widened as he slapped the man's thick hairy legs desperately. But it was to no avail, "Nah boy...choke on it" Tom grinned fucking harder and harder his cock bulging in the boy's throat. He held Finn on his cock for another minute before pulling away sending him flying back coughing and spluttering on his hands and knees, Tom saw this as an opportunity and knelt behind the boy before grabbing his ass and slamming his cock deep inside the boy. Finn screamed an almighty scream with Tom putting his hands over the boy's mouth to cover the noise. He went feral on the boy's hole slamming it mercilessly, feeling every bump and ridge inside as Finn wailed in pain and pleasure. Tears streamed down the boy's face as his ass burned, it felt like a baseball bat was inside him, but his cock was harder than ever. Tom fucked and fucked and fucked his ass shaking and his ball slapping filling the room until surprisingly and without warning, "OH FUCK IM...CUMMING" Tom screamed as he slammed inside the boy, his cock erupting sending ropes of thick mature Daddy cum deep into Finn's colon, His legs shook and his cock throbbed as 9 ropes shot out of him, his teeth were bared, and his face screwed up as he slammed in one final time and collapsed on top of Finn. As he came down he remembered That Chris was still waiting for him. He pulled his cock out of the wet hole noticing a drop of cum leaking from the boy, "Wow...sir...that was well rough" Finn chuckled as Tom put on his trousers, " a good boy and I'll gape you again tomorrow" he quickly replied before running out of his office, "Where is he going in such a hurry?" Finn wondered reaching down to feel his gaping hole.

"Why do I do this to myself" Tom chuckled running back down the corridor, he didn't even know if he had another load in him but by god he would give it his best try. As he ran through the corridor his cock began to twitch, "Good boy...GOOD BOY" He chuckled opening the door to the science lab. He immediately stripped naked and by the time he reached the handle of the door for the science cupboard he was solid again. He turned the knob and Chris was just where he had left him. "Where do you keep going?" he asked as Tom strode over and slapped his cheek, "shut up and take this" he moaned spitting on his cock before pushing it between the man's cheeks. Chris winced as his hole was torn apart once more. "your dick is so fucking thick" Chris chuckled as he was impaled once more. Chris moaned, "Ohhh that's it Tom...pound me" he moaned as Tom began to fuck him straight away, his balls smashing against the man's ass echoing around the room. Tom grunted and groaned as he slid inside faster and faster, he was doing whatever made his cock feel good the man could take a pounding so he would give him a pounding. The dominance of the Teacher still taking Chris by surprise as his face turned red and his browns arched, as he grabbed Chris' hips and slammed into his hole. Tom slammed into Chris with force pulling his bum back onto his cock firing it all the way inside before pulling almost all the way out and slamming in again their bodies slapping as his push hit Chris's cheeks. Tom wasn't sure what was coming over him, but he enjoyed it a lot he wasn't usually this dominant, but Chris seemed to love it. He slammed in harder and harder grinding his hips around a she pushed all the way inside coating the teacher's insides in his pre-cum, Tom could use his hole like a toy, and he really wouldn't care. Suddenly Tom's eyes widened as he felt his cheeks being parted and before he knew it a tongue slammed up his arse. Shivers shot through his cock as he threw his head up in pleasure. He turned around and expected to see Finn rimming him once more, "YOU...WHAT THE" He moaned as they pushed inside his virgin hole with their tongue. On their knees licking the stud's hole was none other than fellow pupil Aiden Scotcher. "What the fuck are you doing?" Aiden pulled out and grinned, "Well I wanted more after earlier and when I saw these cheeks...well I couldn't not" Tom slid from Chris which made Aiden raise a brow, "Nice cock sir...mine's pretty big too" and he pulled down his trousers, his 8-incher flinging up and down, "Wow...that is pretty decent" Tom grinned. "So, what are we gonna do then?" Chris asked as Aiden and Tom looked at each-other and grinned in unison, Aiden mouthed, "DP?" Tom nodded making both of their cock's twitch.

"Right Mead, Aiden is gonna lie on the desk you are gonna mount him and slide it inside...then I will come from behind and insert myself as well", Chris went wide eyed, he had been DP'd before, but it fucking killed. "I dunno if I can take it" he stuttered as Tom put his hand on his shoulder, "You can...and you will...we'll go slow right Aiden", "Scouts honour" he boy replied winking at Tom. Chris nodded as Aiden led on the desk his legs dangling over the side, "Come on then...sit down on me" he chuckled as Chris mounted him on all fours leaning back and slid the cock inside him wincing as it penetrated his tight hole. "Mphhhh fuck yes" Aiden grunted feeling warmth on his cock. He began to thrust upwards his balls slapping hard against the man as Chris leant forward putting his hands on the desk, his face inches from Aiden's as the boy smirked at the teacher. Tom walked up behind him and lined his cock up with the hole. "This might sting a bit" he chuckled Without saying a word he lined his cock up with Chris's hole and pushed unbelievably hard. Chris's eyes shot open, and he muttered, "OHHHHHHH FUUUUCK". Tears filled his eyes as Tom's cock began to slide inside alongside Aiden's, Chris began to scream, "TAKE IT OUT ITS TOO FUCKING BIG". Aiden growled, "Not a fucking chance this feels too good". "Yeah mate prepare to be bred. Chris's arse was on fire as it was stretched to the limit as the 2 cocks fought their way inside him at the same time. Tom bottomed out inside the boy and grunted, "Fuck Aiden your cock does feel good against mine...mind if I fuck first". Aiden smirked, "Go ahead sir". Tom began to slowly thrust inside the boy as he sobbed into Aiden's shoulder. The tight vice like arse gripping onto his fat leaking cock. His big balls beginning to slap against the boy as the friction against Aiden's wet cock made the pleasure incredible. Chris looked up at Aiden who smirked, "Sorry was too naughty to say no". Chris wasn't crying anymore, "It fucking hurts, but my fucking cock has never been harder so its fucking worth it", Tom grabbed Chris's shoulders and began to slam into him hard and fast grinding his cock around inside the hole, Tom could feel Aiden's cock head rubbing against his and the sensation made both the men moan loudly as their heads dripped and oozed Pre-Cum inside the boy.

Aiden braced his legs and began to fuck as well the friction of the two cock's rubbing together sent both men into overdrive as their grunts filled the room. Chris' face was screwed up, this wasn't like the last time, it felt fucking amazing. The men grunted and groaned and before Chris knew it both men moaned at the same time, "FUCK...I'M GONNA CUM" Tom grinned as his balls tightened and Aiden winked at Tom as his cock throbbed inside. "Let's breed him Sir" Aiden chuckled, "Good...idea...boy" Tom smirked as their cocks throbbed in unison..."FUCK HERE...IT...COMES" Aiden moaned, "FUCK...I'M...CUMMING Tom moaned and the men wailed in unison, Aiden's eyes screwed up and Tom threw his head back as their cocks exploded inside Chris, Chris' eyes widened as it was like he was being flooded with cum" "FUCK...FUCK...FUCK" Aiden shouted, "AHHHHH TAKE MY FUCKING LOAD" Tom screamed until finally their orgasms subsided with grunts, Tom fell on top of Chris who fell onto Aiden's lightly haired body. The men breathing heavily as the 2 tops cocks softened and slid from the hole, cum oozed from the hole, "Wonder if we can tell who's load that's from?" Aiden chuckled as he stood up. "Well...i think it's both...and there' still a lot of it inside me" Chris chuckled, "Well keep it in there" Tom replied slapping the teacher's arse making him wince. "Right...we better get back to the party...Chris shove some tissues in those pants, or it'll drip down yer leg". The men got dressed and as they walked out Chris muttered, "Gimme a hole's a bit sore" Aiden and Tom sniggered before high fiving each other. As they walked Tom thought to himself, "What a night".

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