Natural Mornings

Published on Oct 28, 2009



Steve heard the yawn and movement outside his pup tent. Pulling the flap apart just enough to see, the vision of the morning awakened him more.

The sun streamed through the trees and foilage like some movie special effect. Birds flew from trees to unknown destinations. Squirrels seemed to chase them but hopped to branches in search of god knows what.

An animal of some kind had scurried across the ground into the brush so fast he didn't know what it was.

And there as if framed by all the nature stood Yancy stretching the sun backlighing him so the hair on his head and arms glowed. In fact the hair on his legs glowed too.

His muscles moved as he stretched, bending over, leaning to one side then the other. He lifted one of his thick legs to his chest then the other as he continued to bring all his muscles to life.

Yancy was naked. It seemed natural to be bareass in the nature setting of their campsite. He turned and the tuft of hair on his belly glowed as did the pubic hair.

His cock dangled but seemed half hard. Perhaps it was Steve's imagination or desire.

Then as if Yancy knew Steve was watching he pulled his ballsac out in front of him. His fingers encircled the flesh and stretched the skin. His testicles seemed to respond hanging lower.

Then he tilted his head backwards as if taking a drink of nature as his hand held his penis stretching and stroking it. Yancy obviously felt the pleasure from the expression on his face.

Suddenly his eyes opened and he turned to look towards their pup tents. Steve drew backwards hoping his camping buddy didn't see him watching. By the time he dared to look out again, Yancy was walking away from where he had been standing.

The campsite was a nice patch among the trees. Above them there was enough open air for the fire they had made the night before to billow it's smoke up and for the stars to shine through.

They couldn't see stars from where they lived what with the smog and city lights. Out here, away from all that things were different. There were no alarms, deadlines, pretenses, judgemental coworkers or even cell phones.

Steve stretched out of his sleeping bag. He had fantasized about this camping trip imagining himself being himself in the wild, running naked through the brush like some ancient cave dweller.

His cock was rock hard. Perhaps it was the air, the freedom, the night of deep sleep or the sight of his friend enjoying the surroundings as well.

They had met at work. Among the clerical workers, suited self important managers, mail room boys and girls, and white shirted sales people, Steve knelt in the booth fixing the computer.

"Hey whatcha got goin?" Yancy stood over him. His tall form even in white shirt and dress pants was impressive. Steve tried not to stare at the unmistakable male glands that bulged out the trousers. He wondered if the guy never wore underwear or wore some kind of sheer boxers.

"Fixing the ..." he yabbered some tecno babble hoping the newly arrived man wouldn't understand. But he did.

"Yea I adjusted the usb ports ...." Yancy continued "But it still didn't load."

"Yea the..." they exchanged thoughts and knowledge.

Steve was late unboxing a new computer for a mid level executive when Yancy walked into the office.

"He gets a new one?"

"Yea privalege of the bosses" Steve smiled.

"Better watch out for Mulraney. He likes hot guys like you" Yancy was smiling.

"Uh thanks, I mean for the warning" Steve felt himself blushing. Their friendship began and continued for months.

So there they were after sharing trips to restaurants, bars, and dance clubs. He had moved to DJ music with his shirt tucked in his belt happily sweating and watching Yancy do the same many nights.

"We should do something different. You camp?" Yancy asked him at work.

Steve looked around "Uh you mean clubbing?" he whispered not wanting the surrounding co workers to know everything about his private life.

Yancy laughed "No the kind with tents, sleeping bags, you know outdoor stuff"

So they were parking the SUV, shouldering the backpacks and hiking up steep hills and breathing hard for hours while joking, recalling boy scout stories and feeling like the world was letting go of the tight clutch on their lives.

Steve shucked his underwear. If Yancy could walk out into nature naked why not he? Steve wanted Yancy to see him totally naked too, even with his cock hard and stuck out in front of him.

Why not? They were both gay, though closeted at work. They had danced half naked many times, shared comments about other guys they saw in clubs and occasionally exchanged compliments.

"Man you were goovin last night" Steve said remembering the smooth sweat torso from the weekend that was now hidden by Yancy's usual white shirt and tie.

"Hey man, you know you have a nice butt" Yancy said suddenly as he bent over where Steve was working one day.

He slid through the tent flap wondering if it felt like that when he emerged from his mother's womb. He'd have to tell her about that thought. She'd laugh. She always laughed at his observations.

"Stevie, one day you're going to be a writer" she'd say.

Standing naked in front of his tent, he sucked in the air as he had seen Yancy do. He stretched his body as Yancy had done too. Looking around he didn't see his friend anywhere.

Steve assumed Yancy had moved into the forrest to urinate or squat. But the role of paper was on its peg, so he looked further.

Through the trees , Steve saw Yancy laying flat on a patch of grass near the campsite. His eyes were closed, his legs were moving. So was his hand on his hard cock sticking into the air.

Steve's own cock throbbed at the sight. He didn't know whether to watch his friend seek and find the orgasm he sought or duplicate his efforcts.

Steve's cock, as usual, had a mind of it's own luring his hand to it's cylinder of flesh. Steve stroked stopping only to spit in his hand returning it to his appointed chore.

He stepped closer to the grassy area while absorbing the sight of Yancy's naked body stretched out, his legs spread, his toes curling as each stroke sent shots of pleasure through his system.

Then Steve decided.

"Wha?" Yancy's head bent forward to see Steve's lips touched Yancy's cock. His hand left the cock and moved to Steve's bare shoulder.

"Fuck yea" Yancy sighed letting his head fall back against the earth while Steve licked, nibbled and tightened his lips around the cock he had wondered about for months.

"SHit man that's hot, but I want to fuck you" Yancy sighed.

Steve pulled his head away and spit on the cock he had been sucking until it had a thick layers of salava on it's girth. He moved over it and grabbed Yancy's cock so hard, he jumped.

His ass opened and swallowed the cock he had been sucking. It streched, shooting pain through Steve's body, but he endured until his skin felt the pubic hair and he gyrated his hips.

Yancy couldn't believe what was happening. Sure he had had fantasies about the guy since that day they first met.

The sight of Steve bent over under the cubicle was erotic as hell, perhaps more then seeing his developed pecs bared in the dance clubs as they danced together months later.

He looked at those same bared body parts now, fresh in the morning sun, his stomach flexing as he moved his hips and his hand stroking his own cock as he rode Yancy's manhood.

Steve's eyes were closed and the expression on his face told Yancy that the pleasure he felt was being shared.

He moved Steve's hand away and took over the chore of stroking the hard cock wanting it to drench his body with the sperm that was stored deep inside the body that squatted over him. His cock was rubbing against the prostate that would soon pump its treasure.

Breathing in the morning air, hearing the sounds of nature all around them mixed with their own moans and groans emphasized the natural act of sex gratification that they were giving and getting from each other.

"Fuck" Yancy hissed disappointed that he couldn't hold back longer and enjoying the feeling of his fluids rushing through the fleshy pips that let to the tip of his cock deep inside Steve.

He opened his eyes just in time to see the tip of Steve's cock flex as streams shot out. It landed on Yancy's chest, chin and forehead.

Steve didn't watch. He wanted the sensation to last longer and by keeping his eyes shut concentrate on the expanding dick inside him and his own flexating glands spilling his sperm onto the body below him.

Then it stopped. He felt drops still oozing out of his cock tip. The hand that encircled it squeezed making him jump.

He tightened his anal muscles to do the same for the cock still inside him.

"God we need to do this again" Steve sighed opening his eyes seeing his wetness all over Yancy's body. His fingers wiped some from the face he adored.

"We will" Yancy smiled widely "it's natural"

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