Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Feb 2, 2009



I had awoken up again the dream was much more vivid "honey what's wrong "my husband said as he turned on his light on his "something I don't know I can feel it " "the phone rung I looked at him he looked at me I gulped because I knew what was on the other side of the line would be bad news but answering the phone had to be done "hello " I spoke "this is Doctor Marvin Case From Mount Cedar's Hospital "what is this about " I said my heart was pounding "its about ,Matthew Barrett he was struck by a car and..."All I could do was listen my heart sunk in my chest"no don't tell me that , not Matthew" and Martin my husband looked on with concern in his eyes "what about Matt , damn it Moira what has happened to our son" he said.


My son was the light of my life , we use to be able to talk about anything and now he's gone " I burst in tears looking at the people in the funeral home " the only thing I ever regretted was being estranged from him .... I'm sorry I cant do this " I said, Martin(Matt's father) came up to the Podium I began to speak again "in the last few months of his life we hadn't spoken and I regret hurting him because I couldn't deal with who he was, I was suppose to love and protect him and I couldn't even do that . My advise is to love your children and love one's no matter what because they are here one minute and gone the next . --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Then I woke up and I looked around I was at the bedside of my little boy he was still breathing I was so happy that was only a dream , but to see him with tubes down his throat Martin came in "honey go home you been here for three days I'll watch him" he said "no i abandoned him once i wont do it again".

(Three days Before)


Amber and Karen rush into the hospital they see Nathan in the waiting room "what happen to my brother " Karen said looking at me " they could see the tears falling out of my eyes amber sat down next to me "Nate you have to tell us what happen " "yeah Nate what did you do to him " Karen said upset I began to cry again " I didn't do anything to him we were going to be together I told him I love him , he was on the opposite side of the street from me he was coming over to me and then car came out of nowhere and hit him you should had saw him there lying on the ground the person didn't even stop to see if he was okay they left him like road kill Amber covered her mouth and her eyes started to get watery "who would do this" amber said Karen shook her head as if she was disagreeing with what I had said "no , this would have never happened if you would have stayed away from my brother" I stood up in anger "so your saying this is my fault " "that's exactly what I am saying , you bastard" amber stood in between the two of us "okay this is not helping , I am scared for him too and we should be praying or something not out here arguing " amber made a lot of since we should be doing anything we could for him that meant calling on a higher power God "so we are suppose to forget the fact that Nathan is bad news " she said "you know what go get a life" I said I began to get irritated by Karen " a life ? My brother confided in me and he told me the things you did to try and hurt him , you have the audacity to sit there and act as if you care about him, If anyone should get a life its you all you do is string people along and they eventually get hurt like my brother " she looked at me with hate in her eyes "Karen" amber said as if she was shocked by her words "your right i'm no good to anyone " I grabbed my jacket and stormed out of the waiting area everything seemed foggy from all my crying I couldn't think straight and maybe I was the cause for all of this .

I got home tears were still coming I couldn't stop them I looked around it was quiet mother must be out I thought . I went into the family room and sat down I felt someone grabbed me by my shoulders I was not in the mood and was going to beat somebody to a pulp I turned around "hay little brother I'm back , what's wrong are you okay " he asked "what are you doing here" I was surprised to see him "I came back to see how my family were doing , you know since dad's passing" he said with sorrow in his tone "shouldn't you have come home for the funeral, instead of now" I asked "I couldn't see dad like that , you know dead that's not how I wanted to remember him , you still haven't answered my question how come you were crying " he asked "you wouldn't understand" "Try me " he said "okay , I'm in love with...." I couldn't say it "what ? Just spit it out" "with a guy " he looked at me wondering if I was just playing a joke "oh ,um wow so your gay" "I don't know I guess" "so , oh no mom!" he said "She actually caught us together" he started laughing "I could only imagine , is that all? mom is crazy but she will eventually come around" he said "no that's not it I told him I loved him at that point everything started to look up" I explained "that's a good thing" he smiled "it would have been if someone didn't run him over " his smile turned into shock "my god are you serious" I shook my head " and now he is fighting for his life and there is nothing I can do about it " I felt numb inside my eyes started to water and it burned he grabbed me and pulled me into him " i'm here now little brother I wrapped my arms around him this felt like when we were younger and I use to be scared of the thunder or when I scraped a knee and cried he was always there for me and my big bro could have disowned me but we were all we had he pulled away from me and looked at me "you cant lose hope , you got to believe that he will be okay and when he actually Is you will figure things out "he smiled at me "you know what your right " "of course I'm right I"m Sean Bellini I am always right" I smiled I agreed and thought I should give him and his family some space before I visit again.

Around three days later I decided to check in on him which was hard I went to his room and saw his father sitting at his bed side reading a book to him I looked over at him he was still unconscious he had tubes in his mouth I hated seeing him like that "the doctor said he is in a coma I turned around and his mother was standing behind me "I'm sorry to hear that " "are you a friend of Matt's " "truthfully I love your son " she looked at me then placed her hand on my shoulder "so do I, come on in " I followed her into the room "honey this is ." "Nathan Bellini " I said "right the boy who Matt did that project with a while back" "yeah that's me " .her cell started to ring she left out the room she came back in that was the principle he said that Karen has just shut down she is so distraught over matt, and Danny need to be picked up Mrs Fannigan cant she isn't home " "I'll watch Matt " I said "and if anything happens I promise to call you guys " they both looked at me "okay that sounds good " they both kissed there son on his forehead and left .

I sat by his bedside and grabbed his hand and kissed it "you have so many people who love you so much , including me "I could have sworn I felt his hand grip mine but I suppose it was just my imagination "when you get better I'm gonna take you out on a proper date just you and me together the way its suppose to be " matt wasn't there I was talking to myself and I hate that I stood up and stroked his face and the door flung open "get the hell away from him " nick said as he looked at me with anger in his eyes "calm down I was just " he cut me off "your always just doing something, he is my boyfriend not yours so stay the hell away "he moves closer to Matt "im not going anywhere matt would want me here " I squeezed his hand "after everything you've done to him are you sure about that " he said with a grin on his face "I made mistakes but what the hell do you want from me , a year ago I thought I was straight but being with him changed me and I didn't know how to deal so I pushed him away and I'm not doing that anymore " I said nick wasn't backing down and neither was I.

"as soon as he becomes a inconvenience for you your gonna treat him like trash because that's what people like you do dispose of what could be an embarrassment to you or your family" he was now scolding me "you don't know a damn thing about me nick but this is one fight you will lose trust me if I was you I would just leave while you have some ounce of dignity left " he laughed then pushed me I pushed him back "you little bitch " he said then he tackled me on the floor we started chocking each other I grabbed a bed pan and hit him in the head with it then I punched him he fell off of me he charged at me be both banged up against the wall he tried to punch me but missed he grabbed me and landed on top of me and started choking me again I began chocking him at the same time amber rushed in "what the hell is wrong with you two , Matt is fighting for his life and all you can do is fight each other he needs all of us right now" Nick got off of me and I got up off the floor "don't touch him he is my boyfriend " I was enraged with jealousy but it was the truth and until Matt woke up there was nothing I could do about it.

I went over to him and grabbed his hand "his parents left me here to watch him not you or anyone else " I said and sat down still holding his hand amber came over and put her hand on my shoulder "you need anything I'm going to the Cafeteria" she said "a juice or something " i said to her "sure thing come on hot head" she was now referring to Nick "no I'm not leaving him here with Matt" he said "what is he going to do seduce Matt in his sleep you clearly need to take a walk now lets go "she demanded "alright but this isn't over Bellini" they both left out. I kissed Matt on the forehead he squeezed my hand I was sure of it this time I looked at him his eye's started to move he opened them and looked at me "Matt your awake " I pressed the button above his bed to page the doctor the doctor and a nurse came rushing in "what's wrong?" the doctor asked "he's awake the doctor went over to examine room I had to step out the room I called his parents to inform them what was going on they said they were on there way amber and nick came back nick looked in the room and saw the doctors examining him "what happened " "he woke up " "oh my god that's amazing amber hugged me .

The doctor came out "is he okay" I asked "he Is responsive you were in there with him what happened" the doctor asked "I held his hand " I said "what ever it was it worked the doctor walked away. Nick went into the room me and amber followed, Matt had the tubes out of his mouth now and was looking at us "Matt it is so good to see you up" amber said "he touched his throat "water" he said nick poured him water and put the cup to his mouth he drunk "thank you" his voice started to sound the same "what are you doing here amber" he asked "you're my best friend why wouldn't I be here " she said smiling "baby are you okay "nick spoke "baby?"Matt looked at nick then at me I smiled "Why is he looking at Nate strange" amber said "why are you here did you put me in the hospital" I was shaken up by what he said "why would you say something like that " I said " haven't you had enough of chasing me around school and bullying me ". Amber looked at Matt "Matt do you know who nick is " she asked he looked at nick "no! am I suppose to know who he is?" he said "oh my god , Matt what year is it " she asked "2008" he said "no it's not sweetie its 2009" his parents barged in they looked at him "Matt honey" Moira said going over to her son she hugged him then his father "mom, dad what's going on" he looked scared "your okay now" Moira said smiling "Mrs Barrett he has amnesia he doesn't remember part of 2008 or none of 2009" Amber said "you don't remember anything about what happened"his father said Matt looked confused.

The doctor came in and amber told him everything that happened we had to leave and the doctor checked him an talked to his parents. Nick smiled "looks like there is a God " he said, me and amber looked at him "what the hell does that mean " I asked "it means your nothing more then the guy who use to torment him and make him feel like dirt , which means your back to square one" he seemed almost happy Matt lost his memory "at least he remembers me" he looked at me with a grin on his face "that's okay because I'm going to be spending a lot of time with him making him get better kissing his lips, sucking on his neck, having hot sex with him". My head was about to explode and I lunged at him Amber stopped me "your not going to touch him" I said he laughed "you wait and see forget Nathan the bully how about Nathan Who? Because when I'm done he's not going to remember you exist". Nick walked away through the swinging doors of the hospital and vanish. some how I didn't believe that was a empty threat nick was more lethal then I had thought .

The Question that still remains is who would do this , was it Paula Bellini who made it very clear that she wanted Matt to have nothing to do with her son or was it Amber who could have secretly found out that Matt had fooled around with her ex boyfriend while they were still together , Or nick who saw how close Matt and Nathan were getting and figured if he couldn't have him no one could , at this point it is unclear but the person is still out there just waiting to strike again.

Hey you guys thanks for the great comments e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 10

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