Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jan 25, 2009


(Matt )

The cool October air filled the entrance of the school the lockers were being polished and the floors swept it felt as if I was the last person at school but I wasn't "hay matt wait up " I turned and Nathan was walking towards me "can I help you with something" "actually you can I need help bringing my science project down the stairs, to my car " he said "science project okay" I followed him to the second floor to room 211 we both went in the room the lights were out but the sunlight from the windows made the room bright he closed the door and bum rushed me grabbing me then embracing me with a kiss I was shocked but enjoying it at the same time we were really making out in the science room he held me , he never actually did that while making out I felt a different presence with him I pushed him "Are you nuts " I said " "I needed that " he said " needed what to get off" I said upset I was headed towards the door "stop being a little girl about everything " I turned in anger "are you gay Nate" I had a smug look on my face I can tell "what?" he said "that's what I thought don't ever do that again unless you want the whole school to know about your after school affairs " I was standing my ground but he thought I was bluffing "you wouldn't because you care" "about you ,no I stopped caring a long time ago" with that I left out .

The next day I was thinking about yesterday afternoon and what Nathan pulled , Are you okay " amber said to me as we were walking down the hall to our next class "im fine just a little distracted" no I wasn't but I didn't want to talk about Nathan he was an ass , he knows im with nick but that doesn't stop him , and when I try to be with him something or someone is more important to him then me , now all he does is stare at me it gets uncomfortable at times and at times flattering because i know he wants me but guys like Nathan is dangerous they tell you one thing and does the other " I got a text from Sean " she said with a smile on her face "thee Sean from manhattan " I looked at her then continued "so are you going to text him back " "for what i haven't seen him since the summer time " she shrugged off the whole idea" Todd had saw us coming and closed his locker and walked right in front of us "did you guys here about Karina " "no what " "the reason she didn't come back to school this year is because she dropped out she is a call girl making about 1500 a night " he said with a grin on his face "what? your lying " amber said ready to laugh "no im not i went to get pizza around midnight" "why the hell were you going to eat pizza at midnight" i said "everything taste good around midnight" he said we laughed "anyway I saw her going up to a mans car she lifted her freaken shirt and then got in with the man " Todd went down the hall telling everyone "he is truly an idiot " amber said "tell me about it ".

(Matt)Two days later

the carnival comes around every October when the east coast is in full fall effect I had everything I wanted , well at least I thought , I didn't have a family but i survived alright the night sky was out and the carnival lights were bright and you could see it from miles away , , "hay big bro " I heard I turned around and it was Karen "your hear alone "I asked her "no with a date " she grabbed the guy standing next to her hand it was Jeff Thompson a sophomore who was a pretty good guy so I didn't lay into him as I would if she was dating someone like Nathan "sup " he said I nodded my head " I'm going to get us some cotton candy " he said walking away from us "that poser " "stop being a prude I like him " "okay that's all that matters " he came back with the cotton candy and wrapped his arms around her "hurt her and I will gut you like a fish" I said he looked nervous Karen hit me on my arm "Stop it " I laughed she shook her head and they went on a ride "hay sexy " I heard nick say he came up behind me and kissed me on my cheek " I'm glad I found you lets get on the ferris wheel " "sure thing " we made our way to the ferris wheel amber was standing in line "hay they are only letting people on in two's " I saw Nathan standing near the gate looking out into the highway of traffic lights "go on with nick , I'm going to get me another cotton candy" "Okay" amber said " the two of them got on and I walked over to Nathan "so let me guess , you were hoping I see you alone looking sad so I can come over and comfort you " he turned around "Barrett I am not that desperate and if that was my plan I see it would have worked" I smiled shaking my had "Are you okay " he started at me "who knew you cared " "I don't " " I'm tired of playing games Matt, I've done it for so long , it's time for the truth" he grabbed my hand " I.." he began "what are you doing " I heard nicks voice we turned and nick and amber were standing there amber had a smirk on her face I pulled my hand away from his "nothing ,,um we were just talking" "I didn't know talking required holding hands " nick said now staring at Nate as if he wanted to kill him "it was nothing " I said I walked over to him and grabbed his hand "lets just go " and we walked off


What games are you playing now Nathan" I said grabbing his arm he pulled away "amber what are you babbling about now" he gave me a harsh look "leave him alone , everything you touch turns to trash" "yeah I can see that but I cant picture him not in my life " I was taken aback by what Nathan was saying "oh my god you love him don't you" I wanted to know the answer to what he was taking about he put his head down " yeah I do" he never said those words to me because he never loved me but what he was feeling for Matt had to be genuine or else he wouldn't have admitted it to me . "then you need to tell him that " I said Nathan looked at me then smiled "you think " "yeah I do" .


Come on I need that stuffed dog " I said as I threw the ball at the glass milk bottles I knocked everyone of them down "yeah that's what im talking about " the people patted me on my back saying nice job "here you go son give this to the lucky lady in your life " I took the stuffed dog and I was about to go to the house of mirrors until I ran into Robby "hi " he said "hey " I said back he stood there and we both lingered in silence "you want to walk or talk or both " I said breaking the silence " "sure " we walked to the stables it was quite no one was there but me him and the horses "About the other night it was a mistake obviously " I walked quietly to a horse as he spoke " I mean it was okay but shouldn't have happened " "okay " I laughed he was now looking at me strangely "Are you on crack or something " I grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall then I kissed him my tongue and his tongue engaged with one another , my hand searching his body then I pulled away " it was just okay right " I said then I turned to walk away "Wait , okay it was more then okay it was fucking awesome is that what you wanted to here "I smiled "that's exactly what I want you to say " "so what are now both queers " we both sat on a stack of hay "I don't know how about we are what we are no labels " I said he shook his head in agreement "I like that idea" "wanna make out some more " "of course I kissed him we both laid down on the hay just enjoying each others mouth .

(Amber )

"step right up make the basket three times and win a prize " I walked up to the booth and grabbed for the ball and another hand grabbed for it as well his hand was on top of mines you just show up in the strangest of places " I followed the hand that was on top of mine up his arm to his neck then his face "Sean, what are you doing here " I was stunned to see him "came to visit my family it was long overdue " "you have family in this town" "yeah I haven't been here in a while so it makes since you don't know who I belong to" "so it's been like four months since I've seen you what have you been up too " " I'm opening up my own business in the city " "really that's great I'm actually moving to Manhattan after graduation I know its too early but I'm really hoping F.I.T picks me " "they will , and maybe we can kind of pick up where we left off" this guy was so hot and he was so into me how could i resist."So are you seeing someone " he said "no not at the moment why" "like I said I want to pick up where we left off " he moved in to kiss me I turned my head " oh so your playing hard to get now" "yeah guess I am . I smiled then walked away "can I get your number he shouted" " facebook me later " I said .


MY life is a mess , I lost me husband, my son wants to be gallivanting around town participating in gay activities , all I have is booze and vicodin, both seem like my family these days I hate that my son isn't talking to me much but I am doing this for his own good to stop him from humiliating himself and the Bellini family name what would his father think of all of this, what would the people of the main country club think , we already have one black sheep of the family I cant let Nathan follow in those same foot steps , I am his Mother and what kind of mother would i be if i didn't take action and guide him on the right path . the fact of the matter is he would self destruct .


I think I'm going to go" I said to nick all I kept thinking about was Nathan "what? why" he responded " I'm not feeling well" I said I knew it was a lie and from the look of nicks face he knew it too "you stay have fun with your friends" I said " he kissed me and then I left , walking out of the amusement park down I had to walk into town because that was the only place where I could park the carnival parking lot was too full I finally got to the shopping district there were a lot of people shopping and hanging out who had no interest in the carnival "Matt stop! " I looked across the street and Nathan was standing there he was leaning on his car "what do you want stalker" I teased him he smiled "I want you " he said it seemed like time stopped and we got stares from people some shocked some with smiles on there face but Nathan didn't care "Nathan I don't know what to say" we stood there on opposite sides of the street looking at each other " I love you Matthew Barrett God I love you " tears were forming in his eyes "don't say that unless you mean it" I spoke " I do mean it will you cross the street so I can kiss you " I smiled " I love you too" I walked toward him ".


I drove to the shopping district and I pushed the radio on a love song was playing as I listen the song the lyrics were popping up into my head " I found a way to let you in But I never really had a doubt Standing in the light of your halo I got my angel now" that's the way I felt about Matt and I had to see him the melody of the song was entrancing my body I parked my car and then I saw him walking is this fate or what? I thought to myself.. I got out and call him then it all just kind of happened I told my baby that I loved him and was crying as well I guess I'm a little wimp but it doesn't matter I finally had him and nothing and no one was going to stop me he started to walking towards me smiling then out of nowhere high beams appear almost blinding us and a speeding car headed towards him I scream out to him "Matt look out" he tried to run but the car hit him and kept going , I ran to him my heart thumping, he was laying there helpless I fall to the ground people were looking at the scene which had unfolded I lifted his body up and rested him in my arms he struggled to talk "don't Matt, just stay calm".

I screamed to the people "someone call 911" a man and women both pulled out there cell phones and called , everything seem to be spinning around I'm crying my eyes out "Nate" I hear him say " I'm....I'm sorry for everything " I stroke his hair " you don't have to be sorry about anything " I ruined your life, I confused you " he said , non of this is making an since "you didn't point a gun to my head I feel in love with you " I kissed him "it hurts so bad " his eyes are blood shot red and its starting to get teary "I know baby," I started to scream again "where the fuck is the ambulance " people covered there mouth and watch in there own horror "just hold on Matt" I tried to convince him, the song popped back into my head as I was rocking him "It's like I've been awakened Every rule I had you breakin' It's the risk that I'm takin' I ain't never gonna shut you out Everywhere I'm looking now I'm surrounded by your embrace Baby I can see your halo You know you're my saving grace You're everything I need and more It's written all over your face Baby I can feel your halo Pray it won't fade away" Matt saved me from what I use to be because of him I became more of a human being "I'm tired ,I'm,,, tired " he says I could feel warm liquid on my hand , blood was leaking from his head , I knew he was in trouble " Nathan I love you" he managed to utter out "I love you too , your not going anywhere okay " he closed his eyes and everything seemed to fade to black.

(The song is Halo by Beyoncé Knowles ) --------------------------------------------------------------- Hay you guys thanks for the great comments e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 9

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