Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jan 20, 2009



Okay i just want to say the inauguration was beautifully done and the First Family looked amazing and President Obama speech was Brilliant, now back to my story .....

Six months past and my life had changed drastically , I was living with nick and his parents they were great and senior year was just starting , I hadn't seen nick for a few months and when I did see him it was always from a distance apart of me missed him and apart of me was glad he wasn't here anymore I had grown close to nick to the point that there were feelings involved , me and amber became friends as well , well really best friends she told me how everything went down and she was sincere about it I really misjudged her she is a great girl and a great friend. Monday came around and the warm September air started to become cool as we walked from my car in the parking lot to the school

"hay what classes are you taken " amber asked me "all the senior stuff plus AP English " "yeah me too" "really! " "no im as dumb as a door knob I wouldn't dare apply for Ap English " "don't sell yourself short " she put her arm around me "that's why your one of my good friends because your so sweet she pinched my cheek and kissed it " Todd and Robby walked up to us "you two going out " Amber smiled "that's non of your business" "no its okay " "you sure Matt" "yeah , im gay so no we aren't going out " Todd and Robby looked stunned "oh so you are queer " Robby said laughing and pointing at me Todd smacked him in the back of his head "dude stop that's not cool , hay I think its great you know :" rob stared at Todd then looked at me "im sorry " he extended his hand I shook it amber broke up the love fest "we are going to be late it's the first day come on " we went into the school


Good morning senior class , welcome to your first day as seniors and your final year hear at Washington High" the door opened and Nathan walked in damn where ever he was he got a major tan and looked great I felt myself staring then looked away i was over him and i wanted him to know that ,


I had just gotten back from Italy where I finish eleventh grade with a tutor and spent exploring the land of my heritage spending time between Naples and Sardegna. that is where my family originate from , I thought by leaving the problems would go away but it didn't Matthew was on my mind I tried dating the local girls but nothing came from that I couldn't fool around with anyone I just wanted Matthew I don't know if I'm gay but for Matthew I wanted to be he had my heart and I don't know how to express it except to lash out so I learn how to be reserved , now that im back I just have to stay away from him and everyone else because it seemed like everything I touched turned into a mess I walked into first period health and he and amber were sitting together I guess they are friends he didn't even look at me at stung but I deserved it after school I went to Joe's for there burgers and fries I missed the food I went in and ordered .there he was sitting at booth with a plate of fries and head buried in a stack of papers the sun shining through the blinds onto him making him seem angelic or something I walked over to him .


hay " I looked up and he was standing there "hi" I said back as if we were meeting for the first time "what are you doing " he sat down opposite of me "filling out applications to different universities "still thinking about NYU" he said with a grin on his face "of course that's my number one choice" I said "that's good" "what is this about " "what do you mean " he looked puzzled "the last time I saw you no spoke to you , you said I took advantage of you "im truly sorry about that, I didn't.. " he put his hand on mines I could feel energy rush from his fingers to my body his touch was magnetic "you didn't want your mother to think something was wrong with you " "I didn't come here to argue I just wanted to know how you were doing" "im fine thank you very much for you unwelcome concern" he stared at me as if he didn't know what to say , truthfully anything he would have said would have ticked me off "do you mind " I said , "Sir your food is ready to go" the worker behind the counter said he smiled then got up and payed for his food and walked towards the door he looked back and smiled once more then left out . "Matthew Joshua Barrett don't do it , he is confused and mixed up , nick is great and would do anything for you , Nathan likes to have his cake and eat it too , nick helped you when your mother kicked you out " a war was waging with my heart and with my mind I knew in my heart how I felt about Nathan but my Mind was telling me to Be with Nick and the logical thing to do is stay with the guy who really cares and not the guy who keeps on hurting you but the heart wants what it wants and now it seems that I am the only confused one .

Weeks went by and I made sure to stay clear of Nathan , "hay the carnival is coming up soon " she said while eating her lunch "I forgot about that its already the first week of October "which was the truth "yeah I know time goes by fast but how can you forget , it's the only time we actually can have fun like when we were kids, remember those days when no one had a care in the world and boys and relationships weren't an issue " i laughed at her comment "yeah I do remember , so how is your love life " she shrugged her shoulders "very bleak right now but that's how I want it , my goal is to not date any ex's ever again " "including Nathan "i spoke to soon "why the sudden interest in Nathan "she spoke "i was just asking " I said nonchalant "oh give me a break I know you two fooled around " "what how would you " "evidence , so when we were hanging out I went through your stuff" she said "what?" i protested "Relax i'm a snoop any how I found a pair of Nathan boxers you know the blue one's with the red strips " how does she know they were his i thought "how do you know they were his ", "because I bought them for him I had his initials engraved in the inside front who would have known ,so when did this all start " she asked, to protect our friendship I lied and said early January , I couldn't tell her when I first sucked him off he was still with her " we talked and I made her promise to not say anything or even let Nathan know that she knows to protect him "you must really care about him, " she looked at me with her devilish grin "I don't know what you are getting at " I said and looked away from her "oh my god your in love with him " "shut up " I was starting to get annoyed I looked around the lunch room and made sure no one was listening "that's crazy talk women " she laughed "right , its just crazy talk but tell me how does Nathan feel about you " as soon as she said that Robby , Todd and Nathan walk through the lunch room doors "if you ask me it seems like fate" . She whispered in my ear.


Dude can I stay at your house tonight its like world war three over at my house my mom and dad are throwing plates and lamps I have to escape " he said walking down the hall of "why" I asked "apparently my dad was caught cheating" "im sorry dude" "I guess that's what happened Robby looked as if he wanted to cry.

That night we watched a bunch of DVD's and I feel asleep on my bed two hours must have passed when I woke up I saw Robby sitting on the floor at the foot of my bed and heard weeps I was concerned was it about his parents or something else. Robby are you crying "no" he froze and didnt turn to look at me " seriously man " I said "she dumped me that bitch Angie dumped me " he said "why " I asked "I don't know why, maybe because she said I was too big for her" he said now looking me in my face he must have really wanted to fuck her to being crying like that or he was really in love with her , "what?" he said as I was staring at him " it caught me off guard when you said that, um how big are you" I said "around eight and a half inched " I gasp I never saw a dick close to nine inched before "can I see it " I said he looked at me his blue eyes into my hazel "you want to see my dick? " he said now wiping away his tears I moved close and kissed his neck he was still on the floor "what are you doing bro , did you loss your mind" I looked him in the face and wiped the rest of the tears away "you're my best friend my job is to make you feel better right , just as you would do for me" he smiles " right " he turned around and stood up and sat on my bed "I never kissed a boy before " he spoke he looked innocent saying that "I have" I said then I kissed him, our lips were pressed together. Then I parted his with my tongue our tongues were dancing together in the heat of the moment he placed both of his hands on my head and pulled my body into his I feel back and he was now on top of me the crotch of his jeans on the crotch of my jeans my arms wrapped around his neck then he stopped the kiss we were both out of breath "what are we doing ?, why does this feel good? " he said looking at me for answers I started caressing his ass "look Robby I don't know what to say I know what I want right now and it's you " he smiled "how have we been friends and never did anything like this together " I kissed him "I don't know now lets see that dick of yours

I reached for his button and undid his jeans he slid them down and i pulled his cock out of his tight white briefs. I had never seen such a hard-on in my life before, his dick was huge and hard as steel. I got on my knee took my tongue and began to licking the swollen head of his cock the head was huge and the shape of a mushroom. "Damn , Todd that feels fucking awesome.. that feels really great!" He said ,I got on my bed and laid on my chest putting my head in his lap and started sucking once more. He grabbed my hair and started fucking my mouth with his rod my gag reflexes were kicking in an I relaxed my mouth and he was able to get most of it in "yeah that's what I want " he said I used my tongue and spit to make Robby want more and more. He then pushed me off and I feel on my back on my bed he got on top of me and gave me the wettest sexiest kiss ever he started to rub my chest then he undid my jeans and pulled them off, I then spread my legs apart giving him better access to my hard cock.

He kneeled on the floor and pulled me towards him, and started sucking my cock while he played with my ass. I started Grinding to his finger "am I doing it right " he said "yeah it feels great" I said in bliss I lifted my legs up and pushed my ass in the air so he could work his fingers up my tight asshole while he continue to suck my cock. I felt as if I was going to come I warned him he stopped then I got up and flipped him on his back and kissed him then went down sucking his harden nipples then down to his stomach where there was a trail of hair leading to his cock then I got to the monster cock of his and started sucking he was trembling "I want to fuck you " he said I looked up at him then at his dick I then said "no Rob, man I can't let you put that pole in my ass, it'll kill me!" "No one wants me " he said I felt bad then went In the bathroom for lube and returned "okay but you got to take it slow that thing is huge "

I handed him a condom and he put it on and lubed his dick I took two fingers and lubed it up and started fingering my hole .I laid on my back with my ass at the edge of the bed He grabbed my ankles and pulled my legs up making my knee's touch my chest I felt his fingers on my hole."damn your ass is tight " he said he removed his finger and I could feel the head of his cock at the entrance of my ass. I relaxed as he entered my hole "awww" I screamed he bent down and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear "just let go " he said I did as I was told I let go of all my fares and he slid his dick all the way in I felt my body shaking he slid it out slowly then re-enter he did this a few times before I was loose enough to fuck I had a cock up my ass.

Robby began playing with my nipples while he was slamming my ass your ass feels so good he said and he wasn't lying the pain was going away and it seem like smooth sail I was meeting his every thrust "Fuck me! Please fuck the hell out of me!Harder, harder ... all the way in." I was saying and moaning Sweat was dripping off the sides of his smooth chest, and his whole body gleamed. The room was filled with the smell of sex my body entwined with his I was now grabbing a Locke full of his hair bringing his body into mine our chest stuck together his dick still pounding me our lips meet then our tongues I think he like me grabbing his hair like that because he is purring like a cat it's kind of sexy I was glad to be driving my best friend wild .

I was in deep ecstacy as my bf was screwing me he then slid out I turned over in the doggy style position he got behind me and started fucking me again I started shouting "Take me. Take me. Make me cum!" He was able to wrap his hands around me and was jerking my dick . As he pounded in my ass, I could feel my balls tightened, I then shouted out, I clinched on his cock and my cock spasm he pulled out and I feel on to my bed he wrapped his lips around my cock and I burst in his mouth Robby withdrew from my cock leaving a puddle of semen on my lower groin, he swallowed some "interesting taste" he said he then kissed me then took his finger and wiped some cum up with it and stuck it in my mouth I sucked on his finger and was tasting my own cum . I grabbed him and pulled him down his back on the bed he moved up to sit up I got on top of him and removed his condom "what are you doing ?" he asked "trust me" I said I sat of his wet cock and it went inside he just stared at me I began riding him his hands on my both ass cheeks I grabbed the back of his head his head was resting on my chest as I was going up and down on him I could feel his heavy breath on my chest I ran my fingers through his hair he was now taking control and fucking me hard "oh yeah" I said I was now holding his head and he was sucking my nipples he then looped up at me "im gonna cum he looked at me with urgency I was not meeting his hard thrust "im about toooooooooo cummmmmm" he came in my ass he was shaking as he released his Semen into my ass we were both tired I got off oh him an, more jism came out of my ass, it looked like a string of shiny, thin rope. "That was hot " Robby said I laid beside him "yeah it was " he rolled over and got up " I got to go " "don't you want to take a shower I said " he looked like he was freaking out :I'll take one when I get home he put on his clothes and left , it was too hot and I think.


I keep on having repeated nightmares I don't know what it means , I see a bright light then I hear screams that frighten me what the hell does that mean , should I tell my husband or maybe my daughter Karen , no she's not talking to me since the departure of Matt , I cant tell Danny he's only a kid , the only person I could really talk to was my son Matt and he's gone, mainly my fault , I must say that I was irrational about the whole situation but I don't know how to understand him , or what it is he is going through , I thought of seeking him professional help , a mothers dream is for her children to marry start a family , I wanted matt to have a wife and give me some grand kids and live a nice normal life , but that is never going to happen and I cant afford for Danny to see his brother with another boy and think that's okay , im just trying to understand all of this .

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Next: Chapter 8

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