Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jan 12, 2009



"he was a good man , there will be no other like him , he will be missed " I sat in the back of the eulogy at the Bellini mansions,, before I knew it , it was over and lunch was being served I saw a figure rush out I followed he went in the old study I followed

im sorry about your father " I said Nathan eyes were red it looked as if he hadn't slept in days "thanks I guess " he looked at me then to the floor "do you need anything I `ll get it for you " i spoke he looked at me cold "I want my dad back can you get that for me " it was quite I didnt say anything how could I "im sorry I didn't mean to lash out like that I just want to be alone right now " "im not leaving you not right now " "why do you care after what I did to you " I firmly grabbed the backed of his head and pulled him into a hug nothing sexual causing this but my heart went out to him he wrapped his arms around me and cried into my neck I stroked his hair and at this point anyone could have saw us but I didn't care and neither did he "I don't care about that Nathan , I just want you to be okay" "Nathan where are you " his mother stormed in the room we made eye contact she walked over to us "he isn't well" I said " she grabbed him and cradled him as only a mother could she patted me on my shoulder I left them alone I turned and he was clanging to his mother like a lost little boy who just had a bad dream my eyes balled up with tears .Those words i said to him "you have everything handed to you on a silver platter but I wonder what it will feel like when something important to you is taken away " those words pained me because I said them and something was taken away his father , Todd ran into me "matt have you seen Nathan" "wow you called me matt" "um sorry about the queer remarks really " he rested his hands on my shoulders and leaned on me "its okay man " I said he h me "hugged me really im sorry " I was shocked "don't worry im not into you I just wanted you to know that I wont be bothering you again. "hay thanks


I know what you all are thinking I kissed Matt yeah I did , im not attracted to him , but I am attracted to both men and women I kind of figured that out a while back let me take you guys away from what's going on here and all of the tragedy I had gone to Joe's for their sour dough burgers you really don't know what you are missing I ordered and stood there waiting for it when my eyes meet this guy he was black and was hot as hell he was a cross between Tyson Backfired and Jason olive his eyes were a light brown and he had dimples that kind of made me hard he smiled I looked away not knowing what I was feeling "your leaning on my car" he said " "oh im sor... sorry " "relax dude im not going to jack you if that's what you are worried about " I looked at his truck a 2008 Lincoln navigator "this is yours " "yeah my pops got it for me I just asked for a car and he went all out " 'I guess you wouldn't need to jack me " he looked at my car "this is a vintage Mustang this must have set you back a lot " "my parents bought it for me , I live in main " "yeah me too on Chester hill " "that olive color house ": "that's the one " "that place is huge " "my dad is a writer and producer he created lonestar the series and the bay" "i love the bay " "i hate all of his shows that's because i know about it before everyone else and I already know what's going to happen , and my mom is a doctor" he kept on talking but i kept looking at his Adams apple then the way his coat hugged his muscular body and how he had some facial hair that made him the sexy kind of rugged "can i ask you something "what " "is it true what they say about black guys " he blushed "that we all have big cocks , no its not true its a myth kind of " "seriously " "yeah , its like any other guy some have big cocks some don't " i looked down at his pants he followed my eyes "so you are wondering about me i suppose "no i was just .. he smiled "relax im just joking " it became quiet "okay maybe i was thinking about you just a little " i smiled at him he moved close to me and grabbed my hand and started rubbing his crotch with it. "what the hell am i doing " "something you know you always wanted to do" we were between cars touching each other "i should be going " he took my cell from my holster on my waist and put his number in "well when you don't have to go call me " he handed me my phone back and got in his car and drove off , strange things happened to me but this was the strangest i mean sure when i was fourteen years old me and Robby use to jerk it other off but when girls got into the equations we just both stopped , but this was different in so many ways this guy wasn't one of my best friends Robby he was a black guy that looked like a model who dressed very nice his clothes weren't falling off of him and he didn't rock the baggy style simple went home "hi baby boy how was your day" "great mom " she kissed me on my cheek your dad is working late tonight " "as usual " "your dinner is on the stove still warm " "thanks mom i think im going to wash up a bit " "okay " she went in the family room i headed upstairs to my room and laid on my bed i took out my cell and stroll down the numbers there it was Aiden ford was his name and number was embedded in my phone


"Mr Bellini are you okay .... hello Mr Bellini " "yo Nate man wake up" I awoken to the stares of my class mates Robby motioned me to the door I grabbed my books and we left "what's going on with you is it your dad "no its not my dad im just a little tired " "something else is wrong ,Nate i've known you since kindergarten" "I am kind of in....." I stopped and gulped "your kind of in what? " "you know what it was my dad It all seems so surreal you know " `I could only imagine " "I don't think you can Robby " the bell rung and I went to lunch . Me and Robby sat down Robby girlfriend came Mandy and sat next to Robby they kissed karina joined in she kissed me but I didn't kiss her back I really didn't want her or anyone else right now , I hadn't seen Matt for like two weeks the first week I took off and I guess this week he didn't show , I wanted to ask nick about him but that wasn't my place .


Nick came by I have acold couldn't make it to school "brought you soup " "thanks " I said "the chicken noodle kind and the mummy the trilogy " "you are such a dork "yeah but im your dork " he kissed me on the forehead " don't want your nasty infections " I hit him on the arm we went up to my room I put the DVD in the player and we got on the bed together "what was that Nathan thing about " "what Nathan thing " "a while back he showed up here you went after him I saw you push him from the window " it was nothing Nathan is a big immature bully that's all " "so he show up to your house " "something like that " " it's him wasn't it the guy that " I cut him off " look nick lets watch the movie " "why are you trying to protect that douche " "its non of your business " I said he looked hurt " I should go enjoy the soup and movies "im sorry , come sit " I grabbed him he feel back on the bed "it was him but you cant tell anyone okay " "you don't want people to know you fooled around with him " "for his sake " "he doesn't care about you " I know , but that's his life I couldn't do anything to potentially hurt him or anyone else in that position I wouldn't want anyone to do it to me without my permission " "so is he in the deep in the closet and only comes out to grab hot guys like you so he can drag you back in with him and have his way then kick out " "he says he isnt gay so it is what it is , lets not talk about him I rather eat my soup and watch a movie that you picked out " god if you weren't sick " he said we both laughed

a week later i was feeling better and it was getting pretty late but I saw something weird I t was Nathan car on the side of the road I turned back around because there was no one out on the road and drove up to the car it was his the door was open I went in the wooded area that lead to a small lake Nathan was standing there with vodka in his hand he didn't drink much but he did drink some "about to take a swim " he turned around "how the hell do you always find me " " I don't know but lets get out of here " I said "no you get out of here " "Nate come on you got to help me here " "leave me alone please " "I cant do that I wont " he looked at me tears formed in his eyes "I have nothing left " "yes you do your mom your friends , me" "after everything I did and said " `let me get you back home okay" I grabbed him and we hugged he held on to me for dear life I got him back home he got out I was set to drive off "hay why don't you come in " I got out and followed the house was empty we went up to his room which was a mess and he sat on his bed "come here " he said I looked at him :"what for " " just come here I walked over to him he pulled me down and planted one on me I backed away " I have a boyfriend " "who Nick the dick " "stop it Nathan " "please for me " his eyes were pleading with me I gave in

I started to massaging his neck he closed his eyes then I kissed his neck then came around and got on my knee's Nathan had a bulge i reached over and started

stroking his cock. "Thank you matt Eventually he started rubbing his hands in my hair I unzipped his jeans and his cock came out It was really great but I was glad to see that he was enjoying something It smelled and tasted too good. I did my usual deep throat on him he went crazy then he came in my mouth . " thank you " he said , we decided to spend the night together so he undressed me then started sucking on my nipples " you don't have to Nate " "I want to " he was caressing my back and licking my chest and stomach ,y naked body sitting on his my legs wrapped around his lower back him kissing my neck me rubbing my fingers through his hair , he was getting hard again. He laid me down and started kissing down my body he reached my cock and kissed the head then took it in his mouth , and started sucking my head was spinning it was so good , he was bobbing his head up and down on my tool "ohhh my god Nate , im gonna cum " he stop sucking then moved up and kissed me i could taste my cock in his mouth he went to the draw and took out the condom and put it on me i laid on my back and he got on top of me looking me dead in my eyes my cock was resting on his ass i spread his ass and he guided my dick in "oh god" "do you want me to stop " i asked "no " he snapped at me i started to enter into his hole he stopped me and began riding me i was feeling things i never felt before "oh my god , oh my god that feels so... so... " i was out of breath he was massaging my chest while riding me "matt this feels good so good " "im gonna cum " I said he kept on riding me "Nathannnnnn ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I came while he was riding me my dick was felt so sensitive he got off gently and collapsed on the side on me " I wrapped my arm around him he snuggled his body close to me " I got you Nate , I got you " . I woke up to Nathan sitting up I sat up "are you okay" "im fine " he kissed me on my cheek I hugged him he hugged me back then the door swung open "Nathan why is it so dark "We heard his mother "my heart was pounding out of my chest

"The light turned on and his mother stared at us horrified "what the hell is going on " "mom !" get the hell out of my son's bed " " I jumped up she saw I was naked "oh my god Nathan Michael Bellini if your dad was here " he hung his head down in shame " leave him alone he already feels crappy about his father death he doesn't need you rubbing that in his face " she walked over to me "what did you just say , you little homo" she back handed me so hard i fell into the wall "mother stop , I was vulnerable " "And he took advantage of you " Nathan looked at me "yeah he did " I couldn't believe what I was hearing I keep on letting him in only for him to hurt me , I put on my clothes and left out of his room I got to the entry level

"Matthew wait " she came down the stairs " how much will it take to keep you quiet " `I don't want your money " she took a checkbook out of the table in the foyer and wrote a check and handed it to me Take the five hundred thousand dollars and leave my family alone" "I think that's up to your son " i said i could still feel the sting from her slap "my son is confused and is grieving right now and you took advantage of that he said so" "she was getting close I was backing up because if she hit me again I would have to hit her back my back was against the front door she grabbed my jacket and slipped the check in my inside pocket "you and Nathan are no more now get out before I have the guards throw you out ." I took my coat off the door and put it on and left I ran to my car not sad but angry I wasnt going to cry screw Nathan he could drop dead for all I care I knew he was looking out of his window but I didn't give him the satisfaction .

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Next: Chapter 6

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