Nathan the Bully

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on May 30, 2010


That's Life:

"More to me then meets the eye"

Written by ACJ aka Tsc


(Graduation practice)

"Play the music please" Ms Jane said , a ninth grader started the tape the boys on one side and the girls on the other and we walked through the doors of the auditorium "can we talk after this" I felt the heat on my neck from Brandon I didn't respond , it had been a week since the altercation concerning his brother a long week I spent not talking to Brandon , but he didn't bother to pick up the phone or stop by either. We sat in our seats we were handed out song's we had to sing at the graduation and got instruction's on what each of us were suppose to do , Jessica was the valedictorian. "okay you all are dismissed "this is so sad , another year another group of students I have to say goodbye too". I'm going to miss her and her crazy ways . We were dismissed . I got in the hallway and went over to Karen she hugged me "its like I can feel the end coming" Karen said " I know , its crazy I remember the day me and dad moved here , it was quite the experience , I went for a run that night right into Brandon and his friends doing something illegal and naturally I got in trouble with Brandon. "hey Josh can we talk now" I turned and Brandon was standing there "I'm actually talking to my cousin" I dismissed him turning my back to him "Stop being a bitch" Karen said then walked over to Jeff I turned "I miss my boyfriend" Brandon said coming close "you didn't miss me when you took Adam's side" I stated "he is my brother Josh , I just got him back in my life" I shook my head "I understand but I am your boyfriend , and I want you to fully understand what went down that night Jason and I went to grab something to eat at Joes we were minding our own business Brandon. then your brother came to our table talking about Mexico and then he said and I quote " "I want you to stay out of my life Fag ,Why didn't you mind your business", Brandon was quiet " I didn't know that" he looked at me ashamed "of course you didn't because you were ready to defend your brother and pick a fight with me and my brother., but the worst part Brandon is you are trying to save him from something that happened a long time ago , so you think by defending him and taking up for him that makes up for what happened , but babe it is not your fault , you tried to stop him , stop blaming yourself" he backed away with tears in his eyes " I have to go , I cant do this" "Brandon don't " he walked down the hall and out the school. Was this happening it feels like we are pulling away from each other.

After school I went to Joe's to meet Adam , he called me of all people because he wanted to talk , about what I don't know I walked in and notice people taking down pictures off the wall "hey what's going on" I asked one of the waiters "we are closing down in a week" I felt sad this place has always been here and it was closing for good. I notices Adam sitting in one of the booths I went over and sat down "Look Its bad enough I don't like you and you have my boyfriends face but don't expect me to listen to what you have to say . Considering you're the reason why I am having problems with Brandon" he looked at me and for a moment I saw that tender look Brandon gives me " I'm sorry Josh please listen to me , I was jealous , you have a relationship a bond I don't have with him anymore, he's changed I don't know him , not like you" I felt bad for him but I didn't let my guard down " why would you be jealous of me you are his twin brother identical twin brother" josh you know him , you know what he likes dislikes ticks him off , and I'm pretty sure he had different likes and dislikes " I put my hand on his "Adam , you have to remember something about Brandon that is still true about him just think" I stated and that he did "well when we were young he hated to sleep with his socks on" I laughed "he still does, when he sleeps over at my house once under the covers he has to take them off or he gets irritated , I hope that wasn't to much info" he chuckled "no it wasn't thanks , um he liked tomatoes" "on his grill cheese" I finished , he smiled "yeah , I guess I still do know him a little" I smiled "I bet he knows stuff about you , look I don't want to hate you , its just your coming between us at a time where we should be celebrating , we are graduating soon and we wont be able to get this time back, Adam Brandon loves you he needs you to be his brother I need you" he looked at me kind of quizzical "you do?" he asked "yeah, I love Brandon and you're his brother , I need us to be friends protect Brandon together no matter what" he looked at me "I'm sorry josh , I wont be a problem anymore I promise you. Brandon is lucky he has someone who loves him , I hope I can have that one day, and I would love for us to be friends" then my cell rung "hello" "can you meet me in the old fork woods" Brandon asked "um okay " I hung up "I have to go , Adam, . I hope we can be friends" I stood up " yeah I hope so too" he said ,"Sam wait" a girl came into Joes' I noticed them they were ninth graders " I have to go" he nodded and left

Sam and Hailey Introduction to That's Life


"for what? So you can tell me it is over" I said she sat down "we do not match well , we never even kissed" she stated "Hails, I guess your right" she smiled "Listen Blondie , you'll find someone who will be your match it just isn't me". "Next school year we will be sophomores , new beginnings' Sam , who knows maybe a new love interest" I sighed "no , not for me , I'm done with Love" she hugged me and laughed "yeah , right your sexy someone will be interested in Sam Vanderan the blond hair blue eyed lacrosse god!" I chuckled "oh shut up" she laughed. "Sam your gay aren't you" my heart stopped "what?, no I'm not gay why would you say something like that?" Hailey rolled her "its me your talking to, I love you no matter what" I sighed "no I'm not queer" she rested her hand on my shoulder "yeah you are , its obvious , and I want you to know it doesn't change anything , in fact it makes me love you much more" I half smiled "so how could you tell" I asked "Sam I know you and I'm hot and when you didn't really want a piece of me that kind of gave it away" she hugged me "its okay Sam big lacrosse playing jock, so who do you Fancy" I almost spit out my milk shake "Fancy? You've been watching shows on bbc america havent you" "maybe , the British are chic anyway don't dodge the question , what lad do you fancy to bits" I laughed "no one just drop it Hailey" "no Sam I wont until you tell me" "okay Christian Gonzales is hot" she smirked "oh you like the Latin meat" I nudged her "well you have good taste, his olive skin broad shoulders light brown eyes his deep sensual voice" "okay Hailey , yeah I get it" she laughed "just fooling with you lets order already"


"what is this place" I stated "its where it all happened , I haven't been here in so long , I walked over to him and pulled him in a hug " I don't want to fight with you , I love you Brandon" he held on tight " I know , I love you too, I' sorry , I guess you do know me better then I know myself josh, I should have heard you and Jason out , but my brother was in distress I just wanted to make things okay for him" I nodded " I get that , I do its just I never would think it would be a choice , you know but if there was a choice you would pick your brother , I get that , I guess it should be that way" I said he shook his head no "if I had to choose , I would choose you always josh, I don't even know that Adam , he's not the same brother that left me , he's changed , but I know our love is something I cant give up on. I'm sorry if I hurt you " I kissed him long and passionately "its okay, I understand Jason is my brother and we are close so I understand, hey I have an idea, how about we get rid of all this heavy stuff and just let go of the past and look forward to the future" Brandon rubbed my cheeks "I like that idea Joshua Barrett the genius" . We got back to my place Jason was in the living room "What the hell Josh , you bring him here?" I pulled Jason in the living room "it was a misunderstanding , can we just forgive and forget" Jason pulled away "no I cant he was willing to turn his back on you because he only wanted to defend his brother . He didn't give a shit about you Josh , so no I cant forgive and forget" Brandon came in "your right, its just I lost my brother when we were young and I finally get him back in my life , I wasn't thinking clearly I just knew he needed me , and I'm sorry Jason I am , you have been nothing but nice to me , and I truly and sorry" Jason looked at me then at Brandon "I believe you , its just I see you as family and you completely turned your back on us" Brandon put his head down "I know , I'm sorry you guys " Jason went over and hugged him "but I know he is your brother and that's what brothers do , I don't fault you for defending your brother I wouldn't expect anything less, its just the way you did it" "I know , and again I'm sorry" "don't worry about it" they shook hands and we went upstairs to my room I closed my door and locked it , I grabbed Brandon and pushed him on my bed I got on top of him "Josh your brother is downstairs" I kissed him "so , he heard us before its been a very long week and I need some lovin from my boyfriend" he smiled and reached up and grabbed my head pulling me towards him , our lips met and his hands were running through my hair "your right , I am so boned up right now" I took off my shirt and he rubbed his hands on my stomach I reached down and took off his shirt I bent down and started sucking on his nipples "babe that feels so good" I kissed down his chest to his stomach and got to his jeans I unbuckled his belt and his button on his jeans he slid them down his dick was sticking straight up out of the boxers I wrapped my fingers around his hard cock and began jerking him "you like that" "hell yeah" I then licked the plumped head he shuttered "do you love that?" I asked "yes , do it again" I stuck the head in my mouth it slide past my lips until it hit the back of my throat, i gagged a little but the expression on his face was satisfying , I sucked on him he was moaning " I'm going to cuuummmmmmmmmm" he came in my mouth , his body was shaking and he was panting I laid down next to him "how was that" he leaned over and kissed me "that was amazing , he rested his forehead on mine. "your dick is still hard" he smiled "its been a while" I laughed "you want me to ride it like a dirty cowboy" he laughed "wow, my boyfriend is dirty talking , okay you dirty little cowboy why don't you climb aboard and ride it fast and hard you know how I like it , dirty" I bit his bottom lip a little " I have an Idea" I jumped up and went into my closet I came back out with a football uniform and helmet "what the hell?" Brandon laughed " it was a Halloween costume , put it on" he got up and put on the uniform and helmet "you tormented me for years Nathan" I yelled "oh yeah matt" Brandon grabbed me and pushed me down on the bed he pinned me down forcing his body into mine ":you want my jock cock don't you, dirty boy" he hissed seductively "I want your jock cock so bad" Brandon took off his helmet "tell me how bad dirty boy" he bent down his lips almost touching mine "I want your jock cock so bad Nathan give it to me" Brandon laughed " okay this is weird , I mean Nathan is hot but I don't look at him like that" "I know and you calling me matt is , well disturbing, lets just stick to the whole hot jock bully think its hot" he smiled "okay , so nerd boy you didn't write my paper for me you have to be punished" "punish me hard" we both laughed "yeah lets just do it" I stated as I stripped him.

(Brandon )

I lifted Josh legs up over my shoulders his feet resting on my back i starting rimming him "oh fuck Brandon what are you doing to me , it feels so good" he was ecstasy i wanted him to feel that then i started fingering him and it felt nice and warm and wet Josh was making my dick harder then a rock he was turning me on . i spit on my hand and started stroking my dick making the cum wet I moved up his body so i was face to face with Josh i grabbed my dick and pushed forward to his butt the head rested on his hole "do it bran, i want you" with that i slid in "oh myyyy fuck" i pushed my face into his neck to not scream out loud he felt so good tight and great and wet "oh yeah i love you josh " i said "i love you too, take it Brandon take it " he said, the way our bodies moved together it was as if we were In sync with one another I took it slow just so I could enjoy this feeling we were just staring at each other as i was Making love to him I was touching his face as he was gripping my ass with both his hands pulling me further into him i though o one has ever made me feel like Josh did and i knew no one would ever compare to him I kissed him he engulfed me with his tongue he was my soul mate , its funny because I didn't believe in that stuff but now i do he is who i want to spend the rest of my life with." let me ride you" he said i pulled out and laid on my back he got on top of me and my dick slid back in he began to go up and down my toes curled from the sensation he was giving me , we both moaned , if Jason was still in the house he no doubt was hearing this , we made no point in keeping quiet "I'm gonna cum baby!!" he road me even faster his bed was squeaking like crazy "yessssssss fuckkkkkkkkkkk" i came inside of josh , leaving my seed as a mark he was mine forever we both were panting Josh rolled off of me and next to me , we were both sweating like crazy "that was amazing" i panted " I know" he laughed "lets take a shower get dressed and get some food" i suggested "sounds like a plan" josh turned over rested his head on my chest he kissed my chest "your worth it, all that we been through you were worth it" i kissed it "I feel the same way, no one will tear us apart ever" we both got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower.


I went to the local star bucks I got a latte and sat down , I really needed to move on with my life . Soft music played in the back ground I ran my fingers in my hair and put my head down into the palms of my hands "you okay sir" I looked up and Mick was standing there " oh my god Alex is that you" I smiled "Mick wow" I stood up he hugged me "Wow you look great , different your not that little kid I last saw" he was smiling "you look good too , you let your hair grow, it suits you, so what's going on with you" I asked "um" he hesitated "hey baby" a good looking brunette girl came and wrapped her arm around Mick I felt a flinch of jealousy "this is Melinda we are engaged" I didn't know what to say , I fooled around with both guys and girls but he was the only one I ever loved and he was marrying some girl "congratulations , um I should go It was nice seeing you and nice meeting you Melinda" I left out and down the block then I heard Mick calling me he ran up to me "Um.. I want to see you again, I mean if that is possible" "um you want my cell number? " he nodded yes he handed me his cell I stored my number and my name " oh I got all my memory back my name is Adam not Alex" he laughed " wow , Adam that's kind of weird" I laughed " yeah , um I should go , it really was nice seeing you" I turned he reached out and grabbed my hand I turned to face him " I never stopped thinking about you" "your future wife just walked out of star bucks" he looked back I pulled my hand away "Call me sometime" I said and walked away I was down the block when my cell rung I answered "hello" "Adam, lets have lunch tomorrow" Mick said "um yeah , that sounds good, i look forward to that Mick"................

********************************************************************** 1YA may 29 ************************************************************************ *Dreams are only Dreams When you do nothing about them. ************************************************************************ Hope you enjoyed this chapter E-mail me at , have a good day everyone. ************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 46: Thats Life 27

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